DEP-11 metadata for digikam in xenial
digiKam-ImagePlugin_Transform ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc
C: '<p>Digital photo management program designed to import, organize, enhance, search and export your
digital images to and from your computer.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing
and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital
photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that
will connect to your digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than
1000 digital cameras are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported
by your operating system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor
with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and
rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins,
the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional
level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports
RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features
of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads,
writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of
video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
de: '<p>Dieses Programm hilft Ihnen bei der Verwaltung von Digitalfotos auf Ihrem Rechner. Sie können
Bilder importieren, exportieren, organisieren, durchsuchen und aufwerten.</p><p>Es bietet eine einfache
Schnittstelle, die das Importieren und Organisieren von digitalen Fotos eine Leichtigkeit werden lässt.
Mit digiKam können Sie eine große Zahl von digitalen Fotos in Alben verwalten und diese Fotos für
einfachen Abruf organisieren mit Hilfe von Tags (Stichworten), Beschriftungen, Sammlungen, Daten,
Geolokalisierungen und Suchanfragen. Es hat viele Funktionen zum Betrachten, Organisieren, Bearbeiten
und Austauschen von Bildern. Somit ist digikam eine gewaltige »Digital Asset Management (DAM)«-Software
einschließlich leistungsstarker Bildbearbeitungsfunktionen.</p><p>Eine einfach zu bedienende Kamera-Oberfläche
ist vorhandne, die sich mit Ihrer Digitalkamera verbindet und Fotos direkt in die digiKam-Alben herunterlädt.
Mehr als 1000 digitale Kameras werden von der gphoto2-Bibliothek unterstützt. Natürlich wird jeder
Medien- oder Kartenleser, der von Ihrem Betriebssystem unterstützt wird, über die digiKam-Oberfläche
erkannt.</p><p>digiKam enthält eine schnelle Bildbearbeitung mit vielen Bildbearbeitungswerkzeugen.
Sie können die Bildbearbeitung zum Betrachten Ihrer Fotos, kommentieren und bewerten, korrigieren,
verbessern und verändern nutzen. Die Bearbeitungsfunktionen können durch eine Sammlung von Erweiterungen
über die KDE-Bilderweiterungsschnittstelle (Handbuch) leicht ergänzt werden.</p><p>Während digiKam
leicht zu bedienen ist, stellt es Dutzende profesionelle Funktionen bereit. Es verwendet überall 16-bit,
inklusive aller verfügbaren Erweiterungen, unterstützt die RAW-Formatumwandlung mittels libraw, kann
DNG exportieren und unterstützt die Arbeit mit ICC- Farbverwaltung.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4
version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts
into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files
Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline
archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical
filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists
all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited
Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search
boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin
based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam kann auch die KIPI-Erweiterungen
zur Bildverarbeitung nutzen, um seine Fähigkeiten zur Fotomanipulation, zu importieren, zu exportieren
usw. noch zu ergänzen. Das Paket „kipi-plugins“ enthält viele sehr nützliche Erweiterungen.</p>'
fr: '<p>Ce programme de gestion de photo numérique est conçu pour importer, organiser, retoucher, rechercher
et exporter vos images numériques depuis et vers votre ordinateur.</p><p>Il fournit une interface
simple qui transforme l''importation et l''organisation de photographies numériques en un simple claquement
de doigts. digiKam vous permet de gérer un grand nombre de photos numériques dans des albums et d''organiser
ces photographies pour les retrouver facilement en utilisant les étiquettes (mots-clés), les légendes,
les collections, les dates, la géolocalisation et les recherches. Il possède de nombreuses fonctionnalités
pour la visualisation, l''organisation, le traitement et le partage de vos images. Ainsi, digiKam
est un formidable logiciel de gestion des ressources numériques incluant de puissantes fonctions d''édition
d''image.</p><p>Une interface facile à utiliser pour la caméra est fournie, elle se connectera à votre
appareil photo numérique et téléchargera les photographies directement dans des albums digiKam. Plus
de 1000 appareils photo numériques sont pris en charge par la bibliothèque gphoto2. Bien sûr, n''importe
quel lecteur multimédia ou de carte pris en charge par votre système d''exploitation s''interfacera
avec digiKam.</p><p>DigiKam intègre un éditeur d''image rapide avec de nombreux outils de retouche
d''image. Vous pouvez utiliser l''éditeur d''images pour afficher vos photos, commentaires et les
évaluer, corriger, améliorer et les modifier. La puissance de montage peut être facilement étendu
par un ensemble de modules externes, les Kipi plugins (manuel)</p><p>Même si digiKam reste facile
à utiliser, il offre des dizaines de fonctionnalités de niveau professionnel. Il est entièrement adapté
au 16 bits, y compris tous les greffons disponibles, prend en charge la conversion en format RAW grâce
à libraw, l''export en DNG et le processus de gestion des couleurs ICC.</p><p>Nouvelles fonctionnalités
de la version KDE 4 : Fonctionne sur toute plate-forme prenant en charge Qt4 et KDE4 Prise en charge
des métadonnées XMP Lit, écrit et convertit le format DNG Un nouvel outil de traitement RAW, correction
gamma sur 16 bits Aperçu du fichiers vidéo et audio Le fichier de base de données est indépendant
des bibliothèques de photo, ce qui permet les chemins distants, les racines multiples et les archives
hors ligne Amélioration de la base de données avec beaucoup plus de métadonnées qui peuvent être recherchées
Intégration de Marble, filtrage géographique avec la souris sur la carte La nouvelle recherche trouve
les images en double et similaires Le menu Aide liste tous les formats RAW et les versions des composants
Digikam Les métadonnées des fichiers DNG, RWL, NEF et PEF peuvent être modifiées Amélioration de la
convivialité pour les netbooks Éditeur non modal d''images Barre de miniatures dans le mode aperçu
Champs de recherche instantanée dans les barres latérales et la fenêtre principale Nouvelle interface
caméra, outil de capture, interface du scanner Nouveau module externe basé sur lensfun pour les corrections
automatiques des erreurs de lentilles</p><p>digiKam peut également utiliser les greffons de manipulation
d''image KIPI pour étendre encore plus ses capacités de manipulations, d''importation et d''exportation,
etc. de photographies. Le paquet kipi-plugins contient de nombreuses extensions très utiles.</p>'
gl: '<p>Programa para a xestión de fotos dixitais deseñado para importar, organizar, mellorar, buscar
e exportar as imaxes dixitais para e desde o computador.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which
makes importing and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers
of digital photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>Dispón dunha interface para cámaras doada de utilizar
que se conecta coas cámaras dixitais e descarga as fotografías directamente para os álbums do digiKam.
Recoñece máis de 1000 cámaras dixitais grazas á biblioteca gphoto2. Co digiKam pódese acceder, por
suposto, a calquera dispositivo ou lector de tarxetas que recoñeza o sistema operativo.</p><p>O digiKam
incorpora un editor de imaxes rápido con moitas ferramentas para a edición de imaxes. Pódese empregar
para ver as fotografías, comentalas e puntualas, corrixilas, melloralas e alteralas. A súa potencia
de edición pode ser estendida facilmente cun conxunto de engadidos, a Interface de engadidos de imaxe
de KDE (vexa o manual)</p><p>Mesmo se o digiKam resulta doado de utilizar, fornece funcionalidades
de nivel profesional a moreas. É totalmente 16 bits, incluídos todos os engadidos dispoñíbeis, admite
a conversión do formato RAW mediante libraw, a exportación a DNG e a xestión de cor ICC.</p><p>New
Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata
Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview
of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
is: '<p>Myndaumsýsluforrit sem hannað er til að flytja inn, skipuleggja, laga, leita og senda myndir
til og frá tölvunni þinni.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing
digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in
albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that will connect to your
digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than 1000 digital cameras
are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported by your operating
system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image
editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and rate them, correct,
enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image
Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional level
features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports RAW format
conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the
KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes
and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video
and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots
and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
ru: '<p>Менеджер цифровых фотографий, позволяющий импортировать, упорядочивать, улучшать, искать и экспортировать
цифровые фоторафии.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing digital
photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in albums
and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>Имеется простой в использовании интерфейс для цифровых фотокамер, позволяющий
подключить камеру и загрузить фотографии непосредственно в альбомы digiKam. Библиотека gphoto2 обеспечивает
поддержку более 1000 моделей фотокамер. Разумеется, digiKam также может работать с любыми мультимедийными
носителями и устройствами чтения карт памяти, поддерживаемыми вашей операционной системой.</p><p>digiKam
incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view
your photographs, comment and rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be
easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam
remains easy to use, it provides professional level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled
including all available plugins, supports RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC
color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports
Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool,
gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo
libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline archives Improved database with many
more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical filtering with the mouse on the
map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component
versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited Usability improvements for netbooks
Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search boxes in both sidebars and main window
New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens
error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its
capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package
contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
sl: '<p>Program upravljanja digitalnih fotografij, zasnovan za uvoz, organizacijo, izboljšanje, iskanje
in izvoz digitalnih slik na in z računalnika.</p><p>Zagotavlja enostaven vmesnik, ki omogoča hiter
uvoz in organizacijo digitalnih fotografij. digiKam vam omogoča upravljanje velikega števila digitalnih
fotografij v albumih in organizacijo teh fotografij za enostavno pridobivanje z oznakami (ključnimi
besedami), naslovi, zbirkami, datumi, geomesti in iskanjem. Vsebuje številne zmožnosti za ogled, organizacije,
obdelovanje in deljenje vaših fotografij z drugimi. Zato je digiKam odličen program za organizacijo
fotografij, ki vključuje zmogljive zmožnosti urejanja slik.</p><p>Na voljo je enostaven vmesnik fotoaparata,
ki vas bo povezal z digitalnim fotoaparatom in fotografije prejel neposredno v albume digiKam. Knjižnica
gphoto2 podpira več kot 1000 digitalnih fotoaparatov. digiKam podpira tudi katerikoli medij ali bralnik
kartic, ki ga podpira vaš operacijski sistem.</p><p>digiKam vključuje hiter urejevalnik slik z številni
orodji urejanja. Urejevalnik lahko uporabite za ogled fotografij, njihovo komentiranje in oceno, popravilo,
izboljšanje in prilagajanje. Možnosti urejanje lahko razširite s številnimi vstavki preko vmesnika
vstavkov KDE Image (priročnik).</p><p>Čeprav digiKam ostaja enostaven za uporabo zagotavlja številne
zmožnosti profesionalne ravni. Popolnoma podpira 16 bitno barvno globino, vključno z vsemi razpoložljivimi
vstavki, podpira pretvorbo datotek RAW s pomočjo libraw, izvoz DNG in upravljanje barv ICC.</p><p>Nove
zmožnosti različice KDE4: Izvaja se na kateremukoli okolju, ki podpira Qt4 in KDE4 Podpira metapodatke
XML Bere, zapisuje in pretvori v vrsto DNG Novo orodje za obdelovanje RAW, popravilo gama v 16 bitih
Predogled zvočnih in video datotek Datoteka podatkovne zbirke je neodvisna od knjižnic fotografij,
kar omogoča oddaljene poti, večkratne poti in nepovezane arhive Izboljšana podatkovna zbirka z več
metapodatki po katerih je mogoče iskati Vključitev Marble, geografično filtriranje z miško na zamljevidu
Novo iskanje najde dvojnike in podobne slike Meni pomoči izpiše vse vrste RAW in različice sestavnih
delov digiKam Mogoče je urejati metapodatke datotek DNG, RWL, NEF in PEF RAW. Izboljšave uporabnosti
za mini prenosnike Nemodalni urejevalnik slik Vrstica sličic v načinu predogleda Polja živega iskanja
v obeh stranskih vrsticah in glavnem oknu Nov vmesnik fotoaparata, orodja zajemanja in vmesnika preiskovalnika
Nov vstavek osnovan na lensfun za samodejne popravke napak leč</p><p>digiKam lahko uporabi tudi vstavke
upravljanja slik KIPI in z njimi svoje zmožnosti razširi za več obdelav slik, uvoz in izvoz, itn.
