Type: desktop-application
ID: activityfirefox.desktop
Package: activity-aware-firefox
fr: Firefox lié à l’activité Plasma
sl-SI: Firefox, ki razume Dejavnosti
C: Activity-aware Firefox
pl-PL: Firefox wspierający aktywności KDE
fr: Utilise un profile Firefox différent pour chaque activité Plasma
sl-SI: Drži ločen Firefox Profil za vsako Dejavnost
C: Keeps a separate Firefox Profile per each Activity
it: >-
<p>Usando activity-aware-firefox si possono avere le finestre di Firefox in ogni Attività di Plasma legate a tale Attività.</p>
<p>Quello che activity-aware-firefox fa è di creare un profilo di Firefox la prima volta che viene lanciato in un'Attività,
usando il suo ID univoco.</p>
<p>Poi, ogni volta successiva che si lancia activity-aware-firefox in quella Attività di Plasma, esso avvierà il profilo
di Firefox associato ad essa.</p>
fr: >-
<p>En utilisant activity-aware-firefox il est possible d’avoir des fenêtres de Firefox dans chaque Activité de Plasma
lié à cette Activité.</p>
<p>activity-aware-firefox crée un Profil Firefox la première fois qu’il est exécuté dans une Activité en utilisant son
identifiant unique.</p>
<p>Les prochaines fois que activity-aware-firefox est exécuté dans cette Activité de Plasma, il démarre le Profil Firefox
qui lui est associé.</p>
C: >-
<p>Using activity-aware-firefox you can have Firefox windows in each Plasma Activity bound to that Activity.</p>
<p>What activity-aware-firefox does is to create a Firefox Profile the first time it is run in an Activity, using its
unique ID.</p>
<p>Then every next time you run activity-aware-firefox in that Plasma Activity, it will start the Firefox Profile associated
with it.</p>
da: >-
<p>Ved at bruge activity-aware-firefox kan du have Firefox-vinduer i hver Plasma Activity bundet til den aktivitet.</p>
<p>Activity-aware-firefox opretter en Firefox-profil den første gang den afvikles i en aktivitet, via dets unikke id.</p>
<p>Hver gang du så afvikler activity-aware-firefox i den Plasma Activity, vil den starte Firefoxprofilen associeret med
en: >-
<p>Using activity-aware-firefox you can have Firefox windows in each Plasma Activity bound to that Activity.</p>
<p>What activity-aware-firefox does is to create a Firefox Profile the first time it is run in an Activity, using its
unique ID.</p>
<p>Then every next time you run activity-aware-firefox in that Plasma Activity, it will start the Firefox Profile associated
with it.</p>
- Network
- WebBrowser
- Internet
- Browser
- Web
- Explorer
- name: activity-aware-firefox_firefox.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: activity-aware-firefox_firefox.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: activity-aware-firefox_firefox.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: a/ac/activityfirefox.desktop/33a7f21de07eaab62df2a2d975577bba/icons/128x128/activity-aware-firefox_firefox.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: firefox
- activityfirefox.desktop
- text/html
- application/xml
- application/xhtml+xml
- application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml