- Game
- RolePlaying
C: '<p>Flare (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) is a simple game engine built to handle a very specific
kind of game: single-player 2D action RPGs. Flare is not a reimplementation of an existing game or
engine. It is a tribute to and exploration of the action RPG genre.</p><p>Rather than building a very
abstract, robust game engine, the goal of this project is to build several real games and harvest
an engine from the common, reusable code. This first game, in progress, is a fantasy dungeon crawl.</p>'
da: '<p>Flare (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) er en simpel spilmotor bygget til at håndtere en
meget speciel slags spil: 2D-rollespil for en enkel spiller. Flare er ikke en ny implementering af
et eksisterende spil eller motor. Det er en tribut til og undersøgelse af rollespilsgenren.</p><p>Rather
than building a very abstract, robust game engine, the goal of this project is to build several real
games and harvest an engine from the common, reusable code. This first game, in progress, is a fantasy
dungeon crawl.</p>'
fr: '<p>Flare (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) est un moteur de jeu simple conçu pour traiter
un type très spécifique de jeu : RPG d''action solo en 2D. Flare n''est pas une ré-implémentation
d''un jeu existant ou d''un moteur. Il s''agit d''un hommage et d''une exploration du genre RPG d''action.</p><p>Rather
than building a very abstract, robust game engine, the goal of this project is to build several real
games and harvest an engine from the common, reusable code. This first game, in progress, is a fantasy
dungeon crawl.</p>'
it: '<p>Flare (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine, motore libero per gioco di ruolo d''azione) è un
semplice motore di gioco creato per gestire un tipo di gioco molto specifico: i giochi di ruolo d''azione
2D per singolo giocatore. Flare non è una reimplementazione di un motore o di un gioco esistente.
È un tributo e un''esplorazione dei giochi di ruolo d''azione.</p><p>Rather than building a very abstract,
robust game engine, the goal of this project is to build several real games and harvest an engine
from the common, reusable code. This first game, in progress, is a fantasy dungeon crawl.</p>'
sr: '<p>Флер (Слободан бесплатан мотор играња акционе улоге) је једноставан мотор игре изграђен за управљање
веома нарочитим врстама игре: самачка 2Д акциона РПГ. Флер није поновна употреба постојеће игре или
мотора. То је допринос и истраживање акционог РПГ жанра.</p><p>Rather than building a very abstract,
robust game engine, the goal of this project is to build several real games and harvest an engine
from the common, reusable code. This first game, in progress, is a fantasy dungeon crawl.</p>'
ID: flare.desktop
cached: flare-game_flare.png
C: Flare
Package: flare-game
C: A single player, 2D-isometric, action Role-Playing Game
de: Ein einzelspieler 2D-isometrisches Action-Rollenspiel
fr: Un jeu de rôle d'action monojoueur en 2D isométrique
gl: Xogo individual de acción e rol cunha vista isométrica en dúas dimensións.
ru: Изометрический ролевой боевик для одного игрока
uk: Ізометричний рольовий екшн (Action/RPG) для одного гравця
Type: desktop-app