Paket kipi- plugins vsebuje veliko zelo uporabnih vstavkov.</p>'
C: digiKam Project
ast: Proyeutu digiKam
bs: digiKam Projekt
ca: Projecte digiKam
cs: Projekt digiKam
da: digiKam-projektet
de: digiKam-Projekt
es: Proyecto digiKam
it: Progetto digiKam
ko: digiKam 프로젝트
nl: digiKam-project
pl: Projekt digiKam
pt: Projecto digiKam
pt-BR: Projeto digiKam
sk: Projekt digiKamu
sl: Projekt digiKam
sv: Digikam-projektet
uk: Проект digiKam
- digikam.desktop
ID: digiKam-ImagePlugin_Transform
C: ImagePlugin-Transform
ca: Connector d'imatge per a transformar
de: Bildmodul Transformation
es: Complemento de imagen - Transformar
it: ImagePlugin-Trasforma
ko: 그림 플러그인-변형
pl: WtyczkaObrazu-przekształcanie
sl: Vstavek za slike - preoblikuj
sv: Bildinsticksprogrammet Transformera
Package: digikam
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
C: A tool to transform image geometry
bs: Alat za preoblikovanje geometrije slike
ca: Una eina per a transformar la geometria d'una imatge
cs: Nástroj pro transformaci geometrie obrázku
da: Et værktøj til at transformere billeders geometri
de: Geometrische Transformation von Bildern
es: Una herramienta para transformar la geometría de una imagen
gl: Unha ferramenta para transformar a xeometría das imaxes
it: Strumento per trasformare la geometria di un'immagine
ko: 그림 크기를 변형하는 도구
nl: Een hulpmiddel voor het transformeren van de geometrie van een afbeelding
pl: Narzędzie do przekształcenia geometrii obrazu
pt: Uma ferramenta para transformar a geometria das imagens
pt-BR: Ferramenta para transformar a geometria das imagens
sk: Nástroj na transformáciu geometrie obrázku
sl: Orodje za preoblikovanje geometrije slike
sv: Ett verktyg för att transformera bildgeometri
uk: Інструмент для геометричного перетворення зображення
Type: addon
digiKam-ImagePlugin_Decorate ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc
C: '<p>Digital photo management program designed to import, organize, enhance, search and export your
digital images to and from your computer.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing
and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital
photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that
will connect to your digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than
1000 digital cameras are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported
by your operating system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor
with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and
rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins,
the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional
level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports
RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features
of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads,
writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of
video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
de: '<p>Dieses Programm hilft Ihnen bei der Verwaltung von Digitalfotos auf Ihrem Rechner. Sie können
Bilder importieren, exportieren, organisieren, durchsuchen und aufwerten.</p><p>Es bietet eine einfache
Schnittstelle, die das Importieren und Organisieren von digitalen Fotos eine Leichtigkeit werden lässt.
Mit digiKam können Sie eine große Zahl von digitalen Fotos in Alben verwalten und diese Fotos für
einfachen Abruf organisieren mit Hilfe von Tags (Stichworten), Beschriftungen, Sammlungen, Daten,
Geolokalisierungen und Suchanfragen. Es hat viele Funktionen zum Betrachten, Organisieren, Bearbeiten
und Austauschen von Bildern. Somit ist digikam eine gewaltige »Digital Asset Management (DAM)«-Software
einschließlich leistungsstarker Bildbearbeitungsfunktionen.</p><p>Eine einfach zu bedienende Kamera-Oberfläche
ist vorhandne, die sich mit Ihrer Digitalkamera verbindet und Fotos direkt in die digiKam-Alben herunterlädt.
Mehr als 1000 digitale Kameras werden von der gphoto2-Bibliothek unterstützt. Natürlich wird jeder
Medien- oder Kartenleser, der von Ihrem Betriebssystem unterstützt wird, über die digiKam-Oberfläche
erkannt.</p><p>digiKam enthält eine schnelle Bildbearbeitung mit vielen Bildbearbeitungswerkzeugen.
Sie können die Bildbearbeitung zum Betrachten Ihrer Fotos, kommentieren und bewerten, korrigieren,
verbessern und verändern nutzen. Die Bearbeitungsfunktionen können durch eine Sammlung von Erweiterungen
über die KDE-Bilderweiterungsschnittstelle (Handbuch) leicht ergänzt werden.</p><p>Während digiKam
leicht zu bedienen ist, stellt es Dutzende profesionelle Funktionen bereit. Es verwendet überall 16-bit,
inklusive aller verfügbaren Erweiterungen, unterstützt die RAW-Formatumwandlung mittels libraw, kann
DNG exportieren und unterstützt die Arbeit mit ICC- Farbverwaltung.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4
version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts
into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files
Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline
archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical
filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists
all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited
Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search
boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin
based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam kann auch die KIPI-Erweiterungen
zur Bildverarbeitung nutzen, um seine Fähigkeiten zur Fotomanipulation, zu importieren, zu exportieren
usw. noch zu ergänzen. Das Paket „kipi-plugins“ enthält viele sehr nützliche Erweiterungen.</p>'
fr: '<p>Ce programme de gestion de photo numérique est conçu pour importer, organiser, retoucher, rechercher
et exporter vos images numériques depuis et vers votre ordinateur.</p><p>Il fournit une interface
simple qui transforme l''importation et l''organisation de photographies numériques en un simple claquement
de doigts. digiKam vous permet de gérer un grand nombre de photos numériques dans des albums et d''organiser
ces photographies pour les retrouver facilement en utilisant les étiquettes (mots-clés), les légendes,
les collections, les dates, la géolocalisation et les recherches. Il possède de nombreuses fonctionnalités
pour la visualisation, l''organisation, le traitement et le partage de vos images. Ainsi, digiKam
est un formidable logiciel de gestion des ressources numériques incluant de puissantes fonctions d''édition
d''image.</p><p>Une interface facile à utiliser pour la caméra est fournie, elle se connectera à votre
appareil photo numérique et téléchargera les photographies directement dans des albums digiKam. Plus
de 1000 appareils photo numériques sont pris en charge par la bibliothèque gphoto2. Bien sûr, n''importe
quel lecteur multimédia ou de carte pris en charge par votre système d''exploitation s''interfacera
avec digiKam.</p><p>DigiKam intègre un éditeur d''image rapide avec de nombreux outils de retouche
d''image. Vous pouvez utiliser l''éditeur d''images pour afficher vos photos, commentaires et les
évaluer, corriger, améliorer et les modifier. La puissance de montage peut être facilement étendu
par un ensemble de modules externes, les Kipi plugins (manuel)</p><p>Même si digiKam reste facile
à utiliser, il offre des dizaines de fonctionnalités de niveau professionnel. Il est entièrement adapté
au 16 bits, y compris tous les greffons disponibles, prend en charge la conversion en format RAW grâce
à libraw, l''export en DNG et le processus de gestion des couleurs ICC.</p><p>Nouvelles fonctionnalités
de la version KDE 4 : Fonctionne sur toute plate-forme prenant en charge Qt4 et KDE4 Prise en charge
des métadonnées XMP Lit, écrit et convertit le format DNG Un nouvel outil de traitement RAW, correction
gamma sur 16 bits Aperçu du fichiers vidéo et audio Le fichier de base de données est indépendant
des bibliothèques de photo, ce qui permet les chemins distants, les racines multiples et les archives
hors ligne Amélioration de la base de données avec beaucoup plus de métadonnées qui peuvent être recherchées
Intégration de Marble, filtrage géographique avec la souris sur la carte La nouvelle recherche trouve
les images en double et similaires Le menu Aide liste tous les formats RAW et les versions des composants
Digikam Les métadonnées des fichiers DNG, RWL, NEF et PEF peuvent être modifiées Amélioration de la
convivialité pour les netbooks Éditeur non modal d''images Barre de miniatures dans le mode aperçu
Champs de recherche instantanée dans les barres latérales et la fenêtre principale Nouvelle interface
caméra, outil de capture, interface du scanner Nouveau module externe basé sur lensfun pour les corrections
automatiques des erreurs de lentilles</p><p>digiKam peut également utiliser les greffons de manipulation
d''image KIPI pour étendre encore plus ses capacités de manipulations, d''importation et d''exportation,
etc. de photographies. Le paquet kipi-plugins contient de nombreuses extensions très utiles.</p>'
gl: '<p>Programa para a xestión de fotos dixitais deseñado para importar, organizar, mellorar, buscar
e exportar as imaxes dixitais para e desde o computador.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which
makes importing and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers
of digital photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>Dispón dunha interface para cámaras doada de utilizar
que se conecta coas cámaras dixitais e descarga as fotografías directamente para os álbums do digiKam.
