DEP-11 metadata for ho22bus in xenial
ho22bus.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

- Education
- Languages
C: '<p>This application is for second language learners to memorize words. It is user-friendly and light-weighted.</p><p>Features
included: * New words collection * Multi-dictionary support * Games to help memorizing</p>'
da: '<p>Dette program er for personer der forsøger at lære et andet sprog. De kan her lære ord udenad.
Programmet er brugervenligt og let at gå til.</p><p>Features included: * New words collection * Multi-dictionary
support * Games to help memorizing</p>'
fr: '<p>Cette application aide les personnes apprenant une seconde langue à mémoriser des mots. Elle
est facile d''utilisation et très légère.</p><p>Fonctionnalités incluses : * Nouvelle collection de
mots * Prise en charge multi-dictionnaire * Jeux pour aider à mémoriser</p>'
it: '<p>Questa applicazione serve a chi impara una seconda lingua per memorizzare delle parole. È facile
da usare e leggera.</p><p>Features included: * New words collection * Multi-dictionary support * Games
to help memorizing</p>'
ru: '<p>Это приложение для запоминания слов иностранного языка. Оно небольшое и дружелюбное к пользователю.</p><p>Возможности:
* создание новых наборов слов * поддержка нескольких словарей * игры, помогающие в запоминании слов</p>'
ID: ho22bus.desktop
cached: ho22bus_ho22bus.png
stock: ho22bus
C: Ho22bus
Package: ho22bus
C: Recite word easily
Type: desktop-app
hodict.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

- Utility
- Dictionary
C: '<p>This application is for second language learners to memorize words. It is user-friendly and light-weighted.</p><p>Features
included: * New words collection * Multi-dictionary support * Games to help memorizing</p>'
da: '<p>Dette program er for personer der forsøger at lære et andet sprog. De kan her lære ord udenad.
Programmet er brugervenligt og let at gå til.</p><p>Features included: * New words collection * Multi-dictionary
support * Games to help memorizing</p>'
fr: '<p>Cette application aide les personnes apprenant une seconde langue à mémoriser des mots. Elle
est facile d''utilisation et très légère.</p><p>Fonctionnalités incluses : * Nouvelle collection de
mots * Prise en charge multi-dictionnaire * Jeux pour aider à mémoriser</p>'
it: '<p>Questa applicazione serve a chi impara una seconda lingua per memorizzare delle parole. È facile
da usare e leggera.</p><p>Features included: * New words collection * Multi-dictionary support * Games
to help memorizing</p>'
ru: '<p>Это приложение для запоминания слов иностранного языка. Оно небольшое и дружелюбное к пользователю.</p><p>Возможности:
* создание новых наборов слов * поддержка нескольких словарей * игры, помогающие в запоминании слов</p>'
ID: hodict.desktop
cached: ho22bus_hodict.png
stock: hodict
C: HoDict
Package: ho22bus
C: Ho22bus's Dict
zh_cn: Ho22bus 的辞典
Type: desktop-app