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C: <p>This tool is aimed to help you search the packages you need. It should make the task of searching
a pleasant experience.</p><p>Search can be done by * pattern * tags (based on the debtags system,
a new way of categorizing Debian packages) * files * installed status * orphaned packages Additionally
a lot of information about the packages is displayed, including the files belonging to them.</p><p>It
is possible to install or remove packages.</p>
de: <p>Dieses Programm dient dazu, Pakete zu suchen, die Sie benötigen. Es sollte die Paketsuche zu
einer angenehmen Erfahrung machen.</p><p>Search can be done by * pattern * tags (based on the debtags
system, a new way of categorizing Debian packages) * files * installed status * orphaned packages
Additionally a lot of information about the packages is displayed, including the files belonging to
them.</p><p>Es ist möglich, Pakete zu installieren oder zu entfernen.</p>
fr: <p>Cet outil est conçu pour vous aider à rechercher les paquets dont vous avez besoin. Il devrait
rendre la recherche plaisante.</p><p>Search can be done by * pattern * tags (based on the debtags
system, a new way of categorizing Debian packages) * files * installed status * orphaned packages
Additionally a lot of information about the packages is displayed, including the files belonging to
them.</p><p>Il est possible d'installer ou de supprimer des paquets.</p>
it: <p>Questo strumento è progettato per aiutare a cercare i pacchetti di cui si ha bisogno. Dovrebbe
rendere la ricerca un'esperienza piacevole.</p><p>Search can be done by * pattern * tags (based on
the debtags system, a new way of categorizing Debian packages) * files * installed status * orphaned
packages Additionally a lot of information about the packages is displayed, including the files belonging
to them.</p><p>È possibile installare o rimuovere pacchetti.</p>
ja: <p>このツールは必要なパッケージの検索を助けることを目標にしています。 検索作業が楽しいエクスペリエンスとなるはずです。</p><p>Search can be done by * pattern
* tags (based on the debtags system, a new way of categorizing Debian packages) * files * installed
status * orphaned packages Additionally a lot of information about the packages is displayed, including
the files belonging to them.</p><p>パッケージのインストールや削除が可能です。</p>
pl: <p>Celem tego narzędzia jest umożliwienie użytkownikowi wyszukiwania pakietów, których potrzebuje.
Powinno ono sprawić, że wyszukiwanie stanie się przyjemnym doświadczeniem.</p><p>Search can be done
by * pattern * tags (based on the debtags system, a new way of categorizing Debian packages) * files
* installed status * orphaned packages Additionally a lot of information about the packages is displayed,
including the files belonging to them.</p><p>Możliwie jest instalowanie i usuwanie pakietów.</p>
pt: <p>Esta ferramenta destina-se a ajudá-lo a procurar os pacotes que precisa. Deverá tornar a tarefa
de busca numa experiência agradável.</p><p>Search can be done by * pattern * tags (based on the debtags
system, a new way of categorizing Debian packages) * files * installed status * orphaned packages
Additionally a lot of information about the packages is displayed, including the files belonging to
them.</p><p>É possível instalar ou remover pacotes.</p>
pt_BR: <p>Esta ferramenta destina-se a ajudá-lo a procurar os pacotes que precisa. Deverá tornar a tarefa
de busca numa experiência agradável.</p><p>Search can be done by * pattern * tags (based on the debtags
system, a new way of categorizing Debian packages) * files * installed status * orphaned packages
Additionally a lot of information about the packages is displayed, including the files belonging to
them.</p><p>É possível instalar ou remover pacotes.</p>
ru: <p>Эта утилита призвана помочь вам в поиске нужных пакетов. Она сделает поиск приятным занятием.</p><p>Search
can be done by * pattern * tags (based on the debtags system, a new way of categorizing Debian packages)
* files * installed status * orphaned packages Additionally a lot of information about the packages
is displayed, including the files belonging to them.</p><p>С помощью данной программы возможно устанавливать
и удалять пакеты.</p>
sl: <p>To orodje je namenjeno za pomoč pri iskanju paketov, ki jih potrebujete. Iskanje paketov bo naredilo
prijetno.</p><p>Search can be done by * pattern * tags (based on the debtags system, a new way of
categorizing Debian packages) * files * installed status * orphaned packages Additionally a lot of
information about the packages is displayed, including the files belonging to them.</p><p>Pakete lahko
namestite ali odstranite.</p>
uk: <p>Ця утиліта покликана допомогти Вам у пошуку потрібних пакунків. Вона зробить пошук приємним заняттям.</p><p>Search
can be done by * pattern * tags (based on the debtags system, a new way of categorizing Debian packages)
* files * installed status * orphaned packages Additionally a lot of information about the packages
is displayed, including the files belonging to them.</p><p>За допомогою даної програми можливо встановлювати
та вилучати пакунки.</p>
ID: packagesearch.desktop
cached: packagesearch_packagesearch.png
C: Debian Package Search
Package: packagesearch
C: Search for packages and view package information
Type: desktop-app