- Qt
- Utility
- TextTools
- Development
C: '<p>glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to browse and search through long or complex log files.
It is designed with programmers and system administrators in mind and can be seen as a graphical,
interactive combination of grep and less.</p><p>Main features include: * Accept egrep regular expression
to search or filter the log. * Interactively display results of the search in a second, filtered window.
* Colorize the log and the search results. * Read the file directly from disk, without loading it
into memory. * Happily handle big (>4 GiB) files. * Read UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 encoded files. *
Follow a log in real-time as it is written to disk. * Allow one to insert marks in the logs to interesting
lines. * Support less/vim like keyboard commands to move around the file.</p>'
fr: '<p>Glogg est une application à interface graphique multi-plateforme pour naviguer et rechercher
dans les fichiers journaux longs ou complexes. Elle est conçue en pensant aux programmeurs et aux
administrateurs systèmes et peut être vue comme une combinaison graphique et interactive de grep et
de less (deux commandes Unix).</p><p>Main features include: * Accept egrep regular expression to search
or filter the log. * Interactively display results of the search in a second, filtered window. * Colorize
the log and the search results. * Read the file directly from disk, without loading it into memory.
* Happily handle big (>4 GiB) files. * Read UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 encoded files. * Follow a log
in real-time as it is written to disk. * Allow one to insert marks in the logs to interesting lines.
* Support less/vim like keyboard commands to move around the file.</p>'
it: '<p>glogg è un''applicazione GUI multipiattaforma per esplorare e fare ricerche in lunghi e complessi
file di log. È progettato pensando a programmatori e amministratori di sistema e può essere visto
come una combinazione grafica interattiva di grep e less.</p><p>Main features include: * Accept egrep
regular expression to search or filter the log. * Interactively display results of the search in a
second, filtered window. * Colorize the log and the search results. * Read the file directly from
disk, without loading it into memory. * Happily handle big (>4 GiB) files. * Read UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1
encoded files. * Follow a log in real-time as it is written to disk. * Allow one to insert marks in
the logs to interesting lines. * Support less/vim like keyboard commands to move around the file.</p>'
ID: glogg.desktop
cached: glogg_glogg.png
C: glogg
Package: glogg
- text/plain
C: A smart interactive log explorer.
Type: desktop-app