- Application
- Network
C: <p>YATE is a telephony engine aimed at creating a telephony server that performs well enough to deal
with PBX requirements and also flexible enough for complex Gateway and IVR solutions.</p><p>YateClient
is an Instant Messenger and a SoftPhone.</p><p>Supported Instant Messaging Providers Google talk/Google
Voice Facebook chat jabber.org</p><p>Supported Telephony Protocols Jingle/ Google Talk/ XMPP Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) Packet-based multimedia communications systems (H.323) Inter-Asterisk eXchange
protocol (IAX)</p>
da: <p>YATE er en telefonimotor, som skal hjælpe med at oprette en telefoniserver som fungerer godt
nok til at håndtere PBX-krav og også fleksibel nok til komplekse adgangspunkt- og IVR-løsninger.</p><p>YateClient
is an Instant Messenger and a SoftPhone.</p><p>Supported Instant Messaging Providers Google talk/Google
Voice Facebook chat jabber.org</p><p>Supported Telephony Protocols Jingle/ Google Talk/ XMPP Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) Packet-based multimedia communications systems (H.323) Inter-Asterisk eXchange
protocol (IAX)</p>
de: <p>YATE ist ein Telefonie-Programm, das die Einrichtung eines Telefonie- Servers ermöglichen soll,
der gut genug ist, um die Anforderungen einer Telefonanlage (Private Branch Exchange, PBX) zu erfüllen
aber auch flexibel genug für komplexe Gateway- und Sprachnavigations-Lösungen (Interactive Voice Response,
IVR) ist.</p><p>YateClient is an Instant Messenger and a SoftPhone.</p><p>Supported Instant Messaging
Providers Google talk/Google Voice Facebook chat jabber.org</p><p>Supported Telephony Protocols Jingle/
Google Talk/ XMPP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Packet-based multimedia communications systems
(H.323) Inter-Asterisk eXchange protocol (IAX)</p>
fr: <p>YATE est un moteur de téléphonie visant à créer un serveur de téléphonie suffisamment performant
pour faire face aux exigences des PBX et aussi suffisamment souple pour les passerelles complexes
et les solutions IVR.</p><p>YateClient est une messagerie instantanée et un logiciel de téléphonie.</p><p>Fournisseurs
de messagerie instantanée pris en charge Google talk/Google Voice chat Facebook jabber.org</p><p>Protocoles
de téléphonie pris en charge Jingle/ Google Talk/ XMPP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Systèmes
de communications multimédia basés sur des paquets (H.323) Protocole Inter-Asterisk eXchange (IAX)</p>
it: <p>YATE è un motore di telefonia mirato alla creazione di un server di telefonia le cui prestazioni
siano così buone da poter soddisfare i requisiti di un PBX e che sia anche abbastanza flessibile per
soluzioni complesse per gateway e IVR.</p><p>YateClient is an Instant Messenger and a SoftPhone.</p><p>Supported
Instant Messaging Providers Google talk/Google Voice Facebook chat jabber.org</p><p>Supported Telephony
Protocols Jingle/ Google Talk/ XMPP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Packet-based multimedia communications
systems (H.323) Inter-Asterisk eXchange protocol (IAX)</p>
ja: <p>YATE は、telephony エンジンであり、PBX に要求される機能を充分に 処理し、複雑なゲートウェイや IVR ソリューションを実現するのに充分な 柔軟性を持つ telephony
サーバの作成に重点を置いています。</p><p>YateClient is an Instant Messenger and a SoftPhone.</p><p>Supported Instant
Messaging Providers Google talk/Google Voice Facebook chat jabber.org</p><p>Supported Telephony Protocols
Jingle/ Google Talk/ XMPP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Packet-based multimedia communications
systems (H.323) Inter-Asterisk eXchange protocol (IAX)</p>
ID: yate-qt4.desktop
cached: yate-qt4_null_team-48.png
C: Yate VoIP Client
ro: Yate client de VoIP
Package: yate-qt4
C: Place phone calls over the Internet
ro: Apeluri telefonice peste Internet
Type: desktop-app