- AudioVideo
- Player
- Qt
- Audio
C: <p>Clementine is a multiplatform music player focusing on a fast and easy-to-use interface for searching
and playing your music.</p><p>Summary of included features:</p><ul><li>Search and play your local
music library</li><li>Listen to internet radio from Last.fm, SomaFM and Magnatune</li><li>Tabbed playlists,
import and export M3U, XSPF, PLS and ASX</li><li>Visualisations from projectM</li><li>Transcode music
into MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, FLAC or AA</li><li>Edit tags on MP3 and OGG files, organise your
music</li><li>Download missing album cover art from Last.fm</li><li>Native desktop notifications using
libnotify</li><li>Supports MPRIS, or remote control using the command-line</li><li>Remote control
using a Wii Remote, MPRIS or the command-line</li><li>Copy music to your iPod, iPhone, MTP or mass-storage
USB player</li></ul>
ID: clementine.desktop
cached: clementine_clementine.png
C: Clementine
sr: Клементина
sr@ijekavian: Клементина
sr@ijekavianlatin: Klementina
sr@latin: Klementina
Package: clementine
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- application/ogg
- application/x-ogg
- application/x-ogm-audio
- audio/aac
- audio/mp4
- audio/mpeg
- audio/mpegurl
- audio/ogg
- audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
- audio/vorbis
- audio/x-flac
- audio/x-mp3
- audio/x-mpeg
- audio/x-mpegurl
- audio/x-ms-wma
- audio/x-musepack
- audio/x-oggflac
- audio/x-pn-realaudio
- audio/x-scpls
- audio/x-speex
- audio/x-vorbis
- audio/x-vorbis+ogg
- audio/x-wav
- video/x-ms-asf
- x-content/audio-player
- x-scheme-handler/zune
- x-scheme-handler/itpc
- x-scheme-handler/itms
- x-scheme-handler/feed
- default: true
height: 724
url: c/cl/clementine.desktop/fdd446fcded5fa5d0c270a7a81695ff1/screenshots/source/scr-1.png
width: 1139
- height: 702
url: c/cl/clementine.desktop/fdd446fcded5fa5d0c270a7a81695ff1/screenshots/1248x702/scr-1.png
width: 1248
- height: 423
url: c/cl/clementine.desktop/fdd446fcded5fa5d0c270a7a81695ff1/screenshots/752x423/scr-1.png
width: 752
- height: 351
url: c/cl/clementine.desktop/fdd446fcded5fa5d0c270a7a81695ff1/screenshots/624x351/scr-1.png
width: 624
- height: 63
url: c/cl/clementine.desktop/fdd446fcded5fa5d0c270a7a81695ff1/screenshots/112x63/scr-1.png
width: 112
- source-image:
height: 724
url: c/cl/clementine.desktop/fdd446fcded5fa5d0c270a7a81695ff1/screenshots/source/scr-2.png
width: 1080
- height: 702
url: c/cl/clementine.desktop/fdd446fcded5fa5d0c270a7a81695ff1/screenshots/1248x702/scr-2.png
width: 1248
- height: 423
url: c/cl/clementine.desktop/fdd446fcded5fa5d0c270a7a81695ff1/screenshots/752x423/scr-2.png
width: 752
- height: 351
url: c/cl/clementine.desktop/fdd446fcded5fa5d0c270a7a81695ff1/screenshots/624x351/scr-2.png
width: 624
- height: 63
url: c/cl/clementine.desktop/fdd446fcded5fa5d0c270a7a81695ff1/screenshots/112x63/scr-2.png
width: 112
C: Plays music and last.fm streams
ca: Reproducció de música i fluxos de Last.fm
es: Reproducción de música y flujos de Last.fm
pl: Odtwarzanie muzyki i strumieni last.fm
pt: Reprodução de músicas e emissões last.fm
sl: Predvaja glasbo in pretoke last.fm
sr: Репродукује музику и last.fm токове
sr@ijekavian: Репродукује музику и last.fm токове
sr@ijekavianlatin: Reprodukuje muziku i last.fm tokove
sr@latin: Reprodukuje muziku i last.fm tokove
Type: desktop-app
homepage: https://www.clementine-player.org