gupnp-av-cp.desktop - 0.12.1-2 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ riscv64
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: gupnp-av-cp.desktop
Package: gupnp-tools
sr-Latn: UPnP AV upravljačka tačka
es: Punto de control AV de UPnP
sv: UPnP AV-kontrollpunkt
zh-CN: UPnP AV 控制点
sk: UPnP AV riadiaci bod
pt: Ponto de Controlo A/V UPnP
ja: UPnP AVコントロールポイント
tr: UPnP AV Denetim Noktası
de: UPnP AV-Kontrollpunkt
fur: Pont di control AV di UPnP
uk: Контрольна точка AV UPnP
pl: Punkt kontrolny UPnP AV
sl: Nadzorna točka UPnP AV
id: Titik Kendali AV UPnP
el: Σημείο ελέγχου UPnP AV
cs: Řídící bod UPnP AV
sr: УПнП АВ управљачка тачка
C: UPnP AV Control Point
eu: UPnP AV kontrol-puntua
pt-BR: Ponto de controle áudio/vídeo (AV) UPnP
ro: Punct de control UPnP AV
hu: UPnP AV vezérlőpont
bs: UPnP AV nadzorna tačka
da: AV-styrepunkt for UPnP
ka: UPnP AV საკონტროლო წერტილი
C: Browse and control UPnP multimedia devices
es: Examinar y controlar dispositivos multimedia UPnP
sv: Bläddra bland och styr UPnP-multimediaenheter
sk: Prehliada a ovláda multimediálne zariadenia UPnP
pt: Explorar e controlar dispositivos multimédia UPnP
ja: UPnPメディアデバイスの参照と制御を行います
tr: UPnP ortam aygıtlarına göz at ve denetle
fur: Esplore e controle i dispositîfs multimediâi UPnP
de: UPnP-Multimediageräte durchsuchen und steuern
pl: Przeglądanie i sterowanie urządzeniami multimedialnymi UPnP
id: Jelajahi dan kontrol perangkat multimedia UPnP
uk: Навігація списком мультимедійних пристроїв UPnP та керування пристроями
sr: Прегледаје и управљање УПнП мултимедијалним уређајима
cs: Procházejte si a ovládejte multimediální zařízení UPnP
eu: Arakatu eta kontrolatu UPnP multimedia-gailuak
pt-BR: Navegue e controle dispositivos de multimídia UPnP
ro: Navighează și controlează dispozitivele multimedia UPnP
hu: Tallózza és vezérelje az UPnP multimédiás eszközöket
ka: დაათვალიერეთ და აკონტროლეთ UPnP მულტიმედია მოწყობილობები
da: Gennemse og styr UPnP-multimedieenheder
zh-CN: 浏览和控制 UPnP 多媒体设备
es: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
fr: >-
<p>GUPnP is est un cadriciel au code source ouvert et orienté objet pour créer des systèmes et points de contrôle UPnP,
écrit en C en utilisant GObject et libsoup. L’interface de programmation applicative de GUPnP est conçue pour être simple
d'usage, efficace et flexible.</p>
<p>Les outils GUPnP sont des substituts libres des outils UPnP d'Intel qui utilisent GUPnP. Ils fournissent les outils
suivants côté client et serveur qui permettent à chacun de tester et déboguer facilement ses périphériques et points de
contrôle UPnP : * Universal Control Point : un outil qui permet de découvrir des périphériques et services UPnP, récupérer
des informations à leur sujet, s'abonner aux événements et invoquer des actions. * Network Light : une ampoule
virtuelle qui permet aux points de contrôle de l'allumer ou l'éteindre, de modifier son niveau d'atténuation
et d'interroger son statut actuel. * AV Control Point : une interface utilisateur simple de lecteur media qui permet
de découvrir et lire du contenu multimédia disponible sur le réseau. * MediaServer upload : envoyer des fichiers vers
MediaServers * Upload : un utilitaire simple en ligne de commande qui envoie des fichiers vers des MediaServers connus.
