⇦ | gupnp-tools [universe]
Last updated on: 2025-02-24 00:45 [UTC]

Metadata for gupnp-tools in universe

gupnp-av-cp.desktop - 0.12.1-2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: gupnp-av-cp.desktop
Package: gupnp-tools
  sr-Latn: UPnP AV upravljačka tačka
  es: Punto de control AV de UPnP
  sv: UPnP AV-kontrollpunkt
  zh-CN: UPnP AV 控制点
  sk: UPnP AV riadiaci bod
  pt: Ponto de Controlo A/V UPnP
  ja: UPnP AVコントロールポイント
  tr: UPnP AV Denetim Noktası
  de: UPnP AV-Kontrollpunkt
  fur: Pont di control AV di UPnP
  uk: Контрольна точка AV UPnP
  pl: Punkt kontrolny UPnP AV
  sl: Nadzorna točka UPnP AV
  id: Titik Kendali AV UPnP
  el: Σημείο ελέγχου UPnP AV
  cs: Řídící bod UPnP AV
  sr: УПнП АВ управљачка тачка
  C: UPnP AV Control Point
  eu: UPnP AV kontrol-puntua
  pt-BR: Ponto de controle áudio/vídeo (AV) UPnP
  ro: Punct de control UPnP AV
  hu: UPnP AV vezérlőpont
  bs: UPnP AV nadzorna tačka
  da: AV-styrepunkt for UPnP
  ka: UPnP AV საკონტროლო წერტილი
  C: Browse and control UPnP multimedia devices
  es: Examinar y controlar dispositivos multimedia UPnP
  sv: Bläddra bland och styr UPnP-multimediaenheter
  sk: Prehliada a ovláda multimediálne zariadenia UPnP
  pt: Explorar e controlar dispositivos multimédia UPnP
  ja: UPnPメディアデバイスの参照と制御を行います
  tr: UPnP ortam aygıtlarına göz at ve denetle
  fur: Esplore e controle i dispositîfs multimediâi UPnP
  de: UPnP-Multimediageräte durchsuchen und steuern
  pl: Przeglądanie i sterowanie urządzeniami multimedialnymi UPnP
  id: Jelajahi dan kontrol perangkat multimedia UPnP
  uk: Навігація списком мультимедійних пристроїв UPnP та керування пристроями
  sr: Прегледаје и управљање УПнП мултимедијалним уређајима
  cs: Procházejte si a ovládejte multimediální zařízení UPnP
  eu: Arakatu eta kontrolatu UPnP multimedia-gailuak
  pt-BR: Navegue e controle dispositivos de multimídia UPnP
  ro: Navighează și controlează dispozitivele multimedia UPnP
  hu: Tallózza és vezérelje az UPnP multimédiás eszközöket
  ka: დაათვალიერეთ და აკონტროლეთ UPnP მულტიმედია მოწყობილობები
  da: Gennemse og styr UPnP-multimedieenheder
  zh-CN: 浏览和控制 UPnP 多媒体设备
  es: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>GUPnP is est un cadriciel au code source ouvert et orienté objet pour créer des systèmes et points de contrôle UPnP,
    écrit en C en utilisant GObject et libsoup. L’interface de programmation applicative de GUPnP est conçue pour être simple
    d&apos;usage, efficace et flexible.</p>

