- Qt
- Game
- LogicGame
C: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>This package is part of the KDE games module.</p>
da: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>Pakken er en del af KDE's spilmodul.</p>
de: <p>Kubrick ist ein Rätselspiel, das auf dem bekannten »Zauberwürfel« basiert und OpenGL-3D-Grafikbibliotheken
verwendet.</p><p>Es sind »Würfel« mit einer Kantenlänge von 2×2×2 bis 6×6×6, »Quader« (z.B. 5×3×2)
oder »Matten« (z.B. 6×4×1 oder 2×2×1) wählbar. Das Spiel bietet eine Auswahl vorgefertigter Würfel
mit unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden, Würfel mit interessanten Mustern und Demos für Lösungsversuche.
Es können aber auch eigene Würfel erstellt werden. Kubrick erlaubt unbegrenztes Rückgängigmachen/Wiederherstellen
sowie das Speichern und Laden.</p><p>Dieses Paket ist Teil des KDE-Spiele-Moduls.</p>
es: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>Este paquete es parte del módulo KDE games.</p>
fr: <p>Kubrick est un jeu basé sur le Rubik's Cube et utilise les bibliothèques graphiques OpenGL 3-D.</p><p>Kubrick
gère les cubes, « briques » et « tapis » de 2x2x1 à 6x6x6. Il dispose de plusieurs casse-têtes intégrés
de difficulté progressive, ainsi que des démonstrations de mouvements de résolution et de jolis motifs.
Le jeu possède des fonctionnalités d'annulation et réitération illimitée des coups, de sauvegarde
et rechargement des parties.</p><p>Ce paquet fait partie du module de jeux de KDE.</p>
gl: <p>O Kubrick é un xogo baseado no cubo de Rubik que emprega as bibliotecas de gráficos 3D OpenGL.</p><p>O
Kubric manipula cubos, «tixolos» e «felpudos» entre 2x2x1 e 6x6x6. Conta con varios puzzles incorporados
de distinto nivel de dificultade, así como demostracións con xogadas de solución e padróns lindos.
O xogo conta con capacidades ilimitadas de desfacer, refacer, gravar e recargar.</p><p>Este paquete
fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.</p>
it: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>Questo pacchetto fa parte del modulo giochi di KDE.</p>
ja: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>本パッケージは KDE ゲームモジュールの一部です。</p>
pl: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>Pakiet jest częścią modułu gier KDE.</p>
pt: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>Este pacote é parte do módulo de jogos do KDE.</p>
pt_BR: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>Este pacote é parte do módulo KDE games (jogos do KDE).</p>
ru: <p>Kubrick — игра, основанная на головоломке «кубик Рубика» и использующая библиотеки 3D-графики
OpenGL.</p><p>В Kubrick можно играть с кубиками, «кирпичиками» и «плитками» размером от 2x2x1 до 6x6x6.
Имеются несколько встроенных головоломок различной сложности, а также демонстрации их решения и красивые
узоры. Есть возможности сохранить и перезагрузить игру, неограниченная глубина отмены и повтора действий.</p><p>Этот
пакет является частью игрового модуля KDE.</p>
sk: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>Tento balík je súčasťou modulu Hry KDE.</p>
sl: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>Ta paket je del modula iger KDE</p>
sr: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>Овај пакет је део модула КДЕ игара.</p>
tr: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>Bu paket KDE oyun modülünün bir parçasıdır.</p>
uk: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>Цей пакунок є частиною модуля ігор з KDE.</p>
zh_CN: <p>Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries.</p><p>Kubrick
handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded
difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo,
save and reload capabilities.</p><p>这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。</p>
ID: kubrick.desktop
cached: kubrick_kubrick.png
C: Kubrick
fa: کوبریک
hne: कुबरिक
mr: क्युब्रिक
sr: Кубрик
sr@ijekavian: Кубрик
sr@ijekavianlatin: Kubrik
sr@latin: Kubrik
te: కుబ్రిక్
Package: kubrick
C: A 3-D game based on Rubik's Cube
ast: Un xuegu 3D basáu nel cubu de Rubik
bs: 3-D igra bazirana na Rubikovoj kocki
ca: Un joc en 3-D basat en el cub de Rubik
ca@valencia: Un joc en 3-D basat en el cub de Rubik
da: Et 3D-spil baseret på Rubiks terning
de: Ein 3D-Spiel basierend auf „Rubiks Würfel“
el: Ένα 3Δ παιχνίδι βασισμένο στον κύβο του Ρούμπικ
es: Un juego 3D basado en el cubo de Rubik
et: Ruumiline Rubiku kuubik
eu: 3-D jokoa Rubik-en kuboan oinarrituta
fa: یک بازی سهبعدی بر اساس بازی روبیک
fi: Rubikin kuutioon perustuva kolmiulotteinen peli
fr: Un jeu 3D inspiré du Rubik's Cube
ga: Cluiche 3T bunaithe ar Chiúb Rubik
gl: Un xogo en tres dimensións baseado no cubo de Rubik
hne: रुबिक क्यूब मं आधारित ३ डी खेल
hu: Térbeli játék a bűvös kockával
it: Un gioco 3-D basato sul cubo di Rubik
ja: Rubik's Cube を元にした 3-D ゲーム
kk: Рубик текшесін негіздеген кеңістікті ойын
km: ល្បែងត្រីមាត្រមានមូលដ្ឋានលើគូបរបស់ Rubik
ko: 루빅 큐브 기반 3D 게임
lv: 3-D Rubika kuba spēle
mr: रुबिकच्या क्युब वर आधारित 3-D खेळ
nb: Et 3D-spill basert på Rubiks kube
nds: En 3D-Speel, dat op Rubik sien Wörpel opbuut
nl: Een 3D-spel gebaseerd op de Rubik's kubus
nn: 3D-spel basert på Rubiks kube
pl: Gra 3D na podstawie kostki Rubika
pt: Um jogo 3-D baseado no Cubo Mágico de Rubik
pt_br: Um jogo 3-D baseado no Cubo Mágico de Rubik
ro: Un joc 3D bazat pe Cubul lui Rubik
ru: Трёхмерная игра, основанная на кубике Рубика (TM)
sk: 3D hra založená na Rubikovej kocke
sl: 3-D igra Rubikove kocke
sr: 3Д игра на основу Рубикове коцке
sr@ijekavian: 3Д игра на основу Рубикове коцке
sr@ijekavianlatin: 3D igra na osnovu Rubikove kocke
sr@latin: 3D igra na osnovu Rubikove kocke
sv: Ett tredimensionellt spel baserat på Rubiks kub
tr: 3B Rubik Küpü Temelli Oyun
ug: Rubik كۈپى ئاساسىدىكى 3D لىق ئويۇن
uk: Просторова гра, заснована на кубику Рубіка
zh_cn: 一个三维魔方游戏
zh_tw: 立體的魔術方塊遊戲
Type: desktop-app