- Education
- Science
- Math
- Qt
C: '<p>Qtiplot is a fully fledged plotting software similar to the OriginLab Origin software (See http://www.originlab.com
for more information about Origin).</p><p>It can make two and three dimensional plots of publication
quality, both from datasets and functions. It can do non-linear fitting and multi-peak fitting.</p><p>Some
Features: * Cross platform: works natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems * Fully Python
scriptable * OpenGL based 3D plotting * Publication quality plots and easy export to various image
formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc ...) * Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting
system * Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with column-logic calculations and easy import/export
of multiple files * One-click access to extensive built-in data analysis routines * Advanced statistical
analysis: Student''s t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) *
Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters
* Multi-peak fitting * Image analysis tools * Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and
matrices can be saved and restored later on for a fast editing process * Project files based on folders,
a powerful project explorer with built-in drag and drop and searching facilities * Full import of
Excel workbooks and Open Document Format spreadsheets, dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases</p>'
da: '<p>Qtiplot er et fuldt udbygget plotteprogram, som ligner programmet fra OriginLab Origin (Se http://www.originlab.com
for yderligere information om Origin).</p><p>Det kan danne to- og tre-dimensionale plotninger i trykkvalitet,
både fra datasæt og funktioner. Det kan danne ikkelineære tilpasninger og tilpasninger for flere toppunkter.</p><p>Some
Features: * Cross platform: works natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems * Fully Python
scriptable * OpenGL based 3D plotting * Publication quality plots and easy export to various image
formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc ...) * Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting
system * Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with column-logic calculations and easy import/export
of multiple files * One-click access to extensive built-in data analysis routines * Advanced statistical
analysis: Student''s t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) *
Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters
* Multi-peak fitting * Image analysis tools * Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and
matrices can be saved and restored later on for a fast editing process * Project files based on folders,
a powerful project explorer with built-in drag and drop and searching facilities * Full import of
Excel workbooks and Open Document Format spreadsheets, dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases</p>'
de: '<p>Qtiplot ist eine vollständige Plotsoftware. Sie ähnelt dem Programm Origin der Firma OriginLab.
(Unter http://www.originlab.com finden Sie weitere Informationen über Origin.)</p><p>Die Software
kann zwei- und dreidimensionale, veröffentlichungsreife Plots von Datensätzen und Funktionen erzeugen.
Es können Näherungsfunktionen gefunden werden, sowohl nichtlinear als auch an/für mehrere Spitzen.</p><p>Some
Features: * Cross platform: works natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems * Fully Python
scriptable * OpenGL based 3D plotting * Publication quality plots and easy export to various image
formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc ...) * Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting
system * Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with column-logic calculations and easy import/export
of multiple files * One-click access to extensive built-in data analysis routines * Advanced statistical
analysis: Student''s t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) *
Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters
* Multi-peak fitting * Image analysis tools * Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and
matrices can be saved and restored later on for a fast editing process * Project files based on folders,
a powerful project explorer with built-in drag and drop and searching facilities * Full import of
Excel workbooks and Open Document Format spreadsheets, dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases</p>'
fr: '<p>Qtiplot est un logiciel à part entière de traçage de courbes similaire au logiciel Origin d''OriginLab
(Voir http://www.originlab.com pour plus d''informations à propos d''Origin).</p><p>Il peut faire
des tracés en deux et trois dimensions d''une qualité digne de publications, depuis une base de données
et de fonctions. Il peut tracer des courbes ajustées (« fittées ») non-linéaires et multi-pics.</p><p>Some
Features: * Cross platform: works natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems * Fully Python
scriptable * OpenGL based 3D plotting * Publication quality plots and easy export to various image
formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc ...) * Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting
system * Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with column-logic calculations and easy import/export
of multiple files * One-click access to extensive built-in data analysis routines * Advanced statistical
analysis: Student''s t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) *
Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters
* Multi-peak fitting * Image analysis tools * Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and
matrices can be saved and restored later on for a fast editing process * Project files based on folders,
a powerful project explorer with built-in drag and drop and searching facilities * Full import of
Excel workbooks and Open Document Format spreadsheets, dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases</p>'
it: '<p>Qtiplot è un software completo per il tracciamento di grafici simile al software Origin di OriginLab.
(Per ulteriori informazioni su Origin, si veda http://www.originlab.com.)</p><p>Può fare grafici a
due e tre dimensioni di qualità tipografica, sia da insiemi di dati, sia da funzioni. Può eseguire
interpolazioni non lineari e multi picco.</p><p>Some Features: * Cross platform: works natively on
Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems * Fully Python scriptable * OpenGL based 3D plotting * Publication
quality plots and easy export to various image formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF,
etc ...) * Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting system * Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with
column-logic calculations and easy import/export of multiple files * One-click access to extensive
built-in data analysis routines * Advanced statistical analysis: Student''s t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square
test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) * Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting
and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters * Multi-peak fitting * Image analysis tools
* Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and matrices can be saved and restored later on
for a fast editing process * Project files based on folders, a powerful project explorer with built-in
drag and drop and searching facilities * Full import of Excel workbooks and Open Document Format spreadsheets,
dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases</p>'
ja: '<p>Qtiplot is a fully fledged plotting software similar to the OriginLab Origin software (See http://www.originlab.com
for more information about Origin).</p><p>二次元又は三次元のデータセットや関数のプロットを出版物の品質で行えます。 非線形フィッティングや複数のピークを持つフィッティングが可能です。</p><p>Some
Features: * Cross platform: works natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems * Fully Python
scriptable * OpenGL based 3D plotting * Publication quality plots and easy export to various image
formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc ...) * Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting
system * Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with column-logic calculations and easy import/export
of multiple files * One-click access to extensive built-in data analysis routines * Advanced statistical
analysis: Student''s t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) *
Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters
* Multi-peak fitting * Image analysis tools * Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and
matrices can be saved and restored later on for a fast editing process * Project files based on folders,
a powerful project explorer with built-in drag and drop and searching facilities * Full import of
Excel workbooks and Open Document Format spreadsheets, dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases</p>'
pt: '<p>O Qtiplot é um software completo de traçado de gráficos (plotting) semelhante ao software OriginLab
Origin (Veja http://www.originlab.com para mais informações sobre Origin).</p><p>Pode efectuar traçado
em duas e três dimensões com qualidade para publicação, ambas a partir de conjuntos de dados e funções.
