Type: desktop-application
ID: tint2.desktop
Package: tint2
C: Tint2
fr: Panel léger
pl: Lekki panel
ru: Легковесная панель
C: Lightweight panel
en_AU: >-
<p>Tint is a simple panel/taskbar intentionally made for openbox3, but should also work with other window managers. The
taskbar includes transparency and color settings for the font, icons, border, and background. It also supports multihead
setups, customized mouse actions, and a built-in clock. Tint was originally based on ttm code. Since then, support has
also been added for a battery monitor and system tray.</p>
<p>The goal is to keep a clean and unintrusive look with lightweight code and compliance with freedesktop specification.</p>
es: >-
<p>Tint is a simple panel/taskbar intentionally made for openbox3, but should also work with other window managers. The
taskbar includes transparency and color settings for the font, icons, border, and background. It also supports multihead
setups, customized mouse actions, and a built-in clock. Tint was originally based on ttm code. Since then, support has
also been added for a battery monitor and system tray.</p>
<p>The goal is to keep a clean and unintrusive look with lightweight code and compliance with freedesktop specification.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Tint est un panneau/barre des tâches simple, volontairement créé pour openbox3, mais il devrait également fonctionner
avec d'autres gestionnaires de fenêtres. La barre des tâches inclut des réglages de transparence et de couleur pour
les polices, icônes, bordures, et arrière- plans. Elle gère les installations multi-écrans, des actions personnalisées
à la souris, et fournit une horloge intégrée. Tint est à l'origine basé sur le code de ttm. Depuis, la prise en charge
d'un indicateur de batterie et une zone de notification a été ajoutée.</p>
<p>Le but est de garder une apparence propre et discrète, avec un code léger et une compatibilité avec les spécifications
ko: >-
<p>Tint는 openbox3을 위해 만든 의도적으로 만든 간단한 패널/태스크바이지만 다른 윈도우 매니저에서도 작동해야 합니다. 태스크바는 폰트, 아이콘, 테두리, 배경 을 위한 투명도와 색상 설정을 포함합니다.
멀티헤드 설정, 사용자 지정 마우스 액션, 내장 시계 등을 지원합니다. Tint는 원래 ttm 코드를 기반으로 제작되었 습니다. 이후, 배터리 모니터링 및 시스템 트레이를 위한 지원이 추가되었습니다.</p>
<p>목표는 가벼운 코드와 freedesktop 규격을 준수하여 깨끗하고 방해가 되지 않는 외형을 유지하는 것 입니다.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>Tint is a simple panel/taskbar intentionally made for openbox3, but should also work with other window managers. The
taskbar includes transparency and color settings for the font, icons, border, and background. It also supports multihead
setups, customized mouse actions, and a built-in clock. Tint was originally based on ttm code. Since then, support has
also been added for a battery monitor and system tray.</p>
<p>The goal is to keep a clean and unintrusive look with lightweight code and compliance with freedesktop specification.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Tint é um painel/barra de tarefas simples feito intencionalmente para o openbox3, mas também deve funcionar com outros
gerenciadores de janelas. A barra de tarefas inclui transparência e configurações de cores para a fonte, ícones, borda
e fundo. Também suporta configurações de vários monitores, ações personalizadas de mouse e um relógio embutido. Tint
foi originalmente baseado no código do ttm. Desde então, foi adicionado suporte para monitor de bateria e bandeja do sistema.</p>
<p>O objetivo é manter uma aparência limpa e discreta com código leve e compatível com a especificação freedesktop.</p>
sk: >-
<p>Tint je jednoduché panel úloh cielene vyvinutý pre openbox3. Mal by však fungovať aj s inými správcami okien. Panel
úloh podporuje priesvitnosť a nastavenia farieb písma, ikon, okrajov a pozadia. Tiež podporuje viacero monitorov, vlastné
operácie myšou a má zabudované hodiny. Tint bol pôvodne založený na kóde ttm. Odvtedy bola pridaná aj podpora monitora
batérie a oznamovacej oblasti.</p>
<p>Cieľom je zachovať čistý na nevtieravý vzhľad, odľahčený kód a súlad so špecifikáciou FreeDesktop.</p>
sl: >-
<p>Tint is a simple panel/taskbar intentionally made for openbox3, but should also work with other window managers. The
taskbar includes transparency and color settings for the font, icons, border, and background. It also supports multihead
setups, customized mouse actions, and a built-in clock. Tint was originally based on ttm code. Since then, support has
also been added for a battery monitor and system tray.</p>
<p>The goal is to keep a clean and unintrusive look with lightweight code and compliance with freedesktop specification.</p>
