- Game
- AdventureGame
C: '<p>Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer.</p><p>You know exactly what
you need to do -- you can see it shimmering right there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming,
too, and the difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people blend in and out: real
characters and dream characters, all woven into the same script. Finally, they fade completely, and
you''re alone in the expanse with the construction. With time, you feel something growing, a pinhole
that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The construction languishes, though the expanse
seems indifferent.</p><p>One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not have
conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms of leaves. Not distant planets''
erosion networks as viewed through telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but
lack the signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and non-procedural: indecipherable
transmissions bubbling up through static, faded messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints
on cave walls. Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and distance of unknown magnitude,
but stale evidence is still evidence.</p><p>Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is
an "other".</p>'
da: '<p>Between er et billedpunktsopdelt spil for to af Jason Rohrer.</p><p>Du ved præcis, hvad du skal
gøre - du kan se det skinne lige der foran dig. Du kan også se det når du drømmer og forskellen er
blevet uklar. Drømme vågner i drømme, og folk går ind og ud: virkelige karakterer og drømmekarakterer,
alle vævet ind i det samme skript. Endelig, toner de helt ud og du er alene i evigheden med konstruktionen.
Med tiden føler du at noget vokser, et lille følelse som til sidst bliver til en dyb lavine af længsel.
Konstruktionen bliver svagere, men evigheden er uændret.</p><p>En nat, i en drøm, kommer de frem:
Ting som du ikke selv har fremstillet. Ikke snefnug. Ikke de selvlignende former af blade. Ikke fjerntliggende
planeters erosionsnetværk som set via teleskoper. Ikke disse ting som er så smukke eksternt, men som
mangler sporene af samvittighed. Disse ting som fremstår er grimme og uden procedure: Transmissioner
der ikke kan fortolkes bobler frem via statiske, slørrede beskeder i flasker og sorte håndaftryk på
hulevægge. Beviser har nået dig via ukendt tid og afstand af ukendt størrelse, men hårde beviser er
stadig beviser.</p><p>Et sted, bag (»between«) et antal barrierer, er en »anden«.</p>'
de: '<p>Between ist ein verpixeltes, kunstvolles für zwei Spieler von Jason Rohrer.</p><p>Sie wissen
genau was Sie tun müssen - Sie sehen es es schimmernd genau dort vor sich. Sie sehen es auch im Traum
- der Unterschied wurde immer kleiner und ist kaum noch wahrnehmbar. Träume gehen ineinander über,
Menschen erscheinen und verschwinden: reale und Traum-Charaktere sind allesamt im gleichen Skript
miteinander verwoben. Schließlich verblassen sie völlig und Sie sind allein in den Weiten dieses Geschehens.
Mit der Zeit fühlen Sie etwas wachsen - ein winziges Loch öffnet den Blick in eine gähnend tiefe Schlucht
der Sehnsucht. Das Bild wird schwächer, obwohl der Raum sich nicht zu verändern scheint.</p><p>Eines
Nachts erscheinen sie im Traum: Dinge, die Sie sicher nicht selber heraufbeschworen haben. Nicht Schneeflocken.
Nicht die selbstähnlichen Formen von Blättern. Nicht die Erosionsnetzwerke weit entfernter Planeten,
wie sie im Teleskopbild erscheinen. Nicht diese schönen, externen, unbewussten Dinge. Was erscheint,
ist hässlich und nicht-prozedural: nicht entzifferbare Übertragungen sprudeln durch statische, verblasste
Flaschenpost, durch Handabdrücke mit Holzkohle auf Höhlenwänden. Der Hinweis hat Sie erreicht. Sie
wissen nicht, wie lange er unterwegs war, woher er kommt und wie er sich auf dem Weg verändert hat.