Recoñece máis de 1000 cámaras dixitais grazas á biblioteca gphoto2. Co digiKam pódese acceder, por
suposto, a calquera dispositivo ou lector de tarxetas que recoñeza o sistema operativo.</p><p>O digiKam
incorpora un editor de imaxes rápido con moitas ferramentas para a edición de imaxes. Pódese empregar
para ver as fotografías, comentalas e puntualas, corrixilas, melloralas e alteralas. A súa potencia
de edición pode ser estendida facilmente cun conxunto de engadidos, a Interface de engadidos de imaxe
de KDE (vexa o manual)</p><p>Mesmo se o digiKam resulta doado de utilizar, fornece funcionalidades
de nivel profesional a moreas. É totalmente 16 bits, incluídos todos os engadidos dispoñíbeis, admite
a conversión do formato RAW mediante libraw, a exportación a DNG e a xestión de cor ICC.</p><p>New
Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata
Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview
of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
is: '<p>Myndaumsýsluforrit sem hannað er til að flytja inn, skipuleggja, laga, leita og senda myndir
til og frá tölvunni þinni.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing
digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in
albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that will connect to your
digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than 1000 digital cameras
are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported by your operating
system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image
editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and rate them, correct,
enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image
Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional level
features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports RAW format
conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the
KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes
and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video
and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots
and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
ru: '<p>Менеджер цифровых фотографий, позволяющий импортировать, упорядочивать, улучшать, искать и экспортировать
цифровые фоторафии.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing digital
photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in albums
and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>Имеется простой в использовании интерфейс для цифровых фотокамер, позволяющий
подключить камеру и загрузить фотографии непосредственно в альбомы digiKam. Библиотека gphoto2 обеспечивает
поддержку более 1000 моделей фотокамер. Разумеется, digiKam также может работать с любыми мультимедийными
носителями и устройствами чтения карт памяти, поддерживаемыми вашей операционной системой.</p><p>digiKam
incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view
your photographs, comment and rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be
easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam
remains easy to use, it provides professional level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled
including all available plugins, supports RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC
color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports
Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool,
gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo
libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline archives Improved database with many
more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical filtering with the mouse on the
map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component
versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited Usability improvements for netbooks
Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search boxes in both sidebars and main window
New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens
error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its
capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package
contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
sl: '<p>Program upravljanja digitalnih fotografij, zasnovan za uvoz, organizacijo, izboljšanje, iskanje
in izvoz digitalnih slik na in z računalnika.</p><p>Zagotavlja enostaven vmesnik, ki omogoča hiter
uvoz in organizacijo digitalnih fotografij. digiKam vam omogoča upravljanje velikega števila digitalnih
fotografij v albumih in organizacijo teh fotografij za enostavno pridobivanje z oznakami (ključnimi
besedami), naslovi, zbirkami, datumi, geomesti in iskanjem. Vsebuje številne zmožnosti za ogled, organizacije,
obdelovanje in deljenje vaših fotografij z drugimi. Zato je digiKam odličen program za organizacijo
fotografij, ki vključuje zmogljive zmožnosti urejanja slik.</p><p>Na voljo je enostaven vmesnik fotoaparata,
ki vas bo povezal z digitalnim fotoaparatom in fotografije prejel neposredno v albume digiKam. Knjižnica
gphoto2 podpira več kot 1000 digitalnih fotoaparatov. digiKam podpira tudi katerikoli medij ali bralnik
kartic, ki ga podpira vaš operacijski sistem.</p><p>digiKam vključuje hiter urejevalnik slik z številni
orodji urejanja. Urejevalnik lahko uporabite za ogled fotografij, njihovo komentiranje in oceno, popravilo,
izboljšanje in prilagajanje. Možnosti urejanje lahko razširite s številnimi vstavki preko vmesnika
vstavkov KDE Image (priročnik).</p><p>Čeprav digiKam ostaja enostaven za uporabo zagotavlja številne
zmožnosti profesionalne ravni. Popolnoma podpira 16 bitno barvno globino, vključno z vsemi razpoložljivimi
vstavki, podpira pretvorbo datotek RAW s pomočjo libraw, izvoz DNG in upravljanje barv ICC.</p><p>Nove
zmožnosti različice KDE4: Izvaja se na kateremukoli okolju, ki podpira Qt4 in KDE4 Podpira metapodatke
XML Bere, zapisuje in pretvori v vrsto DNG Novo orodje za obdelovanje RAW, popravilo gama v 16 bitih
Predogled zvočnih in video datotek Datoteka podatkovne zbirke je neodvisna od knjižnic fotografij,
kar omogoča oddaljene poti, večkratne poti in nepovezane arhive Izboljšana podatkovna zbirka z več
metapodatki po katerih je mogoče iskati Vključitev Marble, geografično filtriranje z miško na zamljevidu
Novo iskanje najde dvojnike in podobne slike Meni pomoči izpiše vse vrste RAW in različice sestavnih
delov digiKam Mogoče je urejati metapodatke datotek DNG, RWL, NEF in PEF RAW. Izboljšave uporabnosti
za mini prenosnike Nemodalni urejevalnik slik Vrstica sličic v načinu predogleda Polja živega iskanja
v obeh stranskih vrsticah in glavnem oknu Nov vmesnik fotoaparata, orodja zajemanja in vmesnika preiskovalnika
Nov vstavek osnovan na lensfun za samodejne popravke napak leč</p><p>digiKam lahko uporabi tudi vstavke
upravljanja slik KIPI in z njimi svoje zmožnosti razširi za več obdelav slik, uvoz in izvoz, itn.
Paket kipi- plugins vsebuje veliko zelo uporabnih vstavkov.</p>'
C: digiKam Project
bs: digiKam Projekt
ca: Projecte digiKam
cs: Projekt digiKam
da: digiKam-projektet
de: digiKam-Projekt
es: Proyecto digiKam
it: Progetto digiKam
ko: digiKam 프로젝트
nl: digiKam-project
pl: Projekt digiKam
pt: Projecto digiKam
pt-BR: Projeto digiKam
sk: Projekt digiKamu
sl: Projekt digiKam
sv: Digikam-projektet
uk: Проект digiKam
- digikam.desktop
ID: digiKam-ImagePlugin_Decorate
C: ImagePlugin-Decorate
ca: Connector d'imatge per a decorar
de: Bildmodul Dekoration
es: Complemento de imagen - Decorar
it: ImagePlugin-Decora
ko: 그림 플러그인-장식
pl: WtyczkaObrazu-dekoracja
sl: Vstavek za slike - okrasi
sv: Bildinsticksprogrammet Dekorera
Package: digikam
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
C: A tool to decorate an image
ast: Una ferramienta pa decorar una imaxe
bs: Alat za dekoraciju slika
ca: Una eina per a decorar una imatge
cs: Nástroj pro dekoraci obrázku
da: Et værktøj til at dekorere et billede
de: Dekoriert Bilder
es: Una herramienta para decorar una imagen
it: Strumento per decorare un'immagine
ko: 그림을 장식하는 도구
nl: Een hulpmiddel voor het decoreren van een afbeelding
pl: Narzędzie do dekorowania obrazu
pt: Uma ferramenta para decorar uma imagem
pt-BR: Ferramenta para decoração de imagens
sk: Nástroj na dekoráciu obrázku
sl: Orodje za okrasitev slike
sv: Ett verktyg för att dekorera en bild
uk: Інструмент для декорування зображення
Type: addon
digikam.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc
- Qt
- Graphics
- Photography
C: '<p>Digital photo management program designed to import, organize, enhance, search and export your
digital images to and from your computer.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing
and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital
photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that
will connect to your digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than
1000 digital cameras are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported
by your operating system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor
with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and
rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins,
the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional
level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports
RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features
of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads,
writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of
video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
de: '<p>Dieses Programm hilft Ihnen bei der Verwaltung von Digitalfotos auf Ihrem Rechner. Sie können
Bilder importieren, exportieren, organisieren, durchsuchen und aufwerten.</p><p>Es bietet eine einfache
Schnittstelle, die das Importieren und Organisieren von digitalen Fotos eine Leichtigkeit werden lässt.
Mit digiKam können Sie eine große Zahl von digitalen Fotos in Alben verwalten und diese Fotos für
einfachen Abruf organisieren mit Hilfe von Tags (Stichworten), Beschriftungen, Sammlungen, Daten,
Geolokalisierungen und Suchanfragen. Es hat viele Funktionen zum Betrachten, Organisieren, Bearbeiten
und Austauschen von Bildern. Somit ist digikam eine gewaltige »Digital Asset Management (DAM)«-Software
einschließlich leistungsstarker Bildbearbeitungsfunktionen.</p><p>Eine einfach zu bedienende Kamera-Oberfläche
ist vorhandne, die sich mit Ihrer Digitalkamera verbindet und Fotos direkt in die digiKam-Alben herunterlädt.
Mehr als 1000 digitale Kameras werden von der gphoto2-Bibliothek unterstützt. Natürlich wird jeder
Medien- oder Kartenleser, der von Ihrem Betriebssystem unterstützt wird, über die digiKam-Oberfläche
erkannt.</p><p>digiKam enthält eine schnelle Bildbearbeitung mit vielen Bildbearbeitungswerkzeugen.
Sie können die Bildbearbeitung zum Betrachten Ihrer Fotos, kommentieren und bewerten, korrigieren,
verbessern und verändern nutzen. Die Bearbeitungsfunktionen können durch eine Sammlung von Erweiterungen
über die KDE-Bilderweiterungsschnittstelle (Handbuch) leicht ergänzt werden.</p><p>Während digiKam
leicht zu bedienen ist, stellt es Dutzende profesionelle Funktionen bereit. Es verwendet überall 16-bit,
inklusive aller verfügbaren Erweiterungen, unterstützt die RAW-Formatumwandlung mittels libraw, kann
DNG exportieren und unterstützt die Arbeit mit ICC- Farbverwaltung.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4
version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts
into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files
Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline
archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical
filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists
all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited
Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search
boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin
based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam kann auch die KIPI-Erweiterungen
zur Bildverarbeitung nutzen, um seine Fähigkeiten zur Fotomanipulation, zu importieren, zu exportieren
usw. noch zu ergänzen. Das Paket „kipi-plugins“ enthält viele sehr nützliche Erweiterungen.</p>'
fr: '<p>Ce programme de gestion de photo numérique est conçu pour importer, organiser, retoucher, rechercher
et exporter vos images numériques depuis et vers votre ordinateur.</p><p>Il fournit une interface
simple qui transforme l''importation et l''organisation de photographies numériques en un simple claquement
de doigts. digiKam vous permet de gérer un grand nombre de photos numériques dans des albums et d''organiser
ces photographies pour les retrouver facilement en utilisant les étiquettes (mots-clés), les légendes,
les collections, les dates, la géolocalisation et les recherches. Il possède de nombreuses fonctionnalités
pour la visualisation, l''organisation, le traitement et le partage de vos images. Ainsi, digiKam
est un formidable logiciel de gestion des ressources numériques incluant de puissantes fonctions d''édition
d''image.</p><p>Une interface facile à utiliser pour la caméra est fournie, elle se connectera à votre
appareil photo numérique et téléchargera les photographies directement dans des albums digiKam. Plus
de 1000 appareils photo numériques sont pris en charge par la bibliothèque gphoto2. Bien sûr, n''importe
quel lecteur multimédia ou de carte pris en charge par votre système d''exploitation s''interfacera
avec digiKam.</p><p>DigiKam intègre un éditeur d''image rapide avec de nombreux outils de retouche
d''image. Vous pouvez utiliser l''éditeur d''images pour afficher vos photos, commentaires et les
évaluer, corriger, améliorer et les modifier. La puissance de montage peut être facilement étendu
par un ensemble de modules externes, les Kipi plugins (manuel)</p><p>Même si digiKam reste facile
à utiliser, il offre des dizaines de fonctionnalités de niveau professionnel. Il est entièrement adapté
au 16 bits, y compris tous les greffons disponibles, prend en charge la conversion en format RAW grâce
à libraw, l''export en DNG et le processus de gestion des couleurs ICC.</p><p>Nouvelles fonctionnalités
de la version KDE 4 : Fonctionne sur toute plate-forme prenant en charge Qt4 et KDE4 Prise en charge
des métadonnées XMP Lit, écrit et convertit le format DNG Un nouvel outil de traitement RAW, correction
gamma sur 16 bits Aperçu du fichiers vidéo et audio Le fichier de base de données est indépendant
des bibliothèques de photo, ce qui permet les chemins distants, les racines multiples et les archives
hors ligne Amélioration de la base de données avec beaucoup plus de métadonnées qui peuvent être recherchées
Intégration de Marble, filtrage géographique avec la souris sur la carte La nouvelle recherche trouve
les images en double et similaires Le menu Aide liste tous les formats RAW et les versions des composants
Digikam Les métadonnées des fichiers DNG, RWL, NEF et PEF peuvent être modifiées Amélioration de la
convivialité pour les netbooks Éditeur non modal d''images Barre de miniatures dans le mode aperçu
Champs de recherche instantanée dans les barres latérales et la fenêtre principale Nouvelle interface
caméra, outil de capture, interface du scanner Nouveau module externe basé sur lensfun pour les corrections
automatiques des erreurs de lentilles</p><p>digiKam peut également utiliser les greffons de manipulation
d''image KIPI pour étendre encore plus ses capacités de manipulations, d''importation et d''exportation,
etc. de photographies. Le paquet kipi-plugins contient de nombreuses extensions très utiles.</p>'
gl: '<p>Programa para a xestión de fotos dixitais deseñado para importar, organizar, mellorar, buscar
e exportar as imaxes dixitais para e desde o computador.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which
makes importing and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers
of digital photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>Dispón dunha interface para cámaras doada de utilizar
que se conecta coas cámaras dixitais e descarga as fotografías directamente para os álbums do digiKam.
