- Game
- ArcadeGame
C: '<p>The goal in this game is to jump to the next floor so you don''t fall down. As you go higher
in the falling tower the floors will fall faster. Try to survive longer than anyone, or, in single
player mode, try to get as high as you can.</p><p>At the moment, the game is called sdljump (and it
will appear as such in the menu), but the package name has changed following an upstream rename. The
new version of the game will be called gnujump as well.</p><p>The game is a clone of xjump, and provides
all its features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to four players, not networked) * Smooth
graphics possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes are available * Can use OpenGL for
rendering * Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying) of games</p>'
da: '<p>Formålet med spillet er at hoppe op på næste niveau, så du ikke falder ned. Efterhånden som
du når højere op i tårnet vil gulvet falde hurtigere. Forsøg at overleve længere end alle andre, eller
i tilstanden for en spiller, prøv at nå så højt du kan.</p><p>I øjeblikket kaldes spillet sdljump
(og vil fremstå sådan i menuen), men pakkenavnet har ændret sig efter en omdøbning opstrøm. Den nye
version af spillet vil blive kaldt gnujump.</p><p>The game is a clone of xjump, and provides all its
features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to four players, not networked) * Smooth graphics
possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes are available * Can use OpenGL for rendering
* Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying) of games</p>'
de: '<p>Das Ziel in diesem Spiel ist es zur nächsten Plattform zu springen, ohne herunterzufallen. Je
höher Sie den fallenden Turm hinaufkommen, desto schneller fallen die Plattformen herunter. Versuchen
Sie länger als alle Anderen zu überleben oder versuchen Sie im Einzelspielermodus so weit wie möglich
nach oben zu kommen.</p><p>Momentan wird das Spiel sdljump genannt (und wird auch so im Menü erscheinen),
aber der Paketname wurde gemäß der Umbennenung durch die Autoren des Spiels geändert. Die neue Version
des Spiels wird ebenfalls gnujump heißen.</p><p>The game is a clone of xjump, and provides all its
features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to four players, not networked) * Smooth graphics
possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes are available * Can use OpenGL for rendering
* Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying) of games</p>'
en_AU: '<p>The goal in this game is to jump to the next floor so you don''t fall down. As you go higher
in the falling tower the floors will fall faster. Try to survive longer than anyone, or, in single
player mode, try to get as high as you can.</p><p>At the moment, the game is called sdljump (and it
will appear as such in the menu), but the package name has changed following an upstream rename. The
new version of the game will be called gnujump as well.</p><p>The game is a clone of xjump, and provides
all its features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to four players, not networked) * Smooth
graphics possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes are available * Can use OpenGL for
rendering * Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying) of games</p>'
en_CA: '<p>The goal in this game is to jump to the next floor so you don''t fall down. As you go higher
in the falling tower the floors will fall faster. Try to survive longer than anyone, or, in single
player mode, try to get as high as you can.</p><p>At the moment, the game is called sdljump (and it
will appear as such in the menu), but the package name has changed following an upstream rename. The
new version of the game will be called gnujump as well.</p><p>The game is a clone of xjump, and provides
all its features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to four players, not networked) * Smooth
graphics possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes are available * Can use OpenGL for
rendering * Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying) of games</p>'
en_GB: '<p>The goal in this game is to jump to the next floor so you don''t fall down. As you go higher
in the falling tower the floors will fall faster. Try to survive longer than anyone, or, in single
player mode, try to get as high as you can.</p><p>At the moment, the game is called sdljump (and it
will appear as such in the menu), but the package name has changed following an upstream rename. The
new version of the game will be called gnujump as well.</p><p>The game is a clone of xjump, and provides
all its features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to four players, not networked) * Smooth
graphics possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes are available * Can use OpenGL for
rendering * Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying) of games</p>'
fr: '<p>Le but de ce jeu est de sauter à l''étage supérieur afin de ne pas tomber. Plus vous montez
lors de la chute de la tour, plus les planchers s''effondrent. Essayez de survivre plus longtemps
que les autres, ou, en mode solo, essayez d''aller aussi haut que possible.</p><p>Pour le moment,
le jeu s''appelle sdljump (et cela apparaîtra ainsi dans le menu), mais le nom du paquet a changé
suite à une modification de nom à l''amont. La nouvelle version du jeu s''appellera ainsi gnujump.</p><p>Le
jeu est un clone de xjump et fournit toutes ses fonctionnalités, plus quelques autres : * mode multijoueur
(jusqu''à quatre joueurs, sans réseau) * possibilité de graphiques fluides (mais également le style
xjump) * différents thèmes sont disponibles * peut utiliser OpenGL pour le rendu * effets sonores
