Type: desktop-application
ID: gridlock.desktop
Package: gridlock.app
C: Gridlock
bg: Колекция от настолни игри за GNUstep
C: Collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep
sl: >-
<p>Gridlock je zbirka mrežnih namiznih iger za GNUstep, ki vsebuje Ataxx, Reversi, Gomoku, Štiri v vrsto, Breakthrough,
Glass Bead, Hexapawn, Quad Wrangle, Cats and Dogs in Moray Eels. Lahko igrate proti drugi osebi ali računalniškemu nasprotniku
na različnih težavnostnih stopnjah in celo v omrežju.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Gridlock est une collection de jeux de tablier pour GNUstep, dont Ataxx, Othello, Gomoku, Puissance 4, Breakthrough,
Glass Bead, Hexapawn, Quad Wrangle, Cats and Dogs et Moray Eels. Il est possible de jouer contre une autre personne ou
l’ordinateur avec niveaux de difficultés, et même en réseau.</p>
de: >-
<p>Gridlock ist eine Sammlung von gitterbasierten Brettspielen für GNUstep, inklusive Ataxx, Reversi, Gomoku, Vier gewinnt,
Breakthrough, Mancala, Hexapawn, Quad Wrangle, Cats and Dogs und Moray Eels. Sie können gegen unterschiedlich starke Computergegner
oder gegen eine andere Person - wahlweise über Netzwerk - spielen.</p>
pl: >-
<p>Gridlock jest kolekcją siatkowych gier planszowych do GNUstep, obejmującą: Ataxx, Reversi, Gomoku, Connect Four, Breakthrough,
Glass Bead, Hexapawn, Quad Wrangle, Cats and Dogs oraz Moray Eels. Można grać z komputerowymi przeciwnikami o różnym stopniu
trudności lub przeciwko innej osobie - nawet za pośrednictwem sieci.</p>
ja: >-
<p>Gridlock は GNUstep 用の碁盤目ベースのボードゲーム集で、Ataxx、リバーシ、 五目、四目並べ、Breakthrough、Glass Bead、ヘキサポーン、Quad Wrangle、Cats and Dogs、Moray
Eels を含んでいます。他人と対戦したり、コンピュータ相手に さまざまな難度で対戦したり、ネットワーク越しでも遊べます。</p>
it: >-
<p>Gridlock è una raccolta di giochi da tavolo basati su griglie per GNUstep, inclusi Ataxx, Othello, Gomoku, Connect
Four, Breakthrough, Glass Bead, Hexapawn, Quad Wrangle, Cats and Dogs e Moray Eels. Si può giocare contro un'altra
persona o con il computer come avversario a difficoltà variabile o anche via rete.</p>
C: >-
<p>Gridlock is a collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep, including Ataxx, Reversi, Gomoku, Connect Four, Breakthrough,
Glass Bead, Hexapawn, Quad Wrangle, Cats and Dogs and Moray Eels. You can play against another person or computer opponents
of varying difficulty, even over the network.</p>
en: >-
<p>Gridlock is a collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep, including Ataxx, Reversi, Gomoku, Connect Four, Breakthrough,
Glass Bead, Hexapawn, Quad Wrangle, Cats and Dogs and Moray Eels. You can play against another person or computer opponents
of varying difficulty, even over the network.</p>
da: >-
<p>Gridlock er en samling af gitterbaseret brætspil for GNUstep, inklusive Ataxx, Reversi, Gomoku, Connect Four, Breakthrough,
Glass Bead, Hexapawn, Quad Wrangle, Cats and Dogs og Moray Eels. Du kan spille mod en anden eller computermodstandere
af varierende sværhedsgrad, selv over netværket.</p>
- Game
- BoardGame
- настолни
- игри
- board
- game
- name: gridlock.app_Gridlock.png
width: 64
height: 64
- Gridlock.desktop