⇦ | bless [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:07 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for bless in xenial

bless.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - GTK
  - Development
  C: <p>Bless is a binary (hex) editor, a program that enables you to edit files as a sequence of bytes
    written for the GNOME Desktop. Main features are:</p><p>* Efficient editing of large data files. *
    Multilevel undo - redo operations. * Customizable data views. * Fast data rendering on screen. * Multiple
    Tabs. * Fast Find and Replace operations. * Conversion Table. * Advanced Copy/Paste capabilities.
    * Multi-threaded search and save operations. * Export to text and html (others with plugins). * Extensibility
    with Plugins.</p>
  da: <p>Bless er et binært (hex) redigeringsværktøj, et program som lader dig redigere filer som en sekvens
    af bytes. Det er skrevet til GNOME- skrivebordet. Hovedegenskaber er:</p><p>* Efficient editing of
    large data files. * Multilevel undo - redo operations. * Customizable data views. * Fast data rendering
    on screen. * Multiple Tabs. * Fast Find and Replace operations. * Conversion Table. * Advanced Copy/Paste
    capabilities. * Multi-threaded search and save operations. * Export to text and html (others with
    plugins). * Extensibility with Plugins.</p>
  de: <p>Bless kann Dateien als eine Folge von Bytes bearbeiten, ist also ein Binär -/Hex-Editor. Er ist
    für den GNOME-Desktop geschrieben und hat folgende Hauptmerkmale:</p><p>* Effiziente Bearbeitung großer
    Dateien. * Unterstützung der mehrfachen Anwendung der Funktionen »Rückgängig« und »Wiederholen«. *
    Benutzerdefinierte Datenansichten. * Schnelle Datendarstellung auf dem Bildschirm. * Mehrere Reiter.
    * Schnelle Such- und Ersetzenfunktion. * Umwandlungstabelle. * Erweiterte Kopier- und Einfügenfunktion.
    * Parallele Such- und Speichervorgänge. * Exportieren als Text oder HTML (weitere mittels Erweiterungen).
    * Erweiterungen.</p>
  es: <p>Bless es un editor binario hexadecimal, un programa que permite editar archivos como si fueran
    una secuencia de bytes, escrito para el entorno GNOME. Sus principales características son:</p><p>*
    Editado eficiente de grandes archivos de datos. * Operaciones multinivel des/hacer. * Configurables
    vistas de datos. * Renderizado rápido de datos en pantallla. * Múltiples pestañas. * Operaciones rápidas
    de búsqueda y reemplazado. * Tabla de conversión. * Capacidad avanzada Copia/Pega. * Operaciones de
    busqueda y grabado multi-hilo. * Exportado a text y html (otros con plugins). * Extensibilidad con
  fi: <p>Bless on binäärieditori (heksaeditori). Se mahdollistaa tiedostojen muokkauksen tavujaksoittain.
    Se on tehty GNOME -työpöydälle. Pääominaisuudet ovat:</p><p>* Efficient editing of large data files.
    * Multilevel undo - redo operations. * Customizable data views. * Fast data rendering on screen. *
    Multiple Tabs. * Fast Find and Replace operations. * Conversion Table. * Advanced Copy/Paste capabilities.
    * Multi-threaded search and save operations. * Export to text and html (others with plugins). * Extensibility
    with Plugins.</p>
  fr: <p>Bless est un programme éditeur de fichiers binaires (hexadécimaux) qui vous permet d'éditer des
    fichiers en tant que séquence d'octets écrits pour le bureau GNOME. Les caractéristiques principales
    sont :</p><p>* Édition efficace de larges fichiers de données. * Opérations Annuler - Rétablir multiniveaux.
    * Vues des données personnalisables. * Rendu rapide des données à l'écran. * Plusieurs onglets. *
    Opérations rapides pour Chercher et Remplacer. * Table de conversion. * Possibilités avancées de Copier/Coller.
    * Opérations parallèles de recherche et de sauvegarde. * Export en texte et en HTML (et d'autres formats
    avec des greffons). * Extensibilité avec des greffons.</p>
  it: <p>Bless è un editor per binari (esadecimale), un programma, scritto per il desktop GNOME, che permette
    di modificare file in forma di sequenza di byte. Le sue caratteristiche principali sono:</p><p>* Efficient
    editing of large data files. * Multilevel undo - redo operations. * Customizable data views. * Fast
    data rendering on screen. * Multiple Tabs. * Fast Find and Replace operations. * Conversion Table.
