- Education
- Science
C: '<p>According to its authors, praat is "doing phonetics by computer". Through its graphical interface,
several speech analysis functionalities are available: spectrograms, cochleograms, and pitch and formant
extraction. Articulatory synthesis, as well as synthesis from pitch, formant, and intensity are also
available. Other features are segmentation, labelling using the phonetic alphabet, and computation
of statistics. Praat is configurable and extensible through its own scripting language and has provisions
for communicating with other programs.</p>'
da: '<p>Ifølge programmets forfattere så udfører praat »fonetik via computeren«. Via sin grafiske grænseflade,
flere funktioner for taleanalyse er tilgængelige: spektogrammer, cochleogrammer, og tonehøjde og formant-
udtræk. Artikulær syntese samt syntese fra tonehøjde, formant og intensitet er også tilgængelig. Andre
egenskaber indgår segmentering, brug af etiketter med brug af det fonetiske alfabet, samt beregning
af statistikker. Praat er konfigurerbar og udvidelig gennem dets eget skriptsprog og har bestemmelser
for kommunikation med andre programmer.</p>'
de: '<p>Laut den Autoren, macht praat Phonetik durch den Computer (frei übersetzt von »doing phonetics
by computer«). Durch die grafische Oberfläche sind verschiedene Funktionalitäten zur Sprachanalyse
vorhanden: Spektrogramme, Cochleogramme sowie Pitch- und Formant-Extraktion. Artikulationssythese
als auch Synthesen von Pitch, Formant und Intensität sind ebenfalls verfügbar. Andere Fähigkeiten
sind Segmentierung, Kennzeichnungen, die die Lautschrift benutzen und Berechnung von Statistiken.
Praat ist konfigurier- und durch die eigene Skriptsprache erweiterbar und hat Vorkehrungen, um mit
anderen Programmen zu kommunizieren.</p>'
en_AU: '<p>According to its authors, praat is "doing phonetics by computer". Through its graphical
interface, several speech analysis functionalities are available: spectrograms, cochleograms, and
pitch and formant extraction. Articulatory synthesis, as well as synthesis from pitch, formant, and
intensity are also available. Other features are segmentation, labelling using the phonetic alphabet,
and computation of statistics. Praat is configurable and extensible through its own scripting language
and has provisions for communicating with other programs.</p>'
en_CA: '<p>According to its authors, praat is "doing phonetics by computer". Through its graphical
interface, several speech analysis functionalities are available: spectrograms, cochleograms, and
pitch and formant extraction. Articulatory synthesis, as well as synthesis from pitch, formant, and
intensity are also available. Other features are segmentation, labelling using the phonetic alphabet,
and computation of statistics. Praat is configurable and extensible through its own scripting language
and has provisions for communicating with other programs.</p>'
en_GB: '<p>According to its authors, praat is "doing phonetics by computer". Through its graphical
interface, several speech analysis functionalities are available: spectrograms, cochleograms, and
pitch and formant extraction. Articulatory synthesis, as well as synthesis from pitch, formant, and
intensity are also available. Other features are segmentation, labelling using the phonetic alphabet,
and computation of statistics. Praat is configurable and extensible through its own scripting language
and has provisions for communicating with other programs.</p>'
es: '<p>De acuerdo con sus autores, praat es «hacer fonética con la máquina». A través de su interfaz
gráfica,están disponibles algunas funcionalidades de análisis de voz : espectogramas, cocleogramas
y afinación y extracción de formantes. También están disponibles tanto síntesis articulatoria como
síntesis de afinación, formantes e intensidad. Otras funciones son segmentación, etiquetado utilizando
el alfabeto fonético y cálculo de estadísticas. Praat es configurable y extensible a través de su
propio lenguaje para elaborar scripts y comunicarse con otros programas.</p>'
