Type: desktop-application
ID: starfighter.desktop
Package: starfighter
C: 'Project: Starfighter'
C: Liberate the universe from the evil company WEAPCO
fr: >-
<p>Après des décennies de guerre, une société, qui a gagné en puissance en fournissant des armes des deux côtés, progresse
et anéantit les deux factions combattantes en peu de temps. Utilisant un armement de loin supérieur et une intelligence
artificielle, la société est devenue invincible et maintenant personne ne peut s'opposer à elle. Des milliers de
personnes sont en train de périr sous la poigne de fer cette société. Les gens réclamaient un sauveur, qui apporte la
lumière dans cette heure sombre...et quelqu'un l’a fait.</p>
<p>Caractéristiques du jeu :</p>
<p> o 26 missions over 4 star systems o Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
o A weapon powerup system o Wingmates o Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives o A Variety of Missions (Protect,
Destroy, etc) o Boss battles</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>After decades of war one company, who had gained powerful supplying both sides with weaponry, steps forwards and crushes
both warring factions in one swift movement. Using far superior weaponry and AI craft, the company was completely unstoppable
and now no one can stand in their way. Thousands began to perish under the iron fist of the company. The people cried
out for a saviour, for someone to light this dark hour... and someone did.</p>
<p>Features of the game:</p>
<p> o 26 missions over 4 star systems o Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
o A weapon powerup system o Wingmates o Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives o A Variety of Missions (Protect,
Destroy, etc) o Boss battles</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Após décadas de guerra, uma companhia que se tornou poderosa ao fornecer armamentos para ambos os lados dá um passo
a mais e, em um movimento rápido, esmaga ambas as facções em disputa. Usando armamentos muito superiores e técnicas de
IA, a companhia era completamente irrefreável e agora ninguém pode ficar em seu caminho. Milhares começam a morrer sob
o punho de ferro da companhia. As pessoas suplicavam por salvação, por alguém que iluminasse esse terrível momento...
e alguém surgiu.</p>
<p>Recursos do jogo:</p>
<p> o 26 missions over 4 star systems o Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
o A weapon powerup system o Wingmates o Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives o A Variety of Missions (Protect,
Destroy, etc) o Boss battles</p>
it: >-
<p>Dopo decenni di guerra una compagnia, che era diventata potente rifornendo di armamenti entrambe le parti, si fece
avanti e annientò entrambe le fazioni in guerra in un solo colpo. Usando armamenti ben superiori e equipaggiamenti con
IA, la compagnia era assolutamente inarrestabile e nessuno poteva ostacolarla. A migliaia morivano sotto il pugno di ferro
della compagnia. Il popolo era alla disperata ricerca di un salvatore, di qualcuno che potesse portare un po' di
luce in quest'era di tenebre... e qualcuno arrivò.</p>
<p>Caratteristiche del gioco:</p>
<p> o 26 missions over 4 star systems o Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
o A weapon powerup system o Wingmates o Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives o A Variety of Missions (Protect,
Destroy, etc) o Boss battles</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>After decades of war one company, who had gained powerful supplying both sides with weaponry, steps forwards and crushes
both warring factions in one swift movement. Using far superior weaponry and AI craft, the company was completely unstoppable
and now no one can stand in their way. Thousands began to perish under the iron fist of the company. The people cried
out for a saviour, for someone to light this dark hour... and someone did.</p>
<p>Features of the game:</p>
<p> o 26 missions over 4 star systems o Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
o A weapon powerup system o Wingmates o Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives o A Variety of Missions (Protect,
Destroy, etc) o Boss battles</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>After decades of war one company, who had gained powerful supplying both sides with weaponry, steps forwards and crushes
both warring factions in one swift movement. Using far superior weaponry and AI craft, the company was completely unstoppable
and now no one can stand in their way. Thousands began to perish under the iron fist of the company. The people cried
out for a saviour, for someone to light this dark hour... and someone did.</p>
<p>Features of the game:</p>
<p> o 26 missions over 4 star systems o Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
o A weapon powerup system o Wingmates o Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives o A Variety of Missions (Protect,
Destroy, etc) o Boss battles</p>
da: >-
<p>Efter årtier med krig træder et firma, som er blevet mægtigt ved at forsyne begge sider med våben, frem på scenen og
knuser begge fraktioner i en hurtig indsats. Med langt overlegne våben og computerkraft var firmaet ikke til at stoppe
og ingen kan modstå dem. Tusinder begynder at gå til grunde under firmaets jernnæve. Folk er fortvivlet efter en redningsmand,
en der kan lyse mørket op ... og en stod frem.</p>
<p>Funktioner i spillet:</p>
<p> o 26 missions over 4 star systems o Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
o A weapon powerup system o Wingmates o Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives o A Variety of Missions (Protect,
Destroy, etc) o Boss battles</p>
C: >-
<p>After decades of war one company, who had gained powerful supplying both sides with weaponry, steps forwards and crushes
both warring factions in one swift movement. Using far superior weaponry and AI craft, the company was completely unstoppable
and now no one can stand in their way. Thousands began to perish under the iron fist of the company. The people cried
out for a saviour, for someone to light this dark hour... and someone did.</p>
<p>Features of the game:</p>
<p> o 26 missions over 4 star systems o Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
o A weapon powerup system o Wingmates o Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives o A Variety of Missions (Protect,
Destroy, etc) o Boss battles</p>
en: >-
<p>After decades of war one company, who had gained powerful supplying both sides with weaponry, steps forwards and crushes
both warring factions in one swift movement. Using far superior weaponry and AI craft, the company was completely unstoppable
and now no one can stand in their way. Thousands began to perish under the iron fist of the company. The people cried
out for a saviour, for someone to light this dark hour... and someone did.</p>
<p>Features of the game:</p>
<p> o 26 missions over 4 star systems o Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
o A weapon powerup system o Wingmates o Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives o A Variety of Missions (Protect,
Destroy, etc) o Boss battles</p>
- Game
- ActionGame
- ArcadeGame
- Games
- name: starfighter_starfighter.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: starfighter
- starfighter.desktop