    * Advanced Copy/Paste capabilities. * Multi-threaded search and save operations. * Export to text
    and html (others with plugins). * Extensibility with Plugins.</p>
  ja: <p>Bless はバイナリ (16 進数) エディタであり、GNOME デスクトップ上でファイルを バイト列として編集できます。主要機能一覧:</p><p>* Efficient editing
    of large data files. * Multilevel undo - redo operations. * Customizable data views. * Fast data rendering
    on screen. * Multiple Tabs. * Fast Find and Replace operations. * Conversion Table. * Advanced Copy/Paste
    capabilities. * Multi-threaded search and save operations. * Export to text and html (others with
    plugins). * Extensibility with Plugins.</p>
  nl: <p>Bless is een binaire(hex)-editor, een programma waarmee u bestanden kunt bewerken als een sequentie
    van bytes, en is geschreven voor de GNOME- dekstop. Belangrijkste opties zijn:</p><p>* Efficient editing
    of large data files. * Multilevel undo - redo operations. * Customizable data views. * Fast data rendering
    on screen. * Multiple Tabs. * Fast Find and Replace operations. * Conversion Table. * Advanced Copy/Paste
    capabilities. * Multi-threaded search and save operations. * Export to text and html (others with
    plugins). * Extensibility with Plugins.</p>
  pt: <p>Bless é um editor binário (hexadecimal), um programa que permite-lhe editar ficheiros como uma
    sequência de bytes escrito para o ambiente GNOME. As principais funcionalidades são:</p><p>* Efficient
    editing of large data files. * Multilevel undo - redo operations. * Customizable data views. * Fast
    data rendering on screen. * Multiple Tabs. * Fast Find and Replace operations. * Conversion Table.
    * Advanced Copy/Paste capabilities. * Multi-threaded search and save operations. * Export to text
    and html (others with plugins). * Extensibility with Plugins.</p>
  pt_BR: <p>Bless é um editor binário (hexa), um programa, escrito para o GNOME Desktop, que permite a
    você editar arquivos como uma seqüência de bytes. Seus principais recursos são:</p><p>* Efficient
    editing of large data files. * Multilevel undo - redo operations. * Customizable data views. * Fast
    data rendering on screen. * Multiple Tabs. * Fast Find and Replace operations. * Conversion Table.
    * Advanced Copy/Paste capabilities. * Multi-threaded search and save operations. * Export to text
    and html (others with plugins). * Extensibility with Plugins.</p>
  ru: <p>Bless — шестнадцатиричный редактор двоичных файлов для среды рабочего стола GNOME, программа,
    позволяющая редактировать файлы в виде последовательности байтов. Основные возможности:</p><p>* эффективная
    загрузка больших файлов * многоуровневая отмена/повтор действий * настраиваемый вид данных * быстрая
    отрисовка данных на экране * открытие нескольких вкладок * быстрые операции поиска и замены * таблица
    преобразования * расширенные возможности копирования/вставки * многопоточные операции поиска и сохранения
    * экспорт в текст и html (и другие форматы через плагины). * расширяемость с помощью дополнительных
    модулей (плагинов).</p>
  sl: <p>Bless je binarni (šestnajstiški) urejevalnik, ki vam omogoča urejanje datotek kot zaporedje bajtov,
    napisan za namizje GNOME. Glavne zmožnosti programa so:</p><p>* učinkovito urejanje velikih podatkovnih
    datotek, * opravila razveljavitve/uveljavitve več ravni, * prilagodljivi pogledi podatkov, * hitro
    izrisovanje podatkov na zaslonu, * več zavihkov, * hitri opravili najdi in zamenjaj, * preglednica
    pretvorb, * napredne zmožnosti kopiranja/lepljenja, * izvoz v besedilo in html (drugi z vstavki),
    * razširljivost z vstavki.</p>
  uk: <p>Bless — шістнадцятковий редактор, програма що дозволяє вам редагувати файли як послідовність
    байтів, для Робочого середовища GNOME. Основні можливості:</p><p>* Efficient editing of large data
    files. * Multilevel undo - redo operations. * Customizable data views. * Fast data rendering on screen.
    * Multiple Tabs. * Fast Find and Replace operations. * Conversion Table. * Advanced Copy/Paste capabilities.
    * Multi-threaded search and save operations. * Export to text and html (others with plugins). * Extensibility
    with Plugins.</p>
  zh_CN: <p>Bless 是一个为 GNOME 桌面编写的二进制(十六进制)编辑器,能让您把文件当作一个字节串来编辑。 主要功能有:</p><p>* Efficient editing of large
    data files. * Multilevel undo - redo operations. * Customizable data views. * Fast data rendering
    on screen. * Multiple Tabs. * Fast Find and Replace operations. * Conversion Table. * Advanced Copy/Paste
    capabilities. * Multi-threaded search and save operations. * Export to text and html (others with
    plugins). * Extensibility with Plugins.</p>
ID: bless.desktop
  cached: bless_bless-48x48.png
  C: Bless Hex Editor
Package: bless
  C: Edit binary files
Type: desktop-app