Utilisez Universal Control Point pour découvrir les MediaServers.</p>
sr: >-
<p>ГУПнП је објекту усмерен радни склоп отвореног кода за стварање контролних тачака и УПнП уређаја, написан у Ц-у употребом
ГОбјект-а и либсоуп-а. ГУПнП АПИ је замишљен да буде лак за коришћење, делотворан и прилагодљив.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
de: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
it: >-
<p>GUPnP è un'infrastruttura open source orientata agli oggetti per creare device e punti di controllo UPnP, scritta
in C usando GObject e libsoup. L'API di GUPnP è pensata per essere facile da usare, efficiente e flessibile.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
C: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
en: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
da: >-
<p>GUPnP er en objektorienteret ramme, udviklet i åben kildekode, til oprettelse af UPnP-enheder og kontrolpunkter, skrevet
i C med benyttelse af GObject og libsoup. GUPnP API'en er lavet for at være nem, effektiv og fleksible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
- Development
- name: gupnp-tools_av-cp.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: gupnp-tools_av-cp.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gupnp-tools_av-cp.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: g/gu/gupnp-av-cp.desktop/99e217552ccfb255b2227ab95175b829/icons/128x128/gupnp-tools_av-cp.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: av-cp
- gupnp-av-cp.desktop
gupnp-universal-cp.desktop - 0.12.1-2 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ riscv64
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: gupnp-universal-cp.desktop
Package: gupnp-tools
sr-Latn: UPnP sveopšta upravljačka tačka
es: Punto de control de UPnP universal
sv: UPnP universell kontrollpunkt
sk: UPnP univerzálny riadiaci bod
pt: Ponto de Controlo Universal UPnP
ja: UPnPユニバーサルコントロールポイント
tr: UPnP Evrensel Denetim Noktası
de: UPnP Universeller Kontrollpunkt
fur: Pont di control universâl UPnP
uk: Універсальна контрольна точка UPnP
pl: Uniwersalny punkt kontrolny UPnP
sl: Univerzalna nadzorna točka UPnP
id: Titik Kendali Universal UPnP
el: Γενικό σημείο ελέγχου UPnP
cs: Univerzální řídící bod UPnP
sr: УПнП свеопшта управљачка тачка
C: UPnP Universal Control Point
eu: UPnP kontrol-puntu unibertsala
pt-BR: Ponto de controle universal UPnP
ro: Punct de control universal UPnP
hu: UPnP egyetemes vezérlőpont
bs: UPnP Tačka univerzalne kontrole
da: Universelt styrepunkt for UPnP
zh-CN: UPnP 通用控制点
C: Inspect and control UPnP devices across your local network
es: Inspeccionar y controlar dispositivos UPnP en su red local
sv: Inspektera och styr UPnP-enheter över ditt lokala nätverk
sk: Kontroluje a ovláda zariadenia UPnP vo vašej miestnej sieti
pt: Inspecionar e controlar dispositivos UPnP em toda a sua rede local
tr: Yerel ağdaki UPnP aygıtlarını inceleyin ve denetleyin
fur: Ispezione e controle i dispositîfs UPnP ator pe tô rêt locâl
de: UPnP-Multimediageräte in Ihrem lokalen Netzwerk untersuchen und steuern
pl: Badanie i sterowanie urządzeniami UPnP w sieci lokalnej
id: Periksa dan kendalikan perangkat UPnP di jaringan lokal Anda
uk: Ревізія і керування пристроями UPnP у вашій локальній мережі
cs: Kontrolujte si a ovládejte zařízení UPnP ve své místní síti
sr: Проверавајте и управљајте УПнП уређајима унутар ваше локалне мреже
eu: Ikuskatu eta kontrolatu UPnP gailuak zure sare lokalean
pt-BR: Inspecione e controle dispositivos UPnP pela sua rede local
ro: Inspectează și controlează dispozitivele UPnP peste rețeaua locală
hu: Vizsgálja meg és vezérelje a helyi hálózatán található UPnP eszközöket
zh-CN: 通过本地网络检查和控制 UPnP 设备
da: Inspicer og styr UPnP-enheder på dit lokale netværk
es: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
fr: >-
<p>GUPnP is est un cadriciel au code source ouvert et orienté objet pour créer des systèmes et points de contrôle UPnP,
