- Game
- ActionGame
C: <p>Maybe it was the fact that people got to blow away Nazis. Maybe it was the sheer challenge of
it all. For whatever reason, Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny, pioneered the first-person shooter
genre and brought its legendary creators, id Software, worldwide notoriety and numerous awards. In
fact, The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame recognized Wolfenstein 3D as helping to shape the overall
direction of the computer gaming industry.</p><p>Wolf4SDL is an open-source port of id Software's
classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3-D to the cross-platform multimedia library "Simple DirectMedia
Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org). It is meant to keep the original feel while taking advantage
of some improvements.</p><p>The wolf4sdl game requires additional data files which are not available
under a free license and cannot be distributed by Debian. Thus, this package contains no data files,
but current releases of `game-data-packager' are able to generate suitable data packages from the
publicly available Wolfenstein 3-D shareware episode.</p>
de: <p>Vielleicht war es die Tatsache, dass man Nazis umlegen muss. Oder es war die pure Herausforderung.
Wie auch immer, Wolfenstein 3-D und Spear of Destiny, Pioniere des First-Person-Shooter, brachten
ihrem legendären Schöpfer, id Software, weltweite Aufmerksamkeit und zahlreiche Preise. The Computer
Gaming World Hall of Fame ehrte Wolfenstein 3D für die Hilfe die grundsätzliche Richtung der Computerspielindustrie
mitzubestimmen.</p><p>Wolf4SDL ist eine Open-Source-Portierung von id Softwares klassischem First-Person-Shooter
Wolfenstein 3-D auf Basis der plattformübergreifenden Multimediabibliothekt »Simple DirectMedia Layer
(SDL)« (http://www.libsdl.org). Es versucht das originale Spielgefühl beizubehalten, während es einige
Verbesserungen einbaut.</p><p>Das Spiel Wolf4SDL benötigt zusätzliche Daten, welche nicht unter freier
Lizenz stehen und somit von Ubuntu nicht verteilt werden können. Deshalb enthält dieses Paket keine
Daten, allerdings sind die aktuellen Veröffentlichungen von »game-data-packager«, in der Lage, passende
Datenpakete von der öffentlich verfügbaren Wolfenstein 3-D-Shareware- Episode zu erstellen.</p>
en_GB: <p>Maybe it was the fact that people got to blow away Nazis. Maybe it was the sheer challenge
of it all. For whatever reason, Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny, pioneered the first-person shooter
genre and brought its legendary creators, id Software, worldwide notoriety and numerous awards. In
fact, The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame recognised Wolfenstein 3D as helping to shape the overall
direction of the computer gaming industry.</p><p>Wolf4SDL is an open-source port of id Software's
classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3-D to the cross-platform multimedia library "Simple DirectMedia
Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org). It is meant to keep the original feel while taking advantage
of some improvements.</p><p>The wolf4sdl game requires additional data files which are not available
under a free licence and cannot be distributed by Debian. Thus, this package contains no data files,
but current releases of `game-data- packager' are able to generate suitable data packages from the
publicly available Wolfenstein 3-D shareware episode.</p>
es: <p>Maybe it was the fact that people got to blow away Nazis. Maybe it was the sheer challenge of
it all. For whatever reason, Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny, pioneered the first-person shooter
genre and brought its legendary creators, id Software, worldwide notoriety and numerous awards. In
fact, The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame recognized Wolfenstein 3D as helping to shape the overall
direction of the computer gaming industry.</p><p>Wolf4SDL is an open-source port of id Software's
classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3-D to the cross-platform multimedia library "Simple DirectMedia
Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org). It is meant to keep the original feel while taking advantage
of some improvements.</p><p>The wolf4sdl game requires additional data files which are not available
under a free license and cannot be distributed by Debian. Thus, this package contains no data files,
but current releases of `game-data- packager' are able to generate suitable data packages from the
publicly available Wolfenstein 3-D shareware episode.</p>
fr: <p>C'était peut-être le fait que les gens pouvaient exploser des nazis. C'était peut-être le pur
