- Game
- ActionGame
C: '<p>BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against
each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue
tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying
a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates
and they do not have a team score.</p><p>There are two main styles of play: capture-the-flag and free-for-all.
In capture-the-flag, each team (except rogues) has a team base and each team with at least one player
has a team flag. The object is to capture an enemy team''s flag by bringing it to your team''s base.
This destroys every player on the captured team, subtracts one from that team''s score, and adds one
to your team''s score. In free-for-all, there are no team flags or team bases. The object is simply
to get as high a score as possible.</p><p>This package installs the BZFlag client compatible with
2.4.x BZFlag servers.</p>'
da: '<p>BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against
each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue
tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying
a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates
and they do not have a team score.</p><p>Der er to hovedmåder at spille på: fang flaget og frit for
alle. I fang flaget, har hvert hold (undtagen roguer) en holdbase og hvert hold med mindst en spiller
har et holdflag. Formålet er så at fange et fjendtligt holds flag ved at bringe det til ens egen base.
Dette knuser alle spillere på det fangede hold, fratrækker et point fra det holds pointsamling og
tilføjer et point til dit holds pointsamling. I frit for alle er der ingen holdflag eller holdbaser.
Formålet er simpelthen at få en så høj pointsamling som muligt.</p><p>This package installs the BZFlag
client compatible with 2.4.x BZFlag servers.</p>'
de: '<p>BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against
each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue
tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying
a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates
and they do not have a team score.</p><p>Es gibt zwei verschiedene Spielmodi: Capture-the-Flag und
Jeder-gegen- Jeden. Im Capture-the-Flag-Modus hat jedes Team (außer den Schurken) eine Team-Basis
und jedes Team mit mindestens einem Spieler eine Team-Flagge. Das Ziel ist es, die Flagge des gegnerischen
Teams in die Basis des eigenen Teams zu bringen. Diese Aktion zerstört jeden Spieler des betreffenden
gegnerischen Teams, zieht einen Punkt vom Punktekonto dieses Teams ab und fügt einen Punkt zum Punktekonto
des eigenen Teams hinzu. Im Jeder-gegen-Jeden-Modus gibt es keine Team-Flaggen oder Team-Basen. Das
Ziel ist einfach so viele Punkte wie möglich zu machen.</p><p>This package installs the BZFlag client
compatible with 2.4.x BZFlag servers.</p>'
es: '<p>BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against
each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue
tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying
a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates
and they do not have a team score.</p><p>Principalmente hay dos formas de juego: capturar la bandera
y libertad para todo. En capturar la bandera cada equipo (excepto los pícaros) tienen una base del
equipo y cada equipo con al menos un jugador tiene una bandera del equipo. El objetivo es capturar
una bandera enemiga y llevarla a la base propia. Esto destruye a cada enemigo del equipo capturado,
restando uno a la puntuación del equipo capturado y sumando uno a la de su equipo. En libertad para
todo, no hay banderas o bases. El objetivo, sencillamente, es tener la mayor puntuación posible.</p><p>This
package installs the BZFlag client compatible with 2.4.x BZFlag servers.</p>'
fr: '<p>BZFlag est un jeu de combat de chars 3D multijoueurs qui permet aux utilisateurs de jouer les
uns contre les autres dans un environnement réseau. Il y a cinq équipes : rouge, vert, bleu, violet
et solitaire (les chars solitaires sont noirs). Détruire un joueur d''une autre équipe marque une
victoire, tandis qu''être détruis ou détruire un coéquipier engendre une perte. Les solitaires n''ont
pas de coéquipiers (même pas les autres solitaires), de sorte qu''ils ne peuvent pas tirer sur des
coéquipiers et ils n''ont pas de score d''équipe.</p><p>Il y a deux styles principaux de jeu : capture-the-flag
(capture de drapeau) et free-for-all (chacun pour soi). En mode capture-the-flag, chaque équipe (excepté
les indépendants) a une base appartenant à l''équipe et chaque équipe avec au moins un joueur a un
drapeau appartenant à l''équipe. Le but du jeu est de capturer un drapeau ennemi en le ramenant dans
votre base. Cela détruit tous les joueurs de l''équipe capturée, soustrait un point du score de l''équipe,
et ajoute un point au score de votre équipe. En mode free-for-all, il n''y a pas de drapeau d''équipe
ou de base. Le but du jeu est simplement d''obtenir le score le plus élevé possible.</p><p>Ce paquet
installe le client BZFlag compatible avec les serveurs BZFlag 2.4.x.</p>'
it: '<p>BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against
each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue
tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying
a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates
and they do not have a team score.</p><p>Ci sono due diverse modalità di gioco: "cattura la bandiera"
e "liberi tutti". Nella modalità "cattura la bandiera", ciascuna squadra con almeno un giocatore ha
una bandiera di squadra. L''obiettivo è quello di impossessarsi di una bandiera nemica portandola
alla base della propria squadra. In questo modo si distrugge ogni giocatore della squadra di cui si
è presa la bandiera, si toglie un punto alla squadra nemica e se ne aggiunge uno alla propria. Nella
modalità "liberi tutti", non ci sono né bandiere, né basi. L''obiettivo è semplicemente quello di
totalizzare quanti più punti possibile.</p><p>This package installs the BZFlag client compatible with
