- Network
- InstantMessaging
- Qt
C: '<p>This package contains WebKit version of Psi+.</p><p>Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber
client (Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber
client by <psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru> team.</p><p>Project Purpose: collection, refinement
and writing new patches for transfer them to Psi upstream developers.</p><p>Full list of features
you can found at: http://psi-plus.com/wiki/doku.php/en:features</p>'
en_AU: '<p>This package contains WebKit version of Psi+.</p><p>Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber
client (Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber
client by <psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru> team.</p><p>Project Purpose: collection, refinement
and writing new patches for transfer them to Psi upstream developers.</p><p>Full list of features
you can found at: http://psi- plus.com/wiki/doku.php/en:features</p>'
en_CA: '<p>This package contains WebKit version of Psi+.</p><p>Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber
client (Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber
client by <psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru> team.</p><p>Project Purpose: collection, refinement
and writing new patches for transfer them to Psi upstream developers.</p><p>Full list of features
you can found at: http://psi- plus.com/wiki/doku.php/en:features</p>'
en_GB: '<p>This package contains WebKit version of Psi+.</p><p>Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber
client (Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber
client by <psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru> team.</p><p>Project Purpose: collection, refinement
and writing new patches for transfer them to Psi upstream developers.</p><p>Full list of features
you can found at: http://psi- plus.com/wiki/doku.php/en:features</p>'
fr: '<p>Ce paquet contient la version WebKit de Psi+.</p><p>Psi est un client Jabber XMPP multi-plateforme
puissant (Qt, C++) conçu pour les utilisateurs avancés de Jabber. Psi + est une branche de développement
du client de messagerie instantanée Psi XMPP/Jabber de l''équipe <psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru>.</p><p>But
du projet : la collecte, le raffinement et l''écriture de nouveaux correctifs pour les transférer
aux développeurs amont Psi.</p><p>Liste complète des fonctionnalités que vous pouvez retrouver à l''adresse :
it: '<p>This package contains WebKit version of Psi+.</p><p>Psi è un client XMPP/Jabber (Qt, C++) multipiattaforma
e potente progettato per gli utenti Jabber più esperti. Psi+ è il ramo di sviluppo del client IM XMPP/Jabber
Psi della squadra psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru .</p><p>Scopo del progetto: raccogliere, migliorare
e scrivere nuove patch per poi passarle agli sviluppatori di Psi.</p><p>L''elenco completo delle funzionalità
può essere trovato su: http://psi- plus.com/wiki/doku.php/en:features</p>'
pl: '<p>This package contains WebKit version of Psi+.</p><p>Psi jest funkcjonalnym, wieloplatformowym
klientem XMPP/Jabbera (opartym na Qt i C++), zaprojektowanym dla zaawansowanych użytkowników Jabbera.
Psi+ jest rozwojową gałęzią tego klienta, tworzoną przez zespół <psi- dev@conference.jabber.ru>.</p><p>Założenia
projektu: zbieranie, udoskonalanie i pisanie nowych łatek, które są następnie przekazywane deweloperom
projektu macierzystego.</p><p>Pełną listę możliwości programu można znaleźć na stronie: http://psi-
ru: '<p>Этот пакет содержит WebKit-версию Psi+.</p><p>Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber client
(Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber
client by <psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru> team.</p><p>Project Purpose: collection, refinement
and writing new patches for transfer them to Psi upstream developers.</p><p>Full list of features
you can found at: http://psi- plus.com/wiki/doku.php/en:features</p>'
sk: '<p>This package contains WebKit version of Psi+.</p><p>Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber
client (Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber
client by <psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru> team.</p><p>Cieľ projektu: zhromažďovanie, vylepšovanie
a písanie nových záplat a ich prenos vývojárom Psi v upstreame.</p><p>Úplný zoznam vlastností nájdete
na: http://psi- plus.com/wiki/doku.php/en:features</p>'
sl: '<p>Ta paket vsebuje WebKit različico Psi+.</p><p>Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber client
(Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber
client by <psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru> team.</p><p>Namen projekta: zbiranje, izboljšanje in
pisanje novih popravkov za prenos razvijalcev izvornega projekta Psi.</p><p>Celoten seznam zmožnosti
najdete na: http://psi- plus.com/wiki/doku.php/en:features</p>'
ID: psi-plus-webkit.desktop
cached: psi-plus-webkit_psi-plus.png
stock: psi-plus
- Jabber
- Chat
- InstantMessaging
C: Psi+ Webkit
Package: psi-plus-webkit
- x-scheme-handler/xmpp
C: Communicate over the XMPP network
be: Размаўляйце ў сетцы XMPP
bg: Комуникирайте през XMPP мрежата
ca: Comuniqui's a través de la xarxa XMPP
cs: Komunikujte přes XMPP po síti
de: Im XMPP-Netzwerk kommunizieren
eo: Komunikiĝu per la ĵabbera reto
es: Comunícate a través de la red XMPP
fr: Communiquez via le réseau XMPP
it: Comunica sulla rete XMPP
ja: XMPPネットーワーク通信
mk: Комуницирајте преку XMPP мрежата
nl: Communiceer over het XMPP netwerk
pl: Komunikacja poprzez sieć XMPP
pt_br: Comunique-se através da rede XMPP
ru: Общение в сети XMPP
sl: Takojšnje sporočanje prek omrežij XMPP
sv: Kommunicera över XMPPnätverket
uk: Програма для спілкування в мережі XMPP
ur_pk: جیبر نیٹ ورک پر مواصلت کریں
vi: Liên lạc qua mạng XMPP nhé
zh_tw: 在 XMPP 網路上交談
Type: desktop-app