- Development
- Debugger
C: <p>Winpdb supports debugging of threads- and curses based applications, namespace modification and
embedded debugging. As a remote debugger, it uses (encrypted) network connections to connect to the
debuggee (which is running on the same machine, usually).</p><p>Winpdb is the graphical, wx-based
frontend to rpdb2, which is also included in this package. rpdb2 is text based and able to use screen
sessions if there is no x-terminal-emulator available.</p><p>Winpdb is up to 20 times faster than
da: <p>Winpdb understøtter fejlsøgning af tråde- og cursesbaserede programmer, ændringer i navneområder
og indlejret fejlsøgning. Som en fjernfejlsøger gør den brug af (krypteret) netværksforbindelser for
at tilslutte til fejlsøgeren (som normalt kører på samme maskine).</p><p>Winpdb er en grafisk, wx-baseret
brugergrænseflade til rpdb2, der også indgår i denne pakke. rpdb2 er tekstbaseret og er i stand til
at bruge skærmsessioner, når der ikke er nogen x-terminal-emulator tilgængelig.</p><p>Winpdb er op
til 20 gange hurtigere end pdb.</p>
de: <p>Winpdb unterstützt das Debuggen (Fehlersuche) von Thread- und Curses- basierten Anwendungen,
Namespace-Modifikationen und eingebettetes Debugging. Als Remote-Debugger benutzt er (verschlüsselte)
Netzwerkverbindungen für die Verbindung mit der untersuchten Applikation (die üblicherweise auf derselben
Maschine läuft).</p><p>Winpdb ist die grafische wx-Oberfläche für rpdb2, das auch in diesem Paket
enthalten ist. rpdb2 ist textbasiert und kann Bildschirmsitzungen verwenden, wenn kein x-terminal-emulator
verfügbar ist.</p><p>Winpdb ist bis zu 20-mal schneller als pdb.</p>
es: <p>Winpdb supports debugging of threads- and curses based applications, namespace modification and
embedded debugging. As a remote debugger, it uses (encrypted) network connections to connect to the
debuggee (which is running on the same machine, usually).</p><p>Winpdb is the graphical, wx-based
frontend to rpdb2, which is also included in this package. rpdb2 is text based and able to use screen
sessions if there is no x-terminal-emulator available.</p><p>Winpdb es unas 20 veces más rápido que
fr: <p>Winpdb prend en charge le débogage des unités d'exécution (« threads ») et des applications basées
sur « curses », la modification des espaces de noms et le débogage embarqué. Comme un débogueur distant,
il utilise des connexions réseau (chiffrées) pour se connecter au programme débogué (qui est, en général,
en cours d'exécution sur la même machine).</p><p>Winpdb est l'interface graphique basée sur wx pour
rpdb2, qui est également inclus dans ce paquet. Rpdb2 est en mode texte et permet d'utiliser les sessions
écran s'il n'y a pas d'émulateur de terminal X disponible.</p><p>Winpdb est jusqu'à 20 fois plus rapide
que pdb.</p>
it: <p>Winpdb supporta il debug di applicazioni basate su threads e curses, modificazioni dello spazio
di nomi e debug incorporato. Come strumento di debug in remoto, usa le connessioni di rete (cifrate)
per connettersi all'oggetto di cui fare il debug (che di solito è in esecuzione sulla stessa macchina).</p><p>winpdb
è l'interfaccia grafica, basata su wx, a rpdb2 che è anch'esso incluso in questo pacchetto. rpdb2
è testuale e può usare le sessioni screen se non è disponibile alcun emulatore di terminale per X.</p><p>Winpdb
è fino a 20 volte più veloce di pdb.</p>
ja: <p>Winpdb はスレッドベースまたは curses ベースのアプリケーションのデバッグ、名 前空間の修正および組み込みデバッグをサポートします。リモートデバッガとし て、(暗号化された)
ネットワーク接続を使ってデバッグ対象に接続します (なお通 常、その対象は同じマシンで稼働中のものです)。</p><p>Winpdb は rpdb2 へのグラフィカルな wx ベースのフロントエンドです。本パッ
ケージにはその rpdb2 も含まれています。rpdb2 はテキストベースであり、 x-terminal-emulator を利用できない場合は screen セッションを利用できます。</p><p>Winpdb
は pdb よりも 20 倍高速です。</p>
pt: <p>Winpdb supports debugging of threads- and curses based applications, namespace modification and
embedded debugging. As a remote debugger, it uses (encrypted) network connections to connect to the
debuggee (which is running on the same machine, usually).</p><p>Winpdb is the graphical, wx-based
frontend to rpdb2, which is also included in this package. rpdb2 is text based and able to use screen
sessions if there is no x-terminal-emulator available.</p><p>Winpdb é até 20 vezes mais rápido que
o pdb.</p>
pt_BR: <p>Winpdb supports debugging of threads- and curses based applications, namespace modification
and embedded debugging. As a remote debugger, it uses (encrypted) network connections to connect to
the debuggee (which is running on the same machine, usually).</p><p>Winpdb is the graphical, wx-based
frontend to rpdb2, which is also included in this package. rpdb2 is text based and able to use screen
sessions if there is no x-terminal-emulator available.</p><p>Winpdb é até 20 vezes mais rápido que
o pdb.</p>
sl: <p>Winpdb podpira razhroščevanje programov osnovanih na nitih in curses, spreminanje imenskih prostorov
in vstavljeno razhroščevanje. Kot oddaljen razhroščevalnik uporablja (šifrirane) omrežne povezave
za povezavo do razhroščevanega programa (ki se običajno izvaja na istem računalniku).</p><p>Winpdb
je grafično, na wx osnovano začelje za rpdb2, ki je tudi vključeno v ta paket. rpdb2 je osnovan na
besedilu in lahko uporablja seje zaslona, če ni na voljo posnemovalnika terminala x.</p><p>Winpdb
je do dvajsetkrat hitrejši od pdb.</p>
ID: winpdb.desktop
cached: winpdb_winpdb.png
C: Winpdb
Package: winpdb
C: Platform independent Python debugger
Type: desktop-app