⇦ | squeak-vm [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:02 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for squeak-vm in xenial

squeak.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Application
  - Development
  C: <p>Squeak is a full-featured implementation of the Smalltalk programming language and environment
    based on (and largely compatible with) the original Smalltalk-80 system.</p><p>This package contains
    just the Unix Squeak virtual machine.  You will likely need also an image file containing a "snapshot"
    of a live Squeak session - e.g. one of the Debian packages etoys or scratch.</p>
  da: <p>Squeak er en implementering med alle funktioner af programmeringssproget og -miljøet Smalltalk
    baseret på (og stort set kompatibel med) det oprindelige system Smalltalk-80.</p><p>This package contains
    just the Squeak virtual machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to install a Squeak
    image too before you can run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;,
    &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  de: <p>Squeak ist eine voll funktionsfähige Implementierung der Programmiersprache und -umgebung Smalltalk.
    Sie beruht auf dem ursprünglichen Smalltalk-80-System (und ist mit ihm weitgehend kompatibel).</p><p>This
    package contains just the Squeak virtual machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to
    install a Squeak image too before you can run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;,
    &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  en_AU: <p>Squeak is a full-featured implementation of the Smalltalk programming language and environment
    based on (and largely compatible with) the original Smalltalk-80 system.</p><p>This package contains
    just the Squeak virtual machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to install a Squeak
    image too before you can run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;,
    &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  en_CA: <p>Squeak is a full-featured implementation of the Smalltalk programming language and environment
    based on (and largely compatible with) the original Smalltalk-80 system.</p><p>This package contains
    just the Squeak virtual machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to install a Squeak
    image too before you can run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;,
    &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  en_GB: <p>Squeak is a full-featured implementation of the Smalltalk programming language and environment
    based on (and largely compatible with) the original Smalltalk-80 system.</p><p>This package contains
    just the Squeak virtual machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to install a Squeak
    image too before you can run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;,
    &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  es: <p>Squeak es una implementación completa del lenguaje de programación Smalltalk y su entorno basado
    en (y en gran parte compatible con) el sistema Smalltalk-80 original.</p><p>This package contains
    just the Squeak virtual machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to install a Squeak
    image too before you can run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;,
    &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  fi: <p>Squeak on täydellinen Smalltalk-ohjelmointikielen ja ympäristön toteutus, joka perustuu alkuperäiseen
    Smalltalk-80-järjestelmään (ja on suurelta osin yhteensopiva sen kanssa).</p><p>This package contains
    just the Squeak virtual machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to install a Squeak
    image too before you can run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;,
    &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  fr: <p>Squeak est une implémentation complète du langage de programmation Smalltalk et un environnement
    basé sur (et largement compatible avec) le système originel Smalltalk-80.</p><p>Ce paquet contient
    simplement la machine virtuelle Squeak. Si vous êtes nouveau dans Squeak, alors vous aurez également
    besoin d'installer une image Squeak avant de pouvoir exécuter Squeak. Les images Squeak peuvent être
    téléchargées sur &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;, &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; ou &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  it: <p>Squeak è un'implementazione completa del linguaggio di programmazione Smalltalk e un ambiente
    basato su (e in larga misura compatibile con) il sistema Smalltalk-80 originale.</p><p>This package
    contains just the Squeak virtual machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to install
    a Squeak image too before you can run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;,
    &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  ja: <p>Squeak は Smalltalk-80 システムから派生した (そして概ね互換性を保っている) Smalltalk プログラミング言語およびその環境の完全な機能を備えた実装です。</p><p>This
    package contains just the Squeak virtual machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to
    install a Squeak image too before you can run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;,
    &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  pt: <p>Squeak é uma implementação totalmente funcional da linguagem de programação Smalltalk e um ambiente
    baseado no (e amplamente compatível com) sistema original Smalltalk-80.</p><p>This package contains
    just the Squeak virtual machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to install a Squeak
    image too before you can run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;,
    &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  pt_BR: <p>Squeak é uma implementação totalmente funcional da linguagem de programação Smalltalk e um
    ambiente baseado no (e amplamente compatível com) sistema original Smalltalk-80.</p><p>This package
    contains just the Squeak virtual machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to install
    a Squeak image too before you can run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;,
    &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt; or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  ru: <p>Squeak — полнофункциональная реализация языка программирования Smalltalk и среда, основанная
    на (и, в основном, совместимая с) исходной системой Smalltalk-80.</p><p>Этот пакет содержит только
    виртуальную машину Squeak. Если вы новичок в Squeak, вам также нужно будет установить образ Squeak
    для его запуска. Образы Squeak можно загрузить с &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;, &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt;
    или &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
  sl: <p>Squeak je polno zmožna podpora programskega jezika Smalltalk in okolja osnovanega (in večinoma
    združljivega) z izvirnim sistemom Smalltalk-80.</p><p>This package contains just the Squeak virtual
    machine.  If you are new to Squeak then you will have to install a Squeak image too before you can
    run Squeak. Squeak images can be downloaded from &lt;http://www.squeak.org/&gt;, &lt;http://www.squeakland.org/&gt;
    or &lt;http://squeak.educarex.es/&gt;.</p>
ID: squeak.desktop
  cached: squeak-vm_squeak.png
  C: Squeak
Package: squeak-vm
    - application/x-image
    - application/squeak-image
  C: Programming system and content development tool
  de_de: Programmier- und Multimediaentwicklungsumgebung
  es_es: Herramienta de desarrollo de contenidos y aplicaciones
Type: desktop-app