xfi.desktop - 1.46.2-1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ riscv64
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfi.desktop
Package: xfe
C: Xfimage
es: Un visor de imágenes simple para Xfe
zh-TW: Xfe 的簡單的圖像檢視器
sv: En enkel bildvisare för Xfe
es-CO: Un visualizador de imágenes sencillo para Xfe
fi: Yksinkertainen kuvankatseluohjelma Xfe:lle
ca: Un visor d'imatges simple per a Xfe
it: Un visualizzatore di immagini leggero per Xfe
tr: Xfe için basit bir resim gösterici
pl: Prosta przeglądarka obrazów dla Xfe
fr: Un visualiseur d'images simple pour Xfe
de: Ein einfacher Bildbetrachter für Xfe
el: Ένας απλός προβολέας εικόνων για τον ΕξΕφΕ
C: A simple image viewer for Xfe
cs: Jednoduchý prohlížeč obrázků pro Xfe
pt-BR: Um simples visualizador de imagens para o Xfe
es-AR: Un visor de imágenes simple para Xfe
hu: Egyszerű képnézegető Xfe-hez
nl: Een eenvoudige afbeeldingviewer voor Xfe
ru: Простой просмотрщик изображений для Xfe
sl: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
fr: >-
<p>Xfe est basé sur le populaire X Win Commander, au développement interrompu. Il est indépendant de l'environnement
de bureau et est écrit en utilisant la bibliothèque C++ Fox Toolkit. Il ressemble au gestionnaire de fichiers de Windows
Total Commander ou Windows Explorer. Il est très rapide et simple d'utilisation.</p>
<p>Les principales fonctionnalités sont entre autres : association de fichiers, montage ou démontage de périphériques,
arborescence de répertoires pour un déplacement rapide dans les répertoires, changement des attributs de fichier, sauvegarde
automatique de registre, affichage, extraction ou création d'archives compressées, compatibilité avec GNOME, KDE
et Xfce.</p>
<p>Il fournit un éditeur de texte simple (Xfwrite), un visualisateur d’images (Xfimage) et un gestionnaire de paquets
sk: >-
<p>Xfe je založený na populárnom, ale už nevyvíjanom programe X Win Commander. Je nezávislý od pracovného prostredia a
napísaný pomocou sady nástrojov C++ Fox. Vzhľadom sa podobá na správcu súborov Total Commander pre Windows alebo na Prieskumníka
z Windows. Je veľmi rýchly a jednoduchý.</p>
<p>Jeho hlavné vlastnosti: asociácie typov súborov, pripájanie/odpájanie zariadení, strom adresárov na rýchlu zmenu adresára,
zmena atribútov súborov, automatické ukladanie registra, zobrazovanie/tvorba/rozbaľovanie komprimovaných archívov, kompatibilita
s GNOME/KDE/Xfce a mnohé ďalšie.</p>
<p>Obsahuje jednoduchý textový editor (Xfwrite), prehliadač obrázkov (Xfimage) a správcu balíkov (Xfpack).</p>
de: >-
<p>Xfe basiert auf dem populären, aber eingestellten X Win Commander. Sie ist unabhängig von der Arbeitsumgebung und unter
Benutzung des C++- Werkzeugsatzes Fox geschrieben. Vom Aussehen ähnelt Xfe dem Windows Commander oder dem MS-Explorer.
