⇦ | gorm.app [universe]
Last updated on: 2025-02-24 00:44 [UTC]

Metadata for gorm.app in universe

gorm.desktop - 1.4.0-7build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: gorm.desktop
Package: gorm.app
  bg: Проектиране на графични интерфейси (Gorm)
  C: Gorm Interface Builder
  bg: Създаване/редактиране на ГПИ за приложения на GNUstep
  C: '[GNUstep | Graphical] Object Relationship Modeller'
  sl: >-
    <p>Gorm, GNUstep modelirnik razmerij predmetov je orodje za izgradnjo grafičnih uporabniških vmesnikov za sistem GNUstep.
    Program je klon programa NeXTStep &quot;Interface Builder&quot;. Dobro deluje s ProjectCenter za ustvarjanje grafičnih
    uporabniških vmesnikov za GNUstep.</p>

    <p>You can create .nib files that also work on macOS and vice versa.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Gorm (GNUstep Object Relationship Modeler) est un outil pour bâtir des interfaces graphiques pour le système GNUstep.
    C’est un clone de l’application « Interface Builder » de NeXTStep. Il fonctionne très bien avec ProjectCenter pour créer
    des applications pour GNUstep avec interface graphique.</p>

    <p>Des fichiers .nib peuvent être créés qui fonctionnent aussi sur macOS et vice versa.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Gorm (GNUstep Object Relationship Modeler) je nástroj na budovanie grafických používateľských rozhraní pre systém GNUstep.
    Je klonom aplikácie „Interface Builder“ pre NeXTStep. Dobre spolupracuje s ProjectCenter pri tvorbe aplikácií pre GNUstep.</p>

    <p>You can create .nib files that also work on macOS and vice versa.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Gorm, der GNUstep Object Relationship Modeler, ist ein Werkzeug zum Erstellen von GUI-Schnittstellen für das GNUstep-System.
    Er ist ein Klon der NeXTStep-Anwendung »Interface Builder«. Es funktioniert gut mit ProjectCenter, um GUI-Anwendungen
    für GNUstep zu erstellen.</p>

    <p>Sie können .nib-Dateien erstellen, die auch unter Mac OS X funktionieren und umgekehrt.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Gorm, de GNUstep Object Relationship Modeler, is een hulpmiddel om gebruikersinterfaces voor het  GNU-stepsysteem te
    maken.  Het is een kloon van het NeXTStep &quot;Interface Builder&quot; programma. Het werkt goed met ProjectCenter om
    GUI-programma´s voor GNUstep te maken.</p>

    <p>You can create .nib files that also work on macOS and vice versa.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Gorm (GNUstep Object Relationship Modeler) è uno strumento per costruire interfacce utente grafiche per il sistema
    GNUstep. È un clone dell&apos;applicazione NeXTStep &quot;Interface Builder&quot;. Funziona bene con ProjectCenter per
    creare applicazioni GUI per GNUstep.</p>

    <p>Si possono creare file .nib che funzionano anche su macOS e viceversa.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Gorm, the GNUstep Object Relationship Modeler, is a tool to build GUI interfaces for the GNUstep system.  It is a clone
    of the NeXTStep &quot;Interface Builder&quot; app. It works well with ProjectCenter to create GUI applications for GNUstep.</p>

    <p>You can create .nib files that also work on macOS and vice versa.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Gorm, the GNUstep Object Relationship Modeler, is a tool to build GUI interfaces for the GNUstep system.  It is a clone
    of the NeXTStep &quot;Interface Builder&quot; app. It works well with ProjectCenter to create GUI applications for GNUstep.</p>

    <p>You can create .nib files that also work on macOS and vice versa.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Gorm (GNUstep Object Relationship Modeler) er et værktøj til at bygge grafiske brugergrænseflader for GNUstep-systemet.
    Det er en klon af NeXTStep-programmet »Interface Builder«. Det virker godt med ProjectCenter for at oprette grafiske brugerfladeprogrammer
    for GNUstep.</p>

    <p>Du kan oprette .nib-filer, som også virker på Mac OS X og omvendt.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Gorm, the GNUstep Object Relationship Modeler, is a tool to build GUI interfaces for the GNUstep system.  It is a clone
    of the NeXTStep &quot;Interface Builder&quot; app. It works well with ProjectCenter to create GUI applications for GNUstep.</p>

    <p>You can create .nib files that also work on macOS and vice versa.</p>
- Development
- GUIDesigner
- Building
  - дизайн на ГПИ
  - ПИ
  - потребителски интерфейс
  - GUI designer
  - user interface
  - ui builder
  - name: gorm.app_Gorm.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - Gorm.desktop