Type: desktop-application
ID: nl.hjdskes.gcolor3
Package: gcolor3
es: Selector de color
sv: Färgväljare
fi: Värivalitsin
tr: Renk Seçici
pl: Wybór kolorów
fur: Seletôr colôr
de: Farbwähler
C: Color Picker
uk: Піпетка
cs: Barvičky
id: Pemilih Warna
eu: Kolore-hautatzailea
pt_BR: Seletor de cor
ro: Selector de culori
hu: Színválasztó
nl: Kleurenkiezer
da: Farvevælger
da: Vælg farver fra vælgeren eller skærmen
sv: Välj färger från väljaren eller skärmen
es: Elija colores desde un selector o desde la pantalla
en_GB: Choose colours from the picker or the screen
fi: Valitse värejä valitsimesta tai näytöltä
it: Scelta colori tramite il selettore a schermo
tr: Seçiciden veya ekrandan renk seç
pl: Wybieranie kolorów z ekranu
nb: Velg farger enten fra velgeren eller fra skjermen
fr: Choisissez les couleurs depuis le sélecteur ou l’écran
fur: Sielç i colôrs dal seletôr o dal schermi
uk: Виберіть колір з набору або з екрана
C: Choose colors from the picker or the screen
sr: Изаберите боју из бирача или са екрана
id: Pilih warna dari pemilih atau layar
de: Wählen Sie Farben vom Farbrad oder dem Bildschirm
cs: Namíchejte si barvu nebo ji sejměte z obrazovky
eu: Aukeratu koloreak hautatzailetik edo pantailatik
pt_BR: Escolha cores a partir do seletor ou da tela
ro: Alegeți culori din selector sau de pe ecran
hu: Válasszon színeket a színválasztóból vagy a képernyőről
nl: Kies kleuren van de kiezer of van het scherm
ru: Определите цвет на экране с помощью пипетки
gl: Escolla cores desde o selector ou desde a pantalla
C: >-
Ever wanted to know the value of that color on your screen? Color Picker enables
you to pick the color from any pixel on your screen. It also offers a
palette, so that you can easily mix and match a couple of colors together.
When you have found the perfect combination of colors, naturally you want
to save them. Color Picker allows you to conveniently save and retrieve colors.
Color Picker is a color selection dialog written in GTK 3. It is much alike
Gcolor2, but uses the newer GTK version and other modernisations to better
integrate into your modern desktop.
es: Christopher Davis
tr: Christopher Davis
uk: Christopher Davis
pl: Christopher Davis
pt_BR: Christopher Davis
nl: Christopher Davis
sv: Christopher Davis
hu: Christopher Davis
ro: Christopher Davis
C: Christopher Davis
id: Christopher Davis
fi: Christopher Davis
fur: Christopher Davis
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
- Graphics
- Color
- Picker
- Palette
homepage: https://hjdskes.nl/projects/gcolor3/
bugtracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/gcolor3/issues
help: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/gcolor3/issues
- name: gcolor3_nl.hjdskes.gcolor3.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: gcolor3_nl.hjdskes.gcolor3.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gcolor3_nl.hjdskes.gcolor3.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: nl/hjdskes/gcolor3/302a7563d9c4969d1cee19592a7456f1/icons/128x128/gcolor3_nl.hjdskes.gcolor3.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: nl.hjdskes.gcolor3
- nl.hjdskes.gcolor3.desktop
- default: true
da: Vælgeren og farvepaletten
sv: Väljaren och färgpaletten
es: El selector y la paleta de colores
en_GB: The picker and the colour palette
fi: Valitsin ja väripaletti
it: Il selettore e la tavolozza di colori
tr: Renk seçici ve renk paleti
pl: Okno wyboru i paleta kolorów
nb: Fargevelgeren og fargepaletten
fr: Sélecteur et palette
fur: Il seletôr e la palete dai colôrs
uk: Палітра і вибір кольорів
C: The picker and the color palette
sr: Бирач и палета боја
id: Pemilih dan palet warna
de: Der Farbwähler und die Farbpalette
cs: Snímání a míchání barev
eu: Hautatzailea eta kolore-paleta
pt_BR: O seletor e a paleta de cores
ro: Selectorul și paleta de culori
hu: A színválasztó és a színpaletta
nl: De kiezer en het kleurenpalet
ru: Пипетка и палитра цветов
gl: O selector e a paleta de cores
- url: nl/hjdskes/gcolor3/302a7563d9c4969d1cee19592a7456f1/screenshots/image-1_624x289.png
width: 624
height: 289
