Type: desktop-application
ID: classified-ads.desktop
Package: classified-ads
fi_FI: Luokitellut ilmoitukset
de_DE: Kleinanzeigen
sv_SE: Annonser
sv_FI: Annonser
en_US: Classified ads
C: Classified ads
C: Classified ads the advertisment posting program
C: >-
<p>Classified ads is an attempt to re-produce parts of the functionality that went away when usenet news ceased to exist.
This attempt tries to fix the problem of disappearing news-servers so that there is no servers required; data storage
is implemented inside client applications that users are running. Features of the program currently include * Posting
of ads online, with categorization. * Replying to ads either in public or privately to operator. * Binary attachments
to posts. * Providing basic data of operators * Basic searching of content based on words. * Audio negotiations between
operators. * Possibility to extend the UI using Tcl scripting language * Sharing data between Tcl programs using general-purpose
distributed db</p>
en: >-
<p>Classified ads is an attempt to re-produce parts of the functionality that went away when usenet news ceased to exist.
This attempt tries to fix the problem of disappearing news-servers so that there is no servers required; data storage
is implemented inside client applications that users are running. Features of the program currently include * Posting
of ads online, with categorization. * Replying to ads either in public or privately to operator. * Binary attachments
to posts. * Providing basic data of operators * Basic searching of content based on words. * Audio negotiations between
operators. * Possibility to extend the UI using Tcl scripting language * Sharing data between Tcl programs using general-purpose
distributed db</p>
- Network
- messaging
- communications
- name: classified-ads_turt-transparent-128x128.png
width: 64
height: 64
- classified-ads.desktop
- application/x-classified-ads-profile
- x-scheme-handler/caprofile
- application/x-classified-ads-ad
- x-scheme-handler/caad
- application/x-classified-ads-comment
- x-scheme-handler/cacomment
- application/x-classified-ads-blob
- x-scheme-handler/cablob