- Utility
- FileTools
- FileManager
C: <p>Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. It
is inspired by Total Commander and features some new ideas.</p><p>Support for RAR archives can be
enabled by installing the libunrar0 package from non-free.</p><p>This package contains common files.</p>
fr: <p>Double Commander est un gestionnaire de fichiers multi-plateforme open source avec deux panneaux
côte à côte. Il est inspiré par Total Commander et propose quelques idées nouvelles.</p><p>La prise
en charge des archives RAR peut être activée en installant le paquet libunrar0 de non-free.</p><p>Ce
paquet contient les fichiers communs.</p>
gl: <p>O Double Commander é un xestor de ficheiros de código aberto multiplataforma con dous paneis
un a par do outro. Inspírase no Total Commander e ofrece algunhas ideas novas.</p><p>Support for RAR
archives can be enabled by installing the libunrar0 package from non-free.</p><p>This package contains
common files.</p>
ID: doublecmd.desktop
cached: doublecmd-common_doublecmd.png
- folder
- manager
- explore
- disk
- filesystem
- orthodox
- copy
- queue
- queuing
- operations
C: Double Commander
Package: doublecmd-common
- inode/directory
C: Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side.
ru: Double Commander — это кроссплатформенный двухпанельный файловый менеджер с открытым кодом.
Type: desktop-app