C: '<p>KGraphViewer is a GraphViz dot graph viewer. The graphviz program suite is a free software set
of layout engines for graphs. They are commonly used in scientific domains and particularly in computer
science. But until now there was a lack of a GUI to look at the graphs. Programs provided with GraphViz
are: I feel, out of date X11, or Tcl/Tk applications with few Functionalities. KGraphViewer is aimed
at replacing these tools with a modern user-friendly GUI will all the power of a well integrated KDE
ID: libkgraphviewer
C: KGraphViewer Library
ca: Biblioteca del KGraphViewer
da: KGraphViewer-bibliotek
es: Biblioteca de KGraphViewer
hu: KGraphViewer könyvtár
nds: KGraphViewer-Bibliotheek
nl: KGraphViewer-bibliotheek
pl: Biblioteka KGraphViewer
pt: Biblioteca do KGraphViewer
pt-BR: Biblioteca KGraphViewer
sk: Knižnica KGraphViewer
sv: Kgraphviewer-bibliotek
uk: Бібліотека KGraphViewer
Package: kgraphviewer
ProjectGroup: KDE
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
- kgraphviewer.so.2
C: A Graphviz dot graph viewer for KDE (shared library)
ca: Un visor de gràfiques de punts de Graphviz pel KDE (biblioteca compartida)
da: En Graphviz dot-graf-fremviser til KDE (delt bibliotek)
es: Un visor de grafos dot de Graphviz para KDE (biblioteca compartida)
hu: Egy Graphviz pont gráf megjelenítő KDE-hez (osztott könyvtár)
nds: En Kieker för GraphViz-Dot-Diagrammen för KDE (deelt Bibliotheek)
nl: Een KDE-programma voor het weergeven van dot-bestanden van Graphviz (gedeelde bibliotheek)
pl: Przeglądarka Graphviz dot graph dla KDE (współdzielona biblioteka)
pt: Um visualizador de grafos 'dot' do Graphviz para o KDE (biblioteca dinâmica)
pt-BR: Um visualizador de gráficos em ponto Graphviz para o KDE (biblioteca compartilhada)
sk: Prehliadač bodových grafov pre KDE Graphviz (zdieľaná knižnica)
sv: Visning av Graphviz dot-grafer för KDE (delat bibliotek)
uk: Програма для перегляду графів dot Graphviz для KDE (бібліотека спільного використання)
Type: generic
bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=kgraphviewer
homepage: http://extragear.kde.org/apps/kgraphviewer/