Type: desktop-application
ID: solfege.desktop
Package: solfege
C: GNU Solfege
C: Ear training software
es: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
ru: >-
<p>GNU Solfege это графическая программа тренировки слуха, написанная на Python с использованием библиотек GTK+ 3.0. С
ней можно практиковаться в гармонических и мелодических интервалах, аккордах, гаммах и ритмах, а также можно добавить
новые задания используя простой текстовый формат файла.</p>
<p>Тренировка слуха это огромная тема со множеством отсылок в теорию и исполнение музыки.</p>
<p>Для использования этой программы вам необходимо иметь базовые знания о теории музыки.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
pt: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
it: >-
<p>GNU Solfege è un programma per allenare l'orecchio per X Window scritto in Python che usa le librerie GTK+ 3.0.
Si può fare pratica di intervalli armonici e melodici, accordi, scale e ritmi e si possono aggiungere nuovi esercizi utilizzando
un semplice file in formato testo semplice.</p>
<p>L'allenamento dell'orecchio è un ampio tema che si collega alla teoria musicale e alla esecuzione della musica.</p>
<p>Per usare questo software sono necessarie alcune conoscenze di base sulla teoria musicale.</p>
en: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
ja: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
de: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
fr: >-
<p>GNU solfege est un programme d'entraînement de l'oreille pour X Window, qui est écrit en Python et utilise
les bibliothèques GTK+⋅3.0. Il est possible de travailler les intervalles harmoniques et mélodiques, les accords, les
gammes et les rythmes, et d'ajouter de nouveaux exercices à l'aide d'un simple fichier au format texte.</p>
<p>L’audition intérieure est un vaste sujet avec de nombreux liens avec la théorie musicale et la pratique de la musique.</p>
<p>Pour utiliser ce logiciel, quelques connaissances de base sont nécessaires sur la théorie de la musique.</p>
sl: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
C: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
uk: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>GNU Solfege é um programa de treinamento de ouvido para X Windows escrito em Python, usando as bibliotecas GTK+ 3.0.
Você pode praticar intervalos harmônicos e melódicos, acordes, escalas e ritmos, e pode adicionar novos exercícios usando
um formato de arquivo de texto simples.</p>
<p>O treinamento de ouvido é um assunto importante e com muitas conexões com teoria e desempenho musical.</p>
<p>Para usar este software, você precisa de algum conhecimento básico sobre teoria musical.</p>
da: >-
<p>GNU Solfege er et program til træning af hørelsen for X-vinduet, skrevet i Python med brug af GTK+ 3.0-biblioteker.
Du kan øve harmoniske og melodiske intervaller, akkorder, skalaer og rytmer, og du kan tilføje nye øvelser med brug af
et simpelt tekstfil-format.</p>
<p>Træning af hørelsen er et stort emne med mange forbindelser til musikteori og udøvelse af musik.</p>
<p>Du skal have en grundlæggende viden om musikteori for at kunne bruge dette program.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
gl: >-
<p>GNU Solfege is an ear training program for X Windows written in Python, using the GTK+ 3.0 libraries. You can practice
harmonic and melodic intervals, chords, scales and rhythms, and you can add new exercises using a simple plain text file
<p>Ear training is a big subject with many connections to music theory and performance of music.</p>
<p>To use this software, you need some basic knowledge about music theory.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- Education
- Music
- music
- education
- practice
- intervals
- chords
- rhythm
- scales
- dictation
- intonation
- harmonic
- sing
- cadences
- name: solfege_solfege.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: solfege
- solfege.desktop