Type: desktop-application
ID: foxtrotgps.desktop
Package: foxtrotgps
es: FoxtrotGPS
fr: FoxtrotGPS
cs: FoxtrotGPS
de: FoxtrotGPS
bg: FoxtrotGPS
ja: FoxtrotGPS
hu: FoxtrotGPS
fi: FoxtrotGPS
it: FoxtrotGPS
C: FoxtrotGPS
pt_BR: FoxtrotGPS
nl: FoxtrotGPS
sk: FoxtrotGPS
pl: FoxtrotGPS
sr: ФокстротГПС
es: Mostrar mapa y posición GPS
fr: Afficher la carte et la position GPS
cs: Zobraz mapu a GPS souřadnice
de: Karte und GPS-Position anzeigen
pl: Wyświetl mapę i pozycję GPS
ja: 地図と GPS 位置情報を表示します
hu: Térkép és GPS pozíció megjelenítése
fi: Näytä kartta ja GPS-sijainti
it: Mostra la mappa e la posizione GPS
C: Display map and GPS position
pt_BR: Mostra mapa e posição GPS
nl: Een kaart en GPS-positie weergeven
sr: Прикажи мапу и ГПС положај
uk: >-
<p>foxtrotGPS is a map and GPS application. By default, it uses maps from OpenStreetMap. The available features include
downloading and displaying tiled maps, recording GPS tracks, automatic map centering, storing points of interest, geocoding
photos, setting waypoints, monitoring heartrate via Bluetooth, planning travel routes and finding travel routes using
external services on the Internet based on OpenStreetMap.</p>
pt: >-
<p>foxtrotGPS is a map and GPS application. By default, it uses maps from OpenStreetMap. The available features include
downloading and displaying tiled maps, recording GPS tracks, automatic map centering, storing points of interest, geocoding
photos, setting waypoints, monitoring heartrate via Bluetooth, planning travel routes and finding travel routes using
external services on the Internet based on OpenStreetMap.</p>
fr: >-
<p>FoxtrotGPS est une application pour cartes et GPS. Par défaut, il utilise les cartes d’OpenStreetMap. Les fonctions
disponibles comprennent le téléchargement et l’affichage de cartes tuilées, l’enregistrement de parcours GPS, le centrage
automatique de la carte, l’enregistrement de points d’intérêt, la géolocalisation de photos, le réglage de point de cheminement,
la surveillance du rythme cardiaque à l’aide du Bluetooth, la planification de parcours et la recherche de parcours en
utilisant des services externes sur Internet basés sur OpenStreetMap.</p>
cs: >-
<p>foxtrotGPS is a map and GPS application. By default, it uses maps from OpenStreetMap. The available features include
downloading and displaying tiled maps, recording GPS tracks, automatic map centering, storing points of interest, geocoding
photos, setting waypoints, monitoring heartrate via Bluetooth, planning travel routes and finding travel routes using
external services on the Internet based on OpenStreetMap.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>foxtrotGPS is a map and GPS application. By default, it uses maps from OpenStreetMap. The available features include
downloading and displaying tiled maps, recording GPS tracks, automatic map centering, storing points of interest, geocoding
photos, setting waypoints, monitoring heartrate via Bluetooth, planning travel routes and finding travel routes using
external services on the Internet based on OpenStreetMap.</p>
de: >-
<p>foxtrotGPS ist eine Navigations- und GPS-Anwendung. Standardmäßig verwendet sie Karten von OpenStreetMap. Zu den verfügbaren
Funktionen gehören Herunterladen und Anzeigen von Karten mittels Kachelgrafiken, Aufnehmen von GPS-Tracks, automatische
Zentrierung von Karten, Speicherung von Sehenswürdigkeiten, Geocodierung von Fotos, Setzen von Wegpunkten, Überwachung
des Pulses via Bluetooth, Planung von Reiserouten und die Suche nach Reiserouten mit externen Internetdiensten auf Basis
von OpenStreetMap.</p>
fi: >-
<p>foxtrotGPS is a map and GPS application. By default, it uses maps from OpenStreetMap. The available features include
