- Graphics
- Viewer
- Publishing
C: '<p>Font Manager currently allows the user to: - Preview installed fonts - Compare installed fonts
- Easily install or remove fonts - Easily activate and de-activate installed fonts - Specify different
directories to search for fonts - Group fonts into "Collections", and easily activate or de-activate
groups of fonts - Export "Collections" to an archive for easy backup, sharing, etc. - Provides quick
access to all GNOME font utilities.</p><p>Font Manager suggests the installation of python-reportlab
to allow users to export font collections in the PDF format.</p>'
da: '<p>Font Manager currently allows the user to: - Preview installed fonts - Compare installed fonts
- Easily install or remove fonts - Easily activate and de-activate installed fonts - Specify different
directories to search for fonts - Group fonts into "Collections", and easily activate or de-activate
groups of fonts - Export "Collections" to an archive for easy backup, sharing, etc. - Provides quick
access to all GNOME font utilities.</p><p>Font Manager foreslår installation af python-reportlab for
at tillade brugere at eksportere skriftsamlinger i PDF-formatet.</p>'
fr: '<p>Font Manager permet actuellement à l''utilisateur : - De prévisualiser les polices installées
- De comparer les polices installées - D''installer ou de supprimer facilement des polices - D''activer
et de désactiver facilement les polices installées - De spécifier des répertoires différents pour
rechercher des polices - De regrouper les polices dans des « Collections », et d''activer ou de désactiver
facilement des groupes de polices - D''exporter des « Collections » vers une archive pour faciliter
la sauvegarde, le partage, etc. - De fournir un accès rapide à tous les utilitaires de police GNOME.</p><p>Font
Manager suggère l''installation de python-reportlab pour permettre aux utilisateurs d''exporter des
collections de polices au format PDF.</p>'
it: '<p>Font Manager currently allows the user to: - Preview installed fonts - Compare installed fonts
- Easily install or remove fonts - Easily activate and de-activate installed fonts - Specify different
directories to search for fonts - Group fonts into "Collections", and easily activate or de-activate
groups of fonts - Export "Collections" to an archive for easy backup, sharing, etc. - Provides quick
access to all GNOME font utilities.</p><p>Font Manager suggerisce l''installazione di python-reportlab
per permettere agli utenti di esportare le raccolte di tipi di carattere nel formato PDF.</p>'
ja: '<p>Font Manager currently allows the user to: - Preview installed fonts - Compare installed fonts
- Easily install or remove fonts - Easily activate and de-activate installed fonts - Specify different
directories to search for fonts - Group fonts into "Collections", and easily activate or de-activate
groups of fonts - Export "Collections" to an archive for easy backup, sharing, etc. - Provides quick
access to all GNOME font utilities.</p><p>フォントマネージャは python-reportlab のインストールを提案します。インス トールすると、フォントコレクションを
PDF 形式で出力できるようになります。</p>'
ru: '<p>Font Manager позволяет пользователю: - Выполнять предварительный просмотр установленных шрифтов
- Сравнивать установленные шрифты - Легко устанавливать и удалять шрифты - Легко активировать и деактивировать
установленные шрифты - Указывать различные каталоги для поиска шрифтов - Группировать шрифты в «коллекции»
и легко активировать и деактивировать группы шрифтов - Экспортировать «коллекции» в архив с целью
резервного копирования, обмена и т.п. - Быстро осуществлять доступ ко всем шрифтовым утилитам GNOME.</p><p>Font
Manager предлагает установить пакет python-reportlab для возможности экспорта коллекций шрифтов в
формат PDF.</p>'
sk: '<p>Font Manager currently allows the user to: - Preview installed fonts - Compare installed fonts
- Easily install or remove fonts - Easily activate and de-activate installed fonts - Specify different
directories to search for fonts - Group fonts into "Collections", and easily activate or de-activate
groups of fonts - Export "Collections" to an archive for easy backup, sharing, etc. - Provides quick
access to all GNOME font utilities.</p><p>Správca písiem navrhuje inštaláciu python-reportlab, aby
umožnil používateľom export kolekcií vo formáte PDF.</p>'
uk: '<p>Font Manager currently allows the user to: - Preview installed fonts - Compare installed fonts
- Easily install or remove fonts - Easily activate and de-activate installed fonts - Specify different
directories to search for fonts - Group fonts into "Collections", and easily activate or de-activate
groups of fonts - Export "Collections" to an archive for easy backup, sharing, etc. - Provides quick
access to all GNOME font utilities.</p><p>Font Manager пропонує встановити пакунок python-reportlab,
що дозволить користувачам експортувати «колекції» у формат PDF.</p>'
ID: font-manager.desktop
cached: font-manager_preferences-desktop-font.png
stock: preferences-desktop-font
C: Font Manager
Package: font-manager
C: Preview, compare and manage fonts
Type: desktop-app