Außerdem ist sie sehr schnell und einfach.</p>
<p>Die Hauptmerkmale sind: Dateizuordnungen, Ein-/Aushängen von Geräten, ein Verzeichnisbaum zum schnellen Verzeichniswechsel,
Änderung von Dateiattributen, automatisches Speichern der »registry«, Betrachten/Erzeugen/Extrahieren von komprimierten
Archiven, Kompatibilität mit GNOME/KDE/XFCE und vieles mehr.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Xfe é baseado no popular mas descontinuado X Win Commander. Ele é independente de área de trabalho e escrito com o
kit de ferramentas Fox C++. Sua aparência é similar à do Total Commander do Windows ou à do Windows Explorer. Ele é muito
rápido e simples.</p>
<p>As principais funcionalidades são: associação de arquivos, montar/desmontar dispositivos, árvore de diretórios para
cd rápido, alteração de atributos de arquivos, registro de auto-salvamento, extração/criação/visão de arquivamentos compactados,
compatibilidade com GNOME/KDE/Xfce e muito mais.</p>
<p>Contém um editor de texto (Xfwrite), visualizador de imagens (Xfimage) e um gerenciador de pacotes (Xfpack) simples.</p>
ja: >-
<p>Xfe は、人気が高かったものの開発が停止した X Win Commander を基にしています。 デスクトップとは独立しており、C++ Fox Toolkit を使って書かれています。 Windows 用のファイルマネージャ Total
Commander や Windows Explorer に似た外観で、きわめて高速でシンプルです。</p>
<p>主な機能は次の通りです: ファイルの関連付け、デバイスのマウント・アンマウント、 素早くディレクトリを切り替えられるディレクトリツリー、ファイル属性の変更、 登録したファイルの自動保存、圧縮アーカイブの閲覧・作成・展開、 GNOME/KDE/Xfce
<p>シンプルなテキストエディタ (Xfwrite)、画像ビューア (Xfimage) およびパッケージマネージャ (Xfpack) を同梱します。</p>
zh_CN: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
it: >-
<p>Xfe si basa sul popolare X Win Commander il cui sviluppo è stato sospeso. È indipendente dal desktop ed è stato scritto
utilizzando il toolkit Fox C++. Il suo aspetto è simile a Total Commander, un gestore dei file per Windows, o di Windows
Explorer. È molto veloce e semplice.</p>
<p>Le caratteristiche principali sono: associazioni di file, montaggio/smontaggio di dispositivi, albero delle directory
per una veloce navigazione, modifica degli attributi dei file, salvataggio automatico del registro, visualizzazione, creazione,
estrazione di archivi compressi, compatibilità con GNOME/KDE/Xfce e molto altro.</p>
<p>Sono inclusi un semplice editor di testo (Xfwrite), un visualizzatore di immagini (Xfimage) e un gestore di pacchetti
ru: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
C: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
da: >-
<p>Xfe er baseret på den populære men afbrudte X Win Commander. Programmet er skrivebordsuafhængigt og er skrevet med
brug af C++ Fox Toolkit. Programmets udseende ligner Windowsfilhåndteringen Total Commander eller Windows Explorer. Det
er meget hurtigt og simpelt.</p>
<p>Hovedfunktionerne er: filassociationer, monter/afmonter enheder, mappetræ for hurtig cd, ændre filattributter, automatisk
gemme registerfil, komprimerede arkiver vis/opret/udtræk, kompatibilitet med GNOME/KDE/XFCE og meget mere.</p>
<p>Indeholder en simpel tekstfremviser (Xfview), billedfremviser (Xfimage) og pakkehåndtering (Xfpack).</p>
en: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
- Utility
- Viewer
- image viewer
- image manager
- name: xfe_xfi.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfe_xfi.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: xfe_xfi.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: x/xf/xfi.desktop/fb020c86f933c51c969785dacd534986/icons/128x128/xfe_xfi.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: xfi
- xfi.desktop
- image/bmp
- image/jpeg
- image/gif
- image/png
- image/tiff
- image/xpm
xfp.desktop - 1.46.2-1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ riscv64
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfp.desktop
Package: xfe
C: Xfpack
es: Un gestor de paquetes simple para Xfe
zh-TW: Xfe 的簡易套件管理員
sv: En enkel pakethanterare för Xfe
es-CO: Un administrador de paquetes sencillo para Xfe
fi: Yksinkertainen paketinhallinta Xfe:lle
ca: Un gestor de paquets simple per a Xfe
it: Un semplice gestore pacchetti per Xfe
tr: Xfe için basit bir paket yöneticisi
pl: Prosty menedżer pakietów dla Xfe
fr: Un gestionnaire de paquets simple pour Xfe
de: Ein einfacher Paketmanager für Xfe
el: Ένας απλός διαχειριστής πακέτων για τον ΕξΕφΕ
