Type: desktop-application
ID: manuskript.desktop
Package: manuskript
C: Manuskript
C: Open source tool for writers
es: Herramienta para escritores/as
en_CA: >-
<p>Manuskript is an open source tool for writers. It provides a rich environment to help writers create their first draft
and then further refine and edit their masterpiece.</p>
<p>Features: - Writing modes: Manuskript offers two writing modes: one “fiction” mode with all the tools for fiction
writers (summary, characters, plot, world/context, etc.), and one “simple” mode, with only the writing tab. - Outliner:
You can organize your thoughts and snippets in a hierarchical manner. Organize them as you wish, reorganize them on
the go. - Customizable distraction-free mode: Get rid of all distraction while writing or lock yourself until you’ve
reached a certain goal. - Novel assistant: Use the snowflake method to grow your single genius idea in a coherent
whole, with complex characters, intricate plots and detailed universe. - Open and plain-text file format: Depending
on your configuration, everything is either stored zipped in one single file or as several small text files in one
folder (to allow versioning and collaborative editing). - Index Cards: Use index cards to organise your thoughts: notes,
scenes, chapters, etc.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Manuskript est un outil libre pour les écrivains. Il offre un environnement enrichi pour aider les écrivains à créer
leurs premiers jes puir affiner et modifier leur chef-d'oeuvre.</p>
<p>Features: - Writing modes: Manuskript offers two writing modes: one “fiction” mode with all the tools for fiction
writers (summary, characters, plot, world/context, etc.), and one “simple” mode, with only the writing tab. - Outliner:
You can organize your thoughts and snippets in a hierarchical manner. Organize them as you wish, reorganize them on
the go. - Customizable distraction-free mode: Get rid of all distraction while writing or lock yourself until you’ve
reached a certain goal. - Novel assistant: Use the snowflake method to grow your single genius idea in a coherent
whole, with complex characters, intricate plots and detailed universe. - Open and plain-text file format: Depending
on your configuration, everything is either stored zipped in one single file or as several small text files in one
folder (to allow versioning and collaborative editing). - Index Cards: Use index cards to organise your thoughts: notes,
scenes, chapters, etc.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>Manuskript is an open source tool for writers. It provides a rich environment to help writers create their first draft
and then further refine and edit their masterpiece.</p>
<p>Features: - Writing modes: Manuskript offers two writing modes: one “fiction” mode with all the tools for fiction
writers (summary, characters, plot, world/context, etc.), and one “simple” mode, with only the writing tab. - Outliner:
You can organize your thoughts and snippets in a hierarchical manner. Organize them as you wish, reorganize them on
the go. - Customizable distraction-free mode: Get rid of all distraction while writing or lock yourself until you’ve
reached a certain goal. - Novel assistant: Use the snowflake method to grow your single genius idea in a coherent
whole, with complex characters, intricate plots and detailed universe. - Open and plain-text file format: Depending
on your configuration, everything is either stored zipped in one single file or as several small text files in one
folder (to allow versioning and collaborative editing). - Index Cards: Use index cards to organise your thoughts: notes,
scenes, chapters, etc.</p>
it: >-
<p>Manuskript è uno strumento open-source per scrittori. Fornisce un ricco ambiente per aiutare gli scrittori a creare
la loro prima bozza e poi rifinirla ulteriormente e modificare il loro capolavoro.</p>
<p>Features: - Writing modes: Manuskript offers two writing modes: one “fiction” mode with all the tools for fiction
writers (summary, characters, plot, world/context, etc.), and one “simple” mode, with only the writing tab. - Outliner:
You can organize your thoughts and snippets in a hierarchical manner. Organize them as you wish, reorganize them on
the go. - Customizable distraction-free mode: Get rid of all distraction while writing or lock yourself until you’ve
reached a certain goal. - Novel assistant: Use the snowflake method to grow your single genius idea in a coherent
whole, with complex characters, intricate plots and detailed universe. - Open and plain-text file format: Depending
on your configuration, everything is either stored zipped in one single file or as several small text files in one
folder (to allow versioning and collaborative editing). - Index Cards: Use index cards to organise your thoughts: notes,
scenes, chapters, etc.</p>
C: >-