défi posé par tout cela. Pour une raison quelconque, Wolfenstein 3-D et Spear of Destiny, ont été
les pionniers du jeu de tir à la première personne et ont apporté à leurs légendaires créateurs, id
Software, la notoriété dans le monde entier et de nombreuses récompenses. En fait, le « Computer Gaming
World Hall of Fame » a reconnu Wolfenstein 3D comme un jeu ayant contribué à façonner l'orientation
générale de l'industrie du jeu vidéo.</p><p>Wolf4SDL est un port open-source du classique jeu de tir
à la première personne Wolfenstein 3-D développé par id Software pour la bibliothèque multi-plateforme
multimédia « Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) » (http://www.libsdl.org). Il est conçu pour maintenir
l'esprit d'origine tout en profitant de quelques améliorations.</p><p>Le jeu wolf4sdl nécessite des
fichiers de données supplémentaires qui ne sont pas disponibles sous une licence libre et ne peuvent
être distribués par Debian. Donc, ce paquet ne contient pas de fichiers de données, mais les versions
actuelles de « game-data-packager » sont capables de générer des paquets de données appropriés à partir
de l'épisode partagiciel Wolfenstein 3-D.</p>
gl: <p>Maybe it was the fact that people got to blow away Nazis. Maybe it was the sheer challenge of
it all. For whatever reason, Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny, pioneered the first-person shooter
genre and brought its legendary creators, id Software, worldwide notoriety and numerous awards. In
fact, The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame recognized Wolfenstein 3D as helping to shape the overall
direction of the computer gaming industry.</p><p>Wolf4SDL is an open-source port of id Software's
classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3-D to the cross-platform multimedia library "Simple DirectMedia
Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org). It is meant to keep the original feel while taking advantage
of some improvements.</p><p>The wolf4sdl game requires additional data files which are not available
under a free license and cannot be distributed by Debian. Thus, this package contains no data files,
but current releases of `game-data- packager' are able to generate suitable data packages from the
publicly available Wolfenstein 3-D shareware episode.</p>
ru: <p>Возможно, причина в том, что у людей появилась возможность самим разбить нацистов. А может быть,
просто в увлекательности игры. Каковы бы ни были причины, Wolfenstein 3-D и Spear of Destiny, ставшие
первопроходцами жанра шутеров от первого лица, принесли своим легендарным создателям, id Software,
всемирную известность и многочисленные награды. Фактически, «зал славы» журнала «Computer Gaming World»
оценил Wolfenstein 3D, как игру, поспособствовавшую формированию общего направления индустрии компьютерных
игр.</p><p>Wolf4SDL — это open-source порт классического шутера от первого лица Wolfenstein 3-D от
id Software на кроссплатформенной мультимедийной библиотеке "Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org).
Он призван сохранить дух оригинальной игры, и в то же время внести в неё некоторые улучшения.</p><p>Для
игры wolf4sdl требуются дополнительные файлы данных, которые недоступны под свободными лицензиями
и, следовательно, не могут распространяться с Debian. Поэтому данный пакет не содержит файлов данных,
но текущий релиз `game-data-packager' способен генерировать подходящие пакеты данных из публично доступных
shareware-эпизодов Wolfenstein 3-D.</p>
sl: <p>Morda je bil vzrok, da so lahko ljudje streljali naciste. Morda je bil vzrok velik izziv. Ne
glede na vzrok sta Wolfenstein 3-D in Spear of Destiny pionirja žanra prvoosebnih strelskih iger,
ki sta njihovim legendarnim ustvarjalcem, id Software prinesla svetovno znanost in številne nagrade.
Wolfenstein 3D je Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame priznal kot igro, ki je pomagala oblikovati smer
industrije računalniških iger.</p><p>Wolf4SDL je odprtokodna predelava klasične prvoosebne strelske
igre Wolfenstein 3-D na večokoljsko predstavno knjižnico "Simple DirecMedia Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org).
Cilj je bil obdržati izvirni občutek in hkrati dodati nekaj izboljšav.</p><p>Igra wolf4sdl zahteva
dodatne podatkovne datoteke, ki niso na voljo pod prosto licenco in jih zato Debian ne more distribuirati.
Zato ta paket ne vsebuje podatkovnih datotek, vendar jih lahko s pomočjo programa 'gnome- data-packager'
ustvarite iz javno dostopne preizkusne epizode Wolfenstein 3-D.</p>
ID: wolf4sdl.desktop
cached: wolf4sdl_wolf4sdl.png
- first
- person
- shooter
- wolfenstein
- wolf3d
C: Wolf4SDL
Package: wolf4sdl
C: SDL-Port of Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny
Type: desktop-app