- Development
- Science
- Biology
C: '<p>Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. It can spawn multiple
simulation processes to utilize multi-core computers. It stores models, methods, and simulation output
(populations and reaction counts) in an XML format. In addition, SBML models can be imported and exported.
The models and methods can be read from input files or edited within the program.</p><p>The GUI (Graphical
User Interface) is written in Python and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers are implemented
as command line executables, written in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes it easy to launch
batch jobs. It also simplifies the process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a variety of solvers:
* Gillespie''s direct method. * Gillespie''s first reaction method. * Gibson and Bruck''s next reaction
method. * Tau-leaping. * Hybrid direct/tau-leaping. * ODE integration.</p><p>This package provides
the architecture independent files for cain</p>'
en_AU: '<p>Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. It can spawn
multiple simulation processes to utilize multi- core computers. It stores models, methods, and simulation
output (populations and reaction counts) in an XML format. In addition, SBML models can be imported
and exported. The models and methods can be read from input files or edited within the program.</p><p>The
GUI (Graphical User Interface) is written in Python and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers
are implemented as command line executables, written in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes
it easy to launch batch jobs. It also simplifies the process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a
variety of solvers: * Gillespie''s direct method. * Gillespie''s first reaction method. * Gibson and
Bruck''s next reaction method. * Tau-leaping. * Hybrid direct/tau-leaping. * ODE integration.</p><p>This
package provides the architecture independent files for cain</p>'
en_CA: '<p>Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. It can spawn
multiple simulation processes to utilize multi- core computers. It stores models, methods, and simulation
output (populations and reaction counts) in an XML format. In addition, SBML models can be imported
and exported. The models and methods can be read from input files or edited within the program.</p><p>The
GUI (Graphical User Interface) is written in Python and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers
are implemented as command line executables, written in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes
it easy to launch batch jobs. It also simplifies the process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a
variety of solvers: * Gillespie''s direct method. * Gillespie''s first reaction method. * Gibson and
Bruck''s next reaction method. * Tau-leaping. * Hybrid direct/tau-leaping. * ODE integration.</p><p>This
package provides the architecture independent files for cain</p>'
en_GB: '<p>Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. It can spawn
multiple simulation processes to utilize multi- core computers. It stores models, methods, and simulation
output (populations and reaction counts) in an XML format. In addition, SBML models can be imported
and exported. The models and methods can be read from input files or edited within the program.</p><p>The
GUI (Graphical User Interface) is written in Python and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers
are implemented as command line executables, written in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes
it easy to launch batch jobs. It also simplifies the process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a
variety of solvers: * Gillespie''s direct method. * Gillespie''s first reaction method. * Gibson and
Bruck''s next reaction method. * Tau-leaping. * Hybrid direct/tau-leaping. * ODE integration.</p><p>This
package provides the architecture independent files for cain</p>'
es: '<p>Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. It can spawn multiple
simulation processes to utilize multi- core computers. It stores models, methods, and simulation output
(populations and reaction counts) in an XML format. In addition, SBML models can be imported and exported.
The models and methods can be read from input files or edited within the program.</p><p>The GUI (Graphical
User Interface) is written in Python and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers are implemented
as command line executables, written in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes it easy to launch
batch jobs. It also simplifies the process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a variety of solvers:
* Gillespie''s direct method. * Gillespie''s first reaction method. * Gibson and Bruck''s next reaction
method. * Tau-leaping. * Hybrid direct/tau-leaping. * ODE integration.</p><p>Este paquete contiene
los archivos independientes de la arquitectura para cain</p>'
fr: '<p>Cain effectue des simulations stochastiques et déterministes de réactions chimiques. Il peut
appeler des processus de simulation multiples pour utiliser les ordinateurs multi-cœurs. Il stocke
les modèles, les méthodes, et les sorties des simulations (populations et chiffres de la réaction)
dans un format XML. En outre, des modèles SBML peuvent être importés et exportés. Les modèles et méthodes
peuvent être lus depuis les fichiers d''entrée ou édités dans le programme.</p><p>L''interface graphique
utilisateur (GUI) est écrite en Python et utilise la boîte à outils wxPython. La plupart des solveurs
sont implémentés comme des exécutables en ligne de commande, écrits en C++, qui sont gérés par Cain.
Cela rend le lancement de scripts plus simple. Cela simplifie également l''ajout de nouveaux solveurs.
Cain offre divers solveurs : * méthode directe de Gillespie. * méthode de première réaction de Gillespie.
* méthode de réaction suivante de Gibson et Bruck. * Tau-sautant. * Hybride direct/tau-sautant. *
intégration ODE.</p><p>Ce paquet contient les fichiers indépendants de l''architecture pour cain.</p>'
gl: '<p>Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. It can spawn multiple
simulation processes to utilize multi- core computers. It stores models, methods, and simulation output
(populations and reaction counts) in an XML format. In addition, SBML models can be imported and exported.
The models and methods can be read from input files or edited within the program.</p><p>The GUI (Graphical
User Interface) is written in Python and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers are implemented
as command line executables, written in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes it easy to launch
batch jobs. It also simplifies the process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a variety of solvers:
* Gillespie''s direct method. * Gillespie''s first reaction method. * Gibson and Bruck''s next reaction
method. * Tau-leaping. * Hybrid direct/tau-leaping. * ODE integration.</p><p>Este paquete fornece
os ficheiros de cain independentes da arquitectura</p>'
it: '<p>Cain effettua simulazioni stocastiche e deterministiche di reazioni chimiche. Può generare più
processi di simulazione per utilizzare computer con più core. Memorizza l''output di modelli, metodi
e simulazioni (conteggi di popolazioni e di reazioni) in un formato XML. In aggiunta i modelli SBML
possono essere importati ed esportati. I modelli e i metodi possono essere letti da file di input
o modificati all''interno del programma.</p><p>The GUI (Graphical User Interface) is written in Python
and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers are implemented as command line executables, written
in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes it easy to launch batch jobs. It also simplifies the
process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a variety of solvers: * Gillespie''s direct method. * Gillespie''s
first reaction method. * Gibson and Bruck''s next reaction method. * Tau-leaping. * Hybrid direct/tau-leaping.
* ODE integration.</p><p>Questo pacchetto fornisce i file indipendenti dall''architettura per cain.</p>'
ru: '<p>Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. It can spawn multiple
simulation processes to utilize multi- core computers. It stores models, methods, and simulation output
(populations and reaction counts) in an XML format. In addition, SBML models can be imported and exported.
The models and methods can be read from input files or edited within the program.</p><p>The GUI (Graphical
User Interface) is written in Python and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers are implemented
as command line executables, written in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes it easy to launch
batch jobs. It also simplifies the process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a variety of solvers:
* Gillespie''s direct method. * Gillespie''s first reaction method. * Gibson and Bruck''s next reaction
method. * Tau-leaping. * Hybrid direct/tau-leaping. * ODE integration.</p><p>This package provides
the architecture independent files for cain</p>'
ID: cain.desktop
cached: cain_cain.png
C: Cain
Package: cain
C: simulations of chemical reactions
Type: desktop-app