- Wine
C: <p>Wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux. Applications are run
at full speed without the need of cpu emulation. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, however
it can use native system dll files in place of its own if they are available.</p><p>This package includes
a shell script that can be used to download and install various redistributable libraries that may
be needed for some programs to work in Wine.</p>
de: <p>Wine ist eine Kompatibilitätsschicht, um Windows-Anwendungen unter Linux auszuführen. Die Anwendungen
laufen mit voller Geschwindigkeit, ohne eine CPU-Emulation zu benötigen. Wine erfordert kein Microsoft
Windows, es kann jedoch dessen System-eigenen DLL-Dateien anstelle seiner eigenen benutzen, falls
diese verfügbar sind.</p><p>This package includes a shell script that can be used to download and
install various redistributable libraries that may be needed for some programs to work in Wine.</p>
es: <p>Wine es una capa de compatibilidad para ejecutar aplicaciones de Windows en Linux. Las aplicaciones
se ejecutan a la máxima velocidad sin necesidad de emulación de la CPU. No hace falta tener Microsoft
Windows para poder usar Wine, pero puede usar los archivos DLL nativos en lugar de los suyos si están
disponibles.</p><p>This package includes a shell script that can be used to download and install various
redistributable libraries that may be needed for some programs to work in Wine.</p>
fr: <p>Wine est une couche de compatibilité permettant d'exécuter des applications Windows sous Linux.
Les applications sont exécutées à vitesse élevée sans nécessiter d'émulation processeur. Wine n'a
pas besoin de Microsoft Windows, mais il peut cependant utiliser des fichiers dll systèmes natifs
à la place des siens s'ils sont disponibles.</p><p>This package includes a shell script that can be
used to download and install various redistributable libraries that may be needed for some programs
to work in Wine.</p>
gl: <p>O Wine é unha capa de compatibilidade para executar aplicativos do Windows no Linux. Os aplicativos
execútanse á súa velocidade normal sen necesidade de emulación da CPU. O Wine non require, porén,
do Windows da Microsoft e pode empregar ficheiros dll do sistema nativos de estaren dispoñíbeis.</p><p>This
package includes a shell script that can be used to download and install various redistributable libraries
that may be needed for some programs to work in Wine.</p>
nl: <p>Wine is een compatibiliteitslaag voor Windows-toepassingen op Linux. Toepassingen worden op volle
snelheid gedraaid zonder de noodzaak van CPU- emulatie. Wine werkt zonder Microsoft Windows, maar
het kan oorspronkelijke dll-bestanden gebruiken in plaats van haar eigen als deze beschikbaar zijn.</p><p>This
package includes a shell script that can be used to download and install various redistributable libraries
that may be needed for some programs to work in Wine.</p>
ru: <p>Wine - это слой совместимости для запуска программ Windows под Linux. Программы работают без
потери скорости и без эмуляции. Wine не требует наличия Microsoft Windows, хотя может использовать
системные файлы Windows вместо своих собственных.</p><p>This package includes a shell script that
can be used to download and install various redistributable libraries that may be needed for some
programs to work in Wine.</p>
sl: <p>Wine je plast združljivosti za poganjanje Windows programov na Linuxu. Programi so zagnani s
polno hitrostjo brez zahteve po posnemanju cpe. Wine ne zahteva Microsoft Windows, vendar pa lahko
uporabi njegove sistemske dll namesto svojih, če so na voljo.</p><p>This package includes a shell
script that can be used to download and install various redistributable libraries that may be needed
for some programs to work in Wine.</p>
tr: <p>Wine, Windows uygulamalarını Linux üzerinde çalıştırmak için bir uyumluluk katmanıdır. Uygulamalar
işlemci öykünmesi gereksinimi olmadan tam hızda çalıştırılırlar. Wine, Microsoft Windows gerektirmez
ancak kullanılabilir olduklarında Windows'un içerdiği sistem dll dosyalarının uyarlanmış sürümünü
kullanabilir.</p><p>This package includes a shell script that can be used to download and install
various redistributable libraries that may be needed for some programs to work in Wine.</p>
zh_CN: <p>Wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux. Applications are
run at full speed without the need of cpu emulation. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, however
it can use native system dll files in place of its own if they are available.</p><p>该软件包包含了一个 shell
脚本,可以用于下载、安装各种可分发的函数库,一些在 Wine 中运行的程序可能需要使用这些函数库。</p>
ID: winetricks.desktop
cached: winetricks_winetricks.png
C: Winetricks
Package: winetricks
C: Install applications on Wine
Type: desktop-app