C: A simple package manager for Xfe
cs: Jednoduchý správce balíků pro Xfe
pt-BR: Um simples gerenciador de pacotes para o Xfe
es-AR: Un gestor de paquetes simple para Xfe
hu: Egyszerű csomagkezelő Xfe-hez
nl: Een eenvoudige pakketbeheerder voor Xfe
ru: Простой менеджер пакетов для Xfe
sl: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
fr: >-
<p>Xfe est basé sur le populaire X Win Commander, au développement interrompu. Il est indépendant de l'environnement
de bureau et est écrit en utilisant la bibliothèque C++ Fox Toolkit. Il ressemble au gestionnaire de fichiers de Windows
Total Commander ou Windows Explorer. Il est très rapide et simple d'utilisation.</p>
<p>Les principales fonctionnalités sont entre autres : association de fichiers, montage ou démontage de périphériques,
arborescence de répertoires pour un déplacement rapide dans les répertoires, changement des attributs de fichier, sauvegarde
automatique de registre, affichage, extraction ou création d'archives compressées, compatibilité avec GNOME, KDE
et Xfce.</p>
<p>Il fournit un éditeur de texte simple (Xfwrite), un visualisateur d’images (Xfimage) et un gestionnaire de paquets
sk: >-
<p>Xfe je založený na populárnom, ale už nevyvíjanom programe X Win Commander. Je nezávislý od pracovného prostredia a
napísaný pomocou sady nástrojov C++ Fox. Vzhľadom sa podobá na správcu súborov Total Commander pre Windows alebo na Prieskumníka
z Windows. Je veľmi rýchly a jednoduchý.</p>
<p>Jeho hlavné vlastnosti: asociácie typov súborov, pripájanie/odpájanie zariadení, strom adresárov na rýchlu zmenu adresára,
zmena atribútov súborov, automatické ukladanie registra, zobrazovanie/tvorba/rozbaľovanie komprimovaných archívov, kompatibilita
s GNOME/KDE/Xfce a mnohé ďalšie.</p>
<p>Obsahuje jednoduchý textový editor (Xfwrite), prehliadač obrázkov (Xfimage) a správcu balíkov (Xfpack).</p>
de: >-
<p>Xfe basiert auf dem populären, aber eingestellten X Win Commander. Sie ist unabhängig von der Arbeitsumgebung und unter
Benutzung des C++- Werkzeugsatzes Fox geschrieben. Vom Aussehen ähnelt Xfe dem Windows Commander oder dem MS-Explorer.
Außerdem ist sie sehr schnell und einfach.</p>
<p>Die Hauptmerkmale sind: Dateizuordnungen, Ein-/Aushängen von Geräten, ein Verzeichnisbaum zum schnellen Verzeichniswechsel,
Änderung von Dateiattributen, automatisches Speichern der »registry«, Betrachten/Erzeugen/Extrahieren von komprimierten
Archiven, Kompatibilität mit GNOME/KDE/XFCE und vieles mehr.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Xfe é baseado no popular mas descontinuado X Win Commander. Ele é independente de área de trabalho e escrito com o
kit de ferramentas Fox C++. Sua aparência é similar à do Total Commander do Windows ou à do Windows Explorer. Ele é muito
rápido e simples.</p>
<p>As principais funcionalidades são: associação de arquivos, montar/desmontar dispositivos, árvore de diretórios para
cd rápido, alteração de atributos de arquivos, registro de auto-salvamento, extração/criação/visão de arquivamentos compactados,
compatibilidade com GNOME/KDE/Xfce e muito mais.</p>
<p>Contém um editor de texto (Xfwrite), visualizador de imagens (Xfimage) e um gerenciador de pacotes (Xfpack) simples.</p>
ja: >-
<p>Xfe は、人気が高かったものの開発が停止した X Win Commander を基にしています。 デスクトップとは独立しており、C++ Fox Toolkit を使って書かれています。 Windows 用のファイルマネージャ Total
Commander や Windows Explorer に似た外観で、きわめて高速でシンプルです。</p>
<p>主な機能は次の通りです: ファイルの関連付け、デバイスのマウント・アンマウント、 素早くディレクトリを切り替えられるディレクトリツリー、ファイル属性の変更、 登録したファイルの自動保存、圧縮アーカイブの閲覧・作成・展開、 GNOME/KDE/Xfce
<p>シンプルなテキストエディタ (Xfwrite)、画像ビューア (Xfimage) およびパッケージマネージャ (Xfpack) を同梱します。</p>
zh_CN: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
it: >-
<p>Xfe si basa sul popolare X Win Commander il cui sviluppo è stato sospeso. È indipendente dal desktop ed è stato scritto
utilizzando il toolkit Fox C++. Il suo aspetto è simile a Total Commander, un gestore dei file per Windows, o di Windows
Explorer. È molto veloce e semplice.</p>
<p>Le caratteristiche principali sono: associazioni di file, montaggio/smontaggio di dispositivi, albero delle directory
per una veloce navigazione, modifica degli attributi dei file, salvataggio automatico del registro, visualizzazione, creazione,
