Type: desktop-application
ID: fotocx.desktop
Package: fotoxx-common
C: Fotocx
C: Edit photos and manage collection
uk: >-
<p>Navigate a large image collection with a thumbnail browser. View and edit image files (RAW, jpeg, png, tiff ...). Editing
is done in 24 bits/color, output is 8 or 16 bits/color. Fotoxx has extensive tools for edit, repair, and special effects.
Fotoxx is fast and interactive: view full image as it changes. Undo and redo within and across edit functions. File versioning:
save and recall multiple edit stages. Select image features or areas to edit separately from background. Copy and paste
area selections within and across images. Composite functions: HDR, HDF, panorama, stack, image/text montage. Metadata
edit and report: tags, captions, dates, locations ... Search images based on any metadata and folder/file names or parts.
Albums: select images and arranged order with drag and drop. Slide Show with animated transitions and pan/zoom. Scalable
world map with image markers - click marker for gallery. Batch functions: convert, resize, upright, move, revise metatata.
User Guide (English) describes all functions in great detail.</p>
<p>Цей пакунок містить незалежні від архітектури файли, такі як піктограмки, растрові зображення, документація та переклади.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Navigation dans de grands répertoires d’images en utilisant un navigateur d'images en miniature, permettant d’afficher
et d’éditer des fichiers d’image (RAW, jpeg, png, tiff…). L’édition est réalisée en 24 bits par couleur, la sortie est
en 8 ou 16 bits par couleur. Fotoxx possède des outils complets pour l’édition, la retouche et les effets spéciaux. Fotoxx
est rapide et interactif ; visualisation de l’image entière au fur et à mesure des changements. Possibilité d’annuler
et rétablir dans les fonctions d’édition. Gestion des versions de fichier ; enregistrement et rappel des différentes étapes
d’édition. Sélection de caractéristique ou de zone d’image pour une édition indépendamment de l’arrière-plan. Copie et
collage de sélection de zone dans toute l’image. Fonctions complexes : HDR, HDF, panorama, empilement, montage image/texte.
Édition et rapport de métadonnées : balises, légendes, dates, emplacements… Recherche d’images en se basant sur n’importe
quelle métadonnée et de (partie de) noms de fichier ou répertoire. Albums : sélection d’images et arrangement par glisser-déposer.
Diaporama avec des transitions animées et panoramiques ou zoom. Carte du monde redimensionnable avec marqueurs d’image ;
clic sur un marqueur pour accès à l’album. Traitement par lot : conversion, redimensionnement, rotation, déplacement,
modification des métadonnées. Manuel d’utilisation (en anglais) décrivant de manière détaillée toutes les fonctions.</p>
<p>Ce paquet fournit les fichiers indépendants de l’architecture tels que les icônes, les mappes de pixels, la documentation
et les traductions.</p>
pl: >-
<p>Poruszaj się po dużym zbiorze obrazów za pomocą przeglądarki miniatur. Przeglądaj i edytuj pliki obrazów (RAW, jpeg,
png, tiff ...). Edycja odbywa się w 24 bitach/kolor, wyjście to 8 lub 16 bitów/kolor. Fotoxx ma rozbudowane narzędzia
do edycji, poprawy i efektów specjalnych. Fotoxx jest szybki i interaktywny: wyświetla pełny obraz w miarę jego zmian.
Cofanie i ponowne wykonywanie w obrębie funkcji edycyjnych. Wersjonowanie plików: zapisywanie i przywoływanie wielu etapów
edycji. Wybieranie elementów obrazu lub obszarów do edycji niezależnie od tła. Kopiowanie i wklejanie zaznaczonych obszarów
wewnątrz i między obrazami. Funkcje kompozytowe: HDR, HDF, panorama, stos, montaż obrazu/tekstu. Edytowanie i raportowanie
metadanych: tagów, podpisów, dat, lokalizacji... Wyszukiwanie obrazów na podstawie dowolnych metadanych i nazw folderów/plików
lub części. Albumy: wybieranie obrazów i układanie kolejności za pomocą przeciągania i upuszczania. Pokazywanie slajdów
z animowanymi przejściami i przesuwaniem/powiększaniem. Skalowalna mapa świata ze znacznikami obrazu — kliknij znacznik,
aby wyświetlić galerię. Funkcje wsadowe: konwertuj, zmieniaj rozmiar, pionowo, przesuwaj, poprawiaj metadane. Podręcznik
użytkownika (w jęz. angielskim) szczegółowo opisuje wszystkie funkcje.</p>
<p>Pakiet zawiera niezależne od architektury pliki, takich jak ikony, pixmapy, dokumentację i tłumaczenia.</p>
it: >-
<p>Naviga in una vasta raccolta di immagini con un navigatore con miniature. Visualizza e modifica file immagine (RAW,
jpeg, png, tiff, ...). La modifica viene fatta in 24 bit/colori, l'output è in 8 o 16 bit/colori. Fotoxx ha molti
strumenti per modifica, riparazione ed effetti speciali. Fotoxx è veloce e interattivo: visualizza l'intera immagine
mentre cambia. Ha annulla e ripeti all'interno e tra le funzioni di modifica. Versionamento di file: salva e richiama
stadi di modifica multipli. Selezione di contenuti o aree dell'immagine da modificare separatamente dallo sfondo.