et musique * enregistrement (et relecture) de parties</p>'
it: '<p>Lo scopo di questo gioco è saltare da un piano all''altro di una torre che sta crollando, evitando
di precipitare a terra. Più si va verso l''alto e più i piani crollano velocemente. La sfida è sopravvivere
più a lungo degli altri o, nella modalità solitario, raggiungere i piani più elevati possibili.</p><p>Attualmente
il gioco si chiama sdljump (e appare con questo nome nel menu) ma il nome pacchetto è cambiato in
seguito alla rinomina in upstream. La nuova versione del gioco verrà anch''essa chiamata gnujump.</p><p>The
game is a clone of xjump, and provides all its features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to
four players, not networked) * Smooth graphics possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes
are available * Can use OpenGL for rendering * Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying)
of games</p>'
ja: '<p>このゲームの目標は、落下せずに次の階に飛び乗ることです。崩れつつある塔で上 に上がるほど床の落下速度は上昇します。だれよりも長く生き延びてみてくださ い。シングルプレイヤモードではできる限り高く上がってみましょう。</p><p>現時点では、このゲームは
sdljump と呼ばれています (そして、メニュでもそのよ うに現れます) が、パッケージ名は上流開発元の改名に従い変更されています。新 バージョンのゲームも gnujump と呼ばれるでしょう。</p><p>The
game is a clone of xjump, and provides all its features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to
four players, not networked) * Smooth graphics possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes
are available * Can use OpenGL for rendering * Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying)
of games</p>'
pt: '<p>O objectivo deste jogo é pular para a próximo piso, para que você não caia. Quanto mais alto
subir na torre a cair, mais rápido os pisos vão afundando. Tente sobreviver mais tempo que todos os
outros, ou no modo de jogador único, tente subir o mais alto que você puder.</p><p>Neste momento,
o jogo é chamado sdljump (e vai aparecer como tal no menu), mas o pacote mudou de nome seguindo uma
alteração de nome pela equipa de origem do programa. A nova versão do jogo vai também chamar-se gnujump.</p><p>The
game is a clone of xjump, and provides all its features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to
four players, not networked) * Smooth graphics possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes
are available * Can use OpenGL for rendering * Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying)
of games</p>'
pt_BR: '<p>O objetivo neste jogo é pular para o próximo piso de forma que você não caia. À medida que
você sobe na torre em queda, os pisos caem mais e mais rápido. Tente sobreviver mais que todo mundo,
ou, em modo de um jogador, tente ir o mais alto que puder.</p><p>No momento, o jogo é chamado sdljump
(e é assim que vai aparecer no menu), mas o nome do pacote mudou seguindo uma mudança no fluxo principal. A
nova versão do jogo será chamada gnujump também.</p><p>The game is a clone of xjump, and provides
all its features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to four players, not networked) * Smooth
graphics possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes are available * Can use OpenGL for
rendering * Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying) of games</p>'
ru: '<p>Цель этой игры -- допрыгать до следующего этажа и не упасть. Чем вы выше запрыгиваете в падающей
башне, тем быстрее она падает. Постарайтесь выжить как можно дольше, или в одиночном режиме постарайтесь
добраться так высоко, как только сможете.</p><p>Раньше игра называлась sdljump (и это отображается
в меню), но имя пакета изменилось, так как его изменил автор программы. Новая версия игры называется
gnujump.</p><p>The game is a clone of xjump, and provides all its features, plus some more: * Multiplayer
mode (up to four players, not networked) * Smooth graphics possible (but xjump style as well) * Different
themes are available * Can use OpenGL for rendering * Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying)
of games</p>'
sl: '<p>Cilj igre je skočiti v višje nadstropje, da ne padete na tla. Ko pridete višje v padajočemu
stolpu, bodo nadstropja padala hitreje. Poskusite preživeti dlje kot kdorkoli drug ali v enoigralskem
načinu poizkusite priti kolikor je mogoče visoko.</p><p>Trenutno se igra imenuje sdljump (in se bo
pod tem imenom pojavila v meniju), vendar se je ime paketa spremenilo tako da sledi preimenovanju
izvornega paketa. Tudi nova različica igre se bo imenovala gnujump.</p><p>Igra je klon igre xjump
in zagotavlja vse njene zmožnosti in še nekaj dodatnih: * večigralski način (do štirje igralci na
istem računalniku) * mogoča je gladka grafika (pa tudi slog xjump) * na voljo so različne teme * za
izrisovanje lahko uporabi OpenGL * glasba in zvočni učinki * snemanje (in ponovno predvajanje) iger.</p>'
uk: '<p>Мета гри в перестрибуванні з поверху на поверх, щоб не впасти вниз. Чим вище ви збираєтесь на
падаючу башту, тим швидше обвалюються під вами поверхи. Намагайтесь протриматись як можна довше ніж
інші гравці, а, якщо граєте самі, намагайтесь вдертись як можна вище.</p><p>Зараз гра називається
sdljump (та під такою же назвою вона присутня у меню), але назву пакунка змінено відповідно до основних
змін. Нова версія гри буде називатись також gnujump.</p><p>The game is a clone of xjump, and provides
all its features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to four players, not networked) * Smooth
graphics possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes are available * Can use OpenGL for
rendering * Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying) of games</p>'
ID: gnujump.desktop
cached: gnujump_gnujump.png
C: GNUjump
Package: gnujump
C: Jump up the tower to survive
Type: desktop-app