downloading and displaying tiled maps, recording GPS tracks, automatic map centering, storing points of interest, geocoding
photos, setting waypoints, monitoring heartrate via Bluetooth, planning travel routes and finding travel routes using
external services on the Internet based on OpenStreetMap.</p>
it: >-
<p>foxtrotGPS è un'applicazione per mappe e GPS. In modo predefinito usa le mappe di OpenStreetMap. Le funzionalità
disponibili comprendono lo scaricamento e la visualizzazione di mappe a tasselli, registrazione di tracce GPS, centraggio
automatico della mappa, memorizzazione dei punti di interesse, geocodifica delle foto, impostazioni di punti di percorso,
monitoraggio del battito cardiaco via Bluetooth, pianificazione di tragitti di viaggio e ricerca di tragitti di viaggio
usando servizi esterni su Internet basati su OpenStreetMap.</p>
ru: >-
<p>foxtrotGPS — приложение для работы с картами и GPS. По умолчанию использует карты с OpenStreetMap. Позволяет загружать
и отображать квадраты карт, записывать GPS-треки, автоматически центрировать карту, сохранять POI, выполнять геокодирование
изображений, устанавливать путевые точки, отслеживать частоту пульса через Bluetooth, планировать маршруты поездок и искать
маршруты с помощью внешних интернет-сервисов, основанных на OpenStreetMap.</p>
C: >-
<p>foxtrotGPS is a map and GPS application. By default, it uses maps from OpenStreetMap. The available features include
downloading and displaying tiled maps, recording GPS tracks, automatic map centering, storing points of interest, geocoding
photos, setting waypoints, monitoring heartrate via Bluetooth, planning travel routes and finding travel routes using
external services on the Internet based on OpenStreetMap.</p>
da: >-
<p>FoxtrotGPS er et kort- og GPS-program. Som standard bruger programmet kort fra Openstreetmap. De tilgængelige funktioner
inkluderer overførsel og visning af feltopdelte kort, optagelse af GPS-sporinger, automatisk kortcentrering, lagring af
seværdigheder, geokodningsbilleder, angivelse af via-punkter, overvågning af hjerteslag via Bluetooth, planlægning af
rejseruter og finde rejseruter med eksterne tjenester på internettet baseret på OpenStreetMap.</p>
pl: >-
<p>FoxtrotGPS to aplikacja do obsługi map i GPS. Domyślnie używa map z OpenStreetMap. Dostępne funkcje obejmują pobieranie
i wyświetlanie kafelkowych map, nagrywanie ścieżek GPS, automatyczne centrowanie map, przechowywanie ciekawych miejsc,
geokodowanie zdjęć, ustawianie punktów trasy, monitorowanie tętna za pomocą Bluetooth, planowanie tras podróży i znajdowanie
tras podróży za pomocą usług zewnętrznych w Internecie na podstawie OpenStreetMap.</p>
en: >-
<p>foxtrotGPS is a map and GPS application. By default, it uses maps from OpenStreetMap. The available features include
downloading and displaying tiled maps, recording GPS tracks, automatic map centering, storing points of interest, geocoding
photos, setting waypoints, monitoring heartrate via Bluetooth, planning travel routes and finding travel routes using
external services on the Internet based on OpenStreetMap.</p>
- Utility
- Geography
- OpenStreetMap
- Camino
- Viaje
- mapa
- ubicación
- OpenStreetMap
- Parcours
- Trajet
- carte
- Lieu
- OpenStreetMap
- cesta
- trasa
- výlet
- mapa
- místo
- OpenStreetMap
- Strecke
- Ausflug
- Karte
- Ort
- OpenStreetMap
- Ślad
- Wycieczka
- mapa
- lokalizacja
- OpenStreetMap
- Track
- Trip
- kaart
- locatie
- OpenStreetMap
- reitti
- matka
- kartta
- sijainti
- OpenStreetMap
- Traccia
- Gita
- mappa
- posizione
- OpenStreetMap
- Track
- Trip
- map
- location
- OpenStreetMap
- Путања
- Пут
- мапа
- положај
- name: foxtrotgps_foxtrotgps.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: foxtrotgps
- foxtrotgps.desktop