Recoñece máis de 1000 cámaras dixitais grazas á biblioteca gphoto2. Co digiKam pódese acceder, por
suposto, a calquera dispositivo ou lector de tarxetas que recoñeza o sistema operativo.</p><p>O digiKam
incorpora un editor de imaxes rápido con moitas ferramentas para a edición de imaxes. Pódese empregar
para ver as fotografías, comentalas e puntualas, corrixilas, melloralas e alteralas. A súa potencia
de edición pode ser estendida facilmente cun conxunto de engadidos, a Interface de engadidos de imaxe
de KDE (vexa o manual)</p><p>Mesmo se o digiKam resulta doado de utilizar, fornece funcionalidades
de nivel profesional a moreas. É totalmente 16 bits, incluídos todos os engadidos dispoñíbeis, admite
a conversión do formato RAW mediante libraw, a exportación a DNG e a xestión de cor ICC.</p><p>New
Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata
Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview
of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
is: '<p>Myndaumsýsluforrit sem hannað er til að flytja inn, skipuleggja, laga, leita og senda myndir
til og frá tölvunni þinni.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing
digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in
albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that will connect to your
digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than 1000 digital cameras
are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported by your operating
system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image
editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and rate them, correct,
enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image
Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional level
features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports RAW format
conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the
KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes
and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video
and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots
and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
ru: '<p>Менеджер цифровых фотографий, позволяющий импортировать, упорядочивать, улучшать, искать и экспортировать
цифровые фоторафии.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing digital
photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in albums
and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>Имеется простой в использовании интерфейс для цифровых фотокамер, позволяющий
подключить камеру и загрузить фотографии непосредственно в альбомы digiKam. Библиотека gphoto2 обеспечивает
поддержку более 1000 моделей фотокамер. Разумеется, digiKam также может работать с любыми мультимедийными
носителями и устройствами чтения карт памяти, поддерживаемыми вашей операционной системой.</p><p>digiKam
incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view
your photographs, comment and rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be
easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam
remains easy to use, it provides professional level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled
including all available plugins, supports RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC
color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports
Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool,
gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo
libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline archives Improved database with many
more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical filtering with the mouse on the
map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component
versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited Usability improvements for netbooks
Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search boxes in both sidebars and main window
New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens
error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its
capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package
contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
sl: '<p>Program upravljanja digitalnih fotografij, zasnovan za uvoz, organizacijo, izboljšanje, iskanje
in izvoz digitalnih slik na in z računalnika.</p><p>Zagotavlja enostaven vmesnik, ki omogoča hiter
uvoz in organizacijo digitalnih fotografij. digiKam vam omogoča upravljanje velikega števila digitalnih
fotografij v albumih in organizacijo teh fotografij za enostavno pridobivanje z oznakami (ključnimi
besedami), naslovi, zbirkami, datumi, geomesti in iskanjem. Vsebuje številne zmožnosti za ogled, organizacije,
obdelovanje in deljenje vaših fotografij z drugimi. Zato je digiKam odličen program za organizacijo
fotografij, ki vključuje zmogljive zmožnosti urejanja slik.</p><p>Na voljo je enostaven vmesnik fotoaparata,
ki vas bo povezal z digitalnim fotoaparatom in fotografije prejel neposredno v albume digiKam. Knjižnica
gphoto2 podpira več kot 1000 digitalnih fotoaparatov. digiKam podpira tudi katerikoli medij ali bralnik
kartic, ki ga podpira vaš operacijski sistem.</p><p>digiKam vključuje hiter urejevalnik slik z številni
orodji urejanja. Urejevalnik lahko uporabite za ogled fotografij, njihovo komentiranje in oceno, popravilo,
izboljšanje in prilagajanje. Možnosti urejanje lahko razširite s številnimi vstavki preko vmesnika
vstavkov KDE Image (priročnik).</p><p>Čeprav digiKam ostaja enostaven za uporabo zagotavlja številne
zmožnosti profesionalne ravni. Popolnoma podpira 16 bitno barvno globino, vključno z vsemi razpoložljivimi
vstavki, podpira pretvorbo datotek RAW s pomočjo libraw, izvoz DNG in upravljanje barv ICC.</p><p>Nove
zmožnosti različice KDE4: Izvaja se na kateremukoli okolju, ki podpira Qt4 in KDE4 Podpira metapodatke
XML Bere, zapisuje in pretvori v vrsto DNG Novo orodje za obdelovanje RAW, popravilo gama v 16 bitih
Predogled zvočnih in video datotek Datoteka podatkovne zbirke je neodvisna od knjižnic fotografij,
kar omogoča oddaljene poti, večkratne poti in nepovezane arhive Izboljšana podatkovna zbirka z več
metapodatki po katerih je mogoče iskati Vključitev Marble, geografično filtriranje z miško na zamljevidu
Novo iskanje najde dvojnike in podobne slike Meni pomoči izpiše vse vrste RAW in različice sestavnih
delov digiKam Mogoče je urejati metapodatke datotek DNG, RWL, NEF in PEF RAW. Izboljšave uporabnosti
za mini prenosnike Nemodalni urejevalnik slik Vrstica sličic v načinu predogleda Polja živega iskanja
v obeh stranskih vrsticah in glavnem oknu Nov vmesnik fotoaparata, orodja zajemanja in vmesnika preiskovalnika
Nov vstavek osnovan na lensfun za samodejne popravke napak leč</p><p>digiKam lahko uporabi tudi vstavke
upravljanja slik KIPI in z njimi svoje zmožnosti razširi za več obdelav slik, uvoz in izvoz, itn.
Paket kipi- plugins vsebuje veliko zelo uporabnih vstavkov.</p>'
ID: digikam.desktop
cached: digikam_digikam.png
stock: digikam
C: digiKam
hne: डिजीकैम
km: digiKam
mr: डिजिकॅम
ne: डिजिक्याम
pa: ਡਿਜਿਕੈਮ
sv: Digikam
th: ดิจิแคม
Package: digikam
- x-content/image-dcf
- x-content/image-picturecd
C: Manage your photographs like a professional with the power of open source
ast: Xestiona les tos semeyes como un profesional usando software llibre
bg: Обработвайте снимките си професионално с помощта на свободния софтуер
bs: Upravljajte fotografijama kao profesionalac snagom otvorenog izvornog koda
ca: Gestioneu les vostres fotografies com un professional amb la potència del programari lliure
ca@valencia: Gestioneu les vostres fotografies com un professional amb la potència del programari lliure
cs: Spravujte své fotografie jako profesionál pomocí open source
da: Håndtér dine fotografier som en professionel med kraften fra open source
de: Verwalten Sie Ihre Bilder wie ein Profi mit allen Möglichkeiten von Open Source.
el: Διαχειριστείτε τις φωτογραφίες σας όπως οι επαγγελματίες με τη δύναμη του ελεύθερου λογισμικού
es: Gestione sus fotos como un profesional usando software libre
et: Fotode haldamine profina avatud lähtekoodiga tarkvara võimsust kasutades
eu: Kudeatu zure argazkiak profesional baten antzera iturburu irekiaren indarrarekin
fi: Ammattilaistasoinen avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelma valokuvien hallintaan
fr: Gérez vos photos comme un professionnel avec la puissance de l'« Open Source »
gl: Xestione as súas fotografías como un profesional coa potencia do software de fontes abertas
hne: ओपन सोर्स के पावर से आप मन अपन फोटो ल प्रोफेसनल जइसन मैनेज कर सकथो
hr: Upravljajte svojim fotografijama kao profesionalac uz moć slobodnog softvera
hu: Kezelje fényképeit profiként a nyílt forrás erejével
is: Sýslaðu með ljósmyndirnar þínar í krafti opins hugbúnaðar
it: Gestisci le tue fotografie come un professionista con la forza del software libero
ja: オープンソースの力であなたの写真をプロのように管理します
km: គ្រប់គ្រងរូបថតរបស់អ្នក ដូចជាអ្នកអាជីពដែលមានថាមពលលើកម្មវិធីប្រភពកូដចំហ
ko: 오픈 소스의 힘으로 전문가처럼 사진 관리하기
lt: Tvarkykite savo nuotraukas kaip profesionalas su atviro kodo jėga
lv: Pārvaldiet savas fotogrāfijas kā profesionālis, izmantojot atvērtā pirmkoda spēku
mr: ओपन सोर्सच्या बळाने तुमचे फोटो व्यावसायिकाप्रमाणे व्यवस्थापीत करा
nb: Håndter dine fotografier som en proff med kraften i åpen programvare
nds: Pleeg Dien Fotos as'n Fachmann. - Mit de Knööv vun Apenborn.
nl: Beheer uw foto's als een professional met de kracht van opensource
pa: ਆਪਣੀਆਂ ਫੋਟੋਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਪਰੋਫੈਸ਼ਨਲ ਵਾਂਗ ਓਪਨ ਸੋਰਸ ਦੀ ਮੱਦਦ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਭਾਲੋ
pl: Z mocą open source, zarządzaj swoimi zdjęciami niczym profesjonalista
pt: Faça a gestão das suas fotografias como um profissional, graças ao 'software' livre
pt_br: Gerencie suas fotografias como um profissional, com o poder do código aberto
ro: Gestionați-vă fotografiile ca un profesionist profitînd de puterea aplicațiilor cu sursă deschisă
ru: Управляйте своей коллекцией фотографий на профессиональном уровне с помощью свободного программного
sk: Spravujte svoje fotografie ako profesionál pomocou open source
sl: Upravljajte s svojimi fotografijami kot profesionalec z močjo odprte kode
sq: Menaxho fotografitë e tua si një profesionist me fuqinë e burimit të hapur
sv: Hantera dina fotografier som ett proffs med kraftfull öppen källkod
th: จัดการภาพถ่ายของคุณดั่งมืออาชีพ ด้วยพลังสร้างสรรค์ของโอเพนซอร์ส
tr: Açık kaynağın gücüyle fotoğraflarınızı bir profesyonel gibi düzenleyin
ug: ئوچۇق مەنبەلىك يۇمشاق دېتاللارنىڭ كۈچىدىن پايدىلىنىپ سۈرەتلىرىڭىزنى كەسپىي خادىملاردەك باشقۇرالايسىز
uk: Керуйте вашими фотографіями як професіонал за допомогою вільного програмного забезпечення
zh_cn: 专业照片管理 彰显开源力量
zh_tw: 運用開放原始碼的力量像專業人士般管理您的照片
Type: desktop-app
digiKam-ImagePlugin_Enhance ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc
C: '<p>Digital photo management program designed to import, organize, enhance, search and export your
digital images to and from your computer.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing
and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital
photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that
will connect to your digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than
1000 digital cameras are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported
by your operating system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor
with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and
rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins,
the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional
level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports
RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features
of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads,
writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of
video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
de: '<p>Dieses Programm hilft Ihnen bei der Verwaltung von Digitalfotos auf Ihrem Rechner. Sie können
Bilder importieren, exportieren, organisieren, durchsuchen und aufwerten.</p><p>Es bietet eine einfache
Schnittstelle, die das Importieren und Organisieren von digitalen Fotos eine Leichtigkeit werden lässt.
