- Development
- Database
C: '<p>FlameRobin is a graphical database administration tool for Firebird database management system.</p><p>Its
goals are: - to be lightweight (small footprint, fast execution) - cross-platform (Linux, Windows
for start, others planned too) - dependent only on other open source software</p><p>You need to setup
firebird server on local or remote machine before using FlameRobin. See packages firebird2.5-super,
firebird2.5-superclassic and firebird2.5-classic.</p>'
da: '<p>FlameRobin er et grafisk databaseadministrationsværktøj for databasehåndteringssystemet Firebird.</p><p>Its
goals are: - to be lightweight (small footprint, fast execution) - cross-platform (Linux, Windows
for start, others planned too) - dependent only on other open source software</p><p>Du skal sætte
firebirdserveren op på lokal eller ekstern maskine før brug af FlameRobin. Se pakkerne firebird2.5-super,
firebird2.5-superclassic og firebird2.5-classic.</p>'
de: '<p>FlameRobin ist ein grafisches Datenbankadministrationswerkzeug für das Datenbankverwaltungssystem
(DBMS) Firebird.</p><p>Its goals are: - to be lightweight (small footprint, fast execution) - cross-platform
(Linux, Windows for start, others planned too) - dependent only on other open source software</p><p>Sie
müssen den Firebird-Server auf lokalen oder entfernten Maschinen einrichten, bevor Sie FlameRobin
verwenden können. Siehe die Pakete firebird2.0-super, firebird2.5-superclassic und firebird2.0-classic.</p>'
es: '<p>FlameRobin es una herramienta gráfica de administración del sistema de gestión de base de datos
Firebird.</p><p>Its goals are: - to be lightweight (small footprint, fast execution) - cross-platform
(Linux, Windows for start, others planned too) - dependent only on other open source software</p><p>You
need to setup firebird server on local or remote machine before using FlameRobin. See packages firebird2.5-super,
firebird2.5-superclassic and firebird2.5-classic.</p>'
fr: '<p>FlameRobin est un outil graphique d''administration de base de données pour le système de gestion
de base de données de Firebird.</p><p>Ses objectifs sont les suivants : - être léger (faible encombrement,
rapidité d''exécution) - multi-plateforme (Linux, Windows pour le moment mais d''autres sont aussi
prévus) - ne dépend que de logiciels open source</p><p>Vous devez configurer un serveur Firebird sur
une machine locale ou distante avant d''utiliser FlameRobin. Voir les paquets firebird2.5-super, firebird2.5-superclassic
et firebird2.5-classic.</p>'
it: '<p>FlameRobin è uno strumento grafico di amministrazione di database per il sistema di gestione
di database Firebird.</p><p>Its goals are: - to be lightweight (small footprint, fast execution) -
cross-platform (Linux, Windows for start, others planned too) - dependent only on other open source
software</p><p>Prima di usare FlameRobin, si deve mettere a punto un server firebird sulla macchina
locale o su una remota. Si vedano i pacchetti firebird2.5-super, firebird2.5-superclassic e firebird2.5-classic.</p>'
ja: '<p>FlameRobin は、Firebird データベース管理システム向けのグラフィカルな データベース管理ツールです。</p><p>Its goals are: - to be lightweight
(small footprint, fast execution) - cross-platform (Linux, Windows for start, others planned too)
- dependent only on other open source software</p><p>You need to setup firebird server on local or
remote machine before using FlameRobin. See packages firebird2.5-super, firebird2.5-superclassic and
ru: '<p>FlameRobin — инструмент с графическим интерфейсом для администрирования системы управления базами
данных Firebird</p><p>Её цели: - нетребовательность к ресурсам (малое потребление памяти, быстрая
работа) - кроссплатформенность (Linux, Windows для начала, запланирована поддержка и других систем)
- зависимость только от другого свободного программного обеспечения</p><p>Для использования FlameRobin
вам понадобится установить сервер firebird на локальном или удалённом компьютере. Смотрите пакеты
firebird2.5-super, firebird2.5-superclassic и firebird2.5-classic.</p>'
sl: '<p>FlameRobin je grafično skrbniško orodje podatkovnih zbirk za sistem upravljanja podatkovnih
zbirk Firebird.</p><p>Njegovi cilji so: - biti lahek (majhna poraba sredstev, hitro izvajanje), -
delati na več sistemih (Linux in Windows za začetek v načrtu je tudi podpora za druge sisteme) - biti
odvisen le od drugih odprtokodnih programov</p><p>You need to setup firebird server on local or remote
machine before using FlameRobin. See packages firebird2.5-super, firebird2.5-superclassic and firebird2.5-classic.</p>'
ID: flamerobin.desktop
cached: flamerobin_flamerobin.png
- firebird
C: FlameRobin
Package: flamerobin
C: Administration Tool for Firebird DBMS
Type: desktop-app