- Documentation
- Development
C: <p>The MonoDoc Project is the documentation framework of the Mono project which provides detailed
API documentation for all Mono components and the Mono CLI implementation.</p><p>This package contains
the GTK+ based viewer of the Mono documentation.</p>
da: <p>MonoDoc-projektet er dokumentationsrammen for Monoprojektet, som tilbyder detaljeret API-dokumentation
for alle Monokomponenter og Mono CLI- implementationen.</p><p>This package contains the GTK+ based
viewer of the Mono documentation.</p>
de: <p>Das MonoDoc-Projekt ist das Dokumentationsgerüst des Projekts Mono. Es stellt eine detaillierte
Pogrammschnittstelle für alle Mono-Komponenten und die Mono-CLI-Implementierung zur Verfügung.</p><p>This
package contains the GTK+ based viewer of the Mono documentation.</p>
es: <p>El proyecto MonoDoc es un entorno de trabajo para el proyecto Mono que proporciona documentación
detallada de la API de todos los componentes de Mono y de la implementación CLI de Mono.</p><p>This
package contains the GTK+ based viewer of the Mono documentation.</p>
fr: <p>Le projet MonoDoc est le cadre de documentation du projet Mono, qui fournit une documentation
API détaillée pour tous les composants Mono et la mise en œuvre Mono CLI.</p><p>This package contains
the GTK+ based viewer of the Mono documentation.</p>
it: <p>Il progetto MonoDoc è l'infrastruttura di documentazione per il progetto Mono che fornisce documentazione
dettagliata sulle API per tutti i componenti Mono e per l'implementazione CLI di Mono.</p><p>This
package contains the GTK+ based viewer of the Mono documentation.</p>
sk: <p>MonoDoc Project je dokumentačná platforma pre projekt Mono, ktorá poskytuje podrobnú dokumentáciu
API všetkých komponentov Mono a implementácie Mono CLI.</p><p>This package contains the GTK+ based
viewer of the Mono documentation.</p>
ID: monodoc.desktop
cached: monodoc-browser_monodoc.png
C: Mono Documentation
Package: monodoc-browser
C: View, search and edit documentation related to Mono
Type: desktop-app