Type: desktop-application
ID: deepin-album.desktop
Package: deepin-album
bo: གཏིང་ཚད་པར་ཁུག
zh_CN: 深度相册
pt_BR: deepin Álbum
de: Deepin Album
gl_ES: Álbum Deepin
ms: Album Deepin
ro: Deepin Album
pt: Álbum Deepin
hr: Deepin Album
ru: Альбом Deepin
hi_IN: दीपिन एल्बम
fr: Album Deepin
en_AU: Deepin Album
da: Deepin album
C: Deepin Album
ca: Àlbum del Deepin
uk: Альбом Deepin
zh_HK: Deepin 相冊
ast: Deepin Album
sq: Album Deepin
br: Albom Deepin
it: Deepin Album
es: Álbum
ar: إلبوم ديبين
ko: Deepin 앨범
ne: दीपिन एल्बम
ug: Deepin ئالبوم
tr: Deepin Albüm
cs: Album
sr: Дипин Албум
fi: Deepin Albumi
et: Deepin Album
pl: Album Deepin
hu: Deepin Album
nl: Deepin Album
zh_TW: Deepin 相簿
bo: གཏིང་ཚད་པར་ཁུག
zh_CN: 深度相册
pt_BR: deepin Álbum
de: Deepin Album
gl_ES: Álbum Deepin
ms: Album Deepin
ro: Deepin Album
pt: Álbum Deepin
hr: Deepin Album
ru: Альбом Deepin
hi_IN: दीपिन एल्बम
fr: Album Deepin
en_AU: Deepin Album
da: Deepin album
C: Deepin Album
ca: Àlbum del Deepin
uk: Альбом Deepin
zh_HK: Deepin 相冊
ast: Deepin Album
sq: Album Deepin
br: Albom Deepin
it: Deepin Album
es: Álbum
ar: إلبوم ديبين
ko: Deepin 앨범
ne: दीपिन एल्बम
ug: Deepin ئالبوم
tr: Deepin Albüm
cs: Album
sr: Дипин Албум
fi: Deepin Albumi
et: Deepin Album
pl: Album Deepin
hu: Deepin Album
nl: Deepin Album
zh_TW: Deepin 相簿
C: >-
<p>Deepin-album is a fashion photo manager for viewing and organizing pictures. deepin-album supports command line, mouse
drag method to import photos. deepin-album supports single browsing and timeline browsing modes.</p>
en: >-
<p>Deepin-album is a fashion photo manager for viewing and organizing pictures. deepin-album supports command line, mouse
drag method to import photos. deepin-album supports single browsing and timeline browsing modes.</p>
- Graphics
- Image
- Viewer
- Jpg
- Jpeg
- Png
- Image
- Viewer
- Jpg
- Jpeg
- Png
- name: deepin-album_deepin-album.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: deepin-album_deepin-album.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: deepin-album_deepin-album.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: d/de/deepin-album.desktop/2b72ecc0404e77c220e9160bc09f3a01/icons/128x128/deepin-album_deepin-album.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: deepin-album
- deepin-album.desktop
- image/bmp
- image/bmp24
- image/ico
- image/jpg
- image/jpe
- image/jpeg
- image/jpeg24
- image/jng
- image/pcd
- image/pcx
- image/png
- image/tga
- image/tif
- image/tiff
- image/tiff24
- image/psd
- image/xpm
- image/dds
- image/gif
- image/sgi
- image/j2k
- image/jp2
- image/pct
- image/webp
- image/wdp
- image/cr2
- image/pef
- image/arw
- image/nef
- image/icb
- image/dng
- image/vda
- image/vst
- image/raf
- image/orf
- image/svg
- image/ptif
- image/mef
- image/mrw
- image/xbm
- image/svg+xml
- application/ogg
- application/vnd.apple.mpegurl
- application/vnd.rn-realmedia
- application/x-extension-mp4
- application/x-flac
- application/x-matroska
- application/x-ogg
- application/xspf+xml
- image/vnd.rn-realpix
- misc/ultravox
- video/3gpp
- video/dv
- video/mp2t
- video/mp4
- video/mp4v-es
- video/mpeg
- video/msvideo
- video/ogg
- video/quicktime
- video/vnd.rn-realvideo
- video/webm
- video/x-anim
- video/x-avi
- video/x-flc
- video/x-fli
- video/x-flv
- video/x-m4v
- video/x-matroska
- video/x-mpeg
- video/x-mpeg2
- video/x-ms-afs
- video/x-ms-asf
- video/x-msvideo
- video/x-ms-wmv
- video/x-ms-wmx
- video/x-ms-wvxvideo
- video/x-nsv
- video/x-ogm+ogg
- video/x-theora
- video/x-theora+ogg
- x-content/video-dvd
- x-content/video-svcd
- x-content/video-vcd
- x-scheme-handler/mms
- x-scheme-handler/rtmp
- x-scheme-handler/rtsp
- application/mxf
- text/vnd.qt.linguist