- Network
- P2P
C: <p>aMule is a peer-to-peer file sharing application, designed to connect to the eDonkey and Kad networks.
It has a wide range of features, including many of the original eMule client, like:</p><p>* online
signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure identification, and IP filter support * boolean
search, which can be local, global, or in the Kad network * checks against aggressive clients * slot
allocation, to decide the number of remote clients * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE * translations
to many languages</p><p>A daemonized version of the application that does not need a graphic environment
to run is available in the amule-daemon package, and various utilities of interest can be found in
the amule-utils and amule-utils-gui packages, including the ed2k link handler.</p>
da: <p>aMule er et modpart til modpart-fildelingsprogram, designet til at forbinde til eDonkey- og Kad-netværk.
Programmet har en bred vifte af funktioner, inklusive mange fra den oprindelige eMule-klient:</p><p>*
online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure identification, and IP filter support
* boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the Kad network * checks against aggressive clients
* slot allocation, to decide the number of remote clients * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE
* translations to many languages</p><p>En programversion med dæmon, som ikke kræver et grafisk miljø
for at køre er tilgængelig i pakken amule-daemon, og forskellige redskaber kan findes i amule-utils
og amule-utils-gui, inklusiv henvisningshåndteringen ed2k.</p>
de: <p>aMule ist ein Programm zur gemeinsamen Nutzung von Dateien in einem Netzwerk gleichberechtigter
Rechner (peer-to-peer). Mit aMule können Verbindungen zu den Netzwerken eDonkey und Kad aufgebaut
werden. Zu den vielen Fähigkeiten, die eine große Zahl der Möglichkeiten des eMule- Clients beinhalten,
gehören:</p><p>* Online-Signatur, Quellenaustausch, komprimierte Übertragungen, Sicherheits- identifikation,
und IP-Filter-Unterstützung * Boolsche Suche, welche lokal, global, oder im Kad-Netzwerk erfolgen
kann * Schutz gegen aggressive Clients * Steckplatz-Zuweisung, um die Anzahl der entfernten Clients
festzulegen * Systembereich funktioniert gut, sowohl in GNOME als auch in KDE * Übersetzungen in vielen
Sprachen</p><p>Das Paket amule-daemon enthält eine Programmversion, die als Hintergrundprozess arbeitet
und keine grafische Umgebung braucht. Einige interessante Hilfsprogramme, einschließlich des ed2k-Linkwerkzeugs
finden Sie in den Paketen amule-utils und amule-utils-gui.</p>
es: <p>aMule es una aplicación para compartir archivos en redes de pares, diseñado para conectarse a
redes eDonkey y Kad. Tiene gran cantidad de características, incluyendo algunas del cliente original
de eMule, como:</p><p>* online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure identification,
and IP filter support * boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the Kad network * checks
against aggressive clients * slot allocation, to decide the number of remote clients * systray works
well both in GNOME and KDE * translations to many languages</p><p>Está disponible, a través del paquete
amule-daemon, una versión de la aplicación que no necesita entorno gráfico para ejecutarse («demonizada»),
y en los paquetes amule-utils y amule-utils-gui puede encontrar varias utilidades de interés, incluyendo
el gestor de enlaces ed2k.</p>
fi: <p>aMule on vertaisverkon tiedostonjakosovellus, joka on suunniteltu yhdistämään eDonkey- ja Kad-verkkoihin.