Mit digiKam können Sie eine große Zahl von digitalen Fotos in Alben verwalten und diese Fotos für
einfachen Abruf organisieren mit Hilfe von Tags (Stichworten), Beschriftungen, Sammlungen, Daten,
Geolokalisierungen und Suchanfragen. Es hat viele Funktionen zum Betrachten, Organisieren, Bearbeiten
und Austauschen von Bildern. Somit ist digikam eine gewaltige »Digital Asset Management (DAM)«-Software
einschließlich leistungsstarker Bildbearbeitungsfunktionen.</p><p>Eine einfach zu bedienende Kamera-Oberfläche
ist vorhandne, die sich mit Ihrer Digitalkamera verbindet und Fotos direkt in die digiKam-Alben herunterlädt.
Mehr als 1000 digitale Kameras werden von der gphoto2-Bibliothek unterstützt. Natürlich wird jeder
Medien- oder Kartenleser, der von Ihrem Betriebssystem unterstützt wird, über die digiKam-Oberfläche
erkannt.</p><p>digiKam enthält eine schnelle Bildbearbeitung mit vielen Bildbearbeitungswerkzeugen.
Sie können die Bildbearbeitung zum Betrachten Ihrer Fotos, kommentieren und bewerten, korrigieren,
verbessern und verändern nutzen. Die Bearbeitungsfunktionen können durch eine Sammlung von Erweiterungen
über die KDE-Bilderweiterungsschnittstelle (Handbuch) leicht ergänzt werden.</p><p>Während digiKam
leicht zu bedienen ist, stellt es Dutzende profesionelle Funktionen bereit. Es verwendet überall 16-bit,
inklusive aller verfügbaren Erweiterungen, unterstützt die RAW-Formatumwandlung mittels libraw, kann
DNG exportieren und unterstützt die Arbeit mit ICC- Farbverwaltung.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4
version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts
into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files
Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline
archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical
filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists
all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited
Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search
boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin
based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam kann auch die KIPI-Erweiterungen
zur Bildverarbeitung nutzen, um seine Fähigkeiten zur Fotomanipulation, zu importieren, zu exportieren
usw. noch zu ergänzen. Das Paket „kipi-plugins“ enthält viele sehr nützliche Erweiterungen.</p>'
fr: '<p>Ce programme de gestion de photo numérique est conçu pour importer, organiser, retoucher, rechercher
et exporter vos images numériques depuis et vers votre ordinateur.</p><p>Il fournit une interface
simple qui transforme l''importation et l''organisation de photographies numériques en un simple claquement
de doigts. digiKam vous permet de gérer un grand nombre de photos numériques dans des albums et d''organiser
ces photographies pour les retrouver facilement en utilisant les étiquettes (mots-clés), les légendes,
les collections, les dates, la géolocalisation et les recherches. Il possède de nombreuses fonctionnalités
pour la visualisation, l''organisation, le traitement et le partage de vos images. Ainsi, digiKam
est un formidable logiciel de gestion des ressources numériques incluant de puissantes fonctions d''édition
d''image.</p><p>Une interface facile à utiliser pour la caméra est fournie, elle se connectera à votre
appareil photo numérique et téléchargera les photographies directement dans des albums digiKam. Plus
de 1000 appareils photo numériques sont pris en charge par la bibliothèque gphoto2. Bien sûr, n''importe
quel lecteur multimédia ou de carte pris en charge par votre système d''exploitation s''interfacera
avec digiKam.</p><p>DigiKam intègre un éditeur d''image rapide avec de nombreux outils de retouche
d''image. Vous pouvez utiliser l''éditeur d''images pour afficher vos photos, commentaires et les
évaluer, corriger, améliorer et les modifier. La puissance de montage peut être facilement étendu
par un ensemble de modules externes, les Kipi plugins (manuel)</p><p>Même si digiKam reste facile
à utiliser, il offre des dizaines de fonctionnalités de niveau professionnel. Il est entièrement adapté
au 16 bits, y compris tous les greffons disponibles, prend en charge la conversion en format RAW grâce
à libraw, l''export en DNG et le processus de gestion des couleurs ICC.</p><p>Nouvelles fonctionnalités
de la version KDE 4 : Fonctionne sur toute plate-forme prenant en charge Qt4 et KDE4 Prise en charge
des métadonnées XMP Lit, écrit et convertit le format DNG Un nouvel outil de traitement RAW, correction
gamma sur 16 bits Aperçu du fichiers vidéo et audio Le fichier de base de données est indépendant
des bibliothèques de photo, ce qui permet les chemins distants, les racines multiples et les archives
hors ligne Amélioration de la base de données avec beaucoup plus de métadonnées qui peuvent être recherchées
Intégration de Marble, filtrage géographique avec la souris sur la carte La nouvelle recherche trouve
les images en double et similaires Le menu Aide liste tous les formats RAW et les versions des composants
Digikam Les métadonnées des fichiers DNG, RWL, NEF et PEF peuvent être modifiées Amélioration de la
convivialité pour les netbooks Éditeur non modal d''images Barre de miniatures dans le mode aperçu
Champs de recherche instantanée dans les barres latérales et la fenêtre principale Nouvelle interface
caméra, outil de capture, interface du scanner Nouveau module externe basé sur lensfun pour les corrections
automatiques des erreurs de lentilles</p><p>digiKam peut également utiliser les greffons de manipulation
d''image KIPI pour étendre encore plus ses capacités de manipulations, d''importation et d''exportation,
etc. de photographies. Le paquet kipi-plugins contient de nombreuses extensions très utiles.</p>'
gl: '<p>Programa para a xestión de fotos dixitais deseñado para importar, organizar, mellorar, buscar
e exportar as imaxes dixitais para e desde o computador.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which
makes importing and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers
of digital photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>Dispón dunha interface para cámaras doada de utilizar
que se conecta coas cámaras dixitais e descarga as fotografías directamente para os álbums do digiKam.
Recoñece máis de 1000 cámaras dixitais grazas á biblioteca gphoto2. Co digiKam pódese acceder, por
suposto, a calquera dispositivo ou lector de tarxetas que recoñeza o sistema operativo.</p><p>O digiKam
incorpora un editor de imaxes rápido con moitas ferramentas para a edición de imaxes. Pódese empregar
para ver as fotografías, comentalas e puntualas, corrixilas, melloralas e alteralas. A súa potencia
de edición pode ser estendida facilmente cun conxunto de engadidos, a Interface de engadidos de imaxe
de KDE (vexa o manual)</p><p>Mesmo se o digiKam resulta doado de utilizar, fornece funcionalidades
de nivel profesional a moreas. É totalmente 16 bits, incluídos todos os engadidos dispoñíbeis, admite
a conversión do formato RAW mediante libraw, a exportación a DNG e a xestión de cor ICC.</p><p>New
Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata
Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview
of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
is: '<p>Myndaumsýsluforrit sem hannað er til að flytja inn, skipuleggja, laga, leita og senda myndir
til og frá tölvunni þinni.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing
digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in
albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that will connect to your
digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than 1000 digital cameras
are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported by your operating
system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image
editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and rate them, correct,
enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image
Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional level
features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports RAW format
conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the
KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes
and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video
and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots
and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
ru: '<p>Менеджер цифровых фотографий, позволяющий импортировать, упорядочивать, улучшать, искать и экспортировать
цифровые фоторафии.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing digital
photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in albums
and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>Имеется простой в использовании интерфейс для цифровых фотокамер, позволяющий
подключить камеру и загрузить фотографии непосредственно в альбомы digiKam. Библиотека gphoto2 обеспечивает
поддержку более 1000 моделей фотокамер. Разумеется, digiKam также может работать с любыми мультимедийными
носителями и устройствами чтения карт памяти, поддерживаемыми вашей операционной системой.</p><p>digiKam
incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view
your photographs, comment and rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be
easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam
remains easy to use, it provides professional level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled
including all available plugins, supports RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC
color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports
Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool,
gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo
libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline archives Improved database with many
more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical filtering with the mouse on the
map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component
versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited Usability improvements for netbooks
Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search boxes in both sidebars and main window
New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens
error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its
capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package
contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
sl: '<p>Program upravljanja digitalnih fotografij, zasnovan za uvoz, organizacijo, izboljšanje, iskanje
in izvoz digitalnih slik na in z računalnika.</p><p>Zagotavlja enostaven vmesnik, ki omogoča hiter
uvoz in organizacijo digitalnih fotografij. digiKam vam omogoča upravljanje velikega števila digitalnih
fotografij v albumih in organizacijo teh fotografij za enostavno pridobivanje z oznakami (ključnimi
besedami), naslovi, zbirkami, datumi, geomesti in iskanjem. Vsebuje številne zmožnosti za ogled, organizacije,
obdelovanje in deljenje vaših fotografij z drugimi. Zato je digiKam odličen program za organizacijo
fotografij, ki vključuje zmogljive zmožnosti urejanja slik.</p><p>Na voljo je enostaven vmesnik fotoaparata,
ki vas bo povezal z digitalnim fotoaparatom in fotografije prejel neposredno v albume digiKam. Knjižnica
gphoto2 podpira več kot 1000 digitalnih fotoaparatov. digiKam podpira tudi katerikoli medij ali bralnik
kartic, ki ga podpira vaš operacijski sistem.</p><p>digiKam vključuje hiter urejevalnik slik z številni
orodji urejanja. Urejevalnik lahko uporabite za ogled fotografij, njihovo komentiranje in oceno, popravilo,
izboljšanje in prilagajanje. Možnosti urejanje lahko razširite s številnimi vstavki preko vmesnika
vstavkov KDE Image (priročnik).</p><p>Čeprav digiKam ostaja enostaven za uporabo zagotavlja številne
zmožnosti profesionalne ravni. Popolnoma podpira 16 bitno barvno globino, vključno z vsemi razpoložljivimi
vstavki, podpira pretvorbo datotek RAW s pomočjo libraw, izvoz DNG in upravljanje barv ICC.</p><p>Nove
zmožnosti različice KDE4: Izvaja se na kateremukoli okolju, ki podpira Qt4 in KDE4 Podpira metapodatke
XML Bere, zapisuje in pretvori v vrsto DNG Novo orodje za obdelovanje RAW, popravilo gama v 16 bitih
Predogled zvočnih in video datotek Datoteka podatkovne zbirke je neodvisna od knjižnic fotografij,
kar omogoča oddaljene poti, večkratne poti in nepovezane arhive Izboljšana podatkovna zbirka z več
metapodatki po katerih je mogoče iskati Vključitev Marble, geografično filtriranje z miško na zamljevidu
Novo iskanje najde dvojnike in podobne slike Meni pomoči izpiše vse vrste RAW in različice sestavnih
delov digiKam Mogoče je urejati metapodatke datotek DNG, RWL, NEF in PEF RAW. Izboljšave uporabnosti
za mini prenosnike Nemodalni urejevalnik slik Vrstica sličic v načinu predogleda Polja živega iskanja
v obeh stranskih vrsticah in glavnem oknu Nov vmesnik fotoaparata, orodja zajemanja in vmesnika preiskovalnika
Nov vstavek osnovan na lensfun za samodejne popravke napak leč</p><p>digiKam lahko uporabi tudi vstavke
upravljanja slik KIPI in z njimi svoje zmožnosti razširi za več obdelav slik, uvoz in izvoz, itn.