écrit en C en utilisant GObject et libsoup. L’interface de programmation applicative de GUPnP est conçue pour être simple
d'usage, efficace et flexible.</p>
<p>Les outils GUPnP sont des substituts libres des outils UPnP d'Intel qui utilisent GUPnP. Ils fournissent les outils
suivants côté client et serveur qui permettent à chacun de tester et déboguer facilement ses périphériques et points de
contrôle UPnP : * Universal Control Point : un outil qui permet de découvrir des périphériques et services UPnP, récupérer
des informations à leur sujet, s'abonner aux événements et invoquer des actions. * Network Light : une ampoule
virtuelle qui permet aux points de contrôle de l'allumer ou l'éteindre, de modifier son niveau d'atténuation
et d'interroger son statut actuel. * AV Control Point : une interface utilisateur simple de lecteur media qui permet
de découvrir et lire du contenu multimédia disponible sur le réseau. * MediaServer upload : envoyer des fichiers vers
MediaServers * Upload : un utilitaire simple en ligne de commande qui envoie des fichiers vers des MediaServers connus.
Utilisez Universal Control Point pour découvrir les MediaServers.</p>
sr: >-
<p>ГУПнП је објекту усмерен радни склоп отвореног кода за стварање контролних тачака и УПнП уређаја, написан у Ц-у употребом
ГОбјект-а и либсоуп-а. ГУПнП АПИ је замишљен да буде лак за коришћење, делотворан и прилагодљив.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
de: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
it: >-
<p>GUPnP è un'infrastruttura open source orientata agli oggetti per creare device e punti di controllo UPnP, scritta
in C usando GObject e libsoup. L'API di GUPnP è pensata per essere facile da usare, efficiente e flessibile.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
C: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
en: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
da: >-
<p>GUPnP er en objektorienteret ramme, udviklet i åben kildekode, til oprettelse af UPnP-enheder og kontrolpunkter, skrevet
i C med benyttelse af GObject og libsoup. GUPnP API'en er lavet for at være nem, effektiv og fleksible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
- Development
- name: gupnp-tools_universal-cp.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: gupnp-tools_universal-cp.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gupnp-tools_universal-cp.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: g/gu/gupnp-universal-cp.desktop/665ea566c140ed97d59e6bb2e3bfe3b0/icons/128x128/gupnp-tools_universal-cp.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: universal-cp
- gupnp-universal-cp.desktop
gupnp-network-light.desktop - 0.12.1-2 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ riscv64
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: gupnp-network-light.desktop
Package: gupnp-tools
sr-Latn: UPnP mrežno svetlo
es: Luz de red UPnP
sv: UPnP nätverkslampa
sk: UPnP sieťové osvetlenie
pt: Luz de rede UPnP
ja: UPnPネットワークライト
tr: UPnp Ağ Işığı
de: UPnP Network Light
fur: Lûs di rêt UPnP
uk: Мережеве світло UPnP
pl: Światło sieciowe UPnP
sl: Omrežno svetilo UPnP
id: Cahaya Jaringan UPnP
el: UPnP Network Light
cs: Síťové světlo UPnP
sr: УПнП мрежно светло
C: UPnP Network Light
eu: UPnP sareko argia
pt-BR: Luz da rede UPnP
ro: Lumină de rețea UPnP
hu: UPnP hálózati fény
bs: UPnP Osvjetljenje mreže
da: UPnP-netværkslys
zh-CN: UPnP 网络指示灯
C: Sample UPnP application for controlling lights
es: Sencilla aplicación UPnP para controlar luces
sv: UPnP-exempelprogram för att styra lampor
sk: Vzorová aplikácia UPnP na ovládanie svetiel
pt: Aplicação UPnP de amostra para controlar luzes
tr: Işıkları denetlemek için örnek UPnP uygulaması
fur: Semplice aplicazion UPnP par controlâ lis lûs
de: UPnP-Beispielanwendung zur Lichtsteuerung
pl: Prosty program UPnP do sterowania światłami
id: Contoh aplikasi UPnP untuk mengontrol lampu