    <p>Les outils GUPnP sont des substituts libres des outils UPnP d&apos;Intel qui utilisent GUPnP. Ils fournissent les outils
    suivants côté client et serveur qui permettent à chacun de tester et déboguer facilement ses périphériques et points de
    contrôle UPnP :  * Universal Control Point : un outil qui permet de découvrir des périphériques et    services UPnP, récupérer
    des informations à leur sujet, s&apos;abonner aux événements et    invoquer des actions.  * Network Light : une ampoule
    virtuelle qui permet aux points de contrôle de    l&apos;allumer ou l&apos;éteindre, de modifier son niveau d&apos;atténuation
    et d&apos;interroger son statut actuel.  * AV Control Point : une interface utilisateur simple de lecteur media qui permet
    de découvrir et    lire du contenu multimédia disponible sur le réseau.  * MediaServer upload : envoyer des fichiers vers
    MediaServers  * Upload : un utilitaire simple en ligne de commande qui envoie des fichiers vers des    MediaServers connus.
    Utilisez Universal Control Point pour découvrir les MediaServers.</p>
  sr: >-
    <p>ГУПнП је објекту усмерен радни склоп отвореног кода за стварање контролних тачака и УПнП уређаја, написан у Ц-у употребом
    ГОбјект-а и либсоуп-а. ГУПнП АПИ је замишљен да буде лак за коришћење, делотворан и прилагодљив.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>GUPnP è un&apos;infrastruttura open source orientata agli oggetti per creare device e punti di controllo UPnP, scritta
    in C usando GObject e libsoup. L&apos;API di GUPnP è pensata per essere facile da usare, efficiente e flessibile.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>GUPnP er en objektorienteret ramme, udviklet i åben kildekode, til oprettelse af UPnP-enheder og kontrolpunkter, skrevet
    i C med benyttelse af GObject og libsoup. GUPnP API&apos;en er lavet for at være nem, effektiv og fleksible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
- Development
  - name: gupnp-tools_av-cp.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: gupnp-tools_av-cp.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: gupnp-tools_av-cp.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: g/gu/gupnp-av-cp.desktop/99e217552ccfb255b2227ab95175b829/icons/128x128/gupnp-tools_av-cp.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: av-cp
  - gupnp-av-cp.desktop

gupnp-universal-cp.desktop - 0.12.1-2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: gupnp-universal-cp.desktop
Package: gupnp-tools
  sr-Latn: UPnP sveopšta upravljačka tačka
  es: Punto de control de UPnP universal
  sv: UPnP universell kontrollpunkt
  sk: UPnP univerzálny riadiaci bod
  pt: Ponto de Controlo Universal UPnP
  ja: UPnPユニバーサルコントロールポイント
  tr: UPnP Evrensel Denetim Noktası
  de: UPnP Universeller Kontrollpunkt
  fur: Pont di control universâl UPnP
  uk: Універсальна контрольна точка UPnP
  pl: Uniwersalny punkt kontrolny UPnP
  sl: Univerzalna nadzorna točka UPnP
  id: Titik Kendali Universal UPnP
  el: Γενικό σημείο ελέγχου UPnP
  cs: Univerzální řídící bod UPnP
  sr: УПнП свеопшта управљачка тачка
  C: UPnP Universal Control Point
  eu: UPnP kontrol-puntu unibertsala
  pt-BR: Ponto de controle universal UPnP
  ro: Punct de control universal UPnP
  hu: UPnP egyetemes vezérlőpont
  bs: UPnP Tačka univerzalne kontrole
  da: Universelt styrepunkt for UPnP
  zh-CN: UPnP 通用控制点
  C: Inspect and control UPnP devices across your local network
  es: Inspeccionar y controlar dispositivos UPnP en su red local
  sv: Inspektera och styr UPnP-enheter över ditt lokala nätverk
  sk: Kontroluje a ovláda zariadenia UPnP vo vašej miestnej sieti
  pt: Inspecionar e controlar dispositivos UPnP em toda a sua rede local
  tr: Yerel ağdaki UPnP aygıtlarını inceleyin ve denetleyin
  fur: Ispezione e controle i dispositîfs UPnP ator pe tô rêt locâl
  de: UPnP-Multimediageräte in Ihrem lokalen Netzwerk untersuchen und steuern
  pl: Badanie i sterowanie urządzeniami UPnP w sieci lokalnej
  id: Periksa dan kendalikan perangkat UPnP di jaringan lokal Anda
  uk: Ревізія і керування пристроями UPnP у вашій локальній мережі
  cs: Kontrolujte si a ovládejte zařízení UPnP ve své místní síti
  sr: Проверавајте и управљајте УПнП уређајима унутар ваше локалне мреже
  eu: Ikuskatu eta kontrolatu UPnP gailuak zure sare lokalean
  pt-BR: Inspecione e controle dispositivos UPnP pela sua rede local
  ro: Inspectează și controlează dispozitivele UPnP peste rețeaua locală
  hu: Vizsgálja meg és vezérelje a helyi hálózatán található UPnP eszközöket
  zh-CN: 通过本地网络检查和控制 UPnP 设备
  da: Inspicer og styr UPnP-enheder på dit lokale netværk
  es: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>GUPnP is est un cadriciel au code source ouvert et orienté objet pour créer des systèmes et points de contrôle UPnP,
    écrit en C en utilisant GObject et libsoup. L’interface de programmation applicative de GUPnP est conçue pour être simple
    d&apos;usage, efficace et flexible.</p>