Paket kipi- plugins vsebuje veliko zelo uporabnih vstavkov.</p>'
C: digiKam Project
ast: Proyeutu digiKam
bs: digiKam Projekt
ca: Projecte digiKam
cs: Projekt digiKam
da: digiKam-projektet
de: digiKam-Projekt
es: Proyecto digiKam
it: Progetto digiKam
ko: digiKam 프로젝트
nl: digiKam-project
pl: Projekt digiKam
pt: Projecto digiKam
pt-BR: Projeto digiKam
sk: Projekt digiKamu
sl: Projekt digiKam
sv: Digikam-projektet
uk: Проект digiKam
- digikam.desktop
ID: digiKam-ImagePlugin_Enhance
C: ImagePlugin-Enhance
ca: Connector d'imatge per a millores
de: Bildmodul Verbesserung
es: Complemento de imagen - Mejorar
it: ImagePlugin-Migliora
ko: 그림 플러그인-향상
pl: WtyczkaObrazu-polepszanie
sl: Vstavek za slike - izboljšaj
sv: Bildinsticksprogrammet Förbättra
Package: digikam
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
C: digiKam plugin to enhance photographs
bs: dodatak digiKam-a za poboljšanje fotografija
ca: Connector d'imatge per a millorar les fotografies
cs: Modul digiKamu pro vylepšování fotografií
da: digiKam-plugin til at forbedre fotos
de: digiKam-Modul zur Bildverbesserung
es: Complemento de digiKam para mejorar fotografías
it: Estensione di digiKam per migliorare le fotografie
ko: 사진을 보기 좋게 변경하는 도구
nl: digiKam-plugin voor het verbeteren van foto's
pl: Wtyczka digiKam do polepszania fotografii
pt: '''Plugin'' do digiKam para realçar fotografias'
pt-BR: Plugin do digiKam para melhorar as fotografias
sk: Plugin digiKamu na rozšírenie fotografií
sl: Vstavek za digiKam za izboljšavo fotografij
sv: Digikam-Insticksprogram för att förbättra fotografier
uk: Додаток до digiKam для покращення вигляду фотографій
Type: addon
digiKam-ImagePlugin_FxFilters ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc
C: '<p>Digital photo management program designed to import, organize, enhance, search and export your
digital images to and from your computer.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing
and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital
photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that
will connect to your digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than
1000 digital cameras are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported
by your operating system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor
with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and
rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins,
the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional
level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports
RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features
of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads,
writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of
video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
de: '<p>Dieses Programm hilft Ihnen bei der Verwaltung von Digitalfotos auf Ihrem Rechner. Sie können
Bilder importieren, exportieren, organisieren, durchsuchen und aufwerten.</p><p>Es bietet eine einfache
Schnittstelle, die das Importieren und Organisieren von digitalen Fotos eine Leichtigkeit werden lässt.
Mit digiKam können Sie eine große Zahl von digitalen Fotos in Alben verwalten und diese Fotos für
einfachen Abruf organisieren mit Hilfe von Tags (Stichworten), Beschriftungen, Sammlungen, Daten,
Geolokalisierungen und Suchanfragen. Es hat viele Funktionen zum Betrachten, Organisieren, Bearbeiten
und Austauschen von Bildern. Somit ist digikam eine gewaltige »Digital Asset Management (DAM)«-Software
einschließlich leistungsstarker Bildbearbeitungsfunktionen.</p><p>Eine einfach zu bedienende Kamera-Oberfläche
ist vorhandne, die sich mit Ihrer Digitalkamera verbindet und Fotos direkt in die digiKam-Alben herunterlädt.
Mehr als 1000 digitale Kameras werden von der gphoto2-Bibliothek unterstützt. Natürlich wird jeder
Medien- oder Kartenleser, der von Ihrem Betriebssystem unterstützt wird, über die digiKam-Oberfläche
erkannt.</p><p>digiKam enthält eine schnelle Bildbearbeitung mit vielen Bildbearbeitungswerkzeugen.
Sie können die Bildbearbeitung zum Betrachten Ihrer Fotos, kommentieren und bewerten, korrigieren,
verbessern und verändern nutzen. Die Bearbeitungsfunktionen können durch eine Sammlung von Erweiterungen
über die KDE-Bilderweiterungsschnittstelle (Handbuch) leicht ergänzt werden.</p><p>Während digiKam
leicht zu bedienen ist, stellt es Dutzende profesionelle Funktionen bereit. Es verwendet überall 16-bit,
inklusive aller verfügbaren Erweiterungen, unterstützt die RAW-Formatumwandlung mittels libraw, kann
DNG exportieren und unterstützt die Arbeit mit ICC- Farbverwaltung.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4
version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts
into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files
Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline
archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical
filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists
all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited
Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search
boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin
based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam kann auch die KIPI-Erweiterungen
zur Bildverarbeitung nutzen, um seine Fähigkeiten zur Fotomanipulation, zu importieren, zu exportieren
usw. noch zu ergänzen. Das Paket „kipi-plugins“ enthält viele sehr nützliche Erweiterungen.</p>'
fr: '<p>Ce programme de gestion de photo numérique est conçu pour importer, organiser, retoucher, rechercher
et exporter vos images numériques depuis et vers votre ordinateur.</p><p>Il fournit une interface
simple qui transforme l''importation et l''organisation de photographies numériques en un simple claquement
de doigts. digiKam vous permet de gérer un grand nombre de photos numériques dans des albums et d''organiser
ces photographies pour les retrouver facilement en utilisant les étiquettes (mots-clés), les légendes,
les collections, les dates, la géolocalisation et les recherches. Il possède de nombreuses fonctionnalités
pour la visualisation, l''organisation, le traitement et le partage de vos images. Ainsi, digiKam
est un formidable logiciel de gestion des ressources numériques incluant de puissantes fonctions d''édition
d''image.</p><p>Une interface facile à utiliser pour la caméra est fournie, elle se connectera à votre
appareil photo numérique et téléchargera les photographies directement dans des albums digiKam. Plus
de 1000 appareils photo numériques sont pris en charge par la bibliothèque gphoto2. Bien sûr, n''importe
quel lecteur multimédia ou de carte pris en charge par votre système d''exploitation s''interfacera
avec digiKam.</p><p>DigiKam intègre un éditeur d''image rapide avec de nombreux outils de retouche
d''image. Vous pouvez utiliser l''éditeur d''images pour afficher vos photos, commentaires et les
évaluer, corriger, améliorer et les modifier. La puissance de montage peut être facilement étendu
par un ensemble de modules externes, les Kipi plugins (manuel)</p><p>Même si digiKam reste facile
à utiliser, il offre des dizaines de fonctionnalités de niveau professionnel. Il est entièrement adapté
au 16 bits, y compris tous les greffons disponibles, prend en charge la conversion en format RAW grâce
à libraw, l''export en DNG et le processus de gestion des couleurs ICC.</p><p>Nouvelles fonctionnalités
de la version KDE 4 : Fonctionne sur toute plate-forme prenant en charge Qt4 et KDE4 Prise en charge
des métadonnées XMP Lit, écrit et convertit le format DNG Un nouvel outil de traitement RAW, correction
gamma sur 16 bits Aperçu du fichiers vidéo et audio Le fichier de base de données est indépendant
des bibliothèques de photo, ce qui permet les chemins distants, les racines multiples et les archives
hors ligne Amélioration de la base de données avec beaucoup plus de métadonnées qui peuvent être recherchées
Intégration de Marble, filtrage géographique avec la souris sur la carte La nouvelle recherche trouve
les images en double et similaires Le menu Aide liste tous les formats RAW et les versions des composants
Digikam Les métadonnées des fichiers DNG, RWL, NEF et PEF peuvent être modifiées Amélioration de la
convivialité pour les netbooks Éditeur non modal d''images Barre de miniatures dans le mode aperçu
Champs de recherche instantanée dans les barres latérales et la fenêtre principale Nouvelle interface
caméra, outil de capture, interface du scanner Nouveau module externe basé sur lensfun pour les corrections
automatiques des erreurs de lentilles</p><p>digiKam peut également utiliser les greffons de manipulation
d''image KIPI pour étendre encore plus ses capacités de manipulations, d''importation et d''exportation,
etc. de photographies. Le paquet kipi-plugins contient de nombreuses extensions très utiles.</p>'
gl: '<p>Programa para a xestión de fotos dixitais deseñado para importar, organizar, mellorar, buscar
e exportar as imaxes dixitais para e desde o computador.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which
makes importing and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers
of digital photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>Dispón dunha interface para cámaras doada de utilizar
que se conecta coas cámaras dixitais e descarga as fotografías directamente para os álbums do digiKam.