2.4.x BZFlag servers.</p>'
pl: '<p>BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against
each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue
tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying
a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates
and they do not have a team score.</p><p>Są dwa główne tryby gry: zdobądź flagę oraz każdy przeciwko
każdemu. W zdobądź flagę, każda drużyna (poza łotrzykami) ma bazę oraz w każdej co najmniej jeden
gracz posiada flagę. Celem jest zdobycie flagi wrogiej drużyny i zabranie jej do własnej bazy. To
powoduje zniszczenie wszystkich graczy drużyny, której flagę uda się zdobyć, odjęcie jednego punktu
od wyniku tej drużyny oraz dodanie punktu do wyniku własnej. W każdy przeciwko każdemu nie ma flag
ani baz dla drużyn. Celem jest po prostu uzyskanie możliwie najwyższego wyniku.</p><p>This package
installs the BZFlag client compatible with 2.4.x BZFlag servers.</p>'
pt: '<p>BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against
each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue
tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying
a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates
and they do not have a team score.</p><p>Existem dois estilos principais de jogo: capturar-a-bandeira
e livre-para- todos. No capturar-a-bandeira, cada equipa (com excepção do "vilões"), tem uma base
própria e cada equipa com pelo menos um jogador tem uma bandeira. O objectivo é capturar a bandeira
da equipa inimiga, trazendo-a para sua base. Isto destrói todos os jogadores da equipa capturada,
subtrai um ponto na pontuação dessa equipa, e acrescenta um ponto na pontuação da sua equipa. Na livre-para-todos,
não há bandeiras nem bases. O objectivo é, pura e simplesmente obter a pontuação mais alta possível.</p><p>This
package installs the BZFlag client compatible with 2.4.x BZFlag servers.</p>'
pt_BR: '<p>BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against
each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue
tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying
a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates
and they do not have a team score.</p><p>Há dois estilos principais de jogo: capture-a-bandeira (capture-the-flag)
e livre-para-todos (free-for-all). No capture-a-bandeira, cada time (exceto os rogues) tem uma base
do time e cada time com ao menos um jogador possui uma bandeira de time. O objetivo é capturar uma
bandeira do time inimigo trazendo-a para a base do seu time. Isso destrói todo jogador no time capturado,
subtrai um do placar daquele time, e adiciona um ao placar do seu time. No livre-para-todos, não há
bandeiras de time ou bases de time. O objetivo é simplesmente obter o maior placar que for possível.</p><p>This
package installs the BZFlag client compatible with 2.4.x BZFlag servers.</p>'
ru: '<p>BZFlag — трёхмерная мультиплатформенная игра в танковый бой для нескольких игроков, которая
позволяет играть по сети. Имеется пять команд: красная, зелёная, синяя, фиолетовая и бродяги (у бродяг
чёрные танки). Разрушение танка другой команды считается победой, а разрушение собственного танка
или танка товарища по команде засчитывается, как поражение. У бродяг нет товарищей по команде (даже
если это тоже бродяги), так что они не могут выстрелить в товарища по команде, и у них нет командного
счёта.</p><p>Есть два главных сценария игры: "захват флага" и "свободная игра". В игре "захват флага"
каждая команда (кроме "новичков") имеет свою "базу", и каждая команда, в которой есть хотя бы один
игрок, имеет свой флаг. Цель игры состоит в том, чтобы захватить флаг вражеской команды и перенести
его на свою базу. Сразу как только флаг чужой команды окажется у вас на базе, все игроки этой команды
уничтожаются и их командные очки уменьшаются на единицу, а ваши командные очки увеличиваются на единицу.
В "свободной игре" нет ни командных флагов, ни командных баз. Необходимо заработать как можно больше
очков.</p><p>Этот пакет устанавливает клиент игры BZFlag, совместимый с серверами BZFlag 2.4.x.</p>'
sk: '<p>BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against
each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue
tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying
a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates
and they do not have a team score.</p><p>Sú dva hlavné štýly hry - capture-the-flag a free-for-all.
V capture-the- flag každý tím (okrem zlých) má základňu a každý tím s aspoň jedným hráčom má vlajku
tímu. Cieľom je zajať vlajku nepriateľského tímu a priniesť ju do vlastnej základne. To zničí všetkých
hráčov nepriateľského tmu, odčíta bod zo ich skóre a pridá bod vášmu tímu. Vo free-for-all neexistujú
vlajky ani základne. Cieľom je jednoducho získať čo najvyššie skóre.</p><p>This package installs the
BZFlag client compatible with 2.4.x BZFlag servers.</p>'
uk: '<p>BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against
each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue
tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying
a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates
and they do not have a team score.</p><p>Є два головні види гри: „захоплення прапора“ та „вільна гра“.
У грі „захоплення прапора“ кожна команда (окрім „новачків“) має свою „базу“, і у кожної команди є
прапор. Мета гри полягає в тому, щоб захопити прапор ворожої команди і перенести його на свою базу.
Відразу як тільки прапор чужої команди опиниться біля Вас на базі, всі гравці цієї команди знищуються
і їх командні бали зменшуються на одиницю, а Ваші командні бали збільшуються на одиницю. Необхідно
здобути якомога більше командних балів.</p><p>This package installs the BZFlag client compatible with
2.4.x BZFlag servers.</p>'
ID: bzflag.desktop
cached: bzflag-client_bzflag-48x48.png
- Capture Flag Tank Game Multiplayer Network
C: BZFlag
Package: bzflag-client
C: Battle enemy tanks
Type: desktop-app