aMule on ominaisuuksiltaan laaja, ja se sisältää monia alkuperäisen eMule-ohjelman ominaisuuksia:</p><p>*
online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure identification, and IP filter support
* boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the Kad network * checks against aggressive clients
* slot allocation, to decide the number of remote clients * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE
* translations to many languages</p><p>Amule-daemon on taustalla ilman graafista ympäristöä toimiva
versio sovelluksesta. Amule-utils - ja amule-utils-gui -paketeissa on useita kiinnostavia sovelluksia,
esimerkiksi ed2k-linkkikäsittelijä.</p>
fr: <p>aMule est une application pair-à-pair de partage de fichiers, conçu pour se connecter aux réseaux
eDonkey et Kad. Il dispose d'un large éventail de fonctionnalités, dont plusieurs du client original
eMule, comme :</p><p>* signature en ligne, échange de sources, transferts compressés, identification
sécurisée, et filtre par IP. * recherches booléennes, qui peuvent être locales, globales, ou sur le
réseau Kad. * contrôle de l'agressivité des clients. * allocation de "slots", pour choisir le nombre
de clients distants. * intégration à la zone de notification, dans GNOME comme dans KDE * traduit
dans de nombreuses langues</p><p>Une version démonisée de l'application qui ne requiert pas d'environnement
graphique pour fonctionner est disponible dans le paquet amule-daemon, et divers utilitaires d'intérêt
peuvent être trouvés dans les paquets amule- utils et amule-utils-gui, dont le gestionnaire de liens
it: <p>aMule è un'applicazione per condivisione file peer-to-peer, progettata per connettersi alle reti
eDonkey e Kad. Ha una vasta gamma di funzionalità, comprese molte di quelle del client eMule originale,
come:</p><p>* firma on-line, scambio dei sorgenti, trasferimenti compressi, identificazione sicura
e supporto del filtro IP * ricerca booleana, che può essere locale, globale o nella rete KAD * controlla
i client aggressivi * allocazione degli slot, per decidere il numero dei client remoti * la barra
delle applicazioni funziona bene sia in GNOME che in KDE * traduzioni in molte lingue</p><p>Una versione
demonizzata dell'applicazione che non necessita di un ambiente grafico per girare è disponibile nel
pacchetto amule-daemon; inoltre molti strumenti correlati si trovano nei pacchetti amule-utils e amule-utils-gui,
incluso il gestore dei link ed2k.</p>
ja: <p>aMule は P2P ファイル共有アプリケーションであり、eDonkey および Kad ネットワーク への接続のために設計されています。次に示すようなオリジナルの eMule クライアントの多くが持つ広範囲の機能を有しています。</p><p>*
online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure identification, and IP filter support
* boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the Kad network * checks against aggressive clients
* slot allocation, to decide the number of remote clients * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE
* translations to many languages</p><p>起動にグラフィック環境を必要としないデーモン版アプリケーションは amule-daemon パッケージとして、そして興味深い各種ユーティリティは
amule-utils パッケージ、 そして ed2k リンクハンドラを含む amule-utils-gui パッケージに含まれます。</p>
nl: <p>aMule is een peer-to-peer bestandsuitwisselingsprogramma, ontworpen om met eDonky- en Kad-netwerken
te verbinden. Het heeft een groot aantal opties, waaronder een aantal uit de originele eMule-client,
zoals:</p><p>* online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure identification, and
IP filter support * boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the Kad network * checks against
aggressive clients * slot allocation, to decide the number of remote clients * systray works well
both in GNOME and KDE * translations to many languages</p><p>A daemonized version of the application
that does not need a graphic environment to run is available in the amule-daemon package, and various
utilities of interest can be found in the amule-utils and amule-utils-gui packages, including the
ed2k link handler.</p>
pl: <p>aMule jest aplikacją wymiany plików metodą peer-to-peer, zaprojektowaną do łączenia się z sieciami
eDonkey i Kad. Posiada szeroki zasób funkcji, z których wiele pochodzi z oryginalnego klienta eMule,
na przykład:</p><p>* online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure identification,
and IP filter support * boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the Kad network * checks
against aggressive clients * slot allocation, to decide the number of remote clients * systray works
well both in GNOME and KDE * translations to many languages</p><p>Wersja tej aplikacji działająca
jako demon, która nie potrzebuje graficznego interfejsu do działania jest dostępna w pakiecie amule-daemon;
rozmaite narzędzia można znaleźć w pakietach amule-utils i amule-utils- gui, wliczając w to program
obsługujący sieci e2k.</p>
pt: <p>aMule é uma aplicação de partilha de ficheiros peer-to-peer, desenhada para se ligar às redes
eDonkey e Kad. Tem muitas funcionalidades, incluindo muitas do cliente eMule original, como:</p><p>*
online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure identification, and IP filter support
* boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the Kad network * checks against aggressive clients
