⇦ | perlprimer [universe]
Last updated on: 2025-02-24 00:44 [UTC]

Metadata for perlprimer in universe

perlprimer.desktop - 1.2.4-2 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: perlprimer.desktop
Package: perlprimer
  C: PerlPrimer
  fr: Conception d'amorces de PCR et de séquençage
  C: Graphical design of primers for PCR and sequencing
  en: Graphical design of primers for PCR and sequencing
  pt_BR: Projeto gráfico de primers para PCR e sequenciamento
  de: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer ist eine freie grafische Open-Source-Anwendung, geschrieben in Perl, für die Spezifikation von Primern für
    normale Polymerase- Kettenreaktionen (PCR), Bisulfit-PCR, Echtzeit-PCR (QPCR) und zur Sequenzierung. Sie soll den Entwurfsprozess
    automatisieren und vereinfachen.</p>

    <p>Bei bestehender Internetverbindung wird die Genomdatenbank Ensembl abgefragt, um weitere Informationen über die Genstruktur
    zu bekommen, also die Lage von Exons und Introns für das Design der Primer zu berücksichtigen. Auch die Sequenzen selbst
    können abgefragt werden.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer é um aplicativo gráfico livre e de código aberto escrito em Perl que desenha iniciadores para a Reação em
    cadeia da polimerase (PCR), PCR bissulfito, PCR em tempo real (QPCR) e sequenciamento. Ele visa a automatização e simplificação
    do processo de desenho de iniciadores.</p>

    <p>Se operado on-line, a ferramenta comunica-se com o projeto Ensembl para maior compreensão da estrutura genética, isto
    é, permite levar em conta a localização dos éxons e íntrons para o desenho dos iniciadores. As próprias sequências podem
    ser obtidas também.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer je prost, odprtokodni program grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, ki zasnuje primere za običajno PCR, bisulfitno
    PCR, realnočasovno PRC (QPCR) in sekveniranje. Poskuša olajšati zasnovo primerov.</p>

    <p>V primeru da z njo delate na spletu se orodje lepo sporazumeva s projektom Ensembl za nadaljnji vpogled v strukturo
    gena, kar omogoča upoštevati položaj eksonov in intronov za zasnovo primerov. Pridobite lahko tudi sama zaporedja.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer はフリーでオープンソースな GUI アプリケーションであり、Perl で書 かれていて、標準的なポリメラーゼ連鎖反応 (PCR)、亜硫酸水素塩 PCR、 リアルタイム PCR (QPCR) およびシークエンシング用プライマを設計できます。

    <p>もしオンラインで作業するなら、このツールは対象の遺伝子構造へのさらなる知見 を得るために Ensembl プロジェクトとうまく連携します。例えば、プライマ設計の ためにエクソンとイントロンの位置を考慮に入れることができます。配列
  fi: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer on vapaa, avoimen lähdekoodin Perlillä kirjoitettu graafinen käyttöliittymä alukkeiden suunnittelemiseksi
    polymeraasiketjureaktiota (PCR), bisulfiitti-PCR:ää, reaaliaikaista PCR:ää (QPCR) ja sekvenssointia varten. Se pyrkii
    automatisoimaan ja yksinkertaistamaan alukesuunnitteluprosessia.</p>

    <p>Jos verkkoyhteys on käytettävissä, työkalu viestii Ensembl-projektin kanssa hankkiakseen lisätietoa geenirakenteesta.
    Tämä mahdollistaa esimerkiksi exoneiden ja introneiden sijaintien huomioon ottamisen alukkeita suunniteltaessa. Myös itse
    sekvenssejä voidaan noutaa.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer is a free, open-source GUI application written in Perl that designs primers for standard Polymerase Chain
    Reaction (PCR), bisulphite PCR, real-time PCR (QPCR) and sequencing. It aims to automate and simplify the process of primer

    <p>If operated online, the tool nicely communicates with the Ensembl project for further insights into the gene structure,
    i.e., allowing for taking the location of exons and introns into account for the design of the primers.  The sequences
    themselves can be retrieved, too.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer is a free, open-source GUI application written in Perl that designs primers for standard Polymerase Chain
    Reaction (PCR), bisulphite PCR, real-time PCR (QPCR) and sequencing. It aims to automate and simplify the process of primer

