- Application
- Network
C: '<p>gFTP graphical version is a multithreaded FTP client running under X and written using GLib/GTK+.</p><p>gFTP
features: * simultaneous downloads, * resuming of interrupted file transfers, * file transfer queues,
* downloading of entire directories, * FTP and HTTP proxy support, * remote directory caching, * passive
and non-passive file transfers, * drag-n-drop support, * bookmarks menu, * support for SSH and SSH2
file transfers, * support FXP transfers, * stop button, and many more features.</p><p>Author: Brian
Masney <masneyb@gftp.org></p>'
de: '<p>gFTP ist ein grafisches Multithread-FTP-Programm für X, das mittels GLib/GTK+ erstellt wurde.</p><p>Der
Funktionsumfang von gFTP: * Gleichzeitige Downloads. * Fortsetzen von abgebrochenen Dateiübertragungen.
* Warteschlangen für Dateiübertragungen. * Herunterladen ganzer Ordner. * FTP- und HTTP-Proxy-Unterstützung.
* Zwischenspeicherung des entfernten Ordners. * Passive und nicht-passive Dateiübertragungen. * Unterstützung
für Ziehen und Ablegen. * Lesezeichen-Menü. * Unterstützung für SSH- und SSH2-Dateiübertragungen.
* Unterstützung für FXP-Übertragungen. * Stopp-Knopf. * Viele weitere Funktionen.</p><p>Autor: Brian
Masney <masneyb@gftp.org></p>'
es: '<p>gFTP graphical version is a multithreaded FTP client running under X and written using GLib/GTK+.</p><p>gFTP
features: * simultaneous downloads, * resuming of interrupted file transfers, * file transfer queues,
* downloading of entire directories, * FTP and HTTP proxy support, * remote directory caching, * passive
and non-passive file transfers, * drag-n-drop support, * bookmarks menu, * support for SSH and SSH2
file transfers, * support FXP transfers, * stop button, and many more features.</p><p>Autor: Brian
Masney <masneyb@gftp.org></p>'
fr: '<p>La version graphique de gFTP est un client FTP multithreadé s''exécutant sous X et écrit en
utilisant GLib/GTK+.</p><p>Fonctionnalités de gFTP : * téléchargements simultanés ; * reprise des
transferts de fichiers interrompus ; * files d''attente de transfert de fichier ; * téléchargement
de répertoires complets ; * support des proxys FTP et HTTP ; * cache des répertoires distants ; *
transferts passifs et non-passifs de fichiers ; * support du glisser-déposer, * marque-pages ; * support
de SSH et SSH2 pour les transferts de fichiers ; * support des transferts FXP ; * bouton stop et beaucoup
d''autres fonctionnalités.</p><p>Auteur: Brian Masney <masneyb@gftp.org></p>'
ru: '<p>Графическая версия gFTP — это многопоточный клиент FTP, работающий в X и написанный с использованием
GLib/GTK+.</p><p>gFTP features: * simultaneous downloads, * resuming of interrupted file transfers,
* file transfer queues, * downloading of entire directories, * FTP and HTTP proxy support, * remote
directory caching, * passive and non-passive file transfers, * drag-n-drop support, * bookmarks menu,
* support for SSH and SSH2 file transfers, * support FXP transfers, * stop button, and many more features.</p><p>Автор: Brian
Masney <masneyb@gftp.org></p>'
sk: '<p>Grafická verzia gFTP je viacvláknový klient FTP pre X a napísaný pomocou GLib/GTK+.</p><p>gFTP
features: * simultaneous downloads, * resuming of interrupted file transfers, * file transfer queues,
* downloading of entire directories, * FTP and HTTP proxy support, * remote directory caching, * passive
and non-passive file transfers, * drag-n-drop support, * bookmarks menu, * support for SSH and SSH2
file transfers, * support FXP transfers, * stop button, and many more features.</p><p>Author: Brian
Masney <masneyb@gftp.org></p>'
ID: gftp.desktop
cached: gftp-gtk_gftp.png
Package: gftp-gtk
C: Download and upload files using multiple file transfer protocols
Type: desktop-app