    <p>Les outils GUPnP sont des substituts libres des outils UPnP d&apos;Intel qui utilisent GUPnP. Ils fournissent les outils
    suivants côté client et serveur qui permettent à chacun de tester et déboguer facilement ses périphériques et points de
    contrôle UPnP :  * Universal Control Point : un outil qui permet de découvrir des périphériques et    services UPnP, récupérer
    des informations à leur sujet, s&apos;abonner aux événements et    invoquer des actions.  * Network Light : une ampoule
    virtuelle qui permet aux points de contrôle de    l&apos;allumer ou l&apos;éteindre, de modifier son niveau d&apos;atténuation
    et d&apos;interroger son statut actuel.  * AV Control Point : une interface utilisateur simple de lecteur media qui permet
    de découvrir et    lire du contenu multimédia disponible sur le réseau.  * MediaServer upload : envoyer des fichiers vers
    MediaServers  * Upload : un utilitaire simple en ligne de commande qui envoie des fichiers vers des    MediaServers connus.
    Utilisez Universal Control Point pour découvrir les MediaServers.</p>
  sr: >-
    <p>ГУПнП је објекту усмерен радни склоп отвореног кода за стварање контролних тачака и УПнП уређаја, написан у Ц-у употребом
    ГОбјект-а и либсоуп-а. ГУПнП АПИ је замишљен да буде лак за коришћење, делотворан и прилагодљив.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>GUPnP è un&apos;infrastruttura open source orientata agli oggetti per creare device e punti di controllo UPnP, scritta
    in C usando GObject e libsoup. L&apos;API di GUPnP è pensata per essere facile da usare, efficiente e flessibile.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>GUPnP er en objektorienteret ramme, udviklet i åben kildekode, til oprettelse af UPnP-enheder og kontrolpunkter, skrevet
    i C med benyttelse af GObject og libsoup. GUPnP API&apos;en er lavet for at være nem, effektiv og fleksible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
- Development
  - name: gupnp-tools_universal-cp.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: gupnp-tools_universal-cp.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: gupnp-tools_universal-cp.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: g/gu/gupnp-universal-cp.desktop/665ea566c140ed97d59e6bb2e3bfe3b0/icons/128x128/gupnp-tools_universal-cp.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: universal-cp
  - gupnp-universal-cp.desktop

