Type: desktop-application
ID: dozzaqueux.desktop
Package: dozzaqueux
C: Dozzaqueux
fr_FR: Simulateur de dosage en solution aqueuse
C: Simulator for chemical mixtures
gl: >-
<p>just choose reactants to put in the beaker, those to put in the burette, dozzaqueux plots the concentrations vs. the
mixed volume, and many more.</p>
uk: >-
<p>Просто виберіть реагенти, щоб покласти у мензурку, тоді покладіть у бюретку і Dozzaqueux намалює графік залежності
концентрації в порівнянні з обсягом змішування, і багато іншого.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Choisir les réactifs à mettre dans le bécher, ceux à mettre dans la burette, dozzaqueux trace le diagramme des concentrations
en fonction du volume du mélange, et réalise bien plus.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>just choose reactants to put in the beaker, those to put in the burette, dozzaqueux plots the concentrations vs. the
mixed volume, and many more.</p>
en: >-
<p>just choose reactants to put in the beaker, those to put in the burette, dozzaqueux plots the concentrations vs. the
mixed volume, and many more.</p>
it: >-
<p>Basta scegliere i reagenti da mettere nel becher, quelli da mettere nella buretta e dozzaqueux traccia un grafico della
concentrazione in funzione dei volumi miscelati e molto altro.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Просто выберите реагенты для помещения в мензурку и в бюретку, а dozzaqueux нарисует график концентраций относительно
смешиваемого объёма и сделает многое другое.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>just choose reactants to put in the beaker, those to put in the burette, dozzaqueux plots the concentrations vs. the
mixed volume, and many more.</p>
da: >-
<p>Vælg reaktanter, som skal puttes i bægerglasset og i buretten, og dozzaqueux vil plotte koncentrationen som funktion
af blandingsvolumenet samt meget mere.</p>
C: >-
<p>just choose reactants to put in the beaker, those to put in the burette, dozzaqueux plots the concentrations vs. the
mixed volume, and many more.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>just choose reactants to put in the beaker, those to put in the burette, dozzaqueux plots the concentrations vs. the
mixed volume, and many more.</p>
- Video
- Education
- Science
- name: dozzaqueux_dozzzaqueux.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: dozzzaqueux
- dozzaqueux.desktop