estrazione di archivi compressi, compatibilità con GNOME/KDE/Xfce e molto altro.</p>
<p>Sono inclusi un semplice editor di testo (Xfwrite), un visualizzatore di immagini (Xfimage) e un gestore di pacchetti
ru: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
C: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
da: >-
<p>Xfe er baseret på den populære men afbrudte X Win Commander. Programmet er skrivebordsuafhængigt og er skrevet med
brug af C++ Fox Toolkit. Programmets udseende ligner Windowsfilhåndteringen Total Commander eller Windows Explorer. Det
er meget hurtigt og simpelt.</p>
<p>Hovedfunktionerne er: filassociationer, monter/afmonter enheder, mappetræ for hurtig cd, ændre filattributter, automatisk
gemme registerfil, komprimerede arkiver vis/opret/udtræk, kompatibilitet med GNOME/KDE/XFCE og meget mere.</p>
<p>Indeholder en simpel tekstfremviser (Xfview), billedfremviser (Xfimage) og pakkehåndtering (Xfpack).</p>
en: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
- Utility
- PackageManager
- archive viewer
- name: xfe_xfp.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfe_xfp.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: xfe_xfp.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: x/xf/xfp.desktop/9a0af549219f47a4ac80bbc53e681da7/icons/128x128/xfe_xfp.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: xfp
- xfp.desktop
- application/x-deb
- application/x-debian-package
- application/x-rpm
xfw.desktop - 1.46.2-1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ riscv64
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfw.desktop
Package: xfe
C: Xfwrite
es: Un editor de texto simple para Xfe
zh-TW: Xfe 的簡單的文字編輯器
sv: En enkel texteditor för Xfe
es-CO: Un editor de texto sencillo para Xfe
fi: Yksinkertainen tekstimuokkain Xfe:lle
ca: Un editor de text simple per a Xfe
it: Un semplice editor di testi per Xfe
tr: Xfe için basit bir metin düzenleyici
pl: Prosty edytor tekstu dla Xfe
fr: Un éditeur de texte simple pour Xfe
de: Ein einfacher Texteditor für Xfe
el: Ένας απλός επεξεργαστής κειμένου για τον ΕξΕφΕ
C: A simple text editor for Xfe
cs: Jednoduchý textový editor pro Xfe
pt-BR: Um simples editor de texto para o Xfe
es-AR: Un editor de texto simple para Xfe
hu: Egyszerű fájlszerkesztő Xfe-hez
nl: Een eenvoudige teksteditor voor Xfe
ru: Простой текстовый редактор для Xfe
sl: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
fr: >-
<p>Xfe est basé sur le populaire X Win Commander, au développement interrompu. Il est indépendant de l'environnement
de bureau et est écrit en utilisant la bibliothèque C++ Fox Toolkit. Il ressemble au gestionnaire de fichiers de Windows
Total Commander ou Windows Explorer. Il est très rapide et simple d'utilisation.</p>
<p>Les principales fonctionnalités sont entre autres : association de fichiers, montage ou démontage de périphériques,
arborescence de répertoires pour un déplacement rapide dans les répertoires, changement des attributs de fichier, sauvegarde
automatique de registre, affichage, extraction ou création d'archives compressées, compatibilité avec GNOME, KDE
et Xfce.</p>
<p>Il fournit un éditeur de texte simple (Xfwrite), un visualisateur d’images (Xfimage) et un gestionnaire de paquets
sk: >-
<p>Xfe je založený na populárnom, ale už nevyvíjanom programe X Win Commander. Je nezávislý od pracovného prostredia a
napísaný pomocou sady nástrojov C++ Fox. Vzhľadom sa podobá na správcu súborov Total Commander pre Windows alebo na Prieskumníka
z Windows. Je veľmi rýchly a jednoduchý.</p>
<p>Jeho hlavné vlastnosti: asociácie typov súborov, pripájanie/odpájanie zariadení, strom adresárov na rýchlu zmenu adresára,
zmena atribútov súborov, automatické ukladanie registra, zobrazovanie/tvorba/rozbaľovanie komprimovaných archívov, kompatibilita
s GNOME/KDE/Xfce a mnohé ďalšie.</p>
<p>Obsahuje jednoduchý textový editor (Xfwrite), prehliadač obrázkov (Xfimage) a správcu balíkov (Xfpack).</p>
de: >-
<p>Xfe basiert auf dem populären, aber eingestellten X Win Commander. Sie ist unabhängig von der Arbeitsumgebung und unter
Benutzung des C++- Werkzeugsatzes Fox geschrieben. Vom Aussehen ähnelt Xfe dem Windows Commander oder dem MS-Explorer.
