- Game
- Simulation
C: <p>This game simulates building and managing a whole city. The goal of the game is to build and design
a city. The player can mark land as being zoned as commercial, industrial, or residential, add buildings,
change the tax rate, build a power grid, build transportation systems and many other actions, in order
to enhance the city.</p><p>Micropolis is the GPL-licensed version of SimCity.</p>
da: <p>Dette spil simulerer opbygning og planlægning af en hel by. Formålet med spillet er at bygge
og designe en by. Spilleren kan reservere land som værende handel, industri eller beboelse, tilføje
bygninger, ændre skatten, bygge et elektricitetsnet, bygge transportsystemer og mange andre handlinger
for at udvikle byen.</p><p>Micropolis er en version af SimCity under GPL-licensen.</p>
de: <p>This game simulates building and managing a whole city. The goal of the game is to build and
design a city. The player can mark land as being zoned as commercial, industrial, or residential,
add buildings, change the tax rate, build a power grid, build transportation systems and many other
actions, in order to enhance the city.</p><p>Micropolis ist die GPL-lizensierte Version von SimCity.</p>
fr: <p>Ce jeu simule la construction et la gestion d'une ville entière. Le but du jeu est de construire
et de concevoir une ville. Le joueur peut marquer les terrains comme étant des zones commerciales,
industrielles ou résidentielles, ajouter des bâtiments, modifier le taux d'imposition, construire
un réseau électrique, construire des systèmes de transport et beaucoup d'autres actions, de manière
à améliorer la ville.</p><p>Micropolis est la version sous licence GPL de SimCity.</p>
gl: <p>Este xogo simula a construción e planificación dunha cidade enteira. O obxectivo do xogo é construír
e ordenar unha cidade. O xogador pode marcar terrenos como comerciais, industriais ou residenciais,
engadir edificios, cambiar a renda catastral, construír unha rede eléctrica, construír sistemas de
transporte e tomar outras moitas accións para mellorar a cidade.</p><p>O Micropolis é a versión do
SimCity con licenza GPL.</p>
it: <p>Questo gioco simula la costruzione e la gestione di un'intera città. Lo scopo del gioco è di
costruire e progettare una città. Il giocatore può contrassegnare del terreno come zona commerciale,
industriale o residenziale, aggiungere edifici, cambiare la percentuale delle tasse, costruire una
rete elettrica, creare un sistema di trasporti e molte altre azioni, allo scopo di migliorare la città.</p><p>Micropolis
è la versione con licenza GPL di SimCity.</p>
ja: <p>This game simulates building and managing a whole city. The goal of the game is to build and
design a city. The player can mark land as being zoned as commercial, industrial, or residential,
add buildings, change the tax rate, build a power grid, build transportation systems and many other
actions, in order to enhance the city.</p><p>Micropolis は SimCity の GPL ライセンス版です。</p>
pl: <p>Gra symuluje budowanie i zarządzanie całym miastem. Celem gry jest zaprojektowanie i zbudowanie
miasta. Gracz może oznaczyć ziemię jako tą przeznaczoną do celów handlowych, przemysłowych lub mieszkalnych,
dodawać budynki, zmieniać stawki podatków, budować sieci energetyczne, tworzyć system transportu i
podejmować wiele innych działań w celu wzmocnienia miasta.</p><p>Micropolis jest wersją gry SimCity,
wydaną na licencji GPL.</p>
ru: <p>Игра имитирует строительство города и управление им. Игрок может размечать территорию на коммерческие,
промышленные или жилые зоны, добавлять здания, изменять ставки налогов, создать электрическую и транспортную
сеть и сделать много другое для улучшения своего города.</p><p>Micropolis — это версия SimCity, распространяемая
под лицензией GPL.</p>
sl: <p>This game simulates building and managing a whole city. The goal of the game is to build and
design a city. The player can mark land as being zoned as commercial, industrial, or residential,
add buildings, change the tax rate, build a power grid, build transportation systems and many other
actions, in order to enhance the city.</p><p>Micropolis je GPL licencirana različica igre SimCity.</p>
tr: <p>This game simulates building and managing a whole city. The goal of the game is to build and
design a city. The player can mark land as being zoned as commercial, industrial, or residential,
add buildings, change the tax rate, build a power grid, build transportation systems and many other
actions, in order to enhance the city.</p><p>Micropolis, SimCity'nin GPL lisansına sahip sürümüdür.</p>
uk: <p>This game simulates building and managing a whole city. The goal of the game is to build and
design a city. The player can mark land as being zoned as commercial, industrial, or residential,
add buildings, change the tax rate, build a power grid, build transportation systems and many other
actions, in order to enhance the city.</p><p>Micropolis — версія SimCity, що розповсюджується під
ліцензією GPL.</p>
ID: micropolis.desktop
cached: micropolis_Micropolis.png
stock: Micropolis
- simulation
- city
- game
- real-time
C: Micropolis
Package: micropolis
C: A real-time city management simulator
de_de: Eine Stadt-Simulation in Echtzeit
Type: desktop-app