Pode efectuar ajustes não-linear e ajustes multi-picos.</p><p>Some Features: * Cross platform: works
natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems * Fully Python scriptable * OpenGL based 3D plotting
* Publication quality plots and easy export to various image formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP,
JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc ...) * Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting system * Powerful and versatile
spreadsheets with column-logic calculations and easy import/export of multiple files * One-click access
to extensive built-in data analysis routines * Advanced statistical analysis: Student''s t-Test, ANOVA,
chi-square test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) * Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with
weighting and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters * Multi-peak fitting * Image
analysis tools * Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and matrices can be saved and restored
later on for a fast editing process * Project files based on folders, a powerful project explorer
with built-in drag and drop and searching facilities * Full import of Excel workbooks and Open Document
Format spreadsheets, dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases</p>'
pt_BR: '<p>O Qtiplot é um software completo de traçado de gráficos (plotting) semelhante ao software
OriginLab Origin (Veja http://www.originlab.com para mais informações sobre Origin).</p><p>Pode efectuar
traçado em duas e três dimensões com qualidade para publicação, ambas a partir de conjuntos de dados
e funções. Pode efectuar ajustes não-linear e ajustes multi-picos.</p><p>Some Features: * Cross platform:
works natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems * Fully Python scriptable * OpenGL based
3D plotting * Publication quality plots and easy export to various image formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF,
SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc ...) * Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting system * Powerful and
versatile spreadsheets with column-logic calculations and easy import/export of multiple files * One-click
access to extensive built-in data analysis routines * Advanced statistical analysis: Student''s t-Test,
ANOVA, chi-square test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) * Linear and nonlinear curve fitting
with weighting and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters * Multi-peak fitting * Image
analysis tools * Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and matrices can be saved and restored
later on for a fast editing process * Project files based on folders, a powerful project explorer
with built-in drag and drop and searching facilities * Full import of Excel workbooks and Open Document
Format spreadsheets, dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases</p>'
ru: '<p>Qtiplot is a fully fledged plotting software similar to the OriginLab Origin software (See http://www.originlab.com
for more information about Origin).</p><p>Позволяет строить готовые к демонстрации двух и трёхмерные
графики, как из наборов данных, так и функций. Может делать нелинейную и мультипиковую подгонку.</p><p>Some
Features: * Cross platform: works natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems * Fully Python
scriptable * OpenGL based 3D plotting * Publication quality plots and easy export to various image
formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc ...) * Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting
system * Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with column-logic calculations and easy import/export
of multiple files * One-click access to extensive built-in data analysis routines * Advanced statistical
analysis: Student''s t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) *
Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters
* Multi-peak fitting * Image analysis tools * Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and
matrices can be saved and restored later on for a fast editing process * Project files based on folders,
a powerful project explorer with built-in drag and drop and searching facilities * Full import of
Excel workbooks and Open Document Format spreadsheets, dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases</p>'
sl: '<p>Qtiplot je polno zmožen program risanja grafov, ki je podoben programu Origin podjetja OriginLab
(za več podrobnosti o programu Origin si oglejte http://www.originlab.com).</p><p>Ustvari lahko dvo
in tridimenzionalne grafe v kakovosti za tisk tako iz zbirk podatkov kot funkcij. Izvede lahko nelinearno
prileganje in prileganje več vrhov.</p><p>Some Features: * Cross platform: works natively on Windows,
Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems * Fully Python scriptable * OpenGL based 3D plotting * Publication
quality plots and easy export to various image formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF,
etc ...) * Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting system * Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with
column-logic calculations and easy import/export of multiple files * One-click access to extensive
built-in data analysis routines * Advanced statistical analysis: Student''s t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square
test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) * Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting
and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters * Multi-peak fitting * Image analysis tools
* Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and matrices can be saved and restored later on
for a fast editing process * Project files based on folders, a powerful project explorer with built-in
drag and drop and searching facilities * Full import of Excel workbooks and Open Document Format spreadsheets,
dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases</p>'
uk: '<p>Qtiplot is a fully fledged plotting software similar to the OriginLab Origin software (See http://www.originlab.com
for more information about Origin).</p><p>Дозволяє будувати готові до демонстрації дво- та тривимірні
графіки, як з наборів даних даних так і функцій. Може робити нелінійну та мульти-пікову підгонку.</p><p>Some
Features: * Cross platform: works natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems * Fully Python
scriptable * OpenGL based 3D plotting * Publication quality plots and easy export to various image
formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc ...) * Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting
system * Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with column-logic calculations and easy import/export
of multiple files * One-click access to extensive built-in data analysis routines * Advanced statistical
analysis: Student''s t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) *
Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters
* Multi-peak fitting * Image analysis tools * Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and
matrices can be saved and restored later on for a fast editing process * Project files based on folders,
a powerful project explorer with built-in drag and drop and searching facilities * Full import of
Excel workbooks and Open Document Format spreadsheets, dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases</p>'
ID: qtiplot.desktop
cached: qtiplot_qtiplot.png
C: QtiPlot
Package: qtiplot
C: Analyze and plot scientific data
Type: desktop-app