⇦ | mousepad [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:04 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for mousepad in xenial

mousepad.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Utility
  - TextEditor
  - GTK
  C: '<p>Mousepad is a graphical text editor for Xfce based on Leafpad.</p><p>The initial reason for Mousepad
    was to provide printing support, which would have been difficult for Leafpad for various reasons.</p><p>Although
    some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following features: * Complete support
    for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap
    * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual
    code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers
    * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  da: '<p>Mousepad er en grafisk tekstbehandling til Xfce baseret  Leafpad.</p><p>Den oprindelige årsag
    for Mousepad var at give understøttelse for udskrivning, som af forskellige årsager ville blive svært
    i Leafpad.</p><p>Although some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following
    features: * Complete support for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace
    * Font selection * Word Wrap * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8
    and some code-sets) * Manual code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line
    Indent * Display line numbers * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  de: '<p>Mousepad ist eine auf Leafpad basierende, grafische Textbearbeitung für Xfce.</p><p>Der anfängliche
    Grund für Mousepad war die Bereitstellung einer Druckunterstützung, welche aus verschiedenen Gründen
    schwierig in Leafpad zu integrieren gewesen wäre.</p><p>Obwohl noch einige Funktionen weiterentwickelt
    werden, bietet Mousepad derzeit folgende Leistungsmerkmale: * Vollständige Unterstützung von Text
    mit der Zeichenkodierung UTF-8 * Ausschneiden/Kopieren/Einfügen von Text sowie Auswählen des gesamten
    Texts * Suchen und Ersetzen * Anpassbare Schrift * Zeilenumbrüche * Auswahl der Zeichenkodierung *
    Automatisches Erkennen der Zeichenkodierung (UTF-8 und einige Zeichensätze) * Manuelles Festlegen
    des Zeichensatzes * Unbegrenztes Rückgängig-machen/Wiederherstellen, auf einzelne Wörter bezogen *
    Automatisches Einrücken * Gleichzeitiges Einrücken mehrerer Zeilen * Anzeige von Zeilennummern * Ziehen-und-Ablegen
    * Drucken</p>'
  es: '<p>Mousepad es un editor gráfico de texto para Xfce basado en Leafpad.</p><p>La razón inicial de
    hacer Mousepad era para dar soporte de impresión, lo que habría sido difícil para Leafpad por varias
    razones.</p><p>Although some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following
    features: * Complete support for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace
    * Font selection * Word Wrap * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8
    and some code-sets) * Manual code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line
    Indent * Display line numbers * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  fr: '<p>Mousepad est un éditeur de texte graphique pour Xfce, basé sur Leafpad</p><p>La motivation initiale
    du développement de Mousepad était la gestion de l''impression, difficile à mettre en oeuvre dans
    Leafpad pour diverses raisons.</p><p>Bien que certaines fonctionnalités soient en cours de développement,
    MousePad possède actuellement les caractéristiques suivantes : * Prise en charge complète pour les
    textes en UTF-8 * Couper/copier/coller et sélectionner tout le texte * Rechercher et remplacer * Sélection
    de la police * Découpage des mots * Sélection du codage des caractères * Détection automatique du
    codage des caractères (UTF-8 et quelques jeux de codes de caractères) * Paramétrage manuel du jeu
    de codes de caractères * Annuler/Rétablir illimité par mot * Auto-indentation * Indentation multi-lignes
    * Affichage des numéros de lignes * Glisser/déposer * Impression</p>'
  it: '<p>Mousepad è un editor di testo per Xfce basato su Leafpad.</p><p>Il motivo originario della nascita
    di Mousepad era fornire quel supporto per la stampa che sarebbe stato difficile aggiungere a Leafpad
    per varie ragioni.</p><p>Although some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the
    following features: * Complete support for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search
    and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection
    (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent *
    Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  ja: '<p>Mousepad は、Leafpad に基づいた Xfce 用テキストエディタです。</p><p>Mousepad を開発した最初の理由は、印刷のサポートを供給することでしたが、これは
    さまざまな理由から、Leafpad には難しかったことでした。</p><p>Although some features are under development, currently Mousepad
    has the following features: * Complete support for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text
    * Search and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap * Character coding selection * Auto character coding
    detection (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto
    Indent * Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  ko: '<p>Mousepad는 Leafpad에 기반을  Xfce용 그래픽 텍스트 편집기입니다.</p><p>Mousepad를 만든 처음 목적은 인쇄 기능을 제공하기 위해서였습니다.
