Type: desktop-application
ID: clips.desktop
Package: clips
C: Expert system tool
es: Herramienta de sistemas expertos
sl: >-
<p>CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes
truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies.</p>
<p>CLIPS, including the runtime version, is easily embeddable in other applications. CLIPS includes an object-oriented
language called COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented Language) which is directly integrated with the inference engine.</p>
fr: >-
<p>CLIPS est un système de production en chaîne directe comme OPS, écrit en ANSI C par la NASA. Le moteur d'inférence
CLIPS inclut la gestion de la cohérence, l'ajout de règles dynamiques et des stratégies de résolution de conflits
<p>CLIPS, incluant la version exécutable, est facilement intégrable dans d'autres applications. Il comporte un langage
orienté objet appelé COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented Language) qui est directement intégré au moteur d'inférence.</p>
de: >-
<p>CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes
truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies.</p>
<p>CLIPS, das die Laufzeit-Version enthält, ist leicht in andere Programme einzufügen. CLIPS enthält die objektorientierte
Sprache COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented Language), die direkt in der Inferenz-Engine integriert ist.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>CLIPS é um sistema de encadeamento avante semelhante a OPS esctitoescrito em ANSI C pela NASA. O motor de inferência
CLIPS inclui manutenção verdadeira, adição dinâmica de regras, e estratégias adaptáveis de resolução de conflitos.</p>
<p>CLIPS, incluindo o versão de tempo de execução, é facilmente embarcável em outras aplicações. CLIPS inclui uma linguagem
orientada a objetos chamada COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented Language) que é diretamente integrada como o motor de inferência.</p>
ja: >-
<p>CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes
truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies.</p>
<p>CLIPS は、ランタイム版をふくめ、簡単に他のアプリケーションに組み込めます。 CLIPS には、COOL (CLIPS Object- Oriented Language) と呼ばれるオブジェクト 指向な言語が含まれ、推論エンジンと直接統合化されます。</p>
hu: >-
<p>CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes
truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies.</p>
<p>A CLIPS a futtatható verzióval együtt könnyen beépíthető más alkalmazásokba. A CLIPS része egy COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented
Language) nevű objektum-orientált nyelv, ami közvetlenül a csatoló motorba van integrálva.</p>
it: >-
<p>CLIPS è un sistema tipo OPS per definire regole di inferenza, scritto in ANSI C dalla NASA. Il motore di inferenza
CLIPS comprende invarianza delle espressioni, inserimento dinamico di regole, strategie personalizzabili per la risoluzione
dei conflitti.</p>
<p>CLIPS, che comprende una versione eseguibile, può essere facilmente inserito all'interno di applicazioni. CLIPS
comprende un linguaggio Object-Oriented chiamato COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented Language) che è integrato con il motore di
C: >-
<p>CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes
truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies.</p>
<p>CLIPS, including the runtime version, is easily embeddable in other applications. CLIPS includes an object-oriented
language called COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented Language) which is directly integrated with the inference engine.</p>
es: >-
<p>CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes
truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies.</p>
<p>CLIPS, incluida la versión ejecutable, puede incorporarse fácilmente en otras aplicaciones. CLIPS incluye un lenguaje
orientado a objetos conocido como COOL (Lenguaje Orientado a Objetos de CLIPS) que se encuentra integrado directamente
en el motor de inferencias.</p>
da: >-
<p>CLIPS er et OPS-lignende produktionssystem med kæde for videresendelse skrevet i ANSI C af NASA. CLIPS-inferensmotoren
inkluderer sandhedsvedligeholdelse, dynamisk regeltilføjelse og strategier for konfliktopløsning, der kan tilpasses.</p>
<p>CLIPS, inklusiv kørselstidsversionen, kan nemt indlejres i andre programmer. CLIPS inkluderer et objektorienteret sprog
kaldt COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented Language) som er direkte integreret med inferensmotoren.</p>
en: >-
<p>CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes
truth maintenance, dynamic rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies.</p>
<p>CLIPS, including the runtime version, is easily embeddable in other applications. CLIPS includes an object-oriented
language called COOL (CLIPS Object-Oriented Language) which is directly integrated with the inference engine.</p>
- Development
- Building
- ArtificialIntelligence
- name: clips_clips.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: clips
- clips.desktop