- url: nl/hjdskes/gcolor3/302a7563d9c4969d1cee19592a7456f1/screenshots/image-1_224x104.png
width: 224
height: 104
url: nl/hjdskes/gcolor3/302a7563d9c4969d1cee19592a7456f1/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
width: 786
height: 365
- caption:
da: Listen over gemte farver
sv: Listan med sparade färger
es: La lista de colores guardados
en_GB: The list of saved colours
fi: Luettelo tallennetuista väreistä
it: L'elenco dei colori salvati
tr: Kaydedilmiş renklerin listesi
pl: Lista zapisanych kolorów
nb: Listen over lagrede farger
fr: Liste des couleurs sauvegardées
fur: La liste dai colôrs salvâts
uk: Перелік збережений кольорів
C: The list of saved colors
sr: Списак сачуваних боја
id: Daftar warna yang disimpan
de: Liste der gespeicherten Farben
cs: Seznam uložených barev
eu: Gordetako koloreen zerrenda
pt_BR: A lista de cores salvas
ro: Lista culorilor salvate
hu: A mentett színek listája
nl: De lijst met opgeslagen kleuren
ru: Список сохраненных цветов
gl: A lista de cores gardadas
- url: nl/hjdskes/gcolor3/302a7563d9c4969d1cee19592a7456f1/screenshots/image-2_624x289.png
width: 624
height: 289
- url: nl/hjdskes/gcolor3/302a7563d9c4969d1cee19592a7456f1/screenshots/image-2_224x104.png
width: 224
height: 104
url: nl/hjdskes/gcolor3/302a7563d9c4969d1cee19592a7456f1/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
width: 786
height: 365
- locale: cs
percentage: 72
- locale: da
percentage: 72
- locale: de
percentage: 72
- locale: en_GB
percentage: 98
- locale: en_US
percentage: 100
- locale: es
percentage: 70
- locale: eu
percentage: 67
- locale: fi
percentage: 61
- locale: fr
percentage: 100
- locale: fur
percentage: 69
- locale: gl
percentage: 37
- locale: hu
percentage: 69
- locale: id
percentage: 69
- locale: it
percentage: 73
- locale: nb
percentage: 37
- locale: nl
percentage: 69
- locale: pl
percentage: 70
- locale: pt_BR
percentage: 69
- locale: ro
percentage: 69
- locale: ru
percentage: 100
- locale: sr
percentage: 90
- locale: sv
percentage: 70
- locale: tr
percentage: 69
- locale: uk
percentage: 69
- version: 2.4.0
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1598227200
C: >-
<p>Gcolor3 is now "Color Picker"! With the rename comes a new maintiner,
a new icon, lots of new improvements, and many translation updates.
Color Picker now works on Wayland!The typography and iconography of Color Picker has changed to be consistent
and more in line with the GNOME HIG.The use of deprecated GTK APIs has been dropped, which will make porting to GTK4
a smooth process.Multiple other under-the-hood improvements</p>
- version: 2.3.1
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1535846400
C: "<p>Gcolor3 has moved to the GNOME umbrella! It is now part of the World collection,\n\t non official GNOME projects
that use additional functionality.\n\t The saved colors page is now more in-line with GNOMEGcolor3 now builds on FreeBSD</p>"
- version: '2.3'
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1535760000
C: "<p>After two years, work has finally picked up again on\n\t Gcolor3. Thanks to numerous contributors, Gcolor3 version\n\t
\ 2.3 is finally here. It brings UI improvements, new and\n\t updated translations and a crash fix for Wayland. Full\n\t
\ Wayland support is planned for version 2.4.\n\t Redesign the saved colors pageRedesign the header barDisable color
picking on Wayland for now, instead of crashingAdd a shortcuts windowGcolor3 is now available as a FlatpakNew and updated
translationsGcolor3 now comes with a manual pageLots of under-the-hood improvements</p>"
- version: '2.2'
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1471651200
C: >-
<p>Centrally manage colors between several running instances;Follow the XDG directory specification for the configuration
This means that the configuration file has moved from `~/.rgb.ini` to `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gcolor3/config.ini`;Copy
the selected color's hex value from the tree view using Ctrl-C;Make the main window resizable;Translation updates.
For more information, see the release notes on Gcolor3's GitLab page.</p>
oars-1.0: {}