Das Indiz ist schwach, aber eben doch ein Indiz.</p><p>Irgendwo da draußen ist etwas »Fremdes«.</p>'
en_AU: '<p>Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer.</p><p>You know exactly what
you need to do -- you can see it shimmering right there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming,
too, and the difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people blend in and out: real
characters and dream characters, all woven into the same script. Finally, they fade completely, and
you''re alone in the expanse with the construction. With time, you feel something growing, a pinhole
that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The construction languishes, though the expanse
seems indifferent.</p><p>One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not have
conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms of leaves. Not distant planets''
erosion networks as viewed through telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but
lack the signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and non- procedural: indecipherable
transmissions bubbling up through static, faded messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints
on cave walls. Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and distance of unknown magnitude,
but stale evidence is still evidence.</p><p>Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is
an "other".</p>'
en_CA: '<p>Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer.</p><p>You know exactly what
you need to do -- you can see it shimmering right there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming,
too, and the difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people blend in and out: real
characters and dream characters, all woven into the same script. Finally, they fade completely, and
you''re alone in the expanse with the construction. With time, you feel something growing, a pinhole
that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The construction languishes, though the expanse
seems indifferent.</p><p>One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not have
conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms of leaves. Not distant planets''
erosion networks as viewed through telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but
lack the signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and non- procedural: indecipherable
transmissions bubbling up through static, faded messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints
on cave walls. Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and distance of unknown magnitude,
but stale evidence is still evidence.</p><p>Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is
an "other".</p>'
en_GB: '<p>Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer.</p><p>You know exactly what
you need to do -- you can see it shimmering right there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming,
too, and the difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people blend in and out: real
characters and dream characters, all woven into the same script. Finally, they fade completely, and
you''re alone in the expanse with the construction. With time, you feel something growing, a pinhole
that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The construction languishes, though the expanse
seems indifferent.</p><p>One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not have
conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms of leaves. Not distant planets''
erosion networks as viewed through telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but
lack the signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and non- procedural: indecipherable
transmissions bubbling up through static, faded messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints
on cave walls. Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and distance of unknown magnitude,
but stale evidence is still evidence.</p><p>Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is
an "other".</p>'
es: '<p>Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer.</p><p>You know exactly what
you need to do -- you can see it shimmering right there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming,
too, and the difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people blend in and out: real
characters and dream characters, all woven into the same script. Finally, they fade completely, and
you''re alone in the expanse with the construction. With time, you feel something growing, a pinhole
that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The construction languishes, though the expanse
seems indifferent.</p><p>One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not have
conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms of leaves. Not distant planets''
erosion networks as viewed through telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but
lack the signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and non- procedural: indecipherable
transmissions bubbling up through static, faded messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints
on cave walls. Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and distance of unknown magnitude,
but stale evidence is still evidence.</p><p>Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is
an "other".</p>'
fr: '<p>Between est un jeu artistique pixelisé pour deux joueurs par Jason Rohrer.</p><p>Vous savez
exactement ce que vous devez faire -- vous pouvez le voir miroiter juste devant vous. Vous pouvez
le voir en rêve, lui aussi, et la différence est devenue subtile. Les rêves s''éveillent dans des
rêves, et les gens se fondent et se disjoignent : personnages réels et personnages de rêve, tous tissés
dans le même script. Enfin, ils disparaissent complètement et vous êtes seul dans l''immensité avec
la construction. Avec le temps, vous sentez quelque chose grandir, un minuscule orifice qui finit
par bâiller en un profond ravin de nostalgie. La construction languit, bien que l''immensité semble
indifférente.</p><p>Une nuit, dans un rêve, ils apparaissent : des choses que vous ne pouviez évidemment
pas avoir évoquées par vous-même. Pas des flocons de neige. Pas les formes auto-similaires de feuilles.
Pas les réseaux d''érosion de planètes lointaines comme vus à travers des télescopes. Pas ces choses
qui sont magnifiquement externes, mais n''ont pas les signatures de la conscience. Ces choses qui
apparaissent sont laides et non procédurales : transmissions indéchiffrables bouillonnant à travers
des messages statiques, fanées, flottant dans des bouteilles, et des empreintes de mains au charbon
de bois sur des murs de cavernes. La preuve vous a atteint à travers le temps d''une durée inconnue