uk: Зразок програми UPnP для керування освітленням
cs: Ukázková aplikace UPnP pro ovládání světel
sr: Примерак УПнП програма за управљање светлима
eu: Argiak kontrolatzeko adibideko UPnP aplikazioa
pt-BR: Exemplo de aplicativo UPnP para controlar luzes
ro: Aplicație UPnP mostră pentru controlul luminilor
hu: Példa UPnP alkalmazás lámpák vezérléséhez
zh-CN: 控制灯的 UPnP 应用示例
da: UPnP-prøveprogram til at styre lys
es: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
fr: >-
<p>GUPnP is est un cadriciel au code source ouvert et orienté objet pour créer des systèmes et points de contrôle UPnP,
écrit en C en utilisant GObject et libsoup. L’interface de programmation applicative de GUPnP est conçue pour être simple
d'usage, efficace et flexible.</p>
<p>Les outils GUPnP sont des substituts libres des outils UPnP d'Intel qui utilisent GUPnP. Ils fournissent les outils
suivants côté client et serveur qui permettent à chacun de tester et déboguer facilement ses périphériques et points de
contrôle UPnP : * Universal Control Point : un outil qui permet de découvrir des périphériques et services UPnP, récupérer
des informations à leur sujet, s'abonner aux événements et invoquer des actions. * Network Light : une ampoule
virtuelle qui permet aux points de contrôle de l'allumer ou l'éteindre, de modifier son niveau d'atténuation
et d'interroger son statut actuel. * AV Control Point : une interface utilisateur simple de lecteur media qui permet
de découvrir et lire du contenu multimédia disponible sur le réseau. * MediaServer upload : envoyer des fichiers vers
MediaServers * Upload : un utilitaire simple en ligne de commande qui envoie des fichiers vers des MediaServers connus.
Utilisez Universal Control Point pour découvrir les MediaServers.</p>
sr: >-
<p>ГУПнП је објекту усмерен радни склоп отвореног кода за стварање контролних тачака и УПнП уређаја, написан у Ц-у употребом
ГОбјект-а и либсоуп-а. ГУПнП АПИ је замишљен да буде лак за коришћење, делотворан и прилагодљив.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
de: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
it: >-
<p>GUPnP è un'infrastruttura open source orientata agli oggetti per creare device e punti di controllo UPnP, scritta
in C usando GObject e libsoup. L'API di GUPnP è pensata per essere facile da usare, efficiente e flessibile.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
C: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
en: >-
<p>GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using
GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
da: >-
<p>GUPnP er en objektorienteret ramme, udviklet i åben kildekode, til oprettelse af UPnP-enheder og kontrolpunkter, skrevet
i C med benyttelse af GObject og libsoup. GUPnP API'en er lavet for at være nem, effektiv og fleksible.</p>
<p>GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They provides the following client and server
side tools which enable one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points: * Universal Control
Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions. * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on and
off, change its dimming level and query its current status. * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables
one to discover and play multimedia content available on the network. * MediaServer upload: upload files to MediaServers
* Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
the MediaServers.</p>
- Development
- name: gupnp-tools_network-light.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: gupnp-tools_network-light.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gupnp-tools_network-light.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: g/gu/gupnp-network-light.desktop/18da75ff4642c7405d22dcb3627179aa/icons/128x128/gupnp-tools_network-light.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: network-light
- gupnp-network-light.desktop