Recoñece máis de 1000 cámaras dixitais grazas á biblioteca gphoto2. Co digiKam pódese acceder, por
suposto, a calquera dispositivo ou lector de tarxetas que recoñeza o sistema operativo.</p><p>O digiKam
incorpora un editor de imaxes rápido con moitas ferramentas para a edición de imaxes. Pódese empregar
para ver as fotografías, comentalas e puntualas, corrixilas, melloralas e alteralas. A súa potencia
de edición pode ser estendida facilmente cun conxunto de engadidos, a Interface de engadidos de imaxe
de KDE (vexa o manual)</p><p>Mesmo se o digiKam resulta doado de utilizar, fornece funcionalidades
de nivel profesional a moreas. É totalmente 16 bits, incluídos todos os engadidos dispoñíbeis, admite
a conversión do formato RAW mediante libraw, a exportación a DNG e a xestión de cor ICC.</p><p>New
Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata
Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview
of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
is: '<p>Myndaumsýsluforrit sem hannað er til að flytja inn, skipuleggja, laga, leita og senda myndir
til og frá tölvunni þinni.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing
digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in
albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that will connect to your
digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than 1000 digital cameras
are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported by your operating
system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image
editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and rate them, correct,
enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image
Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional level
features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports RAW format
conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the
KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes
and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video
and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots
and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
ru: '<p>Менеджер цифровых фотографий, позволяющий импортировать, упорядочивать, улучшать, искать и экспортировать
цифровые фоторафии.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing digital
photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in albums
and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>Имеется простой в использовании интерфейс для цифровых фотокамер, позволяющий
подключить камеру и загрузить фотографии непосредственно в альбомы digiKam. Библиотека gphoto2 обеспечивает
поддержку более 1000 моделей фотокамер. Разумеется, digiKam также может работать с любыми мультимедийными
носителями и устройствами чтения карт памяти, поддерживаемыми вашей операционной системой.</p><p>digiKam
incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view
your photographs, comment and rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be
easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam
remains easy to use, it provides professional level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled
including all available plugins, supports RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC
color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports
Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool,
gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo
libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline archives Improved database with many
more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical filtering with the mouse on the
map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component
versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited Usability improvements for netbooks
Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search boxes in both sidebars and main window
New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens
error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its
capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package
contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
sl: '<p>Program upravljanja digitalnih fotografij, zasnovan za uvoz, organizacijo, izboljšanje, iskanje
in izvoz digitalnih slik na in z računalnika.</p><p>Zagotavlja enostaven vmesnik, ki omogoča hiter
uvoz in organizacijo digitalnih fotografij. digiKam vam omogoča upravljanje velikega števila digitalnih
fotografij v albumih in organizacijo teh fotografij za enostavno pridobivanje z oznakami (ključnimi
besedami), naslovi, zbirkami, datumi, geomesti in iskanjem. Vsebuje številne zmožnosti za ogled, organizacije,
obdelovanje in deljenje vaših fotografij z drugimi. Zato je digiKam odličen program za organizacijo
fotografij, ki vključuje zmogljive zmožnosti urejanja slik.</p><p>Na voljo je enostaven vmesnik fotoaparata,
ki vas bo povezal z digitalnim fotoaparatom in fotografije prejel neposredno v albume digiKam. Knjižnica
gphoto2 podpira več kot 1000 digitalnih fotoaparatov. digiKam podpira tudi katerikoli medij ali bralnik
kartic, ki ga podpira vaš operacijski sistem.</p><p>digiKam vključuje hiter urejevalnik slik z številni
orodji urejanja. Urejevalnik lahko uporabite za ogled fotografij, njihovo komentiranje in oceno, popravilo,
izboljšanje in prilagajanje. Možnosti urejanje lahko razširite s številnimi vstavki preko vmesnika
vstavkov KDE Image (priročnik).</p><p>Čeprav digiKam ostaja enostaven za uporabo zagotavlja številne
zmožnosti profesionalne ravni. Popolnoma podpira 16 bitno barvno globino, vključno z vsemi razpoložljivimi
vstavki, podpira pretvorbo datotek RAW s pomočjo libraw, izvoz DNG in upravljanje barv ICC.</p><p>Nove
zmožnosti različice KDE4: Izvaja se na kateremukoli okolju, ki podpira Qt4 in KDE4 Podpira metapodatke
XML Bere, zapisuje in pretvori v vrsto DNG Novo orodje za obdelovanje RAW, popravilo gama v 16 bitih
Predogled zvočnih in video datotek Datoteka podatkovne zbirke je neodvisna od knjižnic fotografij,
kar omogoča oddaljene poti, večkratne poti in nepovezane arhive Izboljšana podatkovna zbirka z več
metapodatki po katerih je mogoče iskati Vključitev Marble, geografično filtriranje z miško na zamljevidu
Novo iskanje najde dvojnike in podobne slike Meni pomoči izpiše vse vrste RAW in različice sestavnih
delov digiKam Mogoče je urejati metapodatke datotek DNG, RWL, NEF in PEF RAW. Izboljšave uporabnosti
za mini prenosnike Nemodalni urejevalnik slik Vrstica sličic v načinu predogleda Polja živega iskanja
v obeh stranskih vrsticah in glavnem oknu Nov vmesnik fotoaparata, orodja zajemanja in vmesnika preiskovalnika
Nov vstavek osnovan na lensfun za samodejne popravke napak leč</p><p>digiKam lahko uporabi tudi vstavke
upravljanja slik KIPI in z njimi svoje zmožnosti razširi za več obdelav slik, uvoz in izvoz, itn.
Paket kipi- plugins vsebuje veliko zelo uporabnih vstavkov.</p>'
C: digiKam Project
ast: Proyeutu digiKam
bs: digiKam Projekt
ca: Projecte digiKam
cs: Projekt digiKam
da: digiKam-projektet
de: digiKam-Projekt
es: Proyecto digiKam
it: Progetto digiKam
ko: digiKam 프로젝트
nl: digiKam-project
pl: Projekt digiKam
pt: Projecto digiKam
pt-BR: Projeto digiKam
sk: Projekt digiKamu
sl: Projekt digiKam
sv: Digikam-projektet
uk: Проект digiKam
- digikam.desktop
ID: digiKam-ImagePlugin_FxFilters
C: ImagePlugin-FxFilters
ca: Connector d'imatge pels filtres d'efectes especials
de: Bildmodul FxFilter
es: Complemento de imagen - Filtros de efectos especiales
it: ImagePlugin-FiltriFx
ko: 그림 플러그인-효과 필터
pl: WtyczkaObrazu-FiltryEfektówSpecjalnych
sl: Vstavek za slike - filtri posebnih učinkov
sv: Bildinsticksprogrammet Filtereffekter
Package: digikam
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
C: Special effect filters plugin for digiKam
bs: Dodatak filtera specijalnih efekata za digiKam
ca: Connector amb filtres d'efectes especials pel digiKam
cs: Modul filtrů speciálních efektů digiKamu
da: digiKam-plugin til specialeffekt-filtre
de: digiKam-Modul für Spezialeffekte
es: Complemento de filtros de efectos especiales para digiKam
gl: Engadido de filtros de efectos especiais para digiKam
it: Estensione di digiKam per filtri con effetti speciali
ko: digiKam용 특수 효과 필터 플러그인
nl: digiKam-plugin voor speciale effectfilters
pl: Wtyczka filtrów efektów specjalnych dla digiKam
pt: '''Plugin'' de filtros de efeitos especiais para o digiKam'
pt-BR: Plugin de filtros de efeitos especiais para o digiKam
sk: Plugin filtrov špeciálnych efektov pre digiKam
sl: Vstavek s filtri posebnih učinkov
sv: Insticksprogram för Digikam med specialeffektfilter
uk: Додаток фільтрів спеціальних ефектів до digiKam
Type: addon
digiKam-ImagePlugin_Color ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc
C: '<p>Digital photo management program designed to import, organize, enhance, search and export your
digital images to and from your computer.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing
and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital
photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that
will connect to your digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than
1000 digital cameras are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported
by your operating system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor
with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and
rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins,
the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional
level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports
RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features
of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads,
writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of
video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
de: '<p>Dieses Programm hilft Ihnen bei der Verwaltung von Digitalfotos auf Ihrem Rechner. Sie können
Bilder importieren, exportieren, organisieren, durchsuchen und aufwerten.</p><p>Es bietet eine einfache
Schnittstelle, die das Importieren und Organisieren von digitalen Fotos eine Leichtigkeit werden lässt.
Mit digiKam können Sie eine große Zahl von digitalen Fotos in Alben verwalten und diese Fotos für
einfachen Abruf organisieren mit Hilfe von Tags (Stichworten), Beschriftungen, Sammlungen, Daten,
Geolokalisierungen und Suchanfragen. Es hat viele Funktionen zum Betrachten, Organisieren, Bearbeiten
und Austauschen von Bildern. Somit ist digikam eine gewaltige »Digital Asset Management (DAM)«-Software
einschließlich leistungsstarker Bildbearbeitungsfunktionen.</p><p>Eine einfach zu bedienende Kamera-Oberfläche
ist vorhandne, die sich mit Ihrer Digitalkamera verbindet und Fotos direkt in die digiKam-Alben herunterlädt.
Mehr als 1000 digitale Kameras werden von der gphoto2-Bibliothek unterstützt. Natürlich wird jeder
Medien- oder Kartenleser, der von Ihrem Betriebssystem unterstützt wird, über die digiKam-Oberfläche
erkannt.</p><p>digiKam enthält eine schnelle Bildbearbeitung mit vielen Bildbearbeitungswerkzeugen.