    <p>If operated online, the tool nicely communicates with the Ensembl project for further insights into the gene structure,
    i.e., allowing for taking the location of exons and introns into account for the design of the primers.  The sequences
    themselves can be retrieved, too.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer is a free, open-source GUI application written in Perl that designs primers for standard Polymerase Chain
    Reaction (PCR), bisulphite PCR, real-time PCR (QPCR) and sequencing. It aims to automate and simplify the process of primer

    <p>If operated online, the tool nicely communicates with the Ensembl project for further insights into the gene structure,
    i.e., allowing for taking the location of exons and introns into account for the design of the primers.  The sequences
    themselves can be retrieved, too.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer es una aplicación con interfaz gráfica, libre y de código abierto, escrita en Perl para diseñar cebadores
    para Reacciones en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR), bisulfito PCR, PCR en tiempo real (QPCR) y secuenciación. Permite automatizar
    y simplificar el proceso de diseño del cebador.</p>

    <p>Si es usado en línea, es capaz de comunicarse con el proyecto Ensembl para otras ideas sobre la estructura de los genes.
    Por ejemplo, permite la toma de la ubicación del reporte de exones e intrones para el diseño de cebadores. También pueden
    obtenerse las secuencias en si mismas.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer est un logiciel libre écrit en Perl. C&apos;est une interface graphique qui permet la conception d&apos;amorce
    (« primer ») de PCR (pour « Polymerase Chain Reaction »), de « bisulphite PCR », de PCR temps réel et de séquençage. Il
    vise à automatiser et simplifier le processus de conception des amorces.</p>

    <p>S&apos;il est utilisé en ligne, l&apos;outil communique proprement avec le projet Ensembl pour un meilleur aperçu de
    la structure génétique, par exemple pour permettre de prendre l&apos;emplacement des exons et introns en compte pour la
    conception des amorces. Les séquences peuvent, elles aussi, être sauvegardées.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer is a free, open-source GUI application written in Perl that designs primers for standard Polymerase Chain
    Reaction (PCR), bisulphite PCR, real-time PCR (QPCR) and sequencing. It aims to automate and simplify the process of primer

    <p>If operated online, the tool nicely communicates with the Ensembl project for further insights into the gene structure,
    i.e., allowing for taking the location of exons and introns into account for the design of the primers.  The sequences
    themselves can be retrieved, too.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer è un&apos;applicazione grafica libera, open source, scritta in Perl che progetta primer per PCR (Polymerase
    Chain Reaction, reazione a catena della polimerasi), bisolfito-PCR, PCR in tempo reale (QPCR) e sequenziamento. Mira ad
    automatizzare e semplificare il processo di progettazione di primer.</p>

    <p>Se fatto funzionare con collegamento in rete, lo strumento comunica efficacemente con il progetto Ensembl per una comprensione
    più approfondita della struttura del gene, cioè permette di tenere in considerazione la posizione di esoni e introni durante
    la progettazione dei primer. Possono anche essere recuperate le sequenze stesse.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer er et frit open source program med grafisk brugerflade, som designer primere for standard Polymerase Chain
    Reaction (PCR), bisulphite PCR, realtids PCR (QPCR) og sekvensering. Programmet forsøger at automatisere og forenkle processen
    med primerdesign.</p>

    <p>Hvis håndteret på nettet så kommunikerer dette værktøj fint med Ensemblprojektet for yderligere indsigt i genstrukturen,
    dvs. mulighed for at tage placeringen af exoner og introner med i designet af primere. Sekvenserne kan også i sig selv
  en_AU: >-
    <p>PerlPrimer is a free, open-source GUI application written in Perl that designs primers for standard Polymerase Chain
    Reaction (PCR), bisulphite PCR, real-time PCR (QPCR) and sequencing. It aims to automate and simplify the process of primer

    <p>If operated online, the tool nicely communicates with the Ensembl project for further insights into the gene structure,
    i.e., allowing for taking the location of exons and introns into account for the design of the primers.  The sequences
    themselves can be retrieved, too.</p>
- Biology
- Science
- Education
  - PCR
  - oligonucleotide
  - name: perlprimer_perlprimer.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - application/x-perlprimer