* slot allocation, to decide the number of remote clients * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE
* translations to many languages</p><p>Está disponível no pacote amule-daemon uma versão deamon da
aplicação que não precisa de um ambiente gráfico para funcionar, e vários utilitários interessantes
podem ser encontrados nos pacotes amule-utils e amule-utils- gui, incluindo o manuseador de links
pt_BR: <p>aMule é uma aplicação de compartilhamento de arquivos ponto-a-ponto ("peer-to-peer"), feita
para conectar-se às redes eDonkey e Kad. Ele possui uma grande variedade de recursos, incluindo muitos
do cliente eMule original, como:</p><p>* online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers,
secure identification, and IP filter support * boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the
Kad network * checks against aggressive clients * slot allocation, to decide the number of remote
clients * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE * translations to many languages</p><p>Uma versão
em forma de daemon da aplicação, que não precisa de ambiente gráfico para ser executado está disponível
no pacote amule-daemon, e vários utilitários de interesse podem ser encontrados nos pacotes amule-
utils e amule-utils-gui, incluindo o manipulador de links ed2k.</p>
ru: <p>aMule -- клиент файлообменных сетей eDonkey и Kad. Обладает широким диапазоном возможностей,
включая многие из оригинального клиента eMule:</p><p>* online signature, source exchange, compressed
transfers, secure identification, and IP filter support * boolean search, which can be local, global,
or in the Kad network * checks against aggressive clients * slot allocation, to decide the number
of remote clients * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE * translations to many languages</p><p>Вариант
программы, который работает без графического интерфейса в качестве фоновой службы, можно найти в пакете
amule-daemon, а различные вспомогательные утилиты, в т.ч. для взаимодействия с фоновой службой, содержатся
в пакетах amule-utils и amule-utils-gui.</p>
sk: <p>aMule je aplikácia na peer-to-peer zdieľanie súborov, navrhnutá na pripojenie k sieťam eDonkey
a Kad. Má široký rozsah funkcií, vrátane väčšiny z pôvodného klienta eMule, napríklad:</p><p>* online
signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure identification, and IP filter support * boolean
search, which can be local, global, or in the Kad network * checks against aggressive clients * slot
allocation, to decide the number of remote clients * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE * translations
to many languages</p><p>Program v podobe démona, ktorý pre svoje spustenie nevyžaduje grafické prostredie
je v balíku amule-daemon a rôzne nástroje sú v balíkoch amule- utils a amule-utils-gui, vrátane obsluhy
odkazov ed2k.</p>
sl: <p>aMule je program deljenja datotek od vrstnika do vrstnika, ki je zasnovan za povezavo na omrežja
eDonkey in Kad. Vsebuje številne zmožnosti vključno z veliko izvirnega odjemalca eMule, kot:</p><p>*
spletni podpis, izmenjava virov, stisnjeni prenosi, varna identifikacija in podpora filtriranja IP
* boolovo iskanje, ki je lahko krajevno, globalno ali na omrežju Kad * preverjanja za agresivne odjemalce
* dodelitev mest za določitev števila oddaljenih odjemalcev * sistemska vrstica dobro deluje v GNOME
in KDE * prevodi v številne jezike</p><p>Različica ozadnjega programa, ki za izvajanje ne potrebuje
grafičnega vmesnika, je na voljo v paketu amule-daemon. Različne pripomočke, vključno z ročnikom povezav
ed2k, lahko najdete v paketih amule-utils in amule- utils-gui.</p>
uk: <p>aMule — клієнт файлообмінних мереж eDonkey та Kad. Володіє широким діапазоном можливостей, включаючи
багато чого з оригінального клієнта eMule:</p><p>* online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers,
secure identification, and IP filter support * boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the
Kad network * checks against aggressive clients * slot allocation, to decide the number of remote
clients * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE * translations to many languages</p><p>Варіант
програми, який працює без графічного інтерфейсу в якості фонової служби, можна знайти в пакунку amule-daemon,
а різні допоміжні утиліти, в тому числі обробник посилань ed2k, містяться у пакунках amule-utils та
zh_CN: <p>aMule 是一个点对点文件共享程序,用于连接 eDonkey 和 Kad 网络。 它拥有丰富的功能,许多 eMule 有的功能它都有,比如:</p><p>* online signature,
source exchange, compressed transfers, secure identification, and IP filter support * boolean search,
which can be local, global, or in the Kad network * checks against aggressive clients * slot allocation,
to decide the number of remote clients * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE * translations to
many languages</p><p>一个运行于后台的 aMule 程序无需图形界面,它可以从 amule-daemon 软件包获得,许多实用小工具可以从 amule-utils 和 amule-utils-gui
软件包获得,包括 ed2k 链接处理程序。</p>
ID: amule.desktop
cached: amule_amule.png
C: aMule
Package: amule
- x-scheme-handler/ed2k
C: A client for the eD2k network
fr: Un client pour le réseau eD2k
tr: eD2k ağı için istemci
Type: desktop-app