⇦ | gsmartcontrol [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:08 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for gsmartcontrol in xenial

gsmartcontrol.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - System
  - Monitor
  C: <p>GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and controlling
    SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows
    you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it.</p><p>Features:</p><p>*
    automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline
    Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration of global and
    per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes,
    and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only
    virtual device.</p>
  da: <p>GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and controlling
    SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows
    you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it.</p><p>Funktioner:</p><p>*
    automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline
    Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration of global and
    per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes,
    and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only
    virtual device.</p>
  de: <p>GSmartControl ist eine grafische Benutzeroberfläche für »smartctl«, welches ein Werkzeug zur
    Darstellung und Steuerung von SMART (Self- Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) auf modernen
    Festplatten darstellt. Es gestattet Ihnen die Prüfung der SMART-Informationen der Festplatte zur Bestimmung
    ihres Zustands, sowie die Ausführung verschiedener Tests.</p><p>Funktionsumfang:</p><p>* automatische
    Berichte und Hervorhebung aller Anomalien; * gestattet die Aktivierung/Deaktivierung automatischer
    Datensammlung; * gestattet die Aktivierung/Deaktivierung der SMART-Funktionen; * unterstützt die Konfiguration
    allgemeiner und gerätespezifischer Einstellungen für smartctl; * führt SMART-Selbsttests durch; *
    anzeigen der Geräteidentifikationsnummern, -fähigkeiten, ; -merkmale sowie Selbsttest-/Fehlerprotokolle;
    * kann smartctl-Informationen einer gespeicherten Datei lesen und interpretiert diese als schreibgeschütztes
    virtuelles Gerät.</p>
  es: <p>GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and controlling
    SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows
    you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it.</p><p>Sus
    características son:</p><p>* automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling
    Automatic Offline Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration
    of global and per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities,
    attributes, and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting
    it as a read-only virtual device.</p>
  fi: <p>GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and controlling
    SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows
    you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it.</p><p>Ominaisuuksia:</p><p>*
    automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline
    Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration of global and
    per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes,
    and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only
    virtual device.</p>
  fr: <p>GSmartControl est une interface utilisateur graphique pour smartctl, qui est un outil permettant
    d'interroger et de contrôler des données SMART (Technologie d'auto-surveillance, analyse et reporting)
    sur les disques durs modernes. Il vous permet de consulter les données SMART du disque pour déterminer
    son état de santé, ainsi que d'exécuter divers tests sur ce disque.</p><p>Fonctionnalités :</p><p>*
    Signale automatiquement et met en évidence les anomalies ; * permet d'activer/désactiver la collecte
    automatique des données hors ligne ; * permet d'activer/désactiver SMART lui-même ; * permet la configuration
    globale et par lecteur des options pour smartctl ; * effectue les auto-tests SMART ; * affiche les
    ID du lecteur, les capacités, les attributs et les journaux d'auto-test/d'erreurs ; * peut lire des
    données smartctl à partir d'un fichier enregistré, en l'interprétant comme un périphérique virtuel
    en lecture seule.</p>
  gl: <p>O GSmartControl é unha interface gráfica de usuario para smartctl, que é unha ferramenta para
    solicitar e controlar os datos SMART (Tecnoloxía auto-monitorizada de análise e información) das unidades
    de disco duro modernas. Permite inspeccionar os datos SMART da unidade para determinar a súa saúde,
    así como realizar diversas probas con ela.</p><p>Funcionalidades:</p><p>* informa e realza automaticamente
    calquera anomalía; * permite activar e desactivar a Recolla de datos fóra de liña automática; * permite
    activar e desactivar o SMART mesmo; * admite a configuración de opcións globais e específicas de cada
    unidade para smartctl; * realiza probas de comprobación de SMART; * mostra os identificadores das
    unidades, as súas capacidades e atributos e os rexistros das probas e dos erros; * pode ler os datos
    de smartctl dun ficheiro gravado, interpretándoo como un dispositivo virtual de só lectura.</p>
  is: <p>GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and controlling
    SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows
    you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it.</p><p>Eiginleikar</p><p>*
    automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline
    Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration of global and
    per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes,
    and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only
    virtual device.</p>
  it: <p>GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and controlling
    SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows
    you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it.</p><p>Caratteristiche:</p><p>*
    automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline
    Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration of global and
    per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes,
    and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only
    virtual device.</p>
  ja: <p>GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and controlling
    SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows
    you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it.</p><p>機能一覧:</p><p>*
    automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline
    Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration of global and
    per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes,
    and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only
    virtual device.</p>
  ko: <p>GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and controlling
    SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows
    you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it.</p><p>기능:</p><p>*
    automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline
    Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration of global and
    per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes,
    and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only
    virtual device.</p>
  nl: <p>GSmartControl is een grafische gebruikersinterface voor smartctl, dat gebruikt wordt voor het
    vinden en beheren van SMART-data (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) op moderne harde
    schijven. U kunt hiermee de SMART-data van een schijf controleren en bepalen of de schijf nog goed
    is en u kunt er diverse tests mee uitvoeren op de schijf.</p><p>Features:</p><p>* automatisch aangeven
    en rapporteren van afwijkingen; * aan-/uitzetten Automatisch offlinedata verkrijgen; * aan-/uitzetten
    van SMART zelf; * ondersteunt configuratie van globale en per-schijf opties voor smartctl; * uitvoeren
    SMART zelf-tests; * schijf-ID's, mogelijkheden, attributen en zelf-test/foutenlogs weergeven; * kan
    data in smartctl lezen van een opgeslagen bestand, door er een alleen-lezen virtueel apparaat van
    te maken.</p>
  pl: <p>GSmartControl to graficzny interfejs użytkownika do smartctl, będące narzędziem do zapytywania
    i kontrolowania SMART - systemu monitorowania, analizy i raportowania błędów dysków twardych (ang.
    Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) wbudowanego w większość współczesnych dysków.
    Pozwala na kontrolę danych SMART dysku w celu określenia jego zdrowia, jak również na wykonanie różnych
    testów.</p><p>Funkcje:</p><p>* automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling
    Automatic Offline Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration
    of global and per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities,
    attributes, and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting
    it as a read-only virtual device.</p>
  pt: <p>GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and controlling
    SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows
    you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it.</p><p>Características:</p><p>*
    automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline
    Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration of global and
    per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes,
    and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only
    virtual device.</p>
  pt_BR: <p>GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and
    controlling SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives.
    It allows you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests
    on it.</p><p>Recursos:</p><p>* automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling
    Automatic Offline Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration
    of global and per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities,
    attributes, and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting
    it as a read-only virtual device.</p>
  ru: <p>GSmartControl -- графический пользовательский интерфейс к smartctl, инструмента для опроса и
    контроля данных SMART (технология оценки состояния жёсткого диска встроенной аппаратурой самодиагностики)
    на современных жёстких дисках. Позволяет следить за данными SMART для определения его здоровья, а
    также запускать множество тестов.</p><p>Особенности:</p><p>* automatically reports and highlights
    any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling
    SMART itself; * supports configuration of global and per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART
    self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes, and self-test/error logs; * can read in
    smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only virtual device.</p>
  sk: <p>GSmartControl je grafické užívateľské rozhranie pre smartctl, čo je nástroj na dopytovanie a
    riadenie SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) dát na moderných pevných diskoch.
    Umožňuje sledovať stav jednotky jednak prehliadaním jeho SMART dát, ako aj vykonávaním testov.</p><p>Schopnosti:</p><p>*
    automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline
    Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration of global and
    per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes,
    and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only
    virtual device.</p>
  sl: <p>GSmartControl je grafični uporabniški vmesnik za smartctl, orodje za poizvedbo in nadzor podatkov
    SMART (tehnologija samodejnega nadziranja, preučevanja in poročanja) na modernih trdih diskih. Omogoča
    vam preučevanje podatkov SMART pogona za določitev njegovega zdravja kot tudi poganjanje različnih
    preizkusov na njem.</p><p>Zmožnosti:</p><p>* samodejno poroča in poudari morebitne anomalije, * omogoča
    onemogočitev/omogočitev samodejnega zbiranja podatkov brez povezave, * omogoča onemogočitev/omogočitev
    SMART, * podpira nastavitev splošnih možnosti in možnosti za pogon za smartctl, * izvaja samodejne
    preizkuse SMART, * prikaže ID-je pogona, zmožnosti, atrubute in dnevnike samodejnega preizkusa/napak,
    * lahko bere podatke v smartctl iz shranjene datoteke in jih tolmači kot navidezno napravo samo za
  tr: <p>GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and controlling
    SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows
    you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it.</p><p>Özellikler:</p><p>*
    automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline
    Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; * supports configuration of global and
    per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests; * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes,
    and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only
    virtual device.</p>
  uk: <p>GSmartControl — графічний інтерфейс користувача до smartctl, інструменту для опитування й контролю
    даних SMART (технологія оцінки стану жорсткого диску з вбудованою апаратурою самодіагностики) на сучасних
    жорстких дисках. Дозволяє стежити за даними SMART для визначення стану жорсткого диску, а також запускати
    безліч тестів.</p><p>Можливості:</p><p>* automatically reports and highlights any anomalies; * allows
    enabling/disabling Automatic Offline Data Collection; * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself; *
    supports configuration of global and per-drive options for smartctl; * performs SMART self-tests;
    * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes, and self-test/error logs; * can read in smartctl data
    from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only virtual device.</p>
ID: gsmartcontrol.desktop
  cached: gsmartcontrol_gsmartcontrol.png
  C: GSmartControl
Package: gsmartcontrol
  C: Monitor and control SMART data on hard disks
Type: desktop-app