Außerdem ist sie sehr schnell und einfach.</p>
<p>Die Hauptmerkmale sind: Dateizuordnungen, Ein-/Aushängen von Geräten, ein Verzeichnisbaum zum schnellen Verzeichniswechsel,
Änderung von Dateiattributen, automatisches Speichern der »registry«, Betrachten/Erzeugen/Extrahieren von komprimierten
Archiven, Kompatibilität mit GNOME/KDE/XFCE und vieles mehr.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Xfe é baseado no popular mas descontinuado X Win Commander. Ele é independente de área de trabalho e escrito com o
kit de ferramentas Fox C++. Sua aparência é similar à do Total Commander do Windows ou à do Windows Explorer. Ele é muito
rápido e simples.</p>
<p>As principais funcionalidades são: associação de arquivos, montar/desmontar dispositivos, árvore de diretórios para
cd rápido, alteração de atributos de arquivos, registro de auto-salvamento, extração/criação/visão de arquivamentos compactados,
compatibilidade com GNOME/KDE/Xfce e muito mais.</p>
<p>Contém um editor de texto (Xfwrite), visualizador de imagens (Xfimage) e um gerenciador de pacotes (Xfpack) simples.</p>
ja: >-
<p>Xfe は、人気が高かったものの開発が停止した X Win Commander を基にしています。 デスクトップとは独立しており、C++ Fox Toolkit を使って書かれています。 Windows 用のファイルマネージャ Total
Commander や Windows Explorer に似た外観で、きわめて高速でシンプルです。</p>
<p>主な機能は次の通りです: ファイルの関連付け、デバイスのマウント・アンマウント、 素早くディレクトリを切り替えられるディレクトリツリー、ファイル属性の変更、 登録したファイルの自動保存、圧縮アーカイブの閲覧・作成・展開、 GNOME/KDE/Xfce
<p>シンプルなテキストエディタ (Xfwrite)、画像ビューア (Xfimage) およびパッケージマネージャ (Xfpack) を同梱します。</p>
zh_CN: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
it: >-
<p>Xfe si basa sul popolare X Win Commander il cui sviluppo è stato sospeso. È indipendente dal desktop ed è stato scritto
utilizzando il toolkit Fox C++. Il suo aspetto è simile a Total Commander, un gestore dei file per Windows, o di Windows
Explorer. È molto veloce e semplice.</p>
<p>Le caratteristiche principali sono: associazioni di file, montaggio/smontaggio di dispositivi, albero delle directory
per una veloce navigazione, modifica degli attributi dei file, salvataggio automatico del registro, visualizzazione, creazione,
estrazione di archivi compressi, compatibilità con GNOME/KDE/Xfce e molto altro.</p>
<p>Sono inclusi un semplice editor di testo (Xfwrite), un visualizzatore di immagini (Xfimage) e un gestore di pacchetti
ru: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
C: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
da: >-
<p>Xfe er baseret på den populære men afbrudte X Win Commander. Programmet er skrivebordsuafhængigt og er skrevet med
brug af C++ Fox Toolkit. Programmets udseende ligner Windowsfilhåndteringen Total Commander eller Windows Explorer. Det
er meget hurtigt og simpelt.</p>
<p>Hovedfunktionerne er: filassociationer, monter/afmonter enheder, mappetræ for hurtig cd, ændre filattributter, automatisk
gemme registerfil, komprimerede arkiver vis/opret/udtræk, kompatibilitet med GNOME/KDE/XFCE og meget mere.</p>
<p>Indeholder en simpel tekstfremviser (Xfview), billedfremviser (Xfimage) og pakkehåndtering (Xfpack).</p>
en: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
- Utility
- TextEditor
- editor
- viewer
- text
