⇦ | pypar2 [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:08 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for pypar2 in xenial

pypar2.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - GTK
  C: '<p>Par2 files create redundant data that can be used later in case parts of the original data is
    lost or corrupted.</p><p>PyPar2 is a graphical frontend for the par2 command line utility, it is designed
    to be very easy to use. For this reason: * Advanced settings are present, but hidden by default. *
    There is no preferences dialog, all selected options are automatically saved and restored.</p>'
  da: '<p>Par2-filer opretter redundante data, som kan bruges senere i tilfælde af at dele af de originale
    data går tabt eller blive ødelagt.</p><p>PyPar2 is a graphical frontend for the par2 command line
    utility, it is designed to be very easy to use. For this reason: * Advanced settings are present,
    but hidden by default. * There is no preferences dialog, all selected options are automatically saved
    and restored.</p>'
  de: '<p>Par2-Dateien enthalten redundante Daten, die später verwendet werden können, falls Teile der
    originalen Daten verloren oder kaputt gegangen sind.</p><p>PyPar2 is a graphical frontend for the
    par2 command line utility, it is designed to be very easy to use. For this reason: * Advanced settings
    are present, but hidden by default. * There is no preferences dialog, all selected options are automatically
    saved and restored.</p>'
  fr: '<p>Par2 crée des données redondantes qui peuvent être utilisées plus tard dans le cas  une partie
    des données d''origine est perdue ou endommagée.</p><p>PyPar2 est une interface graphique pour l''utilitaire
    en ligne de commande par2, il est conçu pour être très facile à utiliser. Pour cette raison : * Les
    paramètres avancés sont présents, mais cachés par défaut. * Il n''y a pas de dialogue des préférences,
    toutes les options sélectionnées sont automatiquement sauvegardés et restaurés.</p>'
  it: '<p>I file par2 creano dati ridondanti che possono essere successivamente usati in caso parte dei
    dati originali vengano persi o siano corrotti.</p><p>PyPar2 is a graphical frontend for the par2 command
    line utility, it is designed to be very easy to use. For this reason: * Advanced settings are present,
    but hidden by default. * There is no preferences dialog, all selected options are automatically saved
    and restored.</p>'
  pl: '<p>Pliki par2 tworzą nadmiarowe dane, które mogą być później użyte, gdy część oryginalnych danych
    zostanie uszkodzona lub utracona.</p><p>PyPar2 is a graphical frontend for the par2 command line utility,
    it is designed to be very easy to use. For this reason: * Advanced settings are present, but hidden
    by default. * There is no preferences dialog, all selected options are automatically saved and restored.</p>'
  ru: '<p>Par2 создаёт избыточные данные, которы могут быть использованы в дальнейшем, в случае если часть
    исходных данных утеряна или повреждена.</p><p>PyPar2  графический интерфейс для утилиты командной
    строки par2, очень простой в использовании. По этой причине: * Расширенные настройки присустствуют,
    но скрыты по умолчанию. * Нет диалога настроек, все включенные опции автоматически сохраняются и восстанавливаются.</p>'
  sl: '<p>Datoteke Par2 ustvarijo dodatne podatke, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti v primeru da se izvirni
    podatki izgubijo ali pokvarijo.</p><p>PyPar2 je grafično začelje za pripomoček ukaze vrstice par2.
    Zasnovan je, da bi bil zelo enostavno za uporabo. Zato: * so napredne nastavitve prisotne, a privzeto
    skrite. * ni pogovornega okna možnosti. Vse izbrane možnosti so samodejno shranjene in obnovljene.</p>'
ID: pypar2.desktop
  cached: pypar2_pypar2.png
  C: PyPar2
Package: pypar2
    - application/x-executable
  C: A graphical frontend for the par2 utility
  de: Eine grafische Oberfläche für par2
  fr: Une interface graphique pour le programme par2
  pl: Graficzna nakładka na narzędzie par2
Type: desktop-app