et d''une distance d''ampleur inconnue, mais une preuves viciée reste une preuve.</p><p>Quelque part,
de l''autre côté de toutes les barrières dressées, est un « autre ».</p>'
gl: '<p>Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer.</p><p>You know exactly what
you need to do -- you can see it shimmering right there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming,
too, and the difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people blend in and out: real
characters and dream characters, all woven into the same script. Finally, they fade completely, and
you''re alone in the expanse with the construction. With time, you feel something growing, a pinhole
that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The construction languishes, though the expanse
seems indifferent.</p><p>One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not have
conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms of leaves. Not distant planets''
erosion networks as viewed through telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but
lack the signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and non- procedural: indecipherable
transmissions bubbling up through static, faded messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints
on cave walls. Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and distance of unknown magnitude,
but stale evidence is still evidence.</p><p>Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is
an "other".</p>'
it: '<p>Between è un gioco in pixel art per due giocatori creato da Jason Rohrer.</p><p>Il giocatore
sa esattamente ciò che deve fare: lo vede tremolante proprio davanti ai suoi occhi. Lo vede anche
mentre sogna e la differenza è diventata sottile. Dai sogni si risveglia in sogni e le persone si
confondono: personaggi reali e del sogno, tutti intrecciati nella stessa storia. Alla fine scompaiono
completamente, e il giocatore rimane solo nello spazio, con la costruzione. Col tempo sente che qualcosa
sta crescendo: un buco che si slarga in un profondo pozzo di desiderio. La costruzione langue, ma
lo spazio non sembra curarsene.</p><p>Una notte, in sogno, appaiono: cose che chiaramente non possono
scaturire dalla sua mente. Non fiocchi di neve. Non le forme auto-simili delle foglie. Non reti di
erosione di pianeti distanti, viste come attraverso telescopi. Non quelle cose che sono belle esternamente,
ma mancano dei segni distintivi della coscienza. Le cose che appaiono sono brutte e non- procedurali:
trasmissioni indecifrabili che fanno capolino tra il rumore statico, messaggi scoloriti dentro a bottiglie
e impronte di mani fatte con il carbone sulle pareti di caverne. Sono prove che arrivano al giocatore
attraversando quantità ignote di tempo e distanze di magnitudine sconosciuta, ma prove vecchie sono
comunque prove.</p><p>Da qualche parte, oltre a qualsiasi barriera che sta nel mezzo, esiste un "altro".</p>'
ru: '<p>Between - это созданная Джейсоном Роером игра для двух игроков, оформленная в стиле пиксель-арта.</p><p>Вы
точно знаете, что вам нужно делать -- оно мерцает прямо перед вами. И во сне вы можете это видеть,
различия становятся неуловимыми. От сна вы просыпаетесь ко сну, а люди то и дело сливаются: реальные
персонажи и персонажи снов, все вплетены в один и тот же сценарий. Наконец они совсем растворяются,
и вы остаетесь в одиночестве в пространстве с этим строением. Со временем вы ощущаете, что нечто растет,
это отверстие, которое в конце концов разверзается в глубокое ущелье тоски. Строение тоскует, хотя
пространство кажется безразличным.</p><p>Однажды ночью, во сне, они появятся: вещи, которые вы, конечно
же, не могли бы вызвать сами. Не снежинки. Не подобные себе формы листьев. Не паутины эрозии на далеких
планетах, видимых через телескоп. Не те вещи, что являются вполне внешними, но не имеют признаков
самосознания. Эти появляющиеся вещи уродливы и непроцедурны: неразборчивые передачи, всплывающие из
статичных, блёклых сообщений, плавающих в бутылках, и отпечатки рук углем на стенах пещер. Знаки достигли
тебя через время неизвестной длительности и расстояние неизвестной протяженности, но лежалые знаки
все еще знаки.</p><p>Где-то, за какими бы то ни было барьерами между вами, находится "другой".</p>'
sl: '<p>Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer.</p><p>You know exactly what
you need to do -- you can see it shimmering right there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming,
too, and the difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people blend in and out: real
characters and dream characters, all woven into the same script. Finally, they fade completely, and
you''re alone in the expanse with the construction. With time, you feel something growing, a pinhole
that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The construction languishes, though the expanse
seems indifferent.</p><p>One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not have
conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms of leaves. Not distant planets''
erosion networks as viewed through telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but
lack the signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and non- procedural: indecipherable
transmissions bubbling up through static, faded messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints
on cave walls. Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and distance of unknown magnitude,
but stale evidence is still evidence.</p><p>Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is
an "other".</p>'
uk: '<p>Between — гра піксельного мистецтва для двох гравців від Джейсона Рорера {Jason Rohrer}.</p><p>Ви
точно знаєте, що Вам потрібно зробити — Ви постійно бачите його мерехтіння. Ви бачите його також уві
сні, і різниці майже немає. Пробудження зі сну у сні, людина та і не та: реальні персонажі та персонажі
зі сну, все вплітається в той же сценарій. Нарешті, вони зникають повністю, а ти один в просторі з
побудовами. З часом, Ви відчуваєте, що щось росте, і невеликий прокол переростає у глибоку ущелину
прагнення. Побудова чахне, хоча простір здається байдужим.</p><p>Одного разу вночі, уві сні, вони
з’являються: щось, що Ви насправді й не могли уявити. Може це сніжинки. Чи якісь самоповторювальні
форми листя. Чи розмите мереживо далеких планет, які видно через телескоп. Це не ті речі, які вичурно
чужоземні і не мають зачепок у свідомості. З’являється щось потворне і непослідовне: щось нерозбірливе
пробивається через статичні, вицвілі повідомлення у плаваючих пляшках, через рисунки вугіллям на стінах
печер. Підказки досягають Вас невідомо коли і невідомо звідки, але застарілі підказки все ж є підказками.</p><p>Десь,
за усіма цими завадами є „інший“.</p>'
ID: between.desktop
cached: between_between.png
C: Between
Package: between
C: game about consciousness and isolation
Type: desktop-app