Copia e incolla di selezioni di aree all'interno e tra immagini. Funzioni composite: HDR, HDF, panorama, pile, montaggio
di immagini/testo. Modifica e rapporti sui metadati: etichette, legende, date, posizioni, ... Ricerca di immagini sulla
base di qualsiasi metadato e nomi di cartelle/file o parti di essi. Album: seleziona immagini e modifica l'ordine
con trascina e rilascia. Presentazioni di diapositive con transizioni animate e zoom/scorrimento. Mappa del mondo scalabile
con marcatori per le immagini: cliccare un marcatore per la galleria. Funzioni in massa: conversione, ridimensionamento,
raddrizzamento, spostamento, revisione di metadati. La guida utente (in inglese) descrive tutte le funzioni molto dettagliatamente.</p>
<p>Questo pacchetto contiene i file indipendenti dall'architettura come icone, pixmap, documentazione e traduzioni.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Navigate a large image collection with a thumbnail browser. View and edit image files (RAW, jpeg, png, tiff ...). Editing
is done in 24 bits/color, output is 8 or 16 bits/color. Fotoxx has extensive tools for edit, repair, and special effects.
Fotoxx is fast and interactive: view full image as it changes. Undo and redo within and across edit functions. File versioning:
save and recall multiple edit stages. Select image features or areas to edit separately from background. Copy and paste
area selections within and across images. Composite functions: HDR, HDF, panorama, stack, image/text montage. Metadata
edit and report: tags, captions, dates, locations ... Search images based on any metadata and folder/file names or parts.
Albums: select images and arranged order with drag and drop. Slide Show with animated transitions and pan/zoom. Scalable
world map with image markers - click marker for gallery. Batch functions: convert, resize, upright, move, revise metatata.
User Guide (English) describes all functions in great detail.</p>
<p>Пакет содержит архитектурно-независимые файлы такие как пиктограммы, изображения, документация и файлы перевода.</p>
C: >-
<p>Navigate a large image collection with a thumbnail browser. View and edit image files (RAW, jpeg, png, tiff ...). Editing
is done in 24 bits/color, output is 8 or 16 bits/color. Fotoxx has extensive tools for edit, repair, and special effects.
Fotoxx is fast and interactive: view full image as it changes. Undo and redo within and across edit functions. File versioning:
save and recall multiple edit stages. Select image features or areas to edit separately from background. Copy and paste
area selections within and across images. Composite functions: HDR, HDF, panorama, stack, image/text montage. Metadata
edit and report: tags, captions, dates, locations ... Search images based on any metadata and folder/file names or parts.
Albums: select images and arranged order with drag and drop. Slide Show with animated transitions and pan/zoom. Scalable
world map with image markers - click marker for gallery. Batch functions: convert, resize, upright, move, revise metatata.
User Guide (English) describes all functions in great detail.</p>
<p>This package contains architecture independent files such as icons, pixmaps, documentation, and translations.</p>
da: >-
<p>Fotoxx er et program til forbedring af digitale billeder. Det giver mulighed for at navigere igennem store billedmapper
via et vindue med miniaturebilleder, oprette HDR-billeder (high dynamic range) ved at kombinere lyse og mørke billeder
for at forbedre synlighed for detaljer i både lyse og mørke områder, oprette panoramaer ved at samle overlappende billeder,
juster lysstyrke, reducere tåge eller dis ved at fjerne »hvidhed« og intensivere farver, rotere et billede (udjævne et
væltet billede eller dreje 90 grader), fjerne røde øjne fra elektroniske blitz- billeder, fremhæve, ændre størrelse eller
beskære billeder, reducere støj i billeder med begrænset lys, ændre farvedybde og strække et bilede ved at trække med
<p>Denne pakke indeholder arkitekturuafhængige filer såsom ikoner, pixmap, dokumentation og oversættelser.</p>
en: >-
<p>Navigate a large image collection with a thumbnail browser. View and edit image files (RAW, jpeg, png, tiff ...). Editing
is done in 24 bits/color, output is 8 or 16 bits/color. Fotoxx has extensive tools for edit, repair, and special effects.
Fotoxx is fast and interactive: view full image as it changes. Undo and redo within and across edit functions. File versioning:
save and recall multiple edit stages. Select image features or areas to edit separately from background. Copy and paste
area selections within and across images. Composite functions: HDR, HDF, panorama, stack, image/text montage. Metadata
edit and report: tags, captions, dates, locations ... Search images based on any metadata and folder/file names or parts.
Albums: select images and arranged order with drag and drop. Slide Show with animated transitions and pan/zoom. Scalable
world map with image markers - click marker for gallery. Batch functions: convert, resize, upright, move, revise metatata.
User Guide (English) describes all functions in great detail.</p>
<p>This package contains architecture independent files such as icons, pixmaps, documentation, and translations.</p>
- Graphics
- Photography
- name: fotoxx-common_fotocx.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: fotocx
- fotocx.desktop
- image/gif
- image/tiff
- image/jpeg
- image/png
- image/webp