fi: <p>Tekijöidensä mukaan praat on "fonetiikan tekemistä tietokoneella". Useita puheanalyysitoimintoja,
kuten spektrogrammeja, kokleogrammeja, ja äänen taajuuden ja formantin erottelua voidaan käyttää sen
graafisen käyttöliittymän kautta. Artikulaatiosynteesi tai äänen taajuuteen, formanttiin tai voimakkuuteen
perustuva synteesi on myös käytettävissä. Muita ominaisuuksia on segmentointi, foneettiseen aakkostoon
perustuvat tunnisteet ja tilastolaskenta. Praat on muokattavissa ja laajennettavissa sen oman skriptikielen
kautta ja siinä on mahdollisuus kommunikointiin muiden ohjelmien kautta.</p>
fr: '<p>Selon ses auteurs, Praat permet de « faire de la phonétique par ordinateur ». Au travers de
son interface graphique, plusieurs fonctionnalités d''analyse de la parole sont disponibles : spectrogrammes,
cochleogrammes, et l''extraction de l''accent de hauteur (accent musical) et des formants. La synthèse
articulatoire, ainsi que la synthèse à partir de l''accent de hauteur, des formants, et de l''intensité
sont également disponibles. Les autres caractéristiques sont la segmentation, l''étiquetage en utilisant
l''alphabet phonétique, et le calcul des statistiques. Praat est configurable et extensible grâce
à son propres langage de programmation et contient des interfaces pour communiquer avec d''autres
gl: '<p>Segundo os seus autores, praat é «facer fonéticas co computador». A través da súa interface
gráfica pódense atopar varias funcionalidades de análise da fala: espectogramas, cocleogramas e extracción
de tons e formantes. Tamén son posíbeis a síntese articulatoria, así como a síntase a partir de sons,
formantes e intensidade. Outras funcionalidades son a segmentación, as etiquetas empregando o alfabeto
fonético e o cálculo de estatísticas. Praat é configurábel e extensíbel mediante a súa propia linguaxe
de scripts e conta con métodos para comunicarse con outros programas.</p>'
it: '<p>Secondo i suoi autori, praat è "fonetica tramite il computer". Molteplici funzionalità di analisi
del linguaggio sono disponibili tramite la sua interfaccia grafica: spettrogrammi, cocleogrammi, estrazione
del tono e della formante. Sono altresì disponibili sintesi articolatorie, dal tono, dalla formante
e dall''intensità. Fra le altre funzionalità si segnalano segmentazione, etichettatura con uso dell''alfabeto
fonetico e computazione statistica. Praat è configurabile ed estensibile attraverso il suo linguaggio
di script ed è inoltre predisposto per poter comunicare con altri programmi.</p>'
ja: <p>作者によると、praat は "doing phonetics by computer" の略称だそうです。 グラフィカルなインターフェイスを通じて、スペクトログラム、cochleogram、
そしてピッチやフォルマントの抽出といった複数の音声分析機能が利用できます。 調音分析に加え、ピッチやフォルマント、そして強度からの分析が利用できます。 セグメント分割、音声のアルファベットを使ったラベル付け、そして統計計算
といった機能も利用できます。Praat はスクリプト言語を通じた設定や機能が豊富 でい、他のプログラムとの通信の用意ができています。</p>
ru: '<p>According to its authors, praat is "doing phonetics by computer". Through its graphical interface,
several speech analysis functionalities are available: spectrograms, cochleograms, and pitch and formant
extraction. Articulatory synthesis, as well as synthesis from pitch, formant, and intensity are also
available. Other features are segmentation, labelling using the phonetic alphabet, and computation
of statistics. Praat is configurable and extensible through its own scripting language and has provisions
for communicating with other programs.</p>'
sl: '<p>Avtorji programa pravijo, da Praat "dela fonetiko z računalnikom". Skozi grafični vmesnik je
na voljo več zmožnosti analize govora: spektrogrami, kokleogrami in izvleka višine in formantov. Na
voljo sta tudi sinteza artikulacije in tudi sinteza iz glasnosti, formanta in intenzitete. Druge zmožnosti
so segmentacija, oznaka s fonetično abecedo in izračun statistike. Praat je mogoče nastaviti in razširiti
s svojim lastnim skriptnim jezikom in vsebuje način za sporazumevanje z drugimi programi.</p>'
ID: praat.desktop
cached: praat_praat.png
- audio
- sound
- speech
- phonetics
C: Praat Speech Analyzer
en_gb: Praat Speech Analyser
Package: praat
C: Analyze, synthesize and manipulate speech
en_gb: Analyse, synthesise and manipulate speech
Type: desktop-app