⇦ | gromit-mpx [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:00 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for gromit-mpx in xenial

gromit-mpx.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Graphics
  C: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices at once.</p><p>This
    is especially useful when making presentations, to highlight things or point out things of interest.</p><p>Gromit-MPX
    is XInput-Aware, so if you have a graphic tablet you can draw lines with different strength, color,
    erase things, etc.</p>
  da: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices at
    once.</p><p>Dette er specielt brugbart, når der laves præsentationer, til at fremhæve eller udpege
    ting af interesse.</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware, so if you have a graphic tablet you can draw
    lines with different strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
  de: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices at
    once.</p><p>Dies ist besonders bei Präsentationen hilfreich, um Teile zu markieren oder wesentliche
    Punkte hervorzuheben.</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware, so if you have a graphic tablet you can draw
    lines with different strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
  es: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices at
    once.</p><p>Es especialmente útil cuando realiza presentaciones, para resaltar cosas o señalar cosas
    de interés.</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware, so if you have a graphic tablet you can draw lines with
    different strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
  fi: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices at
    once.</p><p>Tämä on erityisen hyödyllistä kun teet esitelmiä, korostat tai haluat painottaa mielenkiintoisia
    asioita.</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware, so if you have a graphic tablet you can draw lines with
    different strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
  fr: <p>Gromit-MPX vous permet de faire des annotations sur votre écran en utilisant plusieurs dispositifs
    de pointage à la fois.</p><p>Cet outil est particulièrement utile lors de présentation, afin de mettre
    en évidence ou de pointer des éléments importants.</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware, so if you have
    a graphic tablet you can draw lines with different strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
  it: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices at
    once.</p><p>Questo è particolarmente utile quando si fanno presentazioni, per evidenziare cose o indicare
    punti di interesse.</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware, so if you have a graphic tablet you can draw
    lines with different strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
  ja: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices at
    once.</p><p>プレゼンテーション作成時に、物事を強調したり関心を惹きたい物事を指摘す るのに特に便利です。</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware, so if
    you have a graphic tablet you can draw lines with different strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
  ko: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices at
    once.</p><p>Gromit은 프리젠테이션을 만들때, 특정 부분을 강조하거나, 관심을 끌고 싶은 부분을 가르킬 때 특히 유용합니다.</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware,
    so if you have a graphic tablet you can draw lines with different strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
  pt: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices at
    once.</p><p>Isto é especialmente útil quando faz apresentações, para destacar coisas ou apontar coisas
    de interesse.</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware, so if you have a graphic tablet you can draw lines
    with different strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
  pt_BR: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices
    at once.</p><p>Isto é especialmente útil quando estiver fazendo apresentações, para realçar coisas
    ou salientar coisas de seu interesse.</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware, so if you have a graphic tablet
    you can draw lines with different strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
  ru: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices at
    once.</p><p>Это особенно полезно при проведении презентаций, чтобы подчеркнуть то, на что следует
    обратить особое внимание.</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware, so if you have a graphic tablet you can
    draw lines with different strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
  sk: <p>Gromit-MPX enables you to make annotations on your screen using multiple pointing devices at
    once.</p><p>To sa obzvlášť hodí pri tvorbe prezentácií, na zvýraznenie vecí alebo poukázanie na zaujímavé
    veci.</p><p>Gromit-MPX is XInput-Aware, so if you have a graphic tablet you can draw lines with different
    strength, color, erase things, etc.</p>
ID: gromit-mpx.desktop
  cached: gromit-mpx_gromit-mpx.png
  C: Gromit-MPX
Package: gromit-mpx
  C: GRaphics Over MIscelaneous Things, a multi pointer annotation tool
  pl: Program do rysowania bezpośrednio po ekranie
Type: desktop-app