it: >-
<p>Tint è un semplice pannello/barra delle applicazioni creato appositamente per openbox3, ma che dovrebbe funzionare
anche con altri window manager. La barra delle applicazioni permette la trasparenza e l'impostazione dei colori per
i caratteri, le icone, i bordi e lo sfondo. Gestisce anche configurazioni con più monitor, azioni del mouse personalizzate
e ha un orologio incorporato. Tint si basava originariamente sul codice di ttm; da allora è stato aggiunto uno strumento
di monitoraggio della batteria e il vassoio di sistema.</p>
<p>L'obiettivo è di mantenere un aspetto pulito e non invadente con codice leggero ed aderente alle specifiche freedesktop.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Tint is a simple panel/taskbar intentionally made for openbox3, but should also work with other window managers. The
taskbar includes transparency and color settings for the font, icons, border, and background. It also supports multihead
setups, customized mouse actions, and a built-in clock. Tint was originally based on ttm code. Since then, support has
also been added for a battery monitor and system tray.</p>
<p>The goal is to keep a clean and unintrusive look with lightweight code and compliance with freedesktop specification.</p>
C: >-
<p>Tint is a simple panel/taskbar intentionally made for openbox3, but should also work with other window managers. The
taskbar includes transparency and color settings for the font, icons, border, and background. It also supports multihead
setups, customized mouse actions, and a built-in clock. Tint was originally based on ttm code. Since then, support has
also been added for a battery monitor and system tray.</p>
<p>The goal is to keep a clean and unintrusive look with lightweight code and compliance with freedesktop specification.</p>
da: >-
<p>Tint er et simpelt panel/opgavebjælke som er lavet for openbox3, men som også bør virke med andre vindueshåndteringer.
Opgavebjælken inkluderer gennemsigtighed og farveopsætning for skriften, ikoner, kant og baggrund. Programmet understøtter
også flerhovedopsætning, tilpassede musehandlinger og et indbygget ur. Tint blev oprindelig baseret på ttm-kode. Siden
da er der også blevet tilføjet understøttelse for en batteriovervåger og et statusfelt.</p>
<p>Målet er at holde et rent og neutralt udseende med letvægtskode og overholdelse af specifikationerne fra freedesktop.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>Tint is a simple panel/taskbar intentionally made for openbox3, but should also work with other window managers. The
taskbar includes transparency and color settings for the font, icons, border, and background. It also supports multihead
setups, customized mouse actions, and a built-in clock. Tint was originally based on ttm code. Since then, support has
also been added for a battery monitor and system tray.</p>
<p>The goal is to keep a clean and unintrusive look with lightweight code and compliance with freedesktop specification.</p>
de: >-
<p>Tint ist eine einfache Leiste/Taskleiste, die eigentlich für openbox3 erstellt wurde, jedoch ebenso mit anderen Fenstermanagern
funktionieren sollte. Die Taskleiste enthält Transparenz- und Farbeinstellungen für Schrift, Icons, Rahmen und Hintergrund.
Sie unterstützt außerdem Multihead-Konfigurationen, benutzerdefinierte Mausaktionen und eine eingebaute Uhr. Tint basiert
auf dem ttm-Code. Seitdem wurde sie um eine Batterieüberwachung und einen Infobereich ergänzt.</p>
<p>Das Ziel ist ein sauberes und unaufdringliches Aussehen mit wenig Code und die Einhaltung der »freedesktop«-Spezifikation.</p>
en: >-
<p>Tint is a simple panel/taskbar intentionally made for openbox3, but should also work with other window managers. The
taskbar includes transparency and color settings for the font, icons, border, and background. It also supports multihead
setups, customized mouse actions, and a built-in clock. Tint was originally based on ttm code. Since then, support has
also been added for a battery monitor and system tray.</p>
<p>The goal is to keep a clean and unintrusive look with lightweight code and compliance with freedesktop specification.</p>
- System
- name: tint2_tint2.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: tint2_tint2.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: tint2_tint2.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: t/ti/tint2.desktop/0c29bdcdc5c4fd67a5baac56c80d974a/icons/128x128/tint2_tint2.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: tint2
- tint2.desktop