gupnp-network-light.desktop - 0.12.1-2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: gupnp-network-light.desktop
Package: gupnp-tools
  sr-Latn: UPnP mrežno svetlo
  es: Luz de red UPnP
  sv: UPnP nätverkslampa
  sk: UPnP sieťové osvetlenie
  pt: Luz de rede UPnP
  ja: UPnPネットワークライト
  tr: UPnp Ağ Işığı
  de: UPnP Network Light
  fur: Lûs di rêt UPnP
  uk: Мережеве світло UPnP
  pl: Światło sieciowe UPnP
  sl: Omrežno svetilo UPnP
  id: Cahaya Jaringan UPnP
  el: UPnP Network Light
  cs: Síťové světlo UPnP
  sr: УПнП мрежно светло
  C: UPnP Network Light
  eu: UPnP sareko argia
  pt-BR: Luz da rede UPnP
  ro: Lumină de rețea UPnP
  hu: UPnP hálózati fény
  bs: UPnP Osvjetljenje mreže
  da: UPnP-netværkslys
  zh-CN: UPnP 网络指示灯
  C: Sample UPnP application for controlling lights
  es: Sencilla aplicación UPnP para controlar luces
  sv: UPnP-exempelprogram för att styra lampor
  sk: Vzorová aplikácia UPnP na ovládanie svetiel
  pt: Aplicação UPnP de amostra para controlar luzes
  tr: Işıkları denetlemek için örnek UPnP uygulaması
  fur: Semplice aplicazion UPnP par controlâ lis lûs
  de: UPnP-Beispielanwendung zur Lichtsteuerung
  pl: Prosty program UPnP do sterowania światłami
  id: Contoh aplikasi UPnP untuk mengontrol lampu
  uk: Зразок програми UPnP для керування освітленням
  cs: Ukázková aplikace UPnP pro ovládání světel
  sr: Примерак УПнП програма за управљање светлима
  eu: Argiak kontrolatzeko adibideko UPnP aplikazioa
  pt-BR: Exemplo de aplicativo UPnP para controlar luzes
  ro: Aplicație UPnP mostră pentru controlul luminilor
  hu: Példa UPnP alkalmazás lámpák vezérléséhez
  zh-CN: 控制灯的 UPnP 应用示例
  da: UPnP-prøveprogram til at styre lys
  es: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>GUPnP is est un cadriciel au code source ouvert et orienté objet pour créer des systèmes et points de contrôle UPnP,
    écrit en C en utilisant GObject et libsoup. L’interface de programmation applicative de GUPnP est conçue pour être simple
    d&apos;usage, efficace et flexible.</p>

    <p>Les outils GUPnP sont des substituts libres des outils UPnP d&apos;Intel qui utilisent GUPnP. Ils fournissent les outils
    suivants côté client et serveur qui permettent à chacun de tester et déboguer facilement ses périphériques et points de
    contrôle UPnP :  * Universal Control Point : un outil qui permet de découvrir des périphériques et    services UPnP, récupérer
    des informations à leur sujet, s&apos;abonner aux événements et    invoquer des actions.  * Network Light : une ampoule
    virtuelle qui permet aux points de contrôle de    l&apos;allumer ou l&apos;éteindre, de modifier son niveau d&apos;atténuation
    et d&apos;interroger son statut actuel.  * AV Control Point : une interface utilisateur simple de lecteur media qui permet
    de découvrir et    lire du contenu multimédia disponible sur le réseau.  * MediaServer upload : envoyer des fichiers vers
    MediaServers  * Upload : un utilitaire simple en ligne de commande qui envoie des fichiers vers des    MediaServers connus.
    Utilisez Universal Control Point pour découvrir les MediaServers.</p>
  sr: >-
    <p>ГУПнП је објекту усмерен радни склоп отвореног кода за стварање контролних тачака и УПнП уређаја, написан у Ц-у употребом
    ГОбјект-а и либсоуп-а. ГУПнП АПИ је замишљен да буде лак за коришћење, делотворан и прилагодљив.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>GUPnP è un&apos;infrastruttura open source orientata agli oggetti per creare device e punti di controllo UPnP, scritta
    in C usando GObject e libsoup. L&apos;API di GUPnP è pensata per essere facile da usare, efficiente e flessibile.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
    GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>GUPnP er en objektorienteret ramme, udviklet i åben kildekode, til oprettelse af UPnP-enheder og kontrolpunkter, skrevet
    i C med benyttelse af GObject og libsoup. GUPnP API&apos;en er lavet for at være nem, effektiv og fleksible.</p>

    <p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
    side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one&apos;s UPnP devices and control points:  * Universal Control
    Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices    and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
    events and    invoke actions.  * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch    it on and
    off, change its dimming level and query its current status.  * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
    one to discover and    play multimedia content available on the network.  * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers 
    * Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known    MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
    the MediaServers.</p>
- Development
  - name: gupnp-tools_network-light.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: gupnp-tools_network-light.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: gupnp-tools_network-light.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: g/gu/gupnp-network-light.desktop/18da75ff4642c7405d22dcb3627179aa/icons/128x128/gupnp-tools_network-light.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: network-light
  - gupnp-network-light.desktop