- name: xfe_xfw.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfe_xfw.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: xfe_xfw.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: x/xf/xfw.desktop/4535f961a781598de8c2282da9651854/icons/128x128/xfe_xfw.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: xfw
- xfw.desktop
- text/plain
xfe.desktop - 1.46.2-1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ riscv64
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfe.desktop
Package: xfe
es: Xfe
zh-TW: Xfe
sv: Xfe
es-CO: Xfe
fi: Xfe
ca: Xfe
it: Xfe
tr: Xfe
de: Xfe
fr: Xfe
pl: Xfe
el: ΕξΕφΈ (Xfe)
C: Xfe
cs: Xfe
es-AR: Xfe
hu: Xfe
nl: Xfe
ru: Xfe
es: Un gestor de archivos ligero para X Window
zh-TW: X 視窗的輕量檔案管理員
sv: En lättviktig filhanterare för X Window
es-CO: Un administrador de archivos ligero para X Window
fi: Kevyt tiedostonhallinta X ikkunalle
ca: Un gestor de fitxers lleuger per a X Window
it: Un file manager leggero per X Window
tr: X Penceresi için hafif bir dosya yöneticisi
pl: Lekki menadżer plików dla X Window
fr: Un gestionnaire de fichiers léger pour X Window
de: Ein leichter Dateimanager für X Window
el: Ένας ελαφρύς διαχειριστής αρχείων για τα Εξ Γουίνντοου
C: A lightweight file manager for X Window
cs: Lehký souborový manažer pro X
pt-BR: Um gerenciador de arquivos leve para o X Window
es-AR: Un gestor de archivos ligero para X Window
hu: Pehelysúlyú fájlkezelő X Windowhoz
nl: Een lichtgewicht bestandsbeheerder voor X-Window
ru: Легкий файловый менеджер для X Window
sl: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
fr: >-
<p>Xfe est basé sur le populaire X Win Commander, au développement interrompu. Il est indépendant de l'environnement
de bureau et est écrit en utilisant la bibliothèque C++ Fox Toolkit. Il ressemble au gestionnaire de fichiers de Windows
Total Commander ou Windows Explorer. Il est très rapide et simple d'utilisation.</p>
<p>Les principales fonctionnalités sont entre autres : association de fichiers, montage ou démontage de périphériques,
arborescence de répertoires pour un déplacement rapide dans les répertoires, changement des attributs de fichier, sauvegarde
automatique de registre, affichage, extraction ou création d'archives compressées, compatibilité avec GNOME, KDE
et Xfce.</p>
<p>Il fournit un éditeur de texte simple (Xfwrite), un visualisateur d’images (Xfimage) et un gestionnaire de paquets
sk: >-
<p>Xfe je založený na populárnom, ale už nevyvíjanom programe X Win Commander. Je nezávislý od pracovného prostredia a
napísaný pomocou sady nástrojov C++ Fox. Vzhľadom sa podobá na správcu súborov Total Commander pre Windows alebo na Prieskumníka
z Windows. Je veľmi rýchly a jednoduchý.</p>
<p>Jeho hlavné vlastnosti: asociácie typov súborov, pripájanie/odpájanie zariadení, strom adresárov na rýchlu zmenu adresára,
zmena atribútov súborov, automatické ukladanie registra, zobrazovanie/tvorba/rozbaľovanie komprimovaných archívov, kompatibilita
s GNOME/KDE/Xfce a mnohé ďalšie.</p>
<p>Obsahuje jednoduchý textový editor (Xfwrite), prehliadač obrázkov (Xfimage) a správcu balíkov (Xfpack).</p>
de: >-
<p>Xfe basiert auf dem populären, aber eingestellten X Win Commander. Sie ist unabhängig von der Arbeitsumgebung und unter
Benutzung des C++- Werkzeugsatzes Fox geschrieben. Vom Aussehen ähnelt Xfe dem Windows Commander oder dem MS-Explorer.
