- AudioVideo
- Audio
C: <p>Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound.
Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control
CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference.
It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive
way.</p><p>Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming language.</p><p>Cecilia
was designed by and for musicians and sound designers. All the traditional sound processing devices
are included such as EQs, compressors and delays adapted for the most simple applications and the
wildest imaginable sonic contortions.</p>
da: <p>Cecilia er en grafisk brugergrænseflade til lydsyntese- og lydbehandlings- pakken CSound. Cecilia
lader, meget hurtigt brugeren bygge grafiske grænseflader med skydeknapper og kurver til kontrol af
CSound- instrumenter. Det er også et redigeringsværktøj til CSound med syntaksfremhævning, samt en
indbygget reference. Cecilia er også et glimrende værktøj til at undersøge parametre for en ny opcode
på en interaktiv og intuitiv måde.</p><p>Cecilia bruger lydmotoren pyo oprettet for programmeringssproget
Python.</p><p>Cecilia blev designet af, og for musikere og lyddesignere. Alle de traditionelle lydbehandlingsenheder
er inkluderet, så som EQ'ere, kompressorer og forsinkelsesmekanismer, tilpasset til de mest enkle
programmer og de vildeste forestillinger om soniske forvrængninger.</p>
de: <p>Cecilia ist eine grafische Benutzeroberfläche für das Klangsynthese- und -verarbeitungspaket
CSound. Cecilia ermöglicht dem Benutzer sehr schnell grafische Benutzeroberflächen mit Schiebereglern
und Kurven zur Steuerung von CSound-Geräten zu erstellen. Es ist auch ein Editor für Csound mit Syntaxhervorhebung
und eingebauter Referenz. Cecilia ist außerdem ein großartiges Werkzeug um Parameter neuer Befehle
auf interaktive und intuitive Weise zu ergründen.</p><p>Cecilia verwendet die für die Programmiersprache
Python geschaffenen Audio-Engine pyo.</p><p>Cecilia wurde von Musikern und Klangdesignern für eben
solche entworfen. Alle traditionellen Klangverarbeitungsgeräte wie EQs, Kompressoren und Verzögerungsgeräte
wurden für die einfachsten Aufgaben und die verrücktesten vorstellbaren Klangverzerrungen umgesetzt.</p>
es: <p>Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound.
Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control
CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference.
It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive
way.</p><p>Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming language.</p><p>Cecilia
se diseñó por y para músicos y diseñadores de sonido. Se incluyen todos los dispositivos tradicionales
de procesamiento de sonido como EQs, compresores y retardadores adaptados a las aplicaciones más sencillas
y las más salvajes contorsiones sónicas imaginables.</p>
fr: <p>Cecilia est une interface utilisateur graphique pour le paquet CSound de synthèse sonore et de
traitement du son. Cecilia permet à l'utilisateur de construire très rapidement des interfaces graphiques
avec des curseurs et des courbes pour contrôler des instruments Csound. Il est également un éditeur
pour Csound avec coloration syntaxique et une référence intégrée. Il est également un excellent outil
pour explorer les paramètres d'un nouveau code d'opération de manière interactive et intuitive.</p><p>Cecilia
utilise le moteur audio pyo créé pour le langage de programmation Python.</p><p>Cecilia a été conçu
par et pour des musiciens et professionnels du son. L'ensemble des matériels de traitement du son
sont inclus, comme des égaliseurs, des compresseurs et des délais adaptés aux applications les plus
simples comme aux manipulations les plus complexes.</p>
it: <p>Cecilia è un'interfaccia utente grafica per il pacchetto di sintesi ed elaborazione del suono
CSound. Cecilia permette all'utente di creare molto rapidamente interfacce grafiche con cursori e
curve per il controllo di strumenti CSound. È un editor per CSound con evidenziazione della sintassi
e un manuale di riferimento interno. Cecilia è anche uno strumento perfetto per esplorare i parametri
di un nuovo opcode in modo interattivo e intuitivo.</p><p>Cecilia utilizza il motore audio pyo creato
per il linguaggio di programmazione Python.</p><p>Cecilia è progettato da e per musicisti e ingegneri
del suono. Tutti i tradizionali dispositivi per l'elaborazione del suono come equalizzatori, compressori
e ritardatori sono compresi e adattati sia per le più semplici applicazioni che per le più selvagge
e inimmaginabili contorsioni sonore.</p>
ja: <p>Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound.
Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control
CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference.
It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive
way.</p><p>Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming language.</p><p>Cecilia
はミュージシャンや作曲家自身が利用するために設計されました。ほ とんどのシンプルなアプリケーションや予想を越えるほどの考えられる音響の 歪みに適用できるイコライザ、コンプレッサや遅延のような全ての伝統的な音
ko: <p>Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound.
Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control
CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference.
It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive
way.</p><p>Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming language.</p><p>Cecilia는
음악인과 사운드 디자이너를 위해, 음악인과 사운드 디자이너들이 만들었습니다. 모든 전통적인 사운드 가공 장치는 대부분의 간단한 응용프로그램과 wildest imainable sonic
contortions에 적합한 EQ, 컴프레서 그리고 딜레이같은 이펙터가 들어 있습니다.</p>
pt: <p>Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound.
Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control
CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference.
It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive
way.</p><p>Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming language.</p><p>Cecilia
foi desenhado por e para músicos e designers de som. Estão incluídos todos os dispositivos tradicionais
de processamento de som como equalizadores, compressores e atrasos adaptados para as aplicações mais
simples e as contorções sónicas imagináveis mais bizarras.</p>
pt_BR: <p>Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound.
Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control
CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference.
It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive
way.</p><p>Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming language.</p><p>Cecilia
foi desenhado por e para músicos e "designers" de som. Todos os dispositivos de processamento de som
tradicionais estão incluídos tais como EQs, compressores e atrasos adaptados para as mais simples
aplicações e para as contorções sonoras inimaginavelmente selvagens.</p>
ru: <p>Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound.
Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control
CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference.
It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive
way.</p><p>Cecilia использует аудиодвижок pyo, созданный для языка программирования Python.</p><p>Cecilia
была разработана как для музыкантов так и для дизайнеров звука. В программе есть все традиционные
устройства обработки звука, такие как эквалайзеры, компрессоры и задержки, предназначенные для простого
и невообразимого искажения звука.</p>
sk: <p>Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound.
Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control
CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference.
It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive
way.</p><p>Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming language.</p><p>Ceciliu
navrhli s ohľadom na svoje potreby hudobníci a zvukoví technici. Obsahuje všetky tradičné zariadenia
na spracovanie zvuku ako ekvalizéry, kompresory a oneskorovače prispôsobené najjednoduchším aplikáciám
a najdivším zvykovým výtvorom.</p>
sv: <p>Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound.
Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control
CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference.
It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive
way.</p><p>Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming language.</p><p>Cecilia
designades av och för musiker och ljuddesigners. Alla traditionella ljudbehandlingsenheter inkluderas
såsom equalizrar, kompressorer och förskjutningar anpassade för det enklaste tillämpningar och de
vildast tänkbara ljudförvridningar.</p>
uk: <p>Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound.
Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control
CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference.
It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive
way.</p><p>Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming language.</p><p>Cecilia
була розроблена як для музикантів так і для дизайнерів звуку. У програмі є всі традиційні пристрої
обробки звуку, такі як еквалайзери, компресори та затримки, призначені для простого і неймовірного
спотворення звуку.</p>
zh_CN: <p>Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound.
Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control
CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference.
It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive
way.</p><p>Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming language.</p><p>Cecilia
是由音乐家、音频设计者制作和使用的,已包括所有经典的音频处理设备如均衡器(EQ)、 压限器(compressor)和延时器(delay),适用于各种普通音乐以及任何怪异音乐。</p>
ID: cecilia.desktop
cached: cecilia_cecilia.png
C: Cecilia
Package: cecilia
C: Sound synthesis and audio signal processing environment
Type: desktop-app