Sie können die Bildbearbeitung zum Betrachten Ihrer Fotos, kommentieren und bewerten, korrigieren,
verbessern und verändern nutzen. Die Bearbeitungsfunktionen können durch eine Sammlung von Erweiterungen
über die KDE-Bilderweiterungsschnittstelle (Handbuch) leicht ergänzt werden.</p><p>Während digiKam
leicht zu bedienen ist, stellt es Dutzende profesionelle Funktionen bereit. Es verwendet überall 16-bit,
inklusive aller verfügbaren Erweiterungen, unterstützt die RAW-Formatumwandlung mittels libraw, kann
DNG exportieren und unterstützt die Arbeit mit ICC- Farbverwaltung.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4
version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts
into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files
Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline
archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical
filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists
all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited
Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search
boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin
based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam kann auch die KIPI-Erweiterungen
zur Bildverarbeitung nutzen, um seine Fähigkeiten zur Fotomanipulation, zu importieren, zu exportieren
usw. noch zu ergänzen. Das Paket „kipi-plugins“ enthält viele sehr nützliche Erweiterungen.</p>'
fr: '<p>Ce programme de gestion de photo numérique est conçu pour importer, organiser, retoucher, rechercher
et exporter vos images numériques depuis et vers votre ordinateur.</p><p>Il fournit une interface
simple qui transforme l''importation et l''organisation de photographies numériques en un simple claquement
de doigts. digiKam vous permet de gérer un grand nombre de photos numériques dans des albums et d''organiser
ces photographies pour les retrouver facilement en utilisant les étiquettes (mots-clés), les légendes,
les collections, les dates, la géolocalisation et les recherches. Il possède de nombreuses fonctionnalités
pour la visualisation, l''organisation, le traitement et le partage de vos images. Ainsi, digiKam
est un formidable logiciel de gestion des ressources numériques incluant de puissantes fonctions d''édition
d''image.</p><p>Une interface facile à utiliser pour la caméra est fournie, elle se connectera à votre
appareil photo numérique et téléchargera les photographies directement dans des albums digiKam. Plus
de 1000 appareils photo numériques sont pris en charge par la bibliothèque gphoto2. Bien sûr, n''importe
quel lecteur multimédia ou de carte pris en charge par votre système d''exploitation s''interfacera
avec digiKam.</p><p>DigiKam intègre un éditeur d''image rapide avec de nombreux outils de retouche
d''image. Vous pouvez utiliser l''éditeur d''images pour afficher vos photos, commentaires et les
évaluer, corriger, améliorer et les modifier. La puissance de montage peut être facilement étendu
par un ensemble de modules externes, les Kipi plugins (manuel)</p><p>Même si digiKam reste facile
à utiliser, il offre des dizaines de fonctionnalités de niveau professionnel. Il est entièrement adapté
au 16 bits, y compris tous les greffons disponibles, prend en charge la conversion en format RAW grâce
à libraw, l''export en DNG et le processus de gestion des couleurs ICC.</p><p>Nouvelles fonctionnalités
de la version KDE 4 : Fonctionne sur toute plate-forme prenant en charge Qt4 et KDE4 Prise en charge
des métadonnées XMP Lit, écrit et convertit le format DNG Un nouvel outil de traitement RAW, correction
gamma sur 16 bits Aperçu du fichiers vidéo et audio Le fichier de base de données est indépendant
des bibliothèques de photo, ce qui permet les chemins distants, les racines multiples et les archives
hors ligne Amélioration de la base de données avec beaucoup plus de métadonnées qui peuvent être recherchées
Intégration de Marble, filtrage géographique avec la souris sur la carte La nouvelle recherche trouve
les images en double et similaires Le menu Aide liste tous les formats RAW et les versions des composants
Digikam Les métadonnées des fichiers DNG, RWL, NEF et PEF peuvent être modifiées Amélioration de la
convivialité pour les netbooks Éditeur non modal d''images Barre de miniatures dans le mode aperçu
Champs de recherche instantanée dans les barres latérales et la fenêtre principale Nouvelle interface
caméra, outil de capture, interface du scanner Nouveau module externe basé sur lensfun pour les corrections
automatiques des erreurs de lentilles</p><p>digiKam peut également utiliser les greffons de manipulation
d''image KIPI pour étendre encore plus ses capacités de manipulations, d''importation et d''exportation,
etc. de photographies. Le paquet kipi-plugins contient de nombreuses extensions très utiles.</p>'
gl: '<p>Programa para a xestión de fotos dixitais deseñado para importar, organizar, mellorar, buscar
e exportar as imaxes dixitais para e desde o computador.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which
makes importing and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers
of digital photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords),
captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software
including powerful image editing functions.</p><p>Dispón dunha interface para cámaras doada de utilizar
que se conecta coas cámaras dixitais e descarga as fotografías directamente para os álbums do digiKam.
Recoñece máis de 1000 cámaras dixitais grazas á biblioteca gphoto2. Co digiKam pódese acceder, por
suposto, a calquera dispositivo ou lector de tarxetas que recoñeza o sistema operativo.</p><p>O digiKam
incorpora un editor de imaxes rápido con moitas ferramentas para a edición de imaxes. Pódese empregar
para ver as fotografías, comentalas e puntualas, corrixilas, melloralas e alteralas. A súa potencia
de edición pode ser estendida facilmente cun conxunto de engadidos, a Interface de engadidos de imaxe
de KDE (vexa o manual)</p><p>Mesmo se o digiKam resulta doado de utilizar, fornece funcionalidades
de nivel profesional a moreas. É totalmente 16 bits, incluídos todos os engadidos dispoñíbeis, admite
a conversión do formato RAW mediante libraw, a exportación a DNG e a xestión de cor ICC.</p><p>New
Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata
Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview
of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple
roots and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
is: '<p>Myndaumsýsluforrit sem hannað er til að flytja inn, skipuleggja, laga, leita og senda myndir
til og frá tölvunni þinni.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing
digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in
albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that will connect to your
digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More than 1000 digital cameras
are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course, any media or card reader supported by your operating
system will interface with digiKam.</p><p>digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image
editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and rate them, correct,
enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image
Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional level
features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins, supports RAW format
conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the
KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes
and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video
and audio files Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots
and offline archives Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched Marble integration,
geographical filtering with the mouse on the map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help
menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata
edited Usability improvements for netbooks Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live
search boxes in both sidebars and main window New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of
the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import
and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
ru: '<p>Менеджер цифровых фотографий, позволяющий импортировать, упорядочивать, улучшать, искать и экспортировать
цифровые фоторафии.</p><p>It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing digital
photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in albums
and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections,
dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing
your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful
image editing functions.</p><p>Имеется простой в использовании интерфейс для цифровых фотокамер, позволяющий
подключить камеру и загрузить фотографии непосредственно в альбомы digiKam. Библиотека gphoto2 обеспечивает
поддержку более 1000 моделей фотокамер. Разумеется, digiKam также может работать с любыми мультимедийными
носителями и устройствами чтения карт памяти, поддерживаемыми вашей операционной системой.</p><p>digiKam
incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view
your photographs, comment and rate them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be
easily extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)</p><p>While digiKam
remains easy to use, it provides professional level features by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled
including all available plugins, supports RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC
color management work flow.</p><p>New Features of the KDE4 version: Runs on any platform that supports
Qt4 and KDE4 Supports XMP metadata Reads, writes and converts into DNG format New RAW processing tool,
gamma-correction in 16 bits Preview of video and audio files Database file is independent of photo
libraries, enabling remote paths, multiple roots and offline archives Improved database with many
more metadata that can be searched Marble integration, geographical filtering with the mouse on the
map New search finds duplicates and similar images Help menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component
versions DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited Usability improvements for netbooks
Non-modal image editor Thumbnail bar in preview mode Live search boxes in both sidebars and main window
New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens
error corrections</p><p>digiKam can also make use of the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its
capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package
contains many very useful extensions.</p>'
sl: '<p>Program upravljanja digitalnih fotografij, zasnovan za uvoz, organizacijo, izboljšanje, iskanje
in izvoz digitalnih slik na in z računalnika.</p><p>Zagotavlja enostaven vmesnik, ki omogoča hiter
uvoz in organizacijo digitalnih fotografij. digiKam vam omogoča upravljanje velikega števila digitalnih
fotografij v albumih in organizacijo teh fotografij za enostavno pridobivanje z oznakami (ključnimi
besedami), naslovi, zbirkami, datumi, geomesti in iskanjem. Vsebuje številne zmožnosti za ogled, organizacije,
obdelovanje in deljenje vaših fotografij z drugimi. Zato je digiKam odličen program za organizacijo
fotografij, ki vključuje zmogljive zmožnosti urejanja slik.</p><p>Na voljo je enostaven vmesnik fotoaparata,
ki vas bo povezal z digitalnim fotoaparatom in fotografije prejel neposredno v albume digiKam. Knjižnica
gphoto2 podpira več kot 1000 digitalnih fotoaparatov. digiKam podpira tudi katerikoli medij ali bralnik
kartic, ki ga podpira vaš operacijski sistem.</p><p>digiKam vključuje hiter urejevalnik slik z številni
orodji urejanja. Urejevalnik lahko uporabite za ogled fotografij, njihovo komentiranje in oceno, popravilo,
izboljšanje in prilagajanje. Možnosti urejanje lahko razširite s številnimi vstavki preko vmesnika
vstavkov KDE Image (priročnik).</p><p>Čeprav digiKam ostaja enostaven za uporabo zagotavlja številne
zmožnosti profesionalne ravni. Popolnoma podpira 16 bitno barvno globino, vključno z vsemi razpoložljivimi
vstavki, podpira pretvorbo datotek RAW s pomočjo libraw, izvoz DNG in upravljanje barv ICC.</p><p>Nove
zmožnosti različice KDE4: Izvaja se na kateremukoli okolju, ki podpira Qt4 in KDE4 Podpira metapodatke
XML Bere, zapisuje in pretvori v vrsto DNG Novo orodje za obdelovanje RAW, popravilo gama v 16 bitih
Predogled zvočnih in video datotek Datoteka podatkovne zbirke je neodvisna od knjižnic fotografij,
kar omogoča oddaljene poti, večkratne poti in nepovezane arhive Izboljšana podatkovna zbirka z več
metapodatki po katerih je mogoče iskati Vključitev Marble, geografično filtriranje z miško na zamljevidu
Novo iskanje najde dvojnike in podobne slike Meni pomoči izpiše vse vrste RAW in različice sestavnih
delov digiKam Mogoče je urejati metapodatke datotek DNG, RWL, NEF in PEF RAW. Izboljšave uporabnosti
za mini prenosnike Nemodalni urejevalnik slik Vrstica sličic v načinu predogleda Polja živega iskanja
v obeh stranskih vrsticah in glavnem oknu Nov vmesnik fotoaparata, orodja zajemanja in vmesnika preiskovalnika
Nov vstavek osnovan na lensfun za samodejne popravke napak leč</p><p>digiKam lahko uporabi tudi vstavke
upravljanja slik KIPI in z njimi svoje zmožnosti razširi za več obdelav slik, uvoz in izvoz, itn.
Paket kipi- plugins vsebuje veliko zelo uporabnih vstavkov.</p>'
C: digiKam Project
bs: digiKam Projekt
ca: Projecte digiKam
cs: Projekt digiKam
da: digiKam-projektet
de: digiKam-Projekt
es: Proyecto digiKam
it: Progetto digiKam
ko: digiKam 프로젝트
nl: digiKam-project
pl: Projekt digiKam
pt: Projecto digiKam
pt-BR: Projeto digiKam
sk: Projekt digiKamu
sl: Projekt digiKam
sv: Digikam-projektet
uk: Проект digiKam
- digikam.desktop
ID: digiKam-ImagePlugin_Color
C: ImagePlugin-Color
ca: Connector d'imatge pel color
de: Bildmodul Farben
es: Complemento de imagen - Color
it: ImagePlugin-Colore
ko: 그림 플러그인-색상
pl: WtyczkaObrazu-barwa
sl: Vstavek za slike - barva
sv: Bildinsticksprogrammet Färg
Package: digikam
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
C: A tool to correct colors of image
ast: Una ferramienta pa correxir los colores d'imáxenes
bs: Alat za ispravljanje boja na slici
ca: Una eina per a corregir els colors de la imatge
cs: Nástroj pro opravu barev obrázku
da: Et værktøj til at korrigere et billedes farver
de: Korrigiert Farben von Bildern
en-GB: A tool to correct colours of image
es: Una herramienta para corregir los colores de una imagen
gl: Unha ferramenta para corrixir as cores das imaxes
it: Strumento per correggere i colori di un'immagine
ko: 그림의 색상을 수정하는 도구
nl: Een hulpmiddel voor het corrigeren van kleuren in een afbeelding
pl: Narzędzie do poprawy barw na obrazie
pt: Uma ferramenta para corrigir as cores das imagens
pt-BR: Ferramenta para corrigir as cores das imagens
sk: Nástroj na opravu farieb obrázku
sl: Orodje za popravilo barv slike
sv: Ett verktyg för att korrigera en bilds färger
uk: Інструмент для виправлення кольорів зображення
Type: addon