<p>Manuskript is an open source tool for writers. It provides a rich environment to help writers create their first draft
and then further refine and edit their masterpiece.</p>
<p>Features: - Writing modes: Manuskript offers two writing modes: one “fiction” mode with all the tools for fiction
writers (summary, characters, plot, world/context, etc.), and one “simple” mode, with only the writing tab. - Outliner:
You can organize your thoughts and snippets in a hierarchical manner. Organize them as you wish, reorganize them on
the go. - Customizable distraction-free mode: Get rid of all distraction while writing or lock yourself until you’ve
reached a certain goal. - Novel assistant: Use the snowflake method to grow your single genius idea in a coherent
whole, with complex characters, intricate plots and detailed universe. - Open and plain-text file format: Depending
on your configuration, everything is either stored zipped in one single file or as several small text files in one
folder (to allow versioning and collaborative editing). - Index Cards: Use index cards to organise your thoughts: notes,
scenes, chapters, etc.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>Manuskript is an open source tool for writers. It provides a rich environment to help writers create their first draft
and then further refine and edit their masterpiece.</p>
<p>Features: - Writing modes: Manuskript offers two writing modes: one “fiction” mode with all the tools for fiction
writers (summary, characters, plot, world/context, etc.), and one “simple” mode, with only the writing tab. - Outliner:
You can organize your thoughts and snippets in a hierarchical manner. Organize them as you wish, reorganize them on
the go. - Customizable distraction-free mode: Get rid of all distraction while writing or lock yourself until you’ve
reached a certain goal. - Novel assistant: Use the snowflake method to grow your single genius idea in a coherent
whole, with complex characters, intricate plots and detailed universe. - Open and plain-text file format: Depending
on your configuration, everything is either stored zipped in one single file or as several small text files in one
folder (to allow versioning and collaborative editing). - Index Cards: Use index cards to organise your thoughts: notes,
scenes, chapters, etc.</p>
en: >-
<p>Manuskript is an open source tool for writers. It provides a rich environment to help writers create their first draft
and then further refine and edit their masterpiece.</p>
<p>Features: - Writing modes: Manuskript offers two writing modes: one “fiction” mode with all the tools for fiction
writers (summary, characters, plot, world/context, etc.), and one “simple” mode, with only the writing tab. - Outliner:
You can organize your thoughts and snippets in a hierarchical manner. Organize them as you wish, reorganize them on
the go. - Customizable distraction-free mode: Get rid of all distraction while writing or lock yourself until you’ve
reached a certain goal. - Novel assistant: Use the snowflake method to grow your single genius idea in a coherent
whole, with complex characters, intricate plots and detailed universe. - Open and plain-text file format: Depending
on your configuration, everything is either stored zipped in one single file or as several small text files in one
folder (to allow versioning and collaborative editing). - Index Cards: Use index cards to organise your thoughts: notes,
scenes, chapters, etc.</p>
da: >-
<p>Manuskript er et værktøj udviklet i åben kildekode for forfattere. Det tilbyder et rigt miljø til at hjælpe forfattere
med at skabe deres første udkast og så yderligere raffinere og redigere deres mesterværk.</p>
<p>Features: - Writing modes: Manuskript offers two writing modes: one “fiction” mode with all the tools for fiction
writers (summary, characters, plot, world/context, etc.), and one “simple” mode, with only the writing tab. - Outliner:
You can organize your thoughts and snippets in a hierarchical manner. Organize them as you wish, reorganize them on
the go. - Customizable distraction-free mode: Get rid of all distraction while writing or lock yourself until you’ve
reached a certain goal. - Novel assistant: Use the snowflake method to grow your single genius idea in a coherent
whole, with complex characters, intricate plots and detailed universe. - Open and plain-text file format: Depending
on your configuration, everything is either stored zipped in one single file or as several small text files in one
folder (to allow versioning and collaborative editing). - Index Cards: Use index cards to organise your thoughts: notes,
scenes, chapters, etc.</p>
- Office
- WordProcessor
- manuskript
- office
- write
- edit
- novel
- text
- msk
- name: manuskript_manuskript.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: manuskript
- manuskript.desktop
- application/x-manuskript-book