    Leafpad에서는 여러 이유 때문에 인쇄를 지원하기 어려웠습니다.</p><p>Although some features are under development, currently
    Mousepad has the following features: * Complete support for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select
    All text * Search and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap * Character coding selection * Auto character
    coding detection (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word
    * Auto Indent * Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  nl: '<p>Mousepad is een grafische tekst-editor voor Xfce gebaseerd op Leafpad.</p><p>Het oorspronkelijke
    doel van Mousepad was om ondersteuning te bieden voor afdrukken, wat om  verschillende redenen moeilijk
    zou zijn voor Leafpad.</p><p>Although some features are under development, currently Mousepad has
    the following features: * Complete support for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search
    and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection
    (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent *
    Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  pl: '<p>Mousepad jest graficznym edytorem tekstu dla Xfce bazującym na Leafpad.</p><p>Głównym powodem
    powstania Mousepad było dostarczenie wsparcia dla drukarek, co, z wielu powodów, byłoby trudne w Leafpad.</p><p>Although
    some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following features: * Complete support
    for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap
    * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual
    code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers
    * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  pt: '<p>O Mousepad é um editor de texto gráfico para o Xfce baseado no Leafpad.</p><p>A razão inicial
    para o Mousepad era fornecer o suporte a impressão, o que teria sido difícil para o Leafpad por várias
    razões.</p><p>Although some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following features:
    * Complete support for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace * Font
    selection * Word Wrap * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8 and some
    code-sets) * Manual code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line Indent
    * Display line numbers * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  pt_BR: '<p>Mousepad é um editor de textos gráfico para o Xfce baseado no Leafpad.</p><p>A razão inicial
    para o Mousepad era fornecer suporte à impressão, o qual estava sendo difícil para o Leafpad por várias
    razões.</p><p>Although some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following features:
    * Complete support for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace * Font
    selection * Word Wrap * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8 and some
    code-sets) * Manual code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line Indent
    * Display line numbers * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  ru: '<p>Mousepad -- это графический текстовый редактор для Xfce, основанный на Leafpad.</p><p>Главной
    причиной создания Mousepad было предоставление поддержки печати, которую по различным причинам было
    сложно реализовать в Leafpad.</p><p>Хотя некоторые функции ещё в процессе разработки, сейчас Mousepad
    обладает следующими возможностями: * полная поддержка текстов в кодировке UTF-8 * операции вырезания/копирования/вставки
    и выделения всего текста * поиск и замена * выбор шрифта * перенос строк * выбор кодировки символов
    * автоопределение кодировки (UTF-8 и некоторые другие) * указание кодировки вручную * неограниченная
    глубина Undo/Redo * автоотступы * многострочные отступы * показ номеров строк * перетаскивание (Drag
    and Drop) * печать</p>'
  sk: '<p>Mousepad je grafický textový editor pre Xfce založený na editore Leafpad.</p><p>Prvotným dôvodom
    vytvorenia Mouspadu bolo poskytnúť podporu tlačenia, čo by bolo v Leadpade z rôznych dôvodov ťažké.</p><p>Although
    some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following features: * Complete support
    for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap
    * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual
    code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers
    * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  sl: '<p>Mousepad je grafični urejevalnik besedila za Xfce, ki je osnovan na Leafpad.</p><p>Začetni vzrok
    za Mousepad je bila zagotovitev podpore tiskanja, ki bi bila v Leafpad težko izvedljiva zaradi različnih
    vzrokov.</p><p>Nekatere zmožnosti so še v razvoju, trenutno pa ima Mousepad naslednje zmožnosti: *
    popolna podpora za besedilo UTF-8 * izrez/kopiranje/lepljenje in izbira celotnega besedila * išči
    in zamenjaj * prelom besed * izbira znakovnega kodiranja * samodejno zaznavanje znakovnega kodiranja
    (UTF-8 in znakovni nizi) * ročno nastavljanje kodnih nizov * neskončni razveljavi/uveljavi po besedi
    * samodejno zamakni * večvrstičen zamik * prikaži številke vrstic * povleci in spusti * tiskanje</p>'
  sv: '<p>Mousepad är en grafisk texteditor för Xfce baserad  Leafpad.</p><p>Mousepad utvecklades ursprungligen
    för att tillhandahålla utskriftsstöd, vilket av olika anledningar skulle ha varit svårt i Leafpad.</p><p>Although
    some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following features: * Complete support
    for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap
    * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual
    code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers
    * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  uk: '<p>Mousepad - це графічний текстовий редактор для Xfce, заснований на Leafpad.</p><p>Основною причиною
    для створення Mousepad було додати можливість друку, що для Leafpad з різних причин було складно зробити.</p><p>Although
    some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following features: * Complete support
    for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap
    * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual
    code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers
    * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  zh_CN: '<p>Mousepad 是基于 Leafpad  Xfce 的图形文本编辑器。</p><p>开始 Mousepad 的最初原因是提供打印支持,也会因为各种原因和 Leafpad 有所不同。</p><p>Although
    some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following features: * Complete support
    for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap
    * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual
    code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers
    * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
  zh_TW: '<p>Mousepad 是一款基於 Leafpad 所撰寫,支援 Xfce 桌面環境的文字編輯器</p><p>Mousepad 一開始是為了支援列印功能而設計的,因為 Leafpad
    基於某些原因很難 辦到這點</p><p>Although some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following
    features: * Complete support for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace
    * Font selection * Word Wrap * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8
    and some code-sets) * Manual code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line
    Indent * Display line numbers * Drag and Drop * Printing</p>'
ID: mousepad.desktop
  cached: mousepad_accessories-text-editor.png
  stock: accessories-text-editor
  C: Mousepad
  ar: ماوس باد
  ko: 마우스패드
  sr: Мишоловка
  te: మౌస్‌ప్యాడ్
Package: mousepad
    - text/plain
  C: Simple Text Editor
  ar: محرر نصوص بسيط
  ast: Editor de testu simple
  bg: Опростен текстов редактор
  cs: Jednoduchý textový editor
  de: Einfache Textbearbeitung
  el: Απλός επεξεργαστής κειμένου
  es: Un simple editor de texto
  fi: Yksinkertainen tekstimuokkain
  fr: Éditeur de texte simple
  hr: Jednostavni uređivač teksta
  hu: Egyszerű szövegszerkesztő
  id: Penyunting Teks Sederhana
  is: Einfaldur textaritill
  it: Semplice editor di testo
  ja: シンプルなテキストエディターです
  kk: Қарапайым мәтін түзетушісі
  ko: 간단한 문서 편집기
  lt: Paprastas teksto redaktorius
  ms: Penyunting Teks Ringkas
  nb: Enkel tekstbehandler
  nl: Eenvoudige tekstbewerker
  oc: Editor de tèxte simple
  pl: Zwykły edytor tekstu
  pt: Editor de texto simples
  pt_br: Editor de Texto Simples
  ro: Un editor simplu de text
  ru: Простой текстовый редактор
  sk: Jednoduchý textový editor
  sr: Једноставан уређивач текста
  sv: Enkel textredigerare
  te: సులభ పాఠ్య కూర్పకం
  th: เครื่องมือแก้ไขข้อความอย่างง่าย
  tr: Basit Metin Düzenleyici
  ug: ئاددىي تېكىست تەھرىرلىگۈ
  uk: Простий текстовий редактор
  zh_cn: 简易文本编辑器
  zh_tw: 簡易文字編輯程式
Type: desktop-app