Außerdem ist sie sehr schnell und einfach.</p>
<p>Die Hauptmerkmale sind: Dateizuordnungen, Ein-/Aushängen von Geräten, ein Verzeichnisbaum zum schnellen Verzeichniswechsel,
Änderung von Dateiattributen, automatisches Speichern der »registry«, Betrachten/Erzeugen/Extrahieren von komprimierten
Archiven, Kompatibilität mit GNOME/KDE/XFCE und vieles mehr.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Xfe é baseado no popular mas descontinuado X Win Commander. Ele é independente de área de trabalho e escrito com o
kit de ferramentas Fox C++. Sua aparência é similar à do Total Commander do Windows ou à do Windows Explorer. Ele é muito
rápido e simples.</p>
<p>As principais funcionalidades são: associação de arquivos, montar/desmontar dispositivos, árvore de diretórios para
cd rápido, alteração de atributos de arquivos, registro de auto-salvamento, extração/criação/visão de arquivamentos compactados,
compatibilidade com GNOME/KDE/Xfce e muito mais.</p>
<p>Contém um editor de texto (Xfwrite), visualizador de imagens (Xfimage) e um gerenciador de pacotes (Xfpack) simples.</p>
ja: >-
<p>Xfe は、人気が高かったものの開発が停止した X Win Commander を基にしています。 デスクトップとは独立しており、C++ Fox Toolkit を使って書かれています。 Windows 用のファイルマネージャ Total
Commander や Windows Explorer に似た外観で、きわめて高速でシンプルです。</p>
<p>主な機能は次の通りです: ファイルの関連付け、デバイスのマウント・アンマウント、 素早くディレクトリを切り替えられるディレクトリツリー、ファイル属性の変更、 登録したファイルの自動保存、圧縮アーカイブの閲覧・作成・展開、 GNOME/KDE/Xfce
<p>シンプルなテキストエディタ (Xfwrite)、画像ビューア (Xfimage) およびパッケージマネージャ (Xfpack) を同梱します。</p>
zh_CN: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
it: >-
<p>Xfe si basa sul popolare X Win Commander il cui sviluppo è stato sospeso. È indipendente dal desktop ed è stato scritto
utilizzando il toolkit Fox C++. Il suo aspetto è simile a Total Commander, un gestore dei file per Windows, o di Windows
Explorer. È molto veloce e semplice.</p>
<p>Le caratteristiche principali sono: associazioni di file, montaggio/smontaggio di dispositivi, albero delle directory
per una veloce navigazione, modifica degli attributi dei file, salvataggio automatico del registro, visualizzazione, creazione,
estrazione di archivi compressi, compatibilità con GNOME/KDE/Xfce e molto altro.</p>
<p>Sono inclusi un semplice editor di testo (Xfwrite), un visualizzatore di immagini (Xfimage) e un gestore di pacchetti
ru: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
C: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
da: >-
<p>Xfe er baseret på den populære men afbrudte X Win Commander. Programmet er skrivebordsuafhængigt og er skrevet med
brug af C++ Fox Toolkit. Programmets udseende ligner Windowsfilhåndteringen Total Commander eller Windows Explorer. Det
er meget hurtigt og simpelt.</p>
<p>Hovedfunktionerne er: filassociationer, monter/afmonter enheder, mappetræ for hurtig cd, ændre filattributter, automatisk
gemme registerfil, komprimerede arkiver vis/opret/udtræk, kompatibilitet med GNOME/KDE/XFCE og meget mere.</p>
<p>Indeholder en simpel tekstfremviser (Xfview), billedfremviser (Xfimage) og pakkehåndtering (Xfpack).</p>
en: >-
<p>Xfe is based on the popular but discontinued X Win Commander. It is desktop independent and is written using the C++
Fox Toolkit. Its appearance is similar to the Windows file-manager Total Commander or Windows Explorer. It is very fast
and simple.</p>
<p>The main features are: file associations, mount/umount devices, directory tree for quick cd, change file attributes,
auto save registry, compressed archives view/creation/extraction, compatibility with GNOME/KDE/Xfce, and much more.</p>
<p>Containing a simple text editor (Xfwrite), image viewer (Xfimage) and package manager (Xfpack).</p>
- System
- FileManager
- file manager
- name: xfe_xfe.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfe_xfe.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: xfe_xfe.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: x/xf/xfe.desktop/2f67c1d862e437438d247d8485ec3154/icons/